972 resultados para Ionospheric Equator Definition
A further progress has been made in defining the ionosonde deduced equator (IDE) which characterises a latitudinal transition from the northern to southern hemisphere. It is now possible to define the global IDE location as the locus of the average position between geographic and geomagnetic equators. A more complete insight to the phenomenon of the third equator (i.e. after geographic and geomagnetic equators) was made possible due to availability of ionospheric height (h'F) data from three stations positioned close to the IDE in the American and the far-east sectors. The IDE ionospheric signature (or E-type signature), detected at these stations, consists of bi-annual h'F height increases. This signature however is not consistently observed during solar cycle and at times, particularly at sunspot minimum, a weak hemispheric signature is observed (i.e. the northern or southern hemisphere signature). In general, the height increase at the IDE are considerably smaller (by a factor of 4) than at other equatorial locations, indicating that the ionosphere at the IDE location becomes less disturbed. It is suggested that the equatorial longitudinal regions which can be associated with more consistent E-type signature are located in the central Pacific and at the east coast of America, close to the intersection points of the geographic and geomagnetic equators. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The virtual (or minimum) height of the F-region (h'F), recorded over a number of solar cycles for I I equatorial and mid-latitude ionosonde stations, was used to deduce the hemispheric (i.e. southern or northern hemisphere) character of equatorial stations. The semi-annual median monthly height (h'F) variations consist of two components: major local summer maximum and winter sub-maximum (about 5 percent of the summer maximum). This hemispheric pattern was most consistently observed for equatorial stations (within 5degrees of the geomagnetic equator) in a period centred on the local midnight (21-03 LT) but was also present, to a lesser extent, at mid-latitude stations and at other time intervals. It is evident that the physical parameter h'F defines the hemispheric character of an equatorial station which has different (sometimes opposite) geographic and geomagnetic latitudes. There is a sharp transition in the latitudinal character of the stations on both sides of the equator leading to hypothesis that the equal maxima in h'F in December and June solstices are observed at a near-equator position labelled as ionosonde deduced equator (IDE). Such a signature was observed for an American equatorial (both geographic and geomagnetic) station Talara (Peru) which is an experimental support of the hypothesis. The IDE can be another useful parameter characterising the equatorial ionosphere. This finding reveals a new application of the standard ionosonde data in defining the geophysical character of equatorial stations, being an important contribution to space climatology. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We propose a low complexity technique to generate amplitude correlated time-series with Nakagami-m distribution and phase correlated Gaussian-distributed time-series, which is useful for the simulation of ionospheric scintillation effects in GNSS signals. To generate a complex scintillation process, the technique requires solely the knowledge of parameters Sa (scintillation index) and σφ (phase standard deviation) besides the definition of models for the amplitude and phase power spectra. The concatenation of two nonlinear memoryless transformations is used to produce a Nakagami-distributed amplitude signal from a Gaussian autoregressive process.
We propose a low complexity technique to generate amplitude correlated time-series with Nakagami-m distribution and phase correlated Gaussian-distributed time-series, which is useful in the simulation of ionospheric scintillation effects during the transmission of GNSS signals. The method requires only the knowledge of parameters S4 (scintillation index) and σΦ (phase standard deviation) besides the definition of models for the amplitude and phase power spectra. The Zhang algorithm is used to produce Nakagami-distributed signals from a set of Gaussian autoregressive processes.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
For the Western-Pacific region spread-F has been found to occur with delays after geomagnetic activity (GA) ranging from 5 to 10 days as station groups are considered from low midlatitudes to equatorial regions. The statistical (superposed-epoch) analyses also indicate that at the equator the spread-F, and therefore associated medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MS-TIDs) occur with additional delays around 16, 22 and 28 days representing a 6-day modulation of the delay period. These results are compared with similar delays, including the modulation, for D-region enhanced hydroxyl emission (Shefov, 1969). It is proposed that this similarity may be explained by MS-TIDs influencing both the F and D regions as they travel. Long delays of over 20 days are also found near the equator for airglow-measured MS-TIDs (Sobral et al., 1997). These are recorded infrequently and have equatorward motions, while normally eastward motions are measured at the equator. Also in midlatitudes D-region absorption events have been shown (statistically) to have similar long delays after GA. It is suggested that atmospheric gravity waves and associated MS-TIDs may be generated by some of the precipitations responsible for the absorption. The recording of the delayed spread-F events depends on the GA being well below the average levels around sunset on the nights of recording. This implies that lower upper-atmosphere neutral particle densities are necessary.
The phytoseiid mites of the Dominican Republic are virtually unknown. In a survey conducted in areas of natural vegetation of that country, 23 species were collected, two of which, Phytoseius dominicensis Ferragut & Moraes sp. nov. and Typhloseiopsis adventitius Ferragut & Moraes sp. nov., are new to science. We report the species found in that survey, describe the two new species, and provide complementary morphological information about other species. To accommodate the new Typhloseiopsis De Leon species, a redefinition of Typhloseiopsis is proposed. A key for the separation of the species in this genus is provided.
The general objective of this study was to evaluate the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) method, integrated to a geographic information systems (GIS), in the definition of priority areas for forest conservation in a Brazilian river basin, aiming at to increase the regional biodiversity. We demonstrated how one could obtain a range of alternatives by applying OWA, including the one obtained by the weighted linear combination method and, also the use of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to structure the decision problem and to assign the importance to each criterion. The criteria considered important to this study were: proximity to forest patches; proximity among forest patches with larger core area; proximity to surface water; distance from roads: distance from urban areas; and vulnerability to erosion. OWA requires two sets of criteria weights: the weights of relative criterion importance and the order weights. Thus, Participatory Technique was used to define the criteria set and the criterion importance (based in AHP). In order to obtain the second set of weights we considered the influence of each criterion, as well as the importance of each one, on this decision-making process. The sensitivity analysis indicated coherence among the criterion importance weights, the order weights, and the solution. According to this analysis, only the proximity to surface water criterion is not important to identify priority areas for forest conservation. Finally, we can highlight that the OWA method is flexible, easy to be implemented and, mainly, it facilitates a better understanding of the alternative land-use suitability patterns. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Training-needs analysis is critical for defining and procuring effective training systems. However, traditional approaches to training-needs analysis are not suitable for capturing the demands of highly automated and computerized work domains. In this article, we propose that work domain analysis can identify the functional structure of a work domain that must be captured in a training system, so that workers can be trained to deal with unpredictable contingencies that cannot be handled by computer systems. To illustrate this argument, we outline a work domain analysis of a fighter aircraft that defines its functional structure in terms of its training objectives, measures of performance, basic training functions, physical functionality, and physical context. The functional structure or training needs identified by work domain analysis can then be used as a basis for developing functional specifications for training systems, specifically its design objectives, data collection capabilities, scenario generation capabilities, physical functionality, and physical attributes. Finally, work domain analysis also provides a useful framework for evaluating whether a tendered solution fulfills the training needs of a work domain.
This paper presents an overview of the MPEG-7 Description Definition Language (DDL). The DDL provides the syntactic rules for creating, combining, extending and refining MPEG-7 Descriptors (Ds) and Description Schemes (DSs), In the interests of interoperability, the W3C's XML Schema language, with the addition of certain MPEG-7-specific extensions, has been chosen as the DDL. This paper describes the background to this decision and using examples, provides an overview of the core XML, schema features used within MPEG-7 and the extensions made in order to satisfy the MPEG-7 DDL requirements.
The circumscription of Oxylobium and related genera has been problematic for nearly 200 years. Traditional definitions of genera in the group have relied on morphological features of the leaves, flower, and fruit that overlap extensively between genera. Therefore sequences of cpDNA (trnL-F intron and spacer) and nrDNA (ITS) were used to estimate the phylogeny of the group in an attempt to redefine the genera as monophyletic groups. Oxylobium sens. str. was found to be a well supported clade in both data sets, with the inclusion of Mirbelia oxylobioides. No other genus in the group was supported by these data, except Gastrolobium sens. lat. Some species groups within Chorizema, Mirbelia, and Podolobium were supported but relationships among these, Oxylobium and Gastrolobium differed significantly between the chloroplast and nuclear data sets. No group supported by the molecular data had a morphological synapomorphy, not even Oxylobium or Gastrolobium. Therefore it may be necessary to adopt a much broader generic concept in this group than has been done previously. Incongruence between the two molecular data sets, and very short internal basal branches in both, suggest a rapid early radiation in this group, possibly combined with hybridization and lineage sorting.
This paper aims to define history didactics along the lines of the current German literature, which conceives it to be closer to history than to education. Associated to the word Geschichtsdidaktik, this definition is opposed to the concepts of history didactics as the art of teaching - Lehrkunst - history or as a collection of methods used both in the teaching of history and in the teaching of other school subjects - Unterrichtsmethoden. In opposition to these two definitions, this paper discusses German, French and Brazilian literatures to propose a conception of history didactics as a subarea of history, once it does not encompass only history teaching, but all history elaborations without a scientific form - nicht- wissenschaftsformigen Geschichtsverarbeitungen.