956 resultados para Irradiação normal direta (DNI)
Este trabalho consistiu no estudo técnico-económico (dimensionamento) de uma central térmica solar de torre norte, com back-up a biomassa (pellets) para produção de energia elétrica. A partir da plataforma PVGIS obteve-se a irradiação normal direta, DNI, da região do Alentejo, Portugal, segundo critérios descritos na secção 3.1. O valor anual obtido foi de 2319 !"ℎ/%&, valor este que foi convertido em energia elétrica, obtendo-se, assim, um montante de 105.761.800 kWh por ano, em 25 anos. Estas importâncias foram obtidas através dos equipamentos que constituem a central, entre eles o campo solar (composto por 2067 helióstatos com área total de 188097 %&), a torre (convertendo a concentração da DNI para energia térmica ao fluído de transferência de calor, HTF), o bloco de potência (composta por permutador de calor, turbina, gerador elétrico e outros) e com ajuda de uma caldeira a biomassa (pellets) que consome cerca de 24.001,23 toneladas de pellets por ano. O estudo económico foi realizado num modelo executável no Excel, calculando, assim, o custo total do sistema, 138.515.886,87 €. A partir deste valor calcularam-se os indicadores económicos (Valor Atualizado Líquido, VAL=-12.282540,28 €) com uma tarifa bonificada de 0,22114 €/kWh, que indica que o sistema termo solar com back-up a biomassa (pellets) não é viável economicamente (e o mesmo acontece com o sistema termo solar sem a biomassa). O dimensionamento técnico do sistema CSP de torre é feito a partir de um modelo matemático executado em Excel e MatLab e pelo software System Advisor Model, SAM e o da caldeira a pellets é concretizado também no Excel. Os resultados do modelo matemático foram comparados com os valores obtidos no SAM para o mês típico de julho comprovando, assim, as fórmulas e conceitos contidos no estado da arte. Realizou-se, também, uma comparação dos valores anuais do sistema obtidos no SAM com os valores reais da Gemasolar (em Espanha), demonstrando então a veracidade dos valores obtidos no dimensionamento feito para Portugal.
The present work describes the measurement effort for direct normal irradiance (DNI) evaluation in the sunny south of Portugal, with a network of eight radiation measurement stations in several locations (including Évora) providing a good coverage of the region. This new initiative for DNI measurement will still need many years (typically 10 or more) to produce a time series which can claim having long term statistical value. This problem can, however, be temporarily mitigated by measuring DNI at the same time as GHI and DHI, in a place where long term series dating back, already exist for those two. It so happens that a long term series (20 years) of global and diffuse solar irradiation exists for the location Évora. So the expectation is to establish correlations with the goal of attributing at least some long term statistical significance to the short and recent DNI series. The paper describes the setup of the measuring stations and presents the preliminary measurements obtained. It further presents the first correlations of monthly averages between normal beam (DNI), global and diffuse radiation. It then uses these correlations, admittedly without acceptable statistical significance (short series of less than one year of measured data), to exemplify how to get a prediction of long term DNI for Évora. This preliminary obtained value is compared to that predicted by the commercial data from Meteonorm.
This paper describes the preliminary results of an intercomparison of spectroradiometers for global (GNI) and direct normal incidence (DNI) irradiance in the visible (VIS) and near infrared (NIR) spectral regions together with an assessment of the impact these results may have on the calibration of triple-junction photovoltaic devices and on the relevant spectral mismatch calculation. The intercomparison was conducted by six European scientific laboratories and a Japanese industrial partner. Seven institutions and seven spectroradiometer systems, representing different technologies and manufacturers were involved, representing a good cross section of the todays available instrumentation for solar spectrum measurements.
This paper presents the design and preliminary experimental results of a concentrator-type photovoltaic module based on a free-form off-axis 800×XR-Köhler concentrator. The off-axis XR-Köhler concentrator is one of the advanced concentrators that perform high concentration with a large acceptance angle and excellent irradiance uniformity on a solar cell. As a result of on-sun characterization of the unglazed single-cell unit test rig, the temperature-corrected DC module efficiency was 32.2% at 25 °C without an anti-reflective (AR) coating on the secondary optics, and the acceptance angle was more than ±1.0°. In addition, the non-corrected DC efficiency of an individual cell in a glazed 8-cell unit module mounted on a carousel tracking system was measured. The individual efficiency deviated in the range of 24.3-27.4%, owing to the mirror shape and alignment errors. The resultant series-connected efficiency was approximately 25% at direct normal irradiation (DNI) of 770 W/m2.
