747 resultados para Inverse fuzzy languages
This thesis comprises five chapters including the introductory chapter. This includes a brief introduction and basic definitions of fuzzy set theory and its applications, semigroup action on sets, finite semigroup theory, its application in automata theory along with references which are used in this thesis. In the second chapter we defined an S-fuzzy subset of X with the extension of the notion of semigroup action of S on X to semigroup action of S on to a fuzzy subset of X using Zadeh's maximal extension principal and proved some results based on this. We also defined an S-fuzzy morphism between two S-fuzzy subsets of X and they together form a category S FSETX. Some general properties and special objects in this category are studied and finally proved that S SET and S FSET are categorically equivalent. Further we tried to generalize this concept to the action of a fuzzy semigroup on fuzzy subsets. As an application, using the above idea, we convert a _nite state automaton to a finite fuzzy state automaton. A classical automata determine whether a word is accepted by the automaton where as a _nite fuzzy state automaton determine the degree of acceptance of the word by the automaton. 1.5. Summary of the Thesis 17 In the third chapter we de_ne regular and inverse fuzzy automata, its construction, and prove that the corresponding transition monoids are regular and inverse monoids respectively. The languages accepted by an inverse fuzzy automata is an inverse fuzzy language and we give a characterization of an inverse fuzzy language. We study some of its algebraic properties and prove that the collection IFL on an alphabet does not form a variety since it is not closed under inverse homomorphic images. We also prove some results based on the fact that a semigroup is inverse if and only if idempotents commute and every L-class or R-class contains a unique idempotent. Fourth chapter includes a study of the structure of the automorphism group of a deterministic faithful inverse fuzzy automaton and prove that it is equal to a subgroup of the inverse monoid of all one-one partial fuzzy transformations on the state set. In the fifth chapter we define min-weighted and max-weighted power automata study some of its algebraic properties and prove that a fuzzy automaton and the fuzzy power automata associated with it have the same transition monoids. The thesis ends with a conclusion of the work done and the scope of further study.
En el trabajo que aquí presentamos se incluye la base teórica (sintaxis y semántica) y una implementación de un framework para codificar el razonamiento de la representación difusa o borrosa del mundo (tal y como nosotros, seres humanos, entendemos éste). El interés en la realización de éste trabajo parte de dos fuentes: eliminar la complejidad existente cuando se realiza una implementación con un lenguaje de programación de los llamados de propósito general y proporcionar una herramienta lo suficientemente inteligente para dar respuestas de forma constructiva a consultas difusas o borrosas. El framework, RFuzzy, permite codificar reglas y consultas en una sintaxis muy cercana al lenguaje natural usado por los seres humanos para expresar sus pensamientos, pero es bastante más que eso. Permite representar conceptos muy interesantes, como fuzzificaciones (funciones usadas para convertir conceptos no difusos en difusos), valores por defecto (que se usan para devolver resultados un poco menos válidos que los que devolveríamos si tuviésemos la información necesaria para calcular los más válidos), similaridad entre atributos (característica que utilizamos para buscar aquellos individuos en la base de datos con una característica similar a la buscada), sinónimos o antónimos y, además, nos permite extender el numero de conectivas y modificadores (incluyendo modificadores de negación) que podemos usar en las reglas y consultas. La personalización de la definición de conceptos difusos (muy útil para lidiar con el carácter subjetivo de los conceptos borrosos, donde nos encontramos con que cualificar a alguien de “alto” depende de la altura de la persona que cualifica) es otra de las facilidades incluida. Además, RFuzzy implementa la semántica multi-adjunta. El interés en esta reside en que introduce la posibilidad de obtener la credibilidad de una regla a partir de un conjunto de datos y una regla dada y no solo el grado de satisfacción de una regla a partir de el universo modelado en nuestro programa. De esa forma podemos obtener automáticamente la credibilidad de una regla para una determinada situación. Aún cuando la contribución teórica de la tesis es interesante en si misma, especialmente la inclusión del modificador de negacion, sus multiples usos practicos lo son también. Entre los diferentes usos que se han dado al framework destacamos el reconocimiento de emociones, el control de robots, el control