987 resultados para Inverse-distance weighting


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Paper presented at Geo-Spatial Crossroad GI_Forum, Salzburg, Austria.


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1. Biodiversity, water quality and ecosystem processes in streams are known to be influenced by the terrestrial landscape over a range of spatial and temporal scales. Lumped attributes (i.e. per cent land use) are often used to characterise the condition of the catchment; however, they are not spatially explicit and do not account for the disproportionate influence of land located near the stream or connected by overland flow. 2. We compared seven landscape representation metrics to determine whether accounting for the spatial proximity and hydrological effects of land use can be used to account for additional variability in indicators of stream ecosystem health. The landscape metrics included the following: a lumped metric, four inverse-distance-weighted (IDW) metrics based on distance to the stream or survey site and two modified IDW metrics that also accounted for the level of hydrologic activity (HA-IDW). Ecosystem health data were obtained from the Ecological Health Monitoring Programme in Southeast Queensland, Australia and included measures of fish, invertebrates, physicochemistry and nutrients collected during two seasons over 4 years. Linear models were fitted to the stream indicators and landscape metrics, by season, and compared using an information-theoretic approach. 3. Although no single metric was most suitable for modelling all stream indicators, lumped metrics rarely performed as well as other metric types. Metrics based on proximity to the stream (IDW and HA-IDW) were more suitable for modelling fish indicators, while the HA-IDW metric based on proximity to the survey site generally outperformed others for invertebrates, irrespective of season. There was consistent support for metrics based on proximity to the survey site (IDW or HA-IDW) for all physicochemical indicators during the dry season, while a HA-IDW metric based on proximity to the stream was suitable for five of the six physicochemical indicators in the post-wet season. Only one nutrient indicator was tested and results showed that catchment area had a significant effect on the relationship between land use metrics and algal stable isotope ratios in both seasons. 4. Spatially explicit methods of landscape representation can clearly improve the predictive ability of many empirical models currently used to study the relationship between landscape, habitat and stream condition. A comparison of different metrics may provide clues about causal pathways and mechanistic processes behind correlative relationships and could be used to target restoration efforts strategically.


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基于地统计学方法,利用3种以海拔作为辅助变量的空间插值算法[局部平均的简单kriging法(simple kriging with locally varying mean,SKlm)、带有外部漂移的kriging法(krig-ing with an external drift,KED)和协kriging法(cokrging,COK)]计算了森林半腐层厚度的空间插值精度,并进行了交叉验证.结果表明:KED法既考虑了变量之间的空间变异,又考虑到影响局部空间变化的因素,与其他插值方法相比,其精度有很大提高;由于海拔与半腐层厚度之间的相关关系较弱,导致SKlm法的插值精度没有达到预期效果;COK法直接将海拔用于估计半腐层厚度,由于在边界地区缺乏采样点数据,因此边界地区的插值出现了多处突变区域.对比地统计学方法与距离反比权重法(inverse distance weighting,IDW)在本研究中的插值精度,除了KED方法的插值精度较高外,其余方法的插值精度均不及IDW,原因可能是利用辅助变量辅助地统计学插值时,主、辅助变量之间的相关关系在插值中起着重要作用.


