983 resultados para Ipê-branco


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A pesquisa avaliou a temperatura e o substrato para o teste de germinação das sementes de ipê-branco (Tabebuia roseo-alba (Ridl.) Sand.). Em mesa termogradiente, foram avaliados 11 intervalos de temperatura entre 15°C e 35°C, sob oito horas de fotoperíodo diário. Foram analisados também os substratos papel (sobre papel e rolo de papel) e vermiculita (entre vermiculita) sob 30°C e 35°C, em germinadores com oito horas de fotoperíodo diário. As sementes e as plântulas foram avaliadas diariamente, considerando os critérios indicados nas regras para análise de sementes, e calculados a porcentagem e o índice de velocidade de germinação. A temperatura e o substrato interferem na germinação das sementes de ipê-branco; a condição mais favorável para o teste de germinação dessas sementes é 30°C em substrato papel.


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O armazenamento em condições ideais é de fundamental importância para a conservação da qualidade fisiológica de um lote de sementes. Nesse trabalho procurou-se identificar a condição adequada para o armazenamento de sementes de ipê-branco (Tabebuia roseo-alba (Ridl.) Sand.) e de ipê-roxo (Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart.) Standl.), bem como avaliar métodos para estimar alterações na viabilidade e no vigor dessas sementes. Diferentes grupos de sementes foram acondicionados em saco de polietileno, saco de papel Kraft e lata e armazenados por até 300 dias em condições de laboratório, geladeira e câmara refrigerada. No início do armazenamento e a cada 60 dias, determinaram-se o teor de água, a porcentagem e a velocidade de germinação e a condutividade elétrica da solução de embebição das sementes. A melhor condição para conservação de sementes de T. roseo-alba e T. impetiginosa foi obtida com o acondicionamento em lata e manutenção em geladeira. Sementes de T. impetiginosa também podem ser conservadas embaladas em saco de polietileno, saco de papel ou lata quando estocadas em câmara refrigerada. Alterações no vigor de sementes dessas espécies são primeiramente identificadas pela redução da velocidade de germinação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O ipê-branco é uma espécie de difícil propagação por sementes devido à sua curta longevidade. A cultura de tecidos tem possibilitado a melhor propagação de diversas espécies, tendo como base o crescimento de células, tecidos e órgãos em condições assépticas, possibilitando a rápida multiplicação da planta selecionada, obtendo mudas livres de patógenos. A primeira etapa da cultura de tecidos está baseada na desinfestação das sementes para obter as mudas in vitro, possibilitando as posteriores etapas do processo. Foram testadas diversas concentrações de álcool etílico e hipoclorito de sódio em busca da desinfestação mais efetiva. O melhor processo para a desinfestação das sementes do ipê branco está nos tratamentos de germinação em apenas ágar com a retirada das alas da semente após a sua lavagem, com passagem por 30 segundos em álcool etílico e 5 minutos em hipoclorito de sódio, com posterior transferência da plântula para meio MS suplementado com 0,7% de ágar e 3% de sacarose. Sobre as plantas germinadas in vitro foram aplicados tratamentos com hormônios vegetais em busca das melhores concentrações para a obtenção de novas mudas. Os explantes caulinares tratados com BAP a 4,0 mg L-1 apresentaram 93,3% de brotações bem desenvolvidas, enquanto em meio WPM a melhor concentração para brotação com BAP é a de 4,0 mg L-1, não promovendo no entanto um tratamento tão efetivo como em meio MS. Para cinetina, todos os tratamentos exibiram formação de calo e/ou ausência de brotações em meio MS, e baixa porcentagem de brotação em meio WPM. Os tratamentos realizados com AIB e ANA não tiveram rizogênese efetiva em meio MS, apresentando formação de raízes pouco desenvolvidas em apenas poucos explantes no tratamento de 4,0 mg L-1 de ANA em meio WPM


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As espécies do gênero Tabebuia são propagadas sexuadamente, e a utilização de sementes de alta qualidade é fundamental para obtenção de sucesso nos plantios de restauração de áreas degradadas, madeireiras e medicinais. Para isso, o emprego de testes rápidos em programas de controle de qualidade de sementes é ferramenta imprescindível para avaliação de sua qualidade fisiológica. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estabelecer a metodologia para realização do teste de tetrazólio em sementes de T. roseoalba (ipê-branco) e verificar a viabilidade das sementes em função do tempo de armazenamento avaliando os parâmetros de germinação e compará-los com o resultado do teste de tetrazólio. Os frutos de ipê-branco foram colhidos manualmente no momento de abertura, e foram utilizadas sementes recém-colhidas e sementes armazenadas até 24 meses, obtendo-se resultados de teste de tetrazólio, germinação, emergência, comprimento e peso de matéria seca de plântulas. O teste de tetrazólio na concentração de 0,05% a 36 °C durante 24 h é indicado para avaliar a viabilidade das sementes de ipê-branco, e durante o armazenamento a porcentagem de germinação, comprimento e peso de matéria seca das plântulas é reduzida e a germinação das sementes em viveiro é bruscamente reduzida com o armazenamento das sementes no período de 24 meses.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC


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The species of Tabebuia are propagated sexually, and the use of high-quality seeds is crucial to achieving success in restoration of degraded areas, timber and medicinal production. Thus, the use of rapid tests in programs to control seed quality is an essential tool for the assessment of their physiological quality. The objectives of the present study were to establish the methodology for conducting the tetrazolium test in seeds of T. roseoalba and verify seed viability as a function of storage time, evaluating germination parameters and comparing them with the results of the tetrazolium test. The fruits were manually harvested at the opening, and fresh seeds and seeds stored up to 24 months were evaluated by tetrazolium test, germination, emergence, length and dry weight of seedlings. The tetrazolium at a concentration of 0.05% at 36 ° C for 24 hours is indicated to assess the viability of T. roseoalba, and during storage germination, length and dry weight of the seedlings are reduced and the germination in nursery is sharply reduced with seed storage in 24 months.


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A few examples of supergene ore formation and their interaction with morphogenesis (palaeosurfaces) and weathering mineralogy are discussed. Geomorphological and mineralogical records to characterize palaeosurfaces associate the weathering of primary minerals and their relationship with concentrations of cooper and iron ore deposits in southeastern state of São Paulo, Brazil. We have distinguished two palaeosurfaces generated by several weathering phases and controlled by the geological framework. The first and oldest upper palaeosurfaces (900 - 1000 m a.s.l.), situated in Riberão Branco (Alto do Brancal), were developed on silico-limestones. It is formed by typical iron laterites enriched by secondary products of cooper. The second and younger level palaeosurfaces located in Itapeva (Santa Blandina and Bairro do Sambra). This palaeosurface is formed by copper percolating through the weathered rock (saprolite). Other features can be observed like neo-formed products in laterites. They are classified into two types: clay like silico- cupriferous products (with noticeable amounts of iron) and copper minerals (crysocolla, in their flat slopes). These features allowed the presence of copper ores and their morphogenesis control will help in the exploration and prospecting of supergene ore mineral.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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The white-shrimp Litopenaeus schmitti distributes in West Atlantic Ocean, occurring along all Brazilian cost. Population structure in the Baixada Santista region was identified from samples obtained from artisanal and industrial fishery between June of 2005 and May of 2006. A total of 2.912 specimens were collected, being 2.138 females (1.008 in the estuary and 1.130 in the marine region) and 774 males ( 334 in the estuary and 440 in the marine region). Environmental parameters were annotated together the sampling, allowing to identify that water temperature influences directly the catches. Catches variations, length composition of samples by sex and gonadal maturation of females allowed to identify that: (i) estuary is used as a nursery area by individuals with small lengths, most young; (ii) marine region is used by larger individuals ( adults) and the spawning period extend from June to February, mainly between November and January. It was verified that estuarine fishery ( artisanal) focuses immature and in development individuals, with small lengths and, the marine fishery ( industrial) focuses adults during the whole year and, only in the summer, youngling from spawn. The length of first gonadal maturation of females was estimated in 15,8mm. These results and diagnoses must be considered in the management of L. schmitti fishery in Baixada Santista region.


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Considering the increasing popularity of network-based control systems and the huge adoption of IP networks (such as the Internet), this paper studies the influence of network quality of service (QoS) parameters over quality of control parameters. An example of a control loop is implemented using two LonWorks networks (CEA-709.1) interconnected by an emulated IP network, in which important QoS parameters such as delay and delay jitter can be completely controlled. Mathematical definitions are provided according to the literature, and the results of the network-based control loop experiment are presented and discussed.


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The intention of this paper is to analyze the letters from Capistrano de Abreu to Barao do Rio Branco in the years between 1886 and 1903. The focus will be given to the divergences around the notion of territorial formation, a basic concept for these authors who were thinking about the construction of a historical narrative at the end of the 19(th) and beginning of the 20(th) century. Later, the question is the construction of the craft of the historian in the letters of Capistrano de Abreu and his distinction and proximity to the ideas of the Barao do Rio Branco.


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We compared the quality of realtime fetal ultrasound images transmitted using ISDN and IP networks. Four experienced obstetric ultrasound specialists viewed standard recordings in a randomized trial and rated the appearance of 30 fetal anatomical landmarks, each on a seven-point scale. A total of 12 evaluations were performed for various combinations of bandwidths (128, 384 or 768 kbit/s) and networks (ISDN or IF). The intraobserver coefficient of variation was 2.9%, 5.0%, 12.7% and 14.7% for the four observers. The mean overall ratings by each of the four observers were 4.6, 4.8, 5.0 and 5.3, respectively (a rating of 4 indicated satisfactory visualization and 7 indicated as good as the original recording). Analysis of variance showed that there were no significant interobserver variations nor significant differences in the mean scores for the different types of videoconferencing machines used. The most significant variable affecting the mean score was the bandwidth used. For ISDN, the mean score was 3.7 at 128 kbit/s, which was significantly worse than the mean score of 4.9 at 384 kbit/s, which was in turn significantly worse than the mean score of 5.9 at 768 kbit/s. The mean score for transmission using IP was about 0.5 points lower than that using ISDN across all the different bandwidths, but the differences were not significant. It appears that IP transmission in a private (non-shared) network is an acceptable alternative to ISDN for fetal tele-ultrasound and one deserving further study.


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Smart State is a Queensland Government initiative that recognises the central role of knowledge-based economic growth. In this context, the management of intellectual property (IP) within Queensland and Australian government research and development agencies has changed dramatically over recent years. Increasing expectations have been placed on utilising public sector IP to both underpin economic development and augment taxes by generating new revenues. Public sector research and development (R&D) management has come under greater scrutiny to commercialise and/or corporatise their activities. In a study of IP management issues in the Queensland Public Sector we developed a framework to facilitate a holistic audit of IP management in government agencies. In this paper we describe this framework as it pertains to one large public sector Agriculture R&D Agency, the Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI). The four overlapping domains of the framework are: IP Generation; IP Rights; IP Uptake; and Corporate IP Support. The audit within QDPI, conducted in 2000 near the outset of Smart State, highlighted some well developed IP management practices within QDPI's traditional areas of focus of innovation (IP Generation) and IP ownership and licensing (IP Rights). However, further management practice developments are required to improve the domains of IP Uptake and Corporate IP Support.