83 resultados para Irritability.


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The Functional Rating Scale Taskforce for pre-Huntington Disease (FuRST-pHD) is a multinational, multidisciplinary initiative with the goal of developing a data-driven, comprehensive, psychometrically sound, rating scale for assessing symptoms and functional ability in prodromal and early Huntington disease (HD) gene expansion carriers. The process involves input from numerous sources to identify relevant symptom domains, including HD individuals, caregivers, and experts from a variety of fields, as well as knowledge gained from the analysis of data from ongoing large-scale studies in HD using existing clinical scales. This is an iterative process in which an ongoing series of field tests in prodromal (prHD) and early HD individuals provides the team with data on which to make decisions regarding which questions should undergo further development or testing and which should be excluded. We report here the development and assessment of the first iteration of interview questions aimed to assess "Anger and Irritability" and "Obsessions and Compulsions" in prHD individuals.


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The student is determining the effect of after-load on the work done on a frog's muscle (source: Not Just Any Medical School by Horace W. Davenport)


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This paper is the second in a series of reviews of cross-cultural studies of menopausal symptoms. The goal of this review is to compare and contrast methods which have been previously utilized in Cross-Cultural Midlife Women's Health Studies with a view to (1) identifying the challenges in measurement across cultures in psychological symptoms and (2) suggesting a set of unified questions and tools that can be used in future research in this area. This review also aims to examine the determinants of psychological symptoms and how those determinants were measured. The review included eight studies that explicitly compared symptoms in different countries or different ethnic groups in the same country and included: Australian/Japanese Midlife Women's Health Study (AJMWHS), Decisions At Menopause Study (DAMeS), Four Major Ethnic Groups (FMEG), Hilo Women's Health Survey (HWHS), Penn Ovarian Aging Study (POAS), Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN), Women's Health in Midlife National Study (WHiMNS), and the Women's International Study of Health and Sexuality (WISHeS). This review concludes that mental morbidity does affect vasomotor symptom prevalence across cultures and therefore should be measured. Based on the review of these eight studies it is recommended that the following items be included when measuring psychological symptoms across cultures, feeling tense or nervous, sleeping difficulty, difficulty in concentrating, depressed and irritability along with the CES-D Scale, and the Perceived Stress Scale. The measurement of these symptoms will provide an evidence based approach when forming any future menopause symptom list and allow for comparisons across studies.


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Introduction: There is emerging evidence that parenting style and early feeding practices are associated with child intake, eating behaviours and weight status. The aim of this cross sectional study was to examine the relationships between general maternal parenting behaviour and feeding practices and beliefs. Methods: Participants were 421 first-time mothers of 9-22 week old healthy term infants (49% male, mean±sd age 19±4 weeks) enrolled in the NOURISH trial. At baseline mothers self-reported their parenting behaviours (self-efficacy, warmth, irritability) and infant-feeding beliefs using questions from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children and the Infant Feeding Questionnaire (Baughcum, 2001), respectively. Multivariable regression analyses were used with feeding practices (four factors) as the dependent variables, Independent variables were maternal BMI, weight concern, age, education level perception of infant weight status, feeding mode (breast vs formula) and infant gender, age and weight gain z-score. Results: Parenting behaviours partly were associated with feeding beliefs (adjusted R2 =0.21-0.30). Higher maternal parenting self-efficacy was inversely associated with concerns that the baby would become underweight (p=0.006); become overweight (p<0.001); and lack of awareness of infant hunger/satiety cues (p<0.001). Higher maternal irritability was positively associated with lack of awareness of cues (p<0.05). Maternal warmth was not associated with any feeding beliefs. Infant weight- gain (from birth) z-score and age, maternal BMI and education level and mothers’ perception of infant weight status and feeding mode were covariates. Conclusions: These findings suggest strategies to improve early feeding practices need to be address broader parenting approaches, particularly self-efficacy and irritability.


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Purpose: Parenting style and early feeding practices have been linked to child intake, eating behaviour and weight status. The purpose of this study was to examine associations between general maternal parenting behaviours and feeding beliefs in Australian mothers of 11-17 month-old children. Methods: This cross-sectional analysis included 223 first-time mothers and their children (49% male, mean age 14 [sd 1] months) enrolled in the control group of the NOURISH trial. Mothers self-reported their feeding beliefs and parenting behaviours (overprotection, irritability, warmth, autonomy-encouraging) using modified questions from the Infant Feeding Questionnaire (Baughcum, 2001) and the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. Multiple regression analyses were conducted, using feeding beliefs (four factors) as dependent and parenting behaviours as independent variables while adjusting for child gender, age, weight-for-age z-score and maternal age, education level, feeding mode (breast vs. non-breast), and perception of own pre-pregnancy and child weight status. Results/Findings: Two of four parenting behaviours were significantly associated with feeding beliefs. Maternal warmth was inversely associated with concerns that the child would become underweight (β=-0.156, p=0.022) and positively associated with mothers’ awareness of child’s hunger/satiety cues (β=0.303, p<0.001). Mothers’ overprotection was positively associated with concerns that the child would become underweight (β=0.213, p=0.001); become overweight (β=0.174, p=0.005); and mother’s responsive feeding (β=0.135, p=0.057). Weight-for-age z-score, mothers’ perception of their child and own weight status, education, feeding mode, and child’s age were significant covariates. Conclusions: Feeding occurs within the broader parenting context. Improving early feeding beliefs and practices may require addressing mother’s approaches to parenting, especially warmth and overprotection.


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A comprehensive revision of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study is expected to be completed in 2012. This study utilizes a broad range of improved methods for assessing burden, including closer attention to empirically derived estimates of disability. The aim of this paper is to describe how GBD health states were derived for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. These will be used in deriving health state-specific disability estimates. A literature review was first conducted to settle on a parsimonious set of health states for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. A second review was conducted to investigate the proportion of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder cases experiencing these health states. These were pooled using a quality-effects model to estimate the overall proportion of cases in each state. The two schizophrenia health states were acute (predominantly positive symptoms) and residual (predominantly negative symptoms). The three bipolar disorder health states were depressive, manic, and residual. Based on estimates from six studies, 63% (38%-82%) of schizophrenia cases were in an acute state and 37% (18%-62%) were in a residual state. Another six studies were identified from which 23% (10%-39%) of bipolar disorder cases were in a manic state, 27% (11%-47%) were in a depressive state, and 50% (30%-70%) were in a residual state. This literature review revealed salient gaps in the literature that need to be addressed in future research. The pooled estimates are indicative only and more data are required to generate more definitive estimates. That said, rather than deriving burden estimates that fail to capture the changes in disability within schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, the derived proportions and their wide uncertainty intervals will be used in deriving disability estimates.


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Objective To test the hypothesis that the age at onset of bipolar disorder would identify a developmental subtype of bipolar disorder in adults characterized by increased levels of irritability, chronic course, rapid cycling, and comorbidity with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Methods Forty-four adult subjects diagnosed with bipolar disorder were selected from large family studies of youth with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. These subjects were stratified by the age at onset in childhood (younger than 13 years; n = 8, 18%), adolescence (13–18 years; n = 12, 27%, or adulthood (older than 19 years; n = 24, 55%). All subjects were administered structure diagnostic interviews and a brief cognitive battery. Results In contrast with adult-onset bipolar disorder, child-onset bipolar disorder was associated with a longer duration of illness, more irritability than euphoria, a mixed presentation, a more chronic or rapid-cycling course, and increased comorbidity with childhood disruptive behavior disorders and anxiety disorders. Conclusion Stratification by age at onset of bipolar disorder identified subgroups of adult subjects with differing clinical correlates. This pattern of correlates is consistent with findings documented in children with pediatric bipolar disorder and supports the hypothesis that child-onset bipolar disorder may represent a developmental subtype of the disorder.


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[ES] La declamación XXVII de Libanio muestra el enfrentamiento entre un padre y su joven hijo, con la particularidad de que aquél es un viejo malhumorado, un δύσκολος, que presenta los rasgos que generalmente caracterizan a este tipo en la comedia. Es un individuo de mal genio, que odia el contacto con cualquier ser humano, el cariño y, sobre todo, la risa. Como el δύσκολος cómico demuestra su irritabilidad recurriendo a la violencia física, con el empleo de piedras, palos y todos los componentes de su "arsenal", y a la violencia verbal, que se manifiesta en frecuentes maldiciones e insultos. La relación con el tipo de la comedia queda de relieve también en la forma de expresar la irritabilidad, por medio de frases muy breves y del asíndeton, reflejo de lo que Webster denomina staccato style.


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A menopausa, fenômeno fisiológico que ocorre em todas as mulheres, em média, aos 51 anos, é acompanhada em cerca de 80% dos casos de sintomas como fogachos, secura vaginal, irritabilidade e insônia, que interferem na qualidade de vida e na produtividade socioeconômica das mulheres, além de predispô-las a doenças crônico-degenerativas, como arteriosclerose, obesidade e distúrbios cardiovasculares. A terapia de reposição hormonal à base de estrógenos, que visa reduzir os incômodos da menopausa, está associada ao aumento do risco de câncer de mama e do endométrio, como foi demonstrado em estudos científicos. Considerando que as mulheres orientais, consumidoras de soja, apresentam doenças crônico-degenerativas e câncer em taxas inferiores às dos países ocidentais, as isoflavonas da soja têm sido testadas em estudos clínicos e experimentais, porém com obtenção de dados até contraditórios. O presente estudo investigou o efeito da administração crônica de isoflavonas de soja no útero, mamas e tecidos adiposo e ósseo de ratas ovariectomizadas. Quarenta ratas Wistar adultas foram distribuídas em quatro grupos experimentais: a) ovariectomizadas: grupo ISO, recebendo isoflavonas de soja (100mg/kg/dia/v.o.); b) ovariectomizadas: grupo BE, recebendo benzoato de estradiol (10g/kg/dia/s.c.); c) ovariectomizadas: grupo OVX, recebendo salina (0,1ml/100g/dia/v.o.); d) controles: grupo FO, recebendo salina (0,1ml/100g/dia/v.o.). Antes e durante os 90 dias de tratamento, foram analisados os esfregaços vaginais, para acompanhamento do ciclo estral, determinação do peso corporal e do consumo de ração semanal. Após esse período, os animais foram anestesiados e o sangue coletado para análise de estradiol e progesterona séricos, por radioimunoensaio; e lipidograma e glicose, por espectrofotometria. Posteriormente, os animais foram sacrificados e necropsiados, coletando-se o útero, mamas, gordura intra-abdominal e fêmur para macroscopia e pesagem. Os tecidos selecionados para o estudo foram corados em HE, analisados por microscopia óptica e histomorfometria, visando investigar alterações do crescimento celular (software V.S NIH Image-J; imagens digitais-optronicos CCD). No grupo tratado com isoflavonas, o peso corporal diminuiu em relação OVX, no qual ocorreu aumento de peso em comparação aos animais falso-operados. O exame macroscópico revelou que o útero diminuiu de peso nas ratas do grupo ISO, semelhante às do OVX. Além disso, a histopatologia das glândulas endometriais não mostrou alterações entre os grupos ISO e OVX. Contudo, o grupo BE apresentou proliferação glandular, pseudoestratificação epitelial, frequentes mitoses típicas, metaplasia escamosa, infiltrado eosinofílico e hidrométrio. A concentração de estradiol no grupo ISO foi semelhante à do OVX. Porém, no grupo BE, o estradiol e o peso uterino apresentaram-se aumentados em relação ao OVX. Não foram observadas diferenças na histomorfometria mamária entre os grupos. Houve redução no peso do tecido adiposo abdominal no grupo ISO, comparado com o OVX, sem identificação de alterações morfológicas significativas, apenas hipotrofia celular, confirmada pela histomorfometria. Apesar de não ter havido diferenças na concentração de glicose, colesterol total e triglicerídeos, entre os grupos, o colesterol-HDL apresentou aumento no grupo ISO. Não houve diferença na densitometria do fêmur entre os grupos avaliados. Esses resultados indicam que o tratamento crônico com isoflavonas de soja, na dose testada, não induz mudanças significativas no útero, mamas e tecidos adiposo e ósseo, sugerindo segurança no tratamento, sem risco para o desenvolvimento de câncer.


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O objeto deste estudo são as repercussões do modelo neoliberal na saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem que atuam no contexto hospitalar. Os objetivos foram: (I) identificar as características do modelo produtivo neoliberal no trabalho hospitalar e de enfermagem; (II) analisar as implicações do neoliberalismo no processo saúde-doença dos trabalhadores de enfermagem; e (III) propor recomendações à organização do trabalho para minimização dos efeitos do modelo neoliberal na saúde desses trabalhadores. A pesquisa, de caráter qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório, foi desenvolvida em um hospital universitário localizado no Município do Rio de Janeiro. Os sujeitos são trabalhadores de enfermagem, dos quais 14 são enfermeiros e 20, técnicos de enfermagem. O instrumento de coleta de dados caracteriza-se na entrevista semiestruturada. O projeto foi aprovado pelo comitê de ética da instituição na qual se desenvolveu o estudo, sob número de protocolo 365.716, conforme resolução 466/12. A técnica utilizada para o tratamento dos dados coletados é a Análise Temática de Conteúdo, que fez emergir quatro categorias. I) As configurações da organização e processo de trabalho hospitalar no contexto neoliberal, em que se discutem as características dessa organização laboral e do processo de trabalho da enfermagem diante do impacto do modelo neoliberal na forma de gestão. Elabora-se também uma análise dos efeitos desse modelo tanto na previsão e provisão de recursos, humano e material, quanto na precarização dos vínculos de trabalho e seus efeitos sobre a qualidade e a quantidade da produtividade da enfermagem. Discute-se ainda o modo operatório dos trabalhadores de enfermagem diante das transformações do mundo do trabalho, impostas pela influência do neoliberalismo no ambiente hospitalar. II) O modelo neoliberal no ambiente hospitalar: implicações políticas e interpessoais no coletivo de enfermagem, em que se discutem (i) as relações hierárquicas e de poder tecidas nesse contexto; e (ii) o uso e as consequências das tecnologias em saúde e a demanda por capacitação e treinamento dos profissionais. III) Os impactos do modelo neoliberal no processo saúde-doença dos trabalhadores, em que se analisa que, devido à configuração da organização do trabalho, há muitas repercussões negativas para o processo saúde-doença dos trabalhadores, tais como estresse, taquicardia, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, sonolência, sudorese, esgotamento físico e mental, depressão, desgaste físico, cefaleia, dor epigástrica e irritabilidade. IV) As recomendações para melhoria do ambiente de trabalho na ótica dos profissionais, em que (i) se discutem as propostas para melhoria das condições laborais e do processo de trabalho dos profissionais de enfermagem e (ii) se elencam sugestões para minimização dos impactos causados pelas inúmeras formas de precarização presentes nesse contexto laboral, objetivando assim, o incremento da qualidade de vida e da saúde dos trabalhadores. Conclui-se que diversas foram as repercussões do neoliberalismo para o processo e organização do trabalho hospitalar, assim como para a saúde do trabalhador.


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Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau Licenciada em Medicina Dentária


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária