957 resultados para Intravenous formulation
Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography procedures were developed for the analysis of pyrimidine-based drugs bropirimine and its derivatives (2-N-acetyl- and 2-N-propanoyl-) and for pyrimethamine and its 2/4- substituted derivatives (2, N-propanoyl and 2,4-N, N-dipropanoyl-) and its 6- substituted (methyl-, ethyl-, propyl- and isopropyl- carboxylates) analogues. Stability studies indicated that these derivatives were not sufficiently labile to act as potential prodrugs. Solubility-pH profiles were constructed from which the dissociation constants were calculated. The physicochemical properties of these compounds were studied and attempts were made to increase the poor aqueous solubility of bropirimine (35μg/mL) by prodrug synthesis, solvate formation (acetic acid, N, N-dimethylformamide and N-methylformamide) and the use of co-solvents and additives. The first two methods proved to be fruitless whereas the latter method resulted in an intravenous formulation incorporating 32mg/mL of bropirimine. An in-vitro method for the detection of precipitation was developed and the results suggested that by using low injection rates (< 0.24mL/min) and high mobile phase flow rates (> 500mL/hr) precipitation could be minimised. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that bropirimine debrominates in the presence of a number of additives commonly used in formulation work but the temperature at which this occurred were usually > 200oC. In-vitro work gave encouraging results for the possibility of rectal delivery of bropirimine but in-vivo work on rabbits showed considerable variations in the resulting plasma levels and pharmacokinetic parameters.
Poster presented at the 44th ESCP Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy. Lisbon, 28-30 October 2015
Malgré le progrès technologique et nos connaissances pharmaceutiques et médicales croissantes, le développement du médicament demeure un processus difficile, dispendieux, long et très risqué. Ce processus mérite d'être amélioré pour faciliter le développement de nouveaux traitements. À cette fin, cette thèse vise à démontrer l’utilité de principes avancés et d’outils élaborés en pharmacocinétique (PK), actuels et nouveaux. Ces outils serviront à répondre efficacement à des questions importantes lors du développement d’un médicament, sauvant ainsi du temps et des coûts. Le premier volet de la thèse porte sur l’utilisation de la modélisation et des simulations et la création d’un nouveau modèle afin d’établir la bioéquivalence entre deux formulations de complexe de gluconate ferrique de sodium en solution de sucrose pour injection. Comparé aux méthodes courantes, cette nouvelle approche proposée se libère de plusieurs présuppositions, et requiert moins de données. Cette technique bénéficie d’une robustesse scientifique tout en étant associée à des économies de temps et de coûts. Donc, même si développé pour produits génériques, elle pourra également s’avérer utile dans le développement de molécules innovatrices et « biosimilaires ». Le deuxième volet décrit l’emploi de la modélisation pour mieux comprendre et quantifier les facteurs influençant la PK et la pharmacodynamie (PD) d’une nouvelle protéine thérapeutique, la pegloticase. L’analyse a démontré qu’aucun ajustement posologique n’était nécessaire et ces résultats sont inclus dans la monographie officielle du produit. Grâce à la modélisation, on pouvait répondre à des questions importantes concernant le dosage d’un médicament sans passer par des nouvelles études ni d'évaluations supplémentaires sur les patients. Donc, l’utilisation de cet outil a permis de réduire les dépenses sans prolonger le processus de développement. Le modèle développé dans le cadre de cette analyse pourrait servir à mieux comprendre d’autres protéines thérapeutiques, incluant leurs propriétés immunogènes. Le dernier volet démontre l’utilité de la modélisation et des simulations dans le choix des régimes posologiques d’un antibiotique (TP-434) pour une étude de Phase 2. Des données provenant d’études de Phase 1 ont été modélisées au fur et à mesure qu’elles devenaient disponibles, afin de construire un modèle décrivant le profil pharmacocinétique du TP-434. Ce processus de modélisation exemplifiait les cycles exploratoires et confirmatoires décrits par Sheiner. Ainsi, en se basant sur des relations PK/PD d’un antibiotique de classe identique, des simulations ont été effectuées avec le modèle PK final, afin de proposer de nouveaux régimes posologiques susceptibles d’être efficace chez les patients avant même d'effectuer des études. Cette démarche rationnelle a mené à l’utilisation de régimes posologiques avec une possibilité accrue d’efficacité, sans le dosage inutile des patients. Ainsi, on s’est dispensé d’études ou de cohortes supplémentaires coûteuses qui auraient prolongé le processus de développement. Enfin, cette analyse est la première à démontrer l’application de ces techniques dans le choix des doses d’antibiotique pour une étude de Phase 2. En conclusion, cette recherche démontre que des outils de PK avancés comme la modélisation et les simulations ainsi que le développement de nouveaux modèles peuvent répondre efficacement et souvent de manière plus robuste à des questions essentielles lors du processus de développement du médicament, tout en réduisant les coûts et en épargnant du temps.
The increasing use of nanotechnologies in advanced therapies has allowed the observation of specific adverse reactions related to nanostructures. The toxicity of a novel liposome formulation of meglumine antimoniate in dogs with visceral leishmaniasis after single dose has been investigated. Groups of 12 animals received by the intravenous route a single dose of liposomal meglumine antimoniate (group I [GI], 6.5 mg Sb/kg), empty liposomes (GII) or isotonic saline (GIII). Evaluation of hematological and biochemical parameters showed no significant changes 4 days after administration. No undesired effects were registered in the GIII. However, adverse reactions were observed in 67.7% of dogs from both groups that received liposomal formulations. The side effects began moments after bolus administration and disappeared during the first 15 minutes after treatment. Prostation, sialorrhea and defecation were the most frequent clinical signs, registered in 33.3% and 41.6 % of animals from the groups GI and GII, respectively. Tachypnea, mydriasis, miosis, vomiting and cyanosis were also registered in both groups. The adverse reactions observed in this study were attributed to the activation of the complement system by lipid vesicles in a phenomenon known as Complement Activation-Related Pseudoallergy (CARPA). The influence of the physical-chemical characteristics of liposomal formulation in the triggering of CARPA is discussed.
Oral iron substitution has shown to be insufficient for treatment of severe iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy. Ferric carboxymaltose is a new intravenous (i.v.) iron formulation promising to be more effective and as safe as iron sucrose. We aimed to assess side effects and tolerance of ferric carboxymaltose compared to i.v. iron sucrose in pregnant women.
Background To determine the pharmacokinetics (PK) of a new i.v. formulation of paracetamol (Perfalgan) in children ≤15 yr of age. Methods After obtaining written informed consent, children under 16 yr of age were recruited to this study. Blood samples were obtained at 0, 15, 30 min, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 h after administration of a weight-dependent dose of i.v. paracetamol. Paracetamol concentration was measured using a validated high-performance liquid chromatographic assay with ultraviolet detection method, with a lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) of 900 pg on column and an intra-day coefficient of variation of 14.3% at the LLOQ. Population PK analysis was performed by non-linear mixed-effect modelling using NONMEM. Results One hundred and fifty-nine blood samples from 33 children aged 1.8–15 yr, weight 13.7–56 kg, were analysed. Data were best described by a two-compartment model. Only body weight as a covariate significantly improved the goodness of fit of the model. The final population models for paracetamol clearance (CL), V1 (central volume of distribution), Q (inter-compartmental clearance), and V2 (peripheral volume of distribution) were: 16.51×(WT/70)0.75, 28.4×(WT/70), 11.32×(WT/70)0.75, and 13.26×(WT/70), respectively (CL, Q in litres per hour, WT in kilograms, and V1 and V2 in litres). Conclusions In children aged 1.8–15 yr, the PK parameters for i.v. paracetamol were not influenced directly by age but were by total body weight and, using allometric size scaling, significantly affected the clearances (CL, Q) and volumes of distribution (V1, V2).
Lawsonia inermis mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) and its efficacy against Candida albicans, Microsporum canis, Propioniabacterium acne and Trichophyton mentagrophytes is reported. A two-step mechanism has been proposed for bioreduction and formation of an intermediate complex leading to the synthesis of capped nanoparticles was developed. In addition, antimicrobial gel for M. canis and T. mentagrophytes was also formulated. Ag-NPs were synthesized by challenging the leaft extract of L. inermis with 1 mM AgNO₃. The Ag-NPs were characterized by Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nanoparticle tracking and analysis sytem (NTA) and zeta potential was measured to detect the size of Ag-NPs. The antimicrobial activity of Ag-NPs was evaluated by disc diffusion method against the test organisms. Thus these Ag-NPs may prove as a better candidate drug due to their biogenic nature. Moreover, Ag-NPs may be an answer to the drug-resistant microorganisms.
Nanorap is a new nanotechnological formulation for topical anesthesia composed of lidocaine (2.5%) and prilocaine (2.5%). The present study evaluated the pharmacokinetics (PK) of Nanorap. For the determination of lidocaine and prilocaine in human plasma a new method using high-performance liquid-chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry was developed. Nanorap pharmacodynamic (PD) and its physical proprieties were also evaluated. Nanorap was administered by topical application of 2g to healthy volunteers and blood samples were collected for the PK analysis. The drugs were extracted from plasma by liquid-liquid extraction with ether/hexane (80/20, v/v). The chromatography separation was performed on a Genesis C18 analytical column 4 µm (100 x 2.1 mm i.d.) with a mobile phase of methanol/acetonitrile/water (40/30/30, for lidocaine, and 50/30/20, for prilocaine, v/v/v) + 2 mM of ammonium acetate and ropivacaine as internal standard. The drugs were quantified using a mass spectrometer with an electrospray source in the ESI positive mode (ES+) configured for multiple reaction monitoring. The PD of Nanorap was evaluated with the use of a visual analogue scale. Nanorap was characterized by cryofracture. The chromatography run time was 5.5 min for lidocaine and 3.3 min for prilocaine and the lower limit of quantification was 0.05 ng/mL for both drugs. Mean Cmax was 6.62 and 1.72 ng/mL for lidocaine and prilocaine, respectively. Median Tmax was 6.5 hours for both drugs. Nanocapsules had a mean size of 88nm and mean drug association of 92.5% and 89% for lidocaine and prilocaine, respectively. The PD study showed that Nanorap has a sufficient analgesic effect (>30% reduction in pain) after 10 minutes of application. A new simple, selective and sensitive method for determination of lidocaine and prilocaine in human plasma was developed. Nanorap generated safe plasma levels of the drugs and satisfactory analgesic effect.
Didanosine-loaded chitosan microspheres were developed applying a surface-response methodology and using a modified Maximum Likelihood Classification. The operational conditions were optimized with the aim of maintaining the active form of didanosine (ddI), which is sensitive to acid pH, and to develop a modified and mucoadhesive formulation. The loading of the drug within the chitosan microspheres was carried out by ionotropic gelation technique with sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP) as cross-linking agent and magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) to assure the stability of ddI. The optimization conditions were set using a surface-response methodology and applying the Maximum Likelihood Classification, where the initial chitosan concentration, TPP and ddI concentration were set as the independent variables. The maximum ddI-loaded in microspheres (i.e. 1433mg of ddI/g chitosan), was obtained with 2% (w/v) chitosan and 10% TPP. The microspheres depicted an average diameter of 11.42μm and ddI was gradually released during 2h in simulated enteric fluid.
Use of cisplatin can induce type I hypersensitivity reactions that may also be linked to the quality of the drug utilized. We observed cases of hypersensitivity that appeared to be associated with the brand of cisplatin used. The aim of this study was