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In addition to classical methods, namely kriging, Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) and splines, which have been frequently used for interpolating the spatial patterns of soil properties, a relatively more accurate surface modelling technique is being developed in recent years, namely high accuracy surface modelling (HASM). It has been used in the numerical tests, DEM construction and the interpolation of climate and ecosystem changes. In this paper, HASM was applied to interpolate soil pH for assessing its feasibility of soil property interpolation in a red soil region of Jiangxi Province, China. Soil pH was measured on 150 samples of topsoil (0-20 cm) for the interpolation and comparing the performance of HASM, kriging. IDW and splines. The mean errors (MEs) of interpolations indicate little bias of interpolation for soil pH by the four techniques. HASM has less mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) than kriging, IDW and splines. HASM is still the most accurate one when we use the mean rank and the standard deviation of the ranks to avoid the outlier effects in assessing the prediction performance of the four methods. Therefore, HASM can be considered as an alternative and accurate method for interpolating soil properties. Further researches of HASM are needed to combine HASM with ancillary variables to improve the interpolation performance and develop a user-friendly algorithm that can be implemented in a GIS package. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mapping the spatial distribution of contaminants in soils is the basis of pollution evaluation and risk control. Interpolation methods are extensively applied in the mapping processes to estimate the heavy metal concentrations at unsampled sites. The performances of interpolation methods (inverse distance weighting, local polynomial, ordinary kriging and radial basis functions) were assessed and compared using the root mean square error for cross validation. The results indicated that all interpolation methods provided a high prediction accuracy of the mean concentration of soil heavy metals. However, the classic method based on percentages of polluted samples, gave a pollution area 23.54-41.92% larger than that estimated by interpolation methods. The difference in contaminated area estimation among the four methods reached 6.14%. According to the interpolation results, the spatial uncertainty of polluted areas was mainly located in three types of region: (a) the local maxima concentration region surrounded by low concentration (clean) sites, (b) the local minima concentration region surrounded with highly polluted samples; and (c) the boundaries of the contaminated areas. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Negli ultimi cinque anni, l’Emilia Romagna è stata interessata da 83 fenomeni temporaleschi, che hanno causato allagamenti, smottamenti e anche la perdita di vite umane a Sala Baganza l’11 giugno 2011 e a Rimini il 24 giugno 2013. Nonostante questi fenomeni siano protagonisti di eventi calamitosi, la loro previsione rimane ancora complessa poiché sono eventi localizzati, brevi e molto intesi. Il progetto di Tesi si inserisce in questo contesto e tratta due tematiche principali: la valutazione, quantitativa, della variazione di frequenza degli eventi intensi negli ultimi 18 anni (1995-2012), in relazione ad un periodo storico di riferimento, compreso tra il 1935 ed il 1989 e il confronto tra l’andamento spaziale delle precipitazioni convettive, ottenuto dalle mappe di cumulata di precipitazione oraria dei radar meteorologici e quello ottenuto mediante due tecniche di interpolazione spaziale deterministiche in funzione dei dati pluviometrici rilevati al suolo: Poligoni di Voronoi ed Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW). Si sono ottenuti risultati interessanti nella valutazione delle variazioni dei regimi di frequenza, che hanno dimostrato come questa sembrerebbe in atto per eventi di precipitazione di durata superiore a quella oraria, senza una direzione univoca di cambiamento. Inoltre, dal confronto degli andamenti spaziali delle precipitazioni, è risultato che le tecniche di interpolazione deterministiche non riescono a riprodurre la spazialità della precipitazione rappresentata dal radar meteorologico e che ogni cella temporalesca presenta un comportamento differente dalle altre, perciò non è ancora possibile individuare una curva caratteristica per i fenomeni convettivi. L’approfondimento e il proseguimento di questo ultimo studio potranno portare all’elaborazione di un modello che, applicato alle previsioni di Nowcasting, permetta di valutare le altezze di precipitazione areale, associate a delle celle convettive in formazione e stabilire la frequenza caratteristica dell’evento meteorico in atto a scala spaziale, fornendo indicazioni in tempo reale che possono essere impiegate nelle attività di Protezione Civile.


