1000 resultados para Ionization rates


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We investigate the effects of varying the cosmic ray ionization rate in chemical models of dense interstellar clouds. In the absence of such ionization, a scenario which may be applicable to dark cloud cores, we find that chemi-ionization is able to drive a limited ion-neutral chemistry. Models of clouds in starburst galaxies, which may have enhanced cosmic ray fluxes, are also investigated and enable an upper limit to be derived for the cosmic ray ionization rate in M82. The derived value, which is about 700 times the typical value for Galactic molecular clouds, is in good agreement with that necessary to explain the recent observations of C I in this galaxy.


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We present a numerical and theoretical study of intense-field single-electron ionization of helium at 390 nm and 780 nm. Accurate ionization rates (over an intensity range of (0.175-34) X10^14 W/ cm^2 at 390 nm, and (0.275 - 14.4) X 10^14 W /cm^2 at 780 nm) are obtained from full-dimensionality integrations of the time-dependent helium-laser Schroedinger equation. We show that the power law of lowest order perturbation theory, modified with a ponderomotive-shifted ionization potential, is capable of modelling the ionization rates over an intensity range that extends up to two orders of magnitude higher than that applicable to perturbation theory alone. Writing the modified perturbation theory in terms of scaled wavelength and intensity variables, we obtain to first approximation a single ionization law for both the 390 nm and 780 nm cases. To model the data in the high intensity limit as well as in the low, a new function is introduced for the rate. This function has, in part, a resemblance to that derived from tunnelling theory but, importantly, retains the correct frequency-dependence and scaling behaviour derived from the perturbative-like models at lower intensities. Comparison with the predictions of classical ADK tunnelling theory confirms that ADK performs poorly in the frequency and intensity domain treated here.


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We present high-accuracy calculations of ionization rates of helium at UV (195 nm) wavelengths. The data are obtained from full-dimensionality integrations of the helium-laser time-dependent Schrödinger equation. Comparison is made with our previously obtained data at 390 nm and 780 nm. We show that scaling laws introduced by Parker et al extend unmodified from the near-infrared limit into the UV limit. Static-field ionization rates of helium are also obtained, again from time-dependent full-dimensionality integrations of the helium Schrödinger equation. We compare the static-field ionization results with those of Scrinzi et al and Themelis et al, who also treat the full-dimensional helium atom, but with time-independent methods. Good agreement is obtained.


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The ionization rate of molecules in intense laser fields may be much lower than that of atoms with similar binding energy. This phenomenon is termed the ionization suppression of molecules and is caused by the molecular inner structure. In this paper, we perform a comprehensive study of the ionization suppression of homonuclear diatomic molecules in intense laser fields of linear and circular polarizations. We find that for linear polarization the total ionization rate and the ionization suppression depend greatly on the molecular alignment, and that for circular polarization the ionization suppression of molecules in the antibonding (bonding) shells disappears (appears) for laser intensities around 10(15) W/cm(2). We also find that the molecular photoelectron energy spectra are greatly changed by the interference effect, even though the total ionization rate of molecules remains almost the same as that of their companion atoms.


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We implement a parallel, time-dependent hybrid finite-difference Lagrange mesh code to model the electron dynamics of the fixed-nuclei hydrogen molecular ion subjected to intense ultrashort laser Pulses, Ionization rates are calculated and compared with results from a previous finite-difference approach and also with published Floquet results. The sensitivity of the results to the gauge describing the electron-field interaction is studied. Visualizations of the evolving wave packets are also presented in which the formation of a stable bound-state resonance is observed.


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We set out aspects of a numerical algorithm used in solving the full-dimensionality time-dependent Schrodinger equation describing the electronic motion of the hydrogen molecular ion driven by an intense, linearly polarized laser pulse aligned along the molecular axis. This algorithm has been implemented within the fixed inter-nuclear separation approximation in a parallel computer code, a brief summary of which is given. Ionization rates are calculated and compared with results from other methods, notably the time-independent Floquet method. Our results compare very favourably with the precise predictions of the Floquet method, although there is some disagreement with other wavepacket calculations. Visualizations of the electron dynamics are also presented in which electron rescattering is observed.


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We present results of wavepacket simulations for multiphoton ionization in argon. A single active electron model is applied to estimate the single-electron ionization rates and photoelectron energy distributions for lambda = 390 nm light with intensities up to I = 2 x 10(14) W cm(-2). The multiphoton ionization rates are compared with R-matrix Floquet calculations and found to be in very good agreement. The photoelectron energy distribution is used to study the nature of ionization at the higher intensities. Our results are consistent with recent calculations and experiments which show the imprint of the tunnelling process in the multiphoton regime. For few-cycle intense pulses, we find that the strong modulation of intensity and increased bandwidth leads to dynamic mixing of the 3d and 5s resonances.


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We report a new method which allows sequential and non-sequential double-ionization rates in laser-driven helium to be distinguished and calculated separately. The method is applied to calculate such rates for two laser pulses, one of 0.236 au frequency and 8.0 × 1015 W cm-2 peak intensity, the other of 1.0 au frequency and also of 8.0 × 1015 W cm-2 peak intensity.


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Observations of H3+ in the Galactic diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) have led to various surprising results, including the conclusion that the cosmic-ray ionization rate (zeta_2) is about 1 order of magnitude larger than previously thought. The present survey expands the sample of diffuse cloud sight lines with H3+ observations to 50, with detections in 21 of those. Ionization rates inferred from these detections are in the range (1.7+-1.0)x10^-16 s^-1 < zeta_2 < (10.6+-6.8)x10^-16 s^-1 with a mean value of zeta_2=(3.3+-0.4)x10^-16 s^-1. Upper limits (3sigma) derived from non-detections of H3+ are as low as zeta_2 < 0.4x10^-16 s^-1. These low upper-limits, in combination with the wide range of inferred cosmic-ray ionization rates, indicate variations in zeta_2 between different diffuse cloud sight lines. Calculations of the cosmic-ray ionization rate from theoretical cosmic-ray spectra require a large flux of low-energy (MeV) particles to reproduce values inferred from observations. Given the relatively short range of low-energy cosmic rays --- those most efficient at ionization --- the proximity of a cloud to a site of particle acceleration may set its ionization rate. Variations in zeta_2 are thus likely due to variations in the cosmic-ray spectrum at low energies resulting from the effects of particle propagation. To test this theory, H3+ was observed in sight lines passing through diffuse molecular clouds known to be interacting with the supernova remnant IC 443, a probable site of particle acceleration. Where H3+ is detected, ionization rates of zeta_2=(20+-10)x10^-16 s^-1 are inferred, higher than for any other diffuse cloud. These results support both the concept that supernova remnants act as particle accelerators, and the hypothesis that propagation effects are responsible for causing spatial variations in the cosmic-ray spectrum and ionization rate. Future observations of H3+ near other supernova remnants and in sight lines where complementary ionization tracers (OH+, H2O+, H3O+) have been observed will further our understanding of the subject.


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We theoretically study the influence of Coulomb potential for photoionization of hydrogen atoms in an intense laser field with elliptical polarization. The total ionization rates, photoelectron energy spectra, and photoelectron angular distributions are calculated with the Coulomb-Volkov wave functions in the velocity gauge and compared with those calculated in the length gauge as well as those calculated with the Volkov wave functions. By comparing the results obtained by the Coulomb-Volkov and Volkov wave functions, we find that for linear polarization the influence of Coulomb potential is obvious for low-energy photoelectrons, and as the photoelectron energy and/or the laser intensity increase, its influence becomes smaller. This trend, however, is not so clear for the case of elliptical polarization. We also find that the twofold symmetry in the photoelectron angular distributions for elliptical polarization is caused by the cooperation of Coulomb potential and interference of multiple transition channels. About the gauge issue, we show that the difference in the photoelectron angular distributions obtained by the velocity and length gauges becomes rather obvious for elliptical polarization, while the difference is generally smaller for linear polarization.


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We discuss the application of quantitatively accurate computational methods to the study of laser-driven two-electron atoms in short intense laser pulses. The fundamental importance of such calculations to the subject area is emphasized. Calculations of single- and double-electron ionization rates at 390 nm are presented. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.


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Magnetic neutral loop discharges (NLDs) can be operated at significantly lower pressures than conventional radio-frequency (rf) inductively coupled plasmas (ICPs). These low pressure conditions are favourable for technological applications, in particular anisotropic etching. An ICP–NLD has been designed providing excellent diagnostics access for detailed investigations of fundamental mechanisms. Spatially resolved Langmuir probe measurements have been performed in the plasma production region (NL region) as well as in the remote application region downstream from the NL region. Depending on the NL gradient two different operation modes have been observed exhibiting different opportunities for control of plasma uniformity. The efficient operation at comparatively low pressures results in ionization degrees exceeding 1%. In this regime neutral dynamics has to be considered and can influence neutral gas and process uniformity. Neutral gas depletion through elevated gas temperatures and high ionization rates have been quantified. At pressures above 0.1 Pa, gas heating is the dominant depletion mechanism. At lower pressures neutral gas is predominantly depleted through high ionization rates and rapid transport of ions by ambipolar diffusion along the magnetic field lines. Non-uniform profiles of the ionization rate can, therefore, result in localized neutral gas depletion and non-uniform processing. We have also investigated the electron dynamics within the radio-frequency cycle using phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy and Thomson scattering. In these measurements electron drift phenomena along the NL torus have been identified.


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Neutral gas depletion mechanisms are investigated in a dense low-temperature argon plasma-an inductively coupled magnetic neutral loop (NL) discharge. Gas temperatures are deduced from the Doppler profile of the 772.38 nm line absorbed by argon metastable atoms. Electron density and temperature measurements reveal that at pressures below 0.1 Pa, relatively high degrees of ionization (exceeding 1%) result in electron pressures, p(e) = kT(e)n(e), exceeding the neutral gas pressure. In this regime, neutral dynamics has to be taken into account and depletion through comparatively high ionization rates becomes important. This additional depletion mechanism can be spatially separated due to non-uniform electron temperature and density profiles (non-uniform ionization rate), while the gas temperature is rather uniform within the discharge region. Spatial profiles of the depletion of metastable argon atoms in the NL region are observed by laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. In this region, the depletion of ground state argon atoms is expected to be even more pronounced since in the investigated high electron density regime the ratio of metastable and ground state argon atom densities is governed by the electron temperature, which peaks in the NL region. This neutral gas depletion is attributed to a high ionization rate in the NL zone and fast ion loss through ambipolar diffusion along the magnetic field lines. This is totally different from what is observed at pressures above 10 Pa where the degree of ionization is relatively low (