78 resultados para Iridaceae.


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A study of the reproductive biology of B. chinensis (L.) DC. (Iridaceae) was realized comprising floral biology and breeding systems. The floral biology studies included analyses of nectar production, occurence of osmophores, corolla pigments, ultraviolet reflexion and absortion patterns, viability of pollen, pollinators and flower visitors. The breeding systems were studied taking into account the results of manual pollinators tests. B. chinensis is self-compatible bul cross-pollination is more frequent. The effective pollinators are Plebeia droryana (Friese, 1906) (45,7%), Trigona spinipes (Fabricius, 1793) (27,3%), Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille, 1811) (9,3%). Others insects visitors are considered nectar and pollen thieves. The flowering begins generally in January and February. The complete reproductive cicle, as here considered, begining with floral bud production ending with development of mature fruits, lasts January to June. Seed dispersion is ornitocoric.


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A espécie Eleutherine plicata Herb. é uma Iridaceae, conhecida popularmente como marupazinho, muito utilizada pela população para o tratamento de diarréias. Com o bulbo da planta prepara-se um chá, que é utilizado no tratamento de infestações causadas por ameba. O material vegetal utilizado neste estudo foi coletado em Belém do Pará e sua identificação botânica foi realizada por comparação de exsicata depositada no Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi sob nº 10543. O extrato etanólico (EE) foi preparado por percolação a partir do bulbo previamente seco e moído. Após a secagem o extrato etanólico foi suspenso em uma solução hidroalcóolica (1:1) e submetida a partição com solventes de polaridades crescente. Com o extrato etanólico e as frações foram realizados 18 testes para detectar classes de metabólitos secundários. O extrato etanólico e as frações hexânica e clorofórmica apresentaram resultado positivo para naftoquinonas, antraquinonas e esteróides e triperpenos. As análises por cromatografia em camada delgada do extrato etanólico e frações hexânica e clorofórmica mostraram zonas sensíveis à solução metanólica de KOH 10%, indicando a presença de quinonas nestas amostras. A avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana do referido extrato e frações com cepas de C. albicans, S. aureus, E. coli e P. aeruginosa demonstrou que a fração clorofórmica é a mais ativa, apresentando os maiores halos de inibição de crescimento microbiano, possivelmente, contendo uma maior concentração de constituintes ativos. Da fração clorofórmica foram isolados os constituintes químicos isoeleuterol e isoeleuterina, os quais foram caracterizados quimicamente através de ressonância manética nuclear de hidrogênio (RMN1H) e carbono 13 (RMN 13C), em comparação com os dados da literatura. O extrato etanólico, isoeleuterol e isoeleuterina foram submetidos a avaliação de suas atividades antioxidantes, os quais apresentaram fraca atividade quando comparado com o padrão BHT.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Tratamentos com retardantes de crescimento vegetal foram estudados em plantas de Palma de Santa Rita (Gladiolus communis L. spp., Iridaceae) para avaliar a altura da planta, o número de folhas e botões florais, diâmetro do caule e comprimento da haste floral. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições e sete tratamentos (testemunha; aplicações de cloreto de mepiquat na concentração de 200mg.L-1, 3 e 6 vezes; cloreto de chlormequat na concentração de 200mg.L-1, 3 e 6 vezes e ethephon na concentração de 200mg.L-1, 3 e 6 vezes). Foram realizadas sete avaliações não destrutivas a cada sete dias e uma coleta final. Os tratamentos com ethephon proporcionaram redução da altura das plantas e do comprimento.


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The Neotropical tribe Trimezieae are taxonomically difficult. They are generally characterized by the absence of the features used to delimit their sister group Tigridieae. Delimiting the four genera that make up Trimezieae is also problematic. Previous family-level phylogenetic analyses have not examined the monophyly of the tribe or relationships within it. Reconstructing the phylogeny of Trimezieae will allow us to evaluate the status of the tribe and genera and to examine the suitability of characters traditionally used in their taxonomy. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses are presented for 37 species representing all four genera of Trimezieae. Analyses were based on nrITS sequences and a combined plastid dataset. Ancestral character state reconstructions were used to investigate the evolution of ten morphological characters previously considered taxonomically useful. Analyses of nrITS and plastid datasets strongly support the monophyly of Trimezieae and recover four principal clades with varying levels of support; these clades do not correspond to the currently recognized genera. Relationships within the four clades are not consistently resolved, although the conflicting resolutions are not strongly supported in individual analyses. Ancestral character state reconstructions suggest considerable homoplasy, especially in the floral characters used to delimit Pseudotrimezia. The results strongly support recognition of Trimezieae as a tribe but suggest that both generic- and species-level taxonomy need revision. Further molecular analyses, with increased sampling of taxa and markers, are needed to support any revision. Such analyses will help determine the causes of discordance between the plastid and nuclear data and provide a framework for identifying potential morphological synapomorphies for infra-tribal groups. The results also suggest Trimezieae provide a promising model for evolutionary research.


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The deceptive Iris lutescens (Iridaceae) shows a heritable and striking flower colour polymorphism, with both yellow- and purple-flowered individuals growing sympatrically. Deceptive species with flower colour polymorphism are mainly described in the family Orchidaceae and rarely found in other families. To explain the maintenance of flower colour polymorphism in I.lutescens, we investigated female reproductive success in natural populations of southern France, at both population and local scales (within populations). Female reproductive success was positively correlated with yellow morph frequency, at both the population scale and the local scale. Therefore, we failed to observe negative frequency-dependent selection (NFDS), a mechanism commonly invoked to explain flower colour polymorphism in deceptive plant species. Flower size and local flower density could also affect female reproductive success in natural populations. Pollinator behaviour could explain the positive effect of the yellow morph, and our results suggest that flower colour polymorphism might not persist in I.lutescens, but alternative explanations not linked to pollinator behaviour are discussed. In particular, NFDS, although an appealingly simple explanation previously demonstrated in orchids, may not always contribute to maintaining flower colour polymorphism, even in deceptive species.


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Se publican las primeras citas conocidas para Crocus nevadensis Amo & Campo ex Amo en la provincia de Toledo. Se muestran fotografías tomadas en la fecha y lugar de los hallazgos.


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New records of vascular plants from Sierra del Rincón Biosphere Reserve and surroundings (Spain, Madrid province) are provided. It is noteworthy the presence of atlantic flora in this continental area and the different shrubby communities in different sectors with different litology: in areas with gneiss they are dominated by leguminous genisteae; where it is schistous, shale or quartzite they are heathlands.