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La investigación de esta tesis se centra en el estudio de técnicas geoestadísticas y su contribución a una mayor caracterización del binomio factores climáticos-rendimiento de un cultivo agrícola. El inexorable vínculo entre la variabilidad climática y la producción agrícola cobra especial relevancia en estudios sobre el cambio climático o en la modelización de cultivos para dar respuesta a escenarios futuros de producción mundial. Es información especialmente valiosa en sistemas operacionales de monitoreo y predicción de rendimientos de cultivos Los cuales son actualmente uno de los pilares operacionales en los que se sustenta la agricultura y seguridad alimentaria mundial; ya que su objetivo final es el de proporcionar información imparcial y fiable para la regularización de mercados. Es en este contexto, donde se quiso dar un enfoque alternativo a estudios, que con distintos planteamientos, analizan la relación inter-anual clima vs producción. Así, se sustituyó la dimensión tiempo por la espacio, re-orientando el análisis estadístico de correlación interanual entre rendimiento y factores climáticos, por el estudio de la correlación inter-regional entre ambas variables. Se utilizó para ello una técnica estadística relativamente nueva y no muy aplicada en investigaciones similares, llamada regresión ponderada geográficamente (GWR, siglas en inglés de “Geographically weighted regression”). Se obtuvieron superficies continuas de las variables climáticas acumuladas en determinados periodos fenológicos, que fueron seleccionados por ser factores clave en el desarrollo vegetativo de un cultivo. Por ello, la primera parte de la tesis, consistió en un análisis exploratorio sobre comparación de Métodos de Interpolación Espacial (MIE). Partiendo de la hipótesis de que existe la variabilidad espacial de la relación entre factores climáticos y rendimiento, el objetivo principal de esta tesis, fue el de establecer en qué medida los MIE y otros métodos geoestadísticos de regresión local, pueden ayudar por un lado, a alcanzar un mayor entendimiento del binomio clima-rendimiento del trigo blando (Triticum aestivum L.) al incorporar en dicha relación el componente espacial; y por otro, a caracterizar la variación de los principales factores climáticos limitantes en el crecimiento del trigo blando, acumulados éstos en cuatro periodos fenológicos. Para lleva a cabo esto, una gran carga operacional en la investigación de la tesis consistió en homogeneizar y hacer los datos fenológicos, climáticos y estadísticas agrícolas comparables tanto a escala espacial como a escala temporal. Para España y los Bálticos se recolectaron y calcularon datos diarios de precipitación, temperatura máxima y mínima, evapotranspiración y radiación solar en las estaciones meteorológicas disponibles. Se dispuso de una serie temporal que coincidía con los mismos años recolectados en las estadísticas agrícolas, es decir, 14 años contados desde 2000 a 2013 (hasta 2011 en los Bálticos). Se superpuso la malla de información fenológica de cuadrícula 25 km con la ubicación de las estaciones meteorológicas con el fin de conocer los valores fenológicos en cada una de las estaciones disponibles. Hecho esto, para cada año de la serie temporal disponible se calcularon los valores climáticos diarios acumulados en cada uno de los cuatro periodos fenológicos seleccionados P1 (ciclo completo), P2 (emergencia-madurez), P3 (floración) y P4 (floraciónmadurez). Se calculó la superficie interpolada por el conjunto de métodos seleccionados en la comparación: técnicas deterministas convencionales, kriging ordinario y cokriging ordinario ponderado por la altitud. Seleccionados los métodos más eficaces, se calculó a nivel de provincias las variables climatológicas interpoladas. Y se realizaron las regresiones locales GWR para cuantificar, explorar y modelar las relaciones espaciales entre el rendimiento del trigo y las variables climáticas acumuladas en los cuatro periodos fenológicos. Al comparar la eficiencia de los MIE no destaca una técnica por encima del resto como la que proporcione el menor error en su predicción. Ahora bien, considerando los tres indicadores de calidad de los MIE estudiados se han identificado los métodos más efectivos. En el caso de la precipitación, es la técnica geoestadística cokriging la más idónea en la mayoría de los casos. De manera unánime, la interpolación determinista en función radial (spline regularizado) fue la técnica que mejor describía la superficie de precipitación acumulada en los cuatro periodos fenológicos. Los resultados son más heterogéneos para la evapotranspiración y radiación. Los métodos idóneos para estas se reparten entre el Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), IDW ponderado por la altitud y el Ordinary Kriging (OK). También, se identificó que para la mayoría de los casos en que el error del Ordinary CoKriging (COK) era mayor que el del OK su eficacia es comparable a la del OK en términos de error y el requerimiento computacional de este último es mucho menor. Se pudo confirmar que existe la variabilidad espacial inter-regional entre factores climáticos y el rendimiento del trigo blando tanto en España como en los Bálticos. La herramienta estadística GWR fue capaz de reproducir esta variabilidad con un rendimiento lo suficientemente significativo como para considerarla una herramienta válida en futuros estudios. No obstante, se identificaron ciertas limitaciones en la misma respecto a la información que devuelve el programa a nivel local y que no permite desgranar todo el detalle sobre la ejecución del mismo. Los indicadores y periodos fenológicos que mejor pudieron reproducir la variabilidad espacial del rendimiento en España y Bálticos, arrojaron aún, una mayor credibilidad a los resultados obtenidos y a la eficacia del GWR, ya que estaban en línea con el conocimiento agronómico sobre el cultivo del trigo blando en sistemas agrícolas mediterráneos y norteuropeos. Así, en España, el indicador más robusto fue el balance climático hídrico Climatic Water Balance) acumulado éste, durante el periodo de crecimiento (entre la emergencia y madurez). Aunque se identificó la etapa clave de la floración como el periodo en el que las variables climáticas acumuladas proporcionaban un mayor poder explicativo del modelo GWR. Sin embargo, en los Bálticos, países donde el principal factor limitante en su agricultura es el bajo número de días de crecimiento efectivo, el indicador más efectivo fue la radiación acumulada a lo largo de todo el ciclo de crecimiento (entre la emergencia y madurez). Para el trigo en regadío no existe ninguna combinación que pueda explicar más allá del 30% de la variación del rendimiento en España. Poder demostrar que existe un comportamiento heterogéneo en la relación inter-regional entre el rendimiento y principales variables climáticas, podría contribuir a uno de los mayores desafíos a los que se enfrentan, a día de hoy, los sistemas operacionales de monitoreo y predicción de rendimientos de cultivos, y éste es el de poder reducir la escala espacial de predicción, de un nivel nacional a otro regional. ABSTRACT This thesis explores geostatistical techniques and their contribution to a better characterization of the relationship between climate factors and agricultural crop yields. The crucial link between climate variability and crop production plays a key role in climate change research as well as in crops modelling towards the future global production scenarios. This information is particularly important for monitoring and forecasting operational crop systems. These geostatistical techniques are currently one of the most fundamental operational systems on which global agriculture and food security rely on; with the final aim of providing neutral and reliable information for food market controls, thus avoiding financial speculation of nourishments of primary necessity. Within this context the present thesis aims to provide an alternative approach to the existing body of research examining the relationship between inter-annual climate and production. Therefore, the temporal dimension was replaced for the spatial dimension, re-orienting the statistical analysis of the inter-annual relationship between crops yields and climate factors to an inter-regional correlation between these two variables. Geographically weighted regression, which is a relatively new statistical technique and which has rarely been used in previous research on this topic was used in the current study. Continuous surface values of the climate accumulated variables in specific phenological periods were obtained. These specific periods were selected because they are key factors in the development of vegetative crop. Therefore, the first part of this thesis presents an exploratory analysis regarding the comparability of spatial interpolation methods (SIM) among diverse SIMs and alternative geostatistical methodologies. Given the premise that spatial variability of the relationship between climate factors and crop production exists, the primary aim of this thesis was to examine the extent to which the SIM and other geostatistical methods of local regression (which are integrated tools of the GIS software) are useful in relating crop production and climate variables. The usefulness of these methods was examined in two ways; on one hand the way this information could help to achieve higher production of the white wheat binomial (Triticum aestivum L.) by incorporating the spatial component in the examination of the above-mentioned relationship. On the other hand, the way it helps with the characterization of the key limiting climate factors of soft wheat growth which were analysed in four phenological periods. To achieve this aim, an important operational workload of this thesis consisted in the homogenization and obtention of comparable phenological and climate data, as well as agricultural statistics, which made heavy operational demands. For Spain and the Baltic countries, data on precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, evapotranspiration and solar radiation from the available meteorological stations were gathered and calculated. A temporal serial approach was taken. These temporal series aligned with the years that agriculture statistics had previously gathered, these being 14 years from 2000 to 2013 (until 2011 for the Baltic countries). This temporal series was mapped with a phenological 25 km grid that had the location of the meteorological stations with the objective of obtaining the phenological values in each of the available stations. Following this procedure, the daily accumulated climate values for each of the four selected phenological periods were calculated; namely P1 (complete cycle), P2 (emergency-maturity), P3 (flowering) and P4 (flowering- maturity). The interpolated surface was then calculated using the set of selected methodologies for the comparison: deterministic conventional techniques, ordinary kriging and ordinary cokriging weighted by height. Once the most effective methods had been selected, the level of the interpolated climate variables was calculated. Local GWR regressions were calculated to quantify, examine and model the spatial relationships between soft wheat production and the accumulated variables in each of the four selected phenological periods. Results from the comparison among the SIMs revealed that no particular technique seems more favourable in terms of accuracy of prediction. However, when the three quality indicators of the compared SIMs are considered, some methodologies appeared to be more efficient than others. Regarding precipitation results, cokriging was the most accurate geostatistical technique for the majority of the cases. Deterministic interpolation in its radial function (controlled spline) was the most accurate technique for describing the accumulated precipitation surface in all phenological periods. However, results are more heterogeneous for the evapotranspiration and radiation methodologies. The most appropriate technique for these forecasts are the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), weighted IDW by height and the Ordinary Kriging (OK). Furthermore, it was found that for the majority of the cases where the Ordinary CoKriging (COK) error was larger than that of the OK, its efficacy was comparable to that of the OK in terms of error while the computational demands of the latter was much lower. The existing spatial inter-regional variability between climate factors and soft wheat production was confirmed for both Spain and the Baltic countries. The GWR statistic tool reproduced this variability with an outcome significative enough as to be considered a valid tool for future studies. Nevertheless, this tool also had some limitations with regards to the information delivered by the programme because it did not allow for a detailed break-down of its procedure. The indicators and phenological periods that best reproduced the spatial variability of yields in Spain and the Baltic countries made the results and the efficiency of the GWR statistical tool even more reliable, despite the fact that these were already aligned with the agricultural knowledge about soft wheat crop under mediterranean and northeuropean agricultural systems. Thus, for Spain, the most robust indicator was the Climatic Water Balance outcome accumulated throughout the growing period (between emergency and maturity). Although the flowering period was the phase that best explained the accumulated climate variables in the GWR model. For the Baltic countries where the main limiting agricultural factor is the number of days of effective growth, the most effective indicator was the accumulated radiation throughout the entire growing cycle (between emergency and maturity). For the irrigated soft wheat there was no combination capable of explaining above the 30% of variation of the production in Spain. The fact that the pattern of the inter-regional relationship between the crop production and key climate variables is heterogeneous within a country could contribute to one is one of the greatest challenges that the monitoring and forecasting operational systems for crop production face nowadays. The present findings suggest that the solution may lay in downscaling the spatial target scale from a national to a regional level.


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The shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM), was flow on the space shuttle Endeavour in February 2000, with the objective of acquiring a digital elevation model of all land between 60 degrees north latitude and 56 degrees south latitude, using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) techniques. The SRTM data are distributed at horizontal resolution of 1 arc-second (similar to 30m) for areas within the USA and at 3 arc-second (similar to 90m) resolution for the rest of the world. A resolution of 90m can be considered suitable for the small or medium-scale analysis, but it is too coarse for more detailed purposes. One alternative is to interpolate the SRTM data at a finer resolution; it will not increase the level of detail of the original digital elevation model (DEM), but it will lead to a surface where there is the coherence of angular properties (i.e. slope, aspect) between neighbouring pixels, which is an important characteristic when dealing with terrain analysis. This work intents to show how the proper adjustment of variogram and kriging parameters, namely the nugget effect and the maximum distance within which values are used in interpolation, can be set to achieve quality results on resampling SRTM data from 3"" to 1"". We present for a test area in western USA, which includes different adjustment schemes (changes in nugget effect value and in the interpolation radius) and comparisons with the original 1"" model of the area, with the national elevation dataset (NED) DEMs, and with other interpolation methods (splines and inverse distance weighted (IDW)). The basic concepts for using kriging to resample terrain data are: (i) working only with the immediate neighbourhood of the predicted point, due to the high spatial correlation of the topographic surface and omnidirectional behaviour of variogram in short distances; (ii) adding a very small random variation to the coordinates of the points prior to interpolation, to avoid punctual artifacts generated by predicted points with the same location than original data points and; (iii) using a small value of nugget effect, to avoid smoothing that can obliterate terrain features. Drainages derived from the surfaces interpolated by kriging and by splines have a good agreement with streams derived from the 1"" NED, with correct identification of watersheds, even though a few differences occur in the positions of some rivers in flat areas. Although the 1"" surfaces resampled by kriging and splines are very similar, we consider the results produced by kriging as superior, since the spline-interpolated surface still presented some noise and linear artifacts, which were removed by kriging.


