404 resultados para Intuition.


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Nationally, there is much legislation regulating land sale transactions, particularly in relation to seller disclosure of information. The statutes require strict compliance by a seller failing which, in general, a buyer can terminate the contract. In a number of instances, when buyers have sought to exercise these rights, sellers have alleged that buyers have either expressly or by conduct waived their rights to rely upon these statutes. This article examines the nature of these rights in this context, whether they are capable of waiver and, if so, what words or conduct might be sufficient to amount to waiver. The analysis finds that the law is in a very unsatisfactory state, that the operation of those rules that can be identified as having relevance are unevenly applied and concludes that sellers have, in the main, been unsuccessful in defeating buyers' statutory rights as a result of an alleged waiver by those buyers.


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Réalisé au sein de l'IRCAM, en cotutelle avec Philippe Leroux. La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal.


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Diese wissenschaftliche Examensarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, welche Rolle die Intuition beim Mathematischen Modellieren spielt. Da bisher kaum Erkenntnisse zu diesem Thema in der Welt der Mathematik existieren, findet hierzu eine empirische Annäherung in Form von Befragungen, Beobachtungen und Interviews von einer Gruppe von Schülern und Schülerinnen an einer Schule statt. Der erste theoretische Ausarbeitungsteil wird die Frage beantworten, was unter Intuition zu verstehen ist und wie dieser Begriff einzuordnen ist. Im zweiten Theorieteil wird das Mathematische Modellieren erklärt. Hierzu wird ein kurzer Überblick über die Aspekte der Begriffserklärung, des Prozesses und der Entwicklung von Aufgaben beim Mathematischen Modellieren gegeben. Dies soll dazu führen, dass sich der Leser/ die Leserin unter dem Mathematischen Modellieren und deren Bedeutung in der Welt der Mathematik etwas vorstellen kann. Im dritten Theorieteil werden die bisherigen empirischen Erkenntnisse im Bereich der Mathematik und der Intuition vorgestellt. Seitens des Mathematischen Modellierens kann lediglich auf eine empirische Quelle eingegangen werden, da die Intuition in diesem Bereich bisher kaum untersucht wurde. Im zweiten Kapitel dieser Arbeit werden die methodologischen und methodischen Grundlagen der empirischen Annäherung dargestellt. Innerhalb dieses Kapitels sind auch die von mir entwickelten und eingesetzten Fragebögen, die Fragen des Leitfadeninterviews und die Modellierungs-aufgaben samt ihrer stoffdidaktischen Analyse zu finden. Des Weiteren befindet sich hier der Zeitplan der Untersuchung und die Darstellung über die von mir verwendeten Auswertungsmethoden der empirischen Annäherung. Das dritte Kapitel gibt einen Überblick über meine gewonnenen Ergebnis-se und geht speziell auf die von mir aufgestellten Hypothesengenerierungen ein. Des Weiteren wird an Hand eines Fallbeispieles mein Vorgehen bei der Datenauswertung exemplarisch und detailliert erläutert. Im letzten Kapitel dieser wissenschaftlichen Examensarbeit findet eine Zusammenfassung aller wichtigen Erkenntnisse statt. Hier wird auch erklärt, ob Intuition beim Mathematischen Modellieren erkennbar ist oder nicht. Wenn ja, welche Rolle die Intuition beim Mathematischen Modellieren spielt und wie sich die Intuition beim Mathematischen Modellieren erkennen lässt. Darüber hinaus werden Perspektiven für eine mögliche vertiefende Untersuchung aufgezeigt.


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The study of intuition is an emerging area of research in psychology, social sciences, and business studies. It is increasingly of interest to the study of management, for example in decision-making as a counterpoint to structured approaches. Recently work has been undertaken to conceptualize a construct for the intuitive nature of technology. However to-date there is no common under-standing of the term intuition in information systems (IS) research. This paper extends the study of intuition in IS research by using exploratory research to cate-gorize the use of the word “intuition and related terms in papers published in two prominent IS journals over a ten year period. The entire text of MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research was reviewed for the years 1999 through 2008 using searchable PDF versions of these publications. As far as could be deter-mined, this is the first application of this approach in the analysis of the text of IS academic journals. The use of the word “intuition and related terms was catego-rized using coding consistent with Grounded Theory. The focus of this research was on the first two stages of Grounded Theory analysis - the development of codes and constructs. Saturation of coding was not reached: an extended review of these publications would be required to enable theory development. Over 400 incidents of the use of “intuition, and related terms were found in the articles reviewed. The most prominent use of the term of “intuition was coded as “Intui-tion as Authority” in which intuition was used to validate a research objective or finding; representing approximately 37 per cent of codes assigned. The second most common coding occurred in research articles with mathematical analysis, representing about 19 per cent of the codes assigned, for example where a ma-thematical formulation or result was “intuitive”. The possibly most impactful use of the term “intuition was “Intuition as Outcome”, representing approximately 7 per cent of all coding, which characterized research results as adding to the intui-tive understanding of a research topic or phenomena. This research contributes to a greater theoretical understanding of intuition enabling insight into the use of intuition, and the eventual development of a theory on the use of intuition in academic IS research publications. It also provides potential benefits to practi-tioners by providing insight into and validation of the use of intuition in IS man-agement. Research directions include the creation of reflective and/or formative constructs for intuition in information systems research.


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Intuition is an important and under-researched concept in information systems. Prior exploratory research has shown that that there is potential to characterize the use of intuition in academic information systems research. This paper extends this research to all of the available issues of two leading IS journals with the aim of reaching an approximation of theoretical saturation. Specifically, the entire text of MISQ and ISR was reviewed for the years 1990 through 2009 using searchable PDF versions of these publications. All references to intuition were coded on a basis consistent with Grounded Theory, interpreted as a gestalt and represented as a mind-map. In the period 1990-2009, 681 incidents of the use of "intuition", and related terms were found in the articles reviewed, representing a greater range of codes than prior research. In addition, codes were assigned to all issues of MIS Quarterly from commencement of publication to the end of the 2012 publication year to support the conjecture that coding saturation has been approximated. The most prominent use of the term of "intuition" was coded as "Intuition as Authority" in which intuition was used to validate a statement, research objective or a finding; representing approximately 34 per cent of codes assigned. In research articles where mathematical analysis was presented, researchers not infrequently commented on the degree to which a mathematical formulation was "intuitive"; this was the second most common coding representing approximately 16 per cent of the codes. The possibly most impactful use of the term "intuition" was "Intuition as Outcome", representing approximately 7 per cent of all coding, which characterized research results as adding to the intuitive understanding of a research topic or phenomena.This research aims to contribute to a greater theoretical understanding of the use of intuition in academic IS research publications. It provides potential benefits to practitioners by providing insight into the use of intuition in IS management, for example, emphasizing the emerging importance of "intuitive technology". Research directions include the creation of reflective and/or formative constructs for intuition in information systems research and the expansion of this novel research method to additional IS academic publications and topics.


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Recent decades have seen a surge in interest in metaphilosophy. In particular there has been an interest in philosophical methodology. Various questions have been asked about philosophical methods. Are our methods any good? Can we improve upon them? Prior to such evaluative and ameliorative concerns, however, is the matter of what methods philosophers actually use. Worryingly, our understanding of philosophical methodology is impoverished in various respects. This article considers one particular respect in which we seem to be missing an important part of the picture. While it is a received wisdom that the word “intuition has exploded across analytic philosophy in recent decades, the article presents evidence that the explosion is apparent across a broad swathe of academia (and perhaps beyond). It notes various implications for current methodological debates about the role of intuitions in philosophy.


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