granular en computacion paralela/distribuída y las busquedas difusas o borrosas en bases de datos. ABSTRACT In this work we provide a theoretical basis (syntax and semantics) and a practical implementation of a framework for encoding the reasoning and the fuzzy representation of the world (as human beings understand it). The interest for this work comes from two sources: removing the existing complexity when doing it with a general purpose programming language (one developed without focusing in providing special constructions for representing fuzzy information) and providing a tool intelligent enough to answer, in a constructive way, expressive queries over conventional data. The framework, RFuzzy, allows to encode rules and queries in a syntax very close to the natural language used by human beings to express their thoughts, but it is more than that. It allows to encode very interesting concepts, as fuzzifications (functions to easily fuzzify crisp concepts), default values (used for providing results less adequate but still valid when the information needed to provide results is missing), similarity between attributes (used to search for individuals with a characteristic similar to the one we are looking for), synonyms or antonyms and it allows to extend the number of connectives and modifiers (even negation) we can use in the rules. The personalization of the definition of fuzzy concepts (very useful for dealing with the subjective character of fuzziness, in which a concept like tall depends on the height of the person performing the query) is another of the facilities included. Besides, RFuzzy implements the multi-adjoint semantics. The interest in them is that in addition to obtaining the grade of satisfaction of a consequent from a rule, its credibility and the grade of satisfaction of the antecedents we can determine from a set of data how much credibility we must assign to a rule to model the behaviour of the set of data. So, we can determine automatically the credibility of a rule for a particular situation. Although the theoretical contribution is interesting by itself, specially the inclusion of the negation modifier, the practical usage of it is equally important. Between the different uses given to the framework we highlight emotion recognition, robocup control, granularity control in parallel/distributed computing and flexible searches in databases.
In voice and alignment typology, a categorical distinction is generally made between inverse systems on the one hand and symmetrical voice systems on the other. A major reason for distinguishing between these two types is the assumption that inverse systems are governed by a hierarchy involving grammatical, semantic, and ontological criteria, while symmetrical voice systems are based on discourse-pragmatic factors. However, the two types also have several important properties in common, in particular the fact that they have more than one nonderived transitive construction. Based on data from three native languages of South America, we show that the line between the two types is not always easy to draw, and that features of the inverse type can coexist with those of the symmetrical-voice type in the same language.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
The thesis presents results obtained during the authors PhD-studies. First systems of language equations of a simple form consisting of just two equations are proved to be computationally universal. These are systems over unary alphabet, that are seen as systems of equations over natural numbers. The systems contain only an equation X+A=B and an equation X+X+C=X+X+D, where A, B, C and D are eventually periodic constants. It is proved that for every recursive set S there exists natural numbers p and d, and eventually periodic sets A, B, C and D such that a number n is in S if and only if np+d is in the unique solution of the abovementioned system of two equations, so all recursive sets can be represented in an encoded form. It is also proved that all recursive sets cannot be represented as they are, so the encoding is really needed. Furthermore, it is proved that the family of languages generated by Boolean grammars is closed under injective gsm-mappings and inverse gsm-mappings. The arguments apply also for the families of unambiguous Boolean languages, conjunctive languages and unambiguous languages. Finally, characterizations for morphisims preserving subfamilies of context-free languages are presented. It is shown that the families of deterministic and LL context-free languages are closed under codes if and only if they are of bounded deciphering delay. These families are also closed under non-codes, if they map every letter into a submonoid generated by a single word. The family of unambiguous context-free languages is closed under all codes and under the same non-codes as the families of deterministic and LL context-free languages.
Infrared polarization and intensity imagery provide complementary and discriminative information in image understanding and interpretation. In this paper, a novel fusion method is proposed by effectively merging the information with various combination rules. It makes use of both low-frequency and highfrequency images components from support value transform (SVT), and applies fuzzy logic in the combination process. Images (both infrared polarization and intensity images) to be fused are firstly decomposed into low-frequency component images and support value image sequences by the SVT. Then the low-frequency component images are combined using a fuzzy combination rule blending three sub-combination methods of (1) region feature maximum, (2) region feature weighting average, and (3) pixel value maximum; and the support value image sequences are merged using a fuzzy combination rule fusing two sub-combination methods of (1) pixel energy maximum and (2) region feature weighting. With the variables of two newly defined features, i.e. the low-frequency difference feature for low-frequency component images and the support-value difference feature for support value image sequences, trapezoidal membership functions are proposed and developed in tuning the fuzzy fusion process. Finally the fused image is obtained by inverse SVT operations. Experimental results of visual inspection and quantitative evaluation both indicate the superiority of the proposed method to its counterparts in image fusion of infrared polarization and intensity images.
In the literature there are several proposals of fuzzi cation of lattices and ideals concepts. Chon in (Korean J. Math 17 (2009), No. 4, 361-374), using the notion of fuzzy order relation de ned by Zadeh, introduced a new notion of fuzzy lattice and studied the level sets of fuzzy lattices, but did not de ne a notion of fuzzy ideals for this type of fuzzy lattice. In this thesis, using the fuzzy lattices de ned by Chon, we de ne fuzzy homomorphism between fuzzy lattices, the operations of product, collapsed sum, lifting, opposite, interval and intuitionistic on bounded fuzzy lattices. They are conceived as extensions of their analogous operations on the classical theory by using this de nition of fuzzy lattices and introduce new results from these operators. In addition, we de ne ideals and lters of fuzzy lattices and concepts in the same way as in their characterization in terms of level and support sets. One of the results found here is the connection among ideals, supports and level sets. The reader will also nd the de nition of some kinds of ideals and lters as well as some results with respect to the intersection among their families. Moreover, we introduce a new notion of fuzzy ideals and fuzzy lters for fuzzy lattices de ned by Chon. We de ne types of fuzzy ideals and fuzzy lters that generalize usual types of ideals and lters of lattices, such as principal ideals, proper ideals, prime ideals and maximal ideals. The main idea is verifying that analogous properties in the classical theory on lattices are maintained in this new theory of fuzzy ideals. We also de ne, a fuzzy homomorphism h from fuzzy lattices L and M and prove some results involving fuzzy homomorphism and fuzzy ideals as if h is a fuzzy monomorphism and the fuzzy image of a fuzzy set ~h(I) is a fuzzy ideal, then I is a fuzzy ideal. Similarly, we prove for proper, prime and maximal fuzzy ideals. Finally, we prove that h is a fuzzy homomorphism from fuzzy lattices L into M if the inverse image of all principal fuzzy ideals of M is a fuzzy ideal of L. Lastly, we introduce the notion of -ideals and - lters of fuzzy lattices and characterize it by using its support and its level set. Moreover, we prove some similar properties in the classical theory of - ideals and - lters, such as, the class of -ideals and - lters are closed under intersection. We also de ne fuzzy -ideals of fuzzy lattices, some properties analogous to the classical theory are also proved and characterize a fuzzy -ideal on operation of product between bounded fuzzy lattices L and M and prove some results.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this paper, we axiomatically introduce fuzzy multi-measures on bounded lattices. In particular, we make a distinction between four different types of fuzzy set multi-measures on a universe X, considering both the usual or inverse real number ordering of this lattice and increasing or decreasing monotonicity with respect to the number of arguments. We provide results from which we can derive families of measures that hold for the applicable conditions in each case.
This paper proposes a novel application of fuzzy logic to web data mining for two basic problems of a website: popularity and satisfaction. Popularity means that people will visit the website while satisfaction refers to the usefulness of the site. We will illustrate that the popularity of a website is a fuzzy logic problem. It is an important characteristic of a website in order to survive in Internet commerce. The satisfaction of a website is also a fuzzy logic problem that represents the degree of success in the application of information technology to the business. We propose a framework of fuzzy logic for the representation of these two problems based on web data mining techniques to fuzzify the attributes of a website.
This paper presents a novel intonation modelling approach and demonstrates its applicability using the Standard Yorùbá language. Our approach is motivated by the theory that abstract and realised forms of intonation and other dimensions of prosody should be modelled within a modular and unified framework. In our model, this framework is implemented using the Relational Tree (R-Tree) technique. The R-Tree is a sophisticated data structure for representing a multi-dimensional waveform in the form of a tree. Our R-Tree for an utterance is generated in two steps. First, the abstract structure of the waveform, called the Skeletal Tree (S-Tree), is generated using tone phonological rules for the target language. Second, the numerical values of the perceptually significant peaks and valleys on the S-Tree are computed using a fuzzy logic based model. The resulting points are then joined by applying interpolation techniques. The actual intonation contour is synthesised by Pitch Synchronous Overlap Technique (PSOLA) using the Praat software. We performed both quantitative and qualitative evaluations of our model. The preliminary results suggest that, although the model does not predict the numerical speech data as accurately as contemporary data-driven approaches, it produces synthetic speech with comparable intelligibility and naturalness. Furthermore, our model is easy to implement, interpret and adapt to other tone languages.
fuzzySim is an R package for calculating fuzzy similarity in species occurrence patterns. It includes functions for data preparation, such as converting species lists (long format) to presence-absence tables (wide format), obtaining unique abbreviations of species names, or transposing (parts of) complex data frames; and sample data sets for providing practical examples. It can convert binary presence-absence to fuzzy occurrence data, using e.g. trend surface analysis, inverse distance interpolation or prevalence-independent environmental favourability modelling, for multiple species simultaneously. It then calculates fuzzy similarity among (fuzzy) species distributions and/or among (fuzzy) regional species compositions. Currently available similarity indices are Jaccard, Sørensen, Simpson, and Baroni-Urbani & Buser.
This work proposes to adjust the Notification Oriented Paradigm (NOP) so that it provides support to fuzzy concepts. NOP is inspired by elements of imperative and declarative paradigms, seeking to solve some of the drawbacks of both. By decomposing an application into a network of smaller computational entities that are executed only when necessary, NOP eliminates the need to perform unnecessary computations and helps to achieve better logical-causal uncoupling, facilitating code reuse and application distribution over multiple processors or machines. In addition, NOP allows to express the logical-causal knowledge at a high level of abstraction, through rules in IF-THEN format. Fuzzy systems, in turn, perform logical inferences on causal knowledge bases (IF-THEN rules) that can deal with problems involving uncertainty. Since PON uses IF-THEN rules in an alternative way, reducing redundant evaluations and providing better decoupling, this research has been carried out to identify, propose and evaluate the necessary changes to be made on NOP allowing to be used in the development of fuzzy systems. After that, two fully usable materializations were created: a C++ framework, and a complete programming language (LingPONFuzzy) that provide support to fuzzy inference systems. From there study cases have been created and several tests cases were conducted, in order to validate the proposed solution. The test results have shown a significant reduction in the number of rules evaluated in comparison to a fuzzy system developed using conventional tools (frameworks), which could represent an improvement in performance of the applications.
In this paper, we present a fuzzy approach to the Reed-Frost model for epidemic spreading taking into account uncertainties in the diagnostic of the infection. The heterogeneities in the infected group is based on the clinical signals of the individuals (symptoms, laboratorial exams, medical findings, etc.), which are incorporated into the dynamic of the epidemic. The infectivity level is time-varying and the classification of the individuals is performed through fuzzy relations. Simulations considering a real problem with data of the viral epidemic in a children daycare are performed and the results are compared with a stochastic Reed-Frost generalization
The power transformer is a piece of electrical equipment that needs continuous monitoring and fast protection since it is very expensive and an essential element for a power system to perform effectively. The most common protection technique used is the percentage differential logic, which provides discrimination between an internal fault and different operating conditions. Unfortunately, there are some operating conditions of power transformers that can affect the protection behavior and the power system stability. This paper proposes the development of a new algorithm to improve the differential protection performance by using fuzzy logic and Clarke`s transform. An electrical power system was modeled using Alternative Transients Program (ATP) software to obtain the operational conditions and fault situations needed to test the algorithm developed. The results were compared to a commercial relay for validation, showing the advantages of the new method.