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以黄土丘陵沟壑第三副区的藉河流域为研究区,根据65个实测点数据,采用普通克里格法、反距离权重法、样条函数法等插值方法,分析了测点数量变化、栅格像元尺寸变化及插值方法的差异对土壤稳定入渗速率空间插值结果的影响,剖析了空间插值中的不确定性。结果表明:(1)参与插值站点越多,所得插值结果不确定性越小;(2)像元尺寸在25~800 m间变化对土壤稳定入渗速率的插值结果影响微弱;(3)不同插值方法对插值结果的精度影响较大,说明插值方法的差异对插值结果的不确定性有较大影响。


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At present the main object of the exploration and development (E&D) of oil and gas is not the structural oil-gas pools but the subtle lithological oil-gas reservoir. Since the last 90's, the ratio of this kind of pools in newly-added oil reserves is becoming larger and larger, so is the ratio in the eastern oilfields. The third oil-gas resource evaluation indicates the main exploration object of Jiyang depression is the lithological oil-gas pools in future. However, lack of effective methods that are applied to search for this kind of pool makes E&D difficult and the cost high. In view of the urgent demand of E&D, in this paper we deeply study and analyze the theory and application in which the seismic attributes are used to predict and describe lithological oil-gas reservoirs. The great results are obtained by making full use of abundant physics and reservoir information as well as the remarkable lateral continuity involved in seismic data in combination with well logging, drilling-well and geology. ①Based on a great deal of research and different geological features of Shengli oilfield, the great progresses are made some theories and methods of seismic reservoir prediction and description. Three kinds of extrapolation near well seismic wavelet methods-inverse distance interpolation, phase interpolation and pseudo well reflectivity-are improved; particularly, in sparse well area the method of getting pseudo well reflectivity is given by the application of the wavelet theory. The formulae for seismic attributes and coherent volumes are derived theoretically, and the optimal method of seismic attributes and improved algorithms of picking up coherent data volumes are put forward. The method of making sequence analysis on seismic data is put forward and derived in which the wavelet transform is used to analyze not only qualitatively but also quantitatively seismic characteristics of reservoirs.② According to geologic model and seismic forward simulation, from macro to micro, the method of pre- and post-stack data synthetic analysis and application is put forward using seismic in close combination with geology; particularly, based on making full use of post-stack seismic data, "green food"-pre-stack seismic data is as possible as utilized. ③ In this paper, the formative law and distributing characteristic of lithologic oil-gas pools of the Tertiary in Jiyang depression, the knowledge of geological geophysics and the feasibility of all sorts of seismic methods, and the applied knowledge of seismic data and the geophysical mechanism of oil-gas reservoirs are studied. Therefore a series of perfect seismic technique and software are completed that fit to E&D of different categories of lithologic oil-gas reservoirs. ④ This achievement is different from other new seismic methods that are put forward in the recent years, that is multi-wave multi-component seismic, cross hole seismic, vertical seismic, and time-lapse seismic etc. that need the reacquisition of seismic data to predict and describe the oil-gas reservoir. The method in this paper is based on the conventional 2D/3D seismic data, so the cost falls sharply. ⑤ In recent years this technique that predict and describe lithologic oil-gas reservoirs by seismic information has been applied in E&D of lithologic oil-gas reservoirs on glutenite fans in abrupt slop and turbidite fans in front of abrup slop, slump turbidite fans in front of delta, turbidite fans with channel in low slope and channel sanbody, and a encouraging geologic result has been gained. This achievement indicates that the application of seismic information is one of the most effective ways in solving the present problem of E&D. This technique is significant in the application and popularization, and positive on increasing reserves and raising production as well as stable development in Shengli oilfield. And it will be directive to E&D of some similar reservoirs


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This paper presents semiparametric estimators of changes in inequality measures of a dependent variable distribution taking into account the possible changes on the distributions of covariates. When we do not impose parametric assumptions on the conditional distribution of the dependent variable given covariates, this problem becomes equivalent to estimation of distributional impacts of interventions (treatment) when selection to the program is based on observable characteristics. The distributional impacts of a treatment will be calculated as differences in inequality measures of the potential outcomes of receiving and not receiving the treatment. These differences are called here Inequality Treatment Effects (ITE). The estimation procedure involves a first non-parametric step in which the probability of receiving treatment given covariates, the propensity-score, is estimated. Using the inverse probability weighting method to estimate parameters of the marginal distribution of potential outcomes, in the second step weighted sample versions of inequality measures are computed. Root-N consistency, asymptotic normality and semiparametric efficiency are shown for the semiparametric estimators proposed. A Monte Carlo exercise is performed to investigate the behavior in finite samples of the estimator derived in the paper. We also apply our method to the evaluation of a job training program.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi analizar a distribuição espacial da compactação do solo e a influência da umidade do solo na resistência à penetração. Esta última variável foi descrita pelo índice de cone. O solo estudado foi Nitossolo e os dados de índice de cone foram obtidos usando um penetrômetro. A resistência do solo foi avaliada a 5 profundidades diferentes, 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm, 30-40 cm e mais de 40 cm, porém o conteúdo de umidade do solo foi medido a 0-20 cm e 20-40 cm. As condições hídricas do solo variaram nas diferentes amostragems. Os coeficientes de variação para o índice de cone foram 16,5% a 45,8% e os do conteúdo de umidade do solo variaram entre 8,96% e 21,38%. Os resultados sugeriram elevada correlação entre a resistência do solo, estimada pelo índice de cone e a profundidade do solo. Sem embargo, a relação esperada com a umidade do solo não foi apreciada. Observou-se dependência espacial em 31 de 35 séries de dados de índice de cone e umidade do solo. Esta dependência foi ajustada por modelos exponenciais com efeito pepita variável de 0 a 90% o valor do patamar. em séries de dados o comportamento foi aleatório. Portanto, a técnica das distâncias inversas foi utilizada para cartografar a distribuição das variáveis que não tiveram estrutura espacial. Na krigagem constatou-se uma suavização dos mapas comparados com esses das distâncias inversas. A krigagem indicadora foi utilizada para cartografar a variabilidade espacial do índice de cone e recomendar melhor manejo do solo.


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Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are numerical representations of a portion of the earth surface. Among several factors which affect the quality of a DEM, it should be emphasized the attention on the input data and the choice of the interpolating algorithm. On the other hand, several numerical models are used nowadays to characterize nearshore hydrodynamics and morphological changes in coastal areas, whose validation is based on field data collection. Independent on the complexity of the physical processes which are modeled, little attention has been given to the intrinsic bathymetric interpolation built within the numerical models of the specific application. Therefore, this study aims to investigate and to quantify the influence of the bathymetry, as obtained by a DEM, on the hydrodynamic circulation model at a coastal stretch, off the coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil. This coastal region is characterized by strong hydrodynamic and littoral processes, resulting in a very dynamic morphology with shallow coastal bathymetry. Important economic activities, such as oil exploitation and production, fisheries, salt ponds, shrimp farms and tourism, also bring impacts upon the local ecosystems and influence themselves the local hydrodynamics. This fact makes the region one of the most important for the development of the State, but also enhances the possibility of serious environmental accidents. As a hydrodynamic model, SisBaHiA® - Environmental Hydrodynamics System ( Sistema Básico de Hidrodinâmica Ambiental ) was chosen, for it has been successfully employed at several locations along the Brazilian coast. This model was developed at the Coastal and Oceanographical Engineering Group of the Ocean Engineering Program at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Several interpolating methods were tested for the construction of the DEM, namely Natural Neighbor, Kriging, Triangulation with Linear Interpolation, Inverse Distance to a Power, Nearest Neighbor, and Minimum Curvature, all implemented within the software Surfer®. The bathymetry which was used as reference for the DEM was obtained from nautical charts provided by the Brazilian Hydrographic Service of the Brazilian Navy and from a field survey conducted in 2005. Changes in flow velocity and free surface elevation were evaluated under three aspects: a spatial vision along three profiles perpendicular to the coast and one profile longitudinal to the coast as shown; a temporal vision from three central nodes of the grid during 30 days; a hodograph analysis of components of speed in U and V, by different tidal cycles. Small, but negligible, variations in sea surface elevation were identified. However, the differences in flow and direction of velocities were significant, depending on the DEM