Placing a plane mirror between the primary lens and the receiver in a Fresnel Köhler (FK) concentrator gives birth to a quite different CPV system where all the high-tech components sit on a common plane, that of the primary lens panels. The idea enables not only a thinner device (a half of the original) but also a low cost 1-step manufacturing process for the optics, automatic alignment of primary and secondary lenses, and cell/wiring protection. The concept is also compatible with two different techniques to increase the module efficiency: spectrum splitting between a 3J and a BPC Silicon cell for better usage of Direct Normal Irradiance DNI, and sky splitting to harvest the energy of the diffuse radiation and higher energy production throughout the year. Simple calculations forecast the module would convert 45% of the DNI into electricity.
A methodology is presented to determine both the short-term and the long-term influence of the spectral variations on the performance of Multi-Junction (MJ) solar cells and Concentrating "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: R. Núñez, C. Domínguez, S. Askins, M. Victoria, R. Herrero, I. Antón, and G. Sala, “Determination of spectral variations by means of component cells useful for CPV rating and design,” Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl., 2015., which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pip.2715/full. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving [http://olabout.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-820227.html#terms]." Photovoltaic (CPV) modules. Component cells with the same optical behavior as MJ solar cells are used to characterize the spectrum. A set of parameters, namely Spectral Matching Ratios (SMRs), is used to characterize spectrally a particular Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) by comparison to the reference spectrum (AM1.5D-ASTM-G173-03). Furthermore, the spectrally corrected DNI for a given MJ solar cell technology is defined providing a way to estimate the losses associated to the spectral variations. The last section analyzes how the spectrum evolves throughout a year in a given place and the set of SMRs representative for that location are calculated. This information can be used to maximize the energy harvested by the MJ solar cell throughout the year. As an example, three years of data recorded in Madrid shows that losses lower than 5% are expected due to current mismatch for state-of-the-art MJ solar cells.
Multi-junction solar cells are widely used in high-concentration photovoltaic systems (HCPV) attaining the highest efficiencies in photovoltaic energy generation. This technology is more dependent on the spectral variations of the impinging Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) than conventional photovoltaics based on silicon solar cells and consequently demands a deeper knowledge of the solar resource characteristics. This article explores the capabilities of spectral indexes, namely, spectral matching ratios (SMR), to spectrally characterize the annual irradiation reaching a particular location on the Earth and to provide the necessary information for the spectral optimization of a MJ solar cell in that location as a starting point for CPV module spectral tuning. Additionally, the relationship between such indexes and the atmosphere parameters, such as the aerosol optical depth (AOD), precipitable water (PW), and air mass (AM), is discussed using radiative transfer models such as SMARTS to generate the spectrally-resolved DNI. The network of ground-based sun and sky-scanning radiometers AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) is exploited to obtain the atmosphere parameters for a selected bunch of 34 sites worldwide. Finally, the SMR indexes are obtained for every location, and a comparative analysis is carried out for four architectures of triple junction solar cells, covering both lattice match and metamorphic technologies. The differences found among cell technologies are much less significant than among locations.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Em uma paisagem natural, os solos apresentam ampla variação de propriedades morfológicas, físicas, químicas e mineralógicas, resultante da superposição dos diversos fatores de formação envolvidos. No caso de uma paisagem cultivada, existem outras fontes de heterogeneidade no solo devidas ao manejo exercido pelo homem. O conhecimento dessa variação é importante para o levantamento e classificação dos solos, desenvolvimento de esquemas de amostragem e definições de práticas de manejos. O presente trabalho foi realizado em agosto e setembro de 1999, na Fazenda Experimental de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira/UNESP, localizada em Selvíria (MS), com o objetivo de estudar a variabilidade espacial de alguns atributos físicos de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, cultivado