987 resultados para Ion concentrations


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Atmospheric ions are produced by many natural and anthropogenic sources and their concentrations vary widely between different environments. There is very little information on their concentrations in different types of urban environments, how they compare across these environments and their dominant sources. In this study, we measured airborne concentrations of small ions, particles and net particle charge at 32 different outdoor sites in and around a major city in Australia and identified the main ion sources. Sites were classified into seven groups as follows: park, woodland, city centre, residential, freeway, power lines and power substation. Generally, parks were situated away from ion sources and represented the urban background value of about 270 ions cm-3. Median concentrations at all other groups were significantly higher than in the parks. We show that motor vehicles and power transmission systems are two major ion sources in urban areas. Power lines and substations constituted strong unipolar sources, while motor vehicle exhaust constituted strong bipolar sources. The small ion concentration in urban residential areas was about 960 cm-3. At sites where ion sources were co-located with particle sources, ion concentrations were inhibited due to the ion-particle attachment process. These results improved our understanding on air ion distribution and its interaction with particles in the urban outdoor environment.


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A Neutral cluster and Air Ion Spectrometer (NAIS) was used to monitor the concentration of airborne ions on 258 full days between Nov 2011 and Dec 2012 in Brisbane, Australia. The air was sampled from outside a window on the sixth floor of a building close to the city centre, approximately 100 m away from a busy freeway. The NAIS detects all ions and charged particles smaller than 42 nm. It was operated in a 4 min measurement cycle, with ion data recorded at 10 s intervals over 2 min during each cycle. The data were analysed to derive the diurnal variation of small, large and total ion concentrations in the environment. We adapt the definition of Horrak et al (2000) and classify small ions as molecular clusters smaller than 1.6 nm and large ions as charged particles larger than this size...


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Corona discharge is responsible for the flux of small ions from overhead power lines, and is capable of modifying the ambient electrical environment, such as the air ion concentrations at ground level. Once produced, small ions quickly attach to aerosol particles in the air, producing ‘large ions’, approximately 1 nm to 1 µm in diameter. However, very few studies have measured air ion concentrations directly near high voltage transmission lines. The present study involved the simultaneously measurement of small ion concentration and net large ion concentration using air ion counters and an aerosol electrometer at four power line sites. Both positive and negative small ion concentration (<1.6nm), net large ion concentration (2nm-5μm) and particle number concentration (10nm-2μm) were measured using air ion counters and an aerosol electrometer at four power line sites. Measurements at sites 1 and 2 were conducted at both upwind and downwind sides. The results showed that total ion concentrations on the downwind side were 3-5 times higher than on the upwind side, while particle number concentrations did not show a significant difference. This result also shows that a large number of ions were emitted from the power lines at sites 1 and 2. Furthermore, both positive and negative ions were observed at different power line sites. Dominant positive ions were observed at site 1, with a concentration of 4.4 x 103 ions cm-3, which was 10 times higher than on the upwind side. Contrary to site 1, sites 2 to 4 showed negative ion emissions, with concentrations of -1.2 x 103, -460 and -410 ions cm-3, respectively. These values were higher than the background urban negative ion concentration of 400 cm-3. At site 1 and site 2, the net ion concentration and net particle charge concentration on downwind side of the lines showed same polarities. Further investigations were also conducted into the correlation between net ion concentration and net charge particle concentration 20 m downwind of the power lines at site 2. The two parameters showed a correlation coefficient of 0.72, indicating that a substantial number of ions could attach to particles and affect the particle charge status within a short distance from the source.


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The second derivative of a Langmuir probe characteristic is used to establish the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) in both a tandem and hybrid multicusp H- ion source. Moveable probes are used to establish the spatial variation of the EEDF. The negative ion density is measured by laser induced photo-detachment. In the case of the hybrid source the EEDF consists of a cold Maxwellian in the central region of the source; the electron temperature increases with increasing discharge current (rising from 0.3 eV at 1 A to 1.2 eV at 50 A when the pressure is 0.4 Pa). A hot-electron tail exists in the EEDF of the driver region adjacent to each filament which is shown to consist of a distinct group of primary electrons at low pressure (0.08 Pa) but becomes degraded mainly through inelastic collisions at higher pressures (0.27 Pa). The tandem source, on the other hand, has a single driver region which extends throughout the central region. The primary electron confinement times are much longer so that even at the lowest pressure considered (0.07 Pa) the primaries are degraded. In both cases the measured EEDF at specific locations and values of discharge operating parameters are used to establish the rate coefficients for the processes of importance in H- production and destruction.


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Euonymus japonica Thunb. (euonymus) plants were submitted for 9 months to two irrigation treatments using water from different sources: a control (C) water with electrical conductivity (EC) less than 1.2 dS.m(-1) and reclaimed wastewater (RW) with EC approximate to 4 dS.m(-1). At the end of the experiment, no differences in the total dry weight were observed between treatments, whereas the leaf dry mass increased (to the detriment of the root part in RW plants). Throughout the day, the stem water potential (Psi(stem)) of the RW plants was lower than in C, whereas stomatal conductance (g(S)) was slightly reduced in RW from 0800 HR to 1200 HR, but no significant variation in photosynthesis (P-n) or energy conversion efficiency (F'(v)/F'(m)) in photosystem II was detected through the effect of salinity. Gas exchange and fluorescence showed a tendency to increase after midday in plants treated with RW. The photosynthetic behavior and fluorescence of RW plants may have been related to the nitrogen and chlorophyll content of the leaves, confirming the resistance of the photosynthetic mechanism to salinity in this species in these conditions. The toxic effects produced by high concentrations of boron (B), sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-) were offset by the effect of other ions like magnesium (Mg2+), potassium (K+), and phosphorus (P) in plants irrigated with RW, thus improving their physiological status without decreasing their ornamental value.


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Eight DSDP/ODP cores were analyzed for major ion concentrations and d37Cl values of water-soluble chloride (d37Clwsc) and structurally bound chloride (d37Clsbc) in serpentinized ultramafic rocks. This diverse set of cores spans a wide range in age, temperature of serpentinization, tectonic setting, and geographic location of drilled serpentinized oceanic crust. Three of the cores were sampled at closely spaced intervals to investigate downhole variation in Cl concentration and chlorine isotope composition. The average total Cl content of all 86 samples is 0.26±0.16 wt.% (0.19±0.10 wt.% as water-soluble Cl (Xwsc) and 0.09±0.09 wt.% as structurally bound Cl (Xsbc)). Structurally bound Cl concentration nearly doubles with depth in all cores; there is no consistent trend in water-soluble Cl content among the cores. Chlorine isotope fractionation between the structurally bound Cl**- site and the water-soluble Cl**- site varies from -1.08? to +1.16?, averaging to +0.21?. Samples with negative fractionations may be related to reequilibration of the water-soluble chloride with seawater post-serpentinite formation. Six of the cores have positive bulk d37Cl values (+0.05? to +0.36?); the other two cores (173-1068A (Leg-Hole) and 84-570) have negative bulk d37Cl values (-1.26? and -0.54?). The cores with negative d37Cl values also have variable Cl**-/SO4**2- ratios, in contrast to all other cores. The isotopically positive cores (153-920D and 147-895E) show no isotopic variation with depth; the isotopically negative core (173-1068A) decreases by ~1? with depth for both the water-soluble and structurally bound Cl fractions. Non-zero bulk d37Cl values indicate Cl in serpentinites was incorporated during original hydration and is not an artifact of seawater infiltration during drilling. Cores with positive d37Cl values are most likely explained by open system fractionation during hydrothermal alteration, with preferential incorporation of 37Cl from seawater into the serpentinite and loss of residual light Cl back to the ocean. Fluid / rock ratios were probably low as evidenced by the presence of water-soluble salts. The two isotopically negative cores are characterized by a thick overlying sedimentary package that was in place prior to serpentinization. We believe the low d37Cl values of these cores are a result of hydration of ultramafic rock by infiltrating aqueous pore fluids from the overlying sediments. The resulting serpentinites inherit the characteristic negative d37Cl values of the pore waters. Chlorine stable isotopes can be used to identify the source of the serpentinizing fluid and ultimately discern chemical and tectonic processes involved in serpentinization.


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The glacial climate system transitioned rapidly between cold (stadial) and warm (interstadial) conditions in the Northern Hemisphere. This variability, referred to as Dansgaard-Oeschger variability, is widely believed to arise from perturbations of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Evidence for such changes during the longer Heinrich stadials has been identified, but direct evidence for overturning circulation changes during Dansgaard-Oeschger events has proven elusive. Here we reconstruct bottom water [CO3]2- variability from B/Ca ratios of benthic foraminifera and indicators of sedimentary dissolution, and use these reconstructions to infer the flow of northern-sourced deep water to the deep central sub-Antarctic Atlantic Ocean. We find that nearly every Dansgaard-Oeschger interstadial is accompanied by a rapid incursion of North Atlantic Deep Water into the deep South Atlantic. Based on these results and transient climate model simulations, we conclude that North Atlantic stadial-interstadial climate variability was associated with significant Atlantic overturning circulation changes that were rapidly transmitted across the Atlantic. However, by demonstrating the persistent role of Atlantic overturning circulation changes in past abrupt climate variability, our reconstructions of carbonate chemistry further indicate that the carbon cycle response to abrupt climate change was not a simple function of North Atlantic overturning.