no sistema de semeadura direta. A amostragem do solo foi realizada de acordo com um desenho apropriado para a análise geoestatística na forma de uma malha em uma área de 150 m de comprimento, na direção sul, e 30 m de largura, na direção norte, totalizando 103 pontos eqüidistantes de 10 em 10 m e 39 pontos eqüidistantes de 1 m distribuídos aleatoriamente pela malha. De cada ponto definido pela malha, retiraram-se amostras nas profundidades de 0,00-0,05 m e 0,15-0,20 m. Os dados foram avaliados primeiramente por uma análise estatística exploratória, calculando-se a média, distribuição de freqüência, variância, coeficiente de variação, coeficiente de assimetria e coeficiente de curtose. Posteriormente, a dependência espacial foi verificada por meio de semivariogramas. Os atributos microporosidade, porosidade total e densidade do solo seguiram a distribuição normal, enquanto a macroporosidade e a resistência à penetração seguiram a distribuição lognormal. A umidade do solo apresentou uma distribuição mais próxima da lognormal. Os maiores coeficientes de variação foram observados para a macroporosidade e resistência à penetração, tendo as demais variáveis apresentado coeficiente de variação abaixo de 10%. Foi observada uma dependência espacial moderada para todas as variáveis estudadas. O alcance da dependência espacial variou de 8,36 m (umidade do solo) a 58,80 m (resistência à penetração).
Cr(III) slowly forms a violet complex with EDTA at pH 2.5-5.0 under normal conditions. The complex formation can be accelerated by irradiating the reacting mixture with microwave energy. The complex Cr(III)-EDTA is completely formed within 3 minutes of microwave irradiation and followed by a simple and rapid method for spectrophotometric determination of chromium. The method may be successfully applied to determination of chromium in catalyst.
Neste trabalho foi calculada teoricamente a radiação solar direta normal para Porto Alegre e vizinhanças. Para tal fim foi feito um levantamento da insolação horária em Porto Alegre, entre os anos de 1968 a 1982 e, a partir destes como não se dispunha de dados experimentais, calculou-se a radiação solar global efetiva, com o auxílio de uma expressão do tipo Angstrom. A posse destes dados permitiu calcular a radiação direta normal, que se apresenta em forma de tabelas e gráficas. Como um resultado adicional, calculou-se a percentagem de dias aproveitáveis ou não para distintas hipóteses de uso da Energia Solar. Com o intuito de comprovar a validade dos cálculos desenvolvidos, compararam-se os dados de radiação difusa, calculados a partir dos de direta normal, com os obtidos por outras teorias.
Two-level factorial designs are widely used in industrial experimentation. However, many factors in such a design require a large number of runs to perform the experiment, and too many replications of the treatments may not be feasible, considering limitations of resources and of time, making it expensive. In these cases, unreplicated designs are used. But, with only one replicate, there is no internal estimate of experimental error to make judgments about the significance of the observed efects. One of the possible solutions for this problem is to use normal plots or half-normal plots of the efects. Many experimenters use the normal plot, while others prefer the half-normal plot and, often, for both cases, without justification. The controversy about the use of these two graphical techniques motivates this work, once there is no register of formal procedure or statistical test that indicates \which one is best". The choice between the two plots seems to be a subjective issue. The central objective of this master's thesis is, then, to perform an experimental comparative study of the normal plot and half-normal plot in the context of the analysis of the 2k unreplicated factorial experiments. This study involves the construction of simulated scenarios, in which the graphics performance to detect significant efects and to identify outliers is evaluated in order to verify the following questions: Can be a plot better than other? In which situations? What kind of information does a plot increase to the analysis of the experiment that might complement those provided by the other plot? What are the restrictions on the use of graphics? Herewith, this work intends to confront these two techniques; to examine them simultaneously in order to identify similarities, diferences or relationships that contribute to the construction of a theoretical reference to justify or to aid in the experimenter's decision about which of the two graphical techniques to use and the reason for this use. The simulation results show that the half-normal plot is better to assist in the judgement of the efects, while the normal plot is recommended to detect outliers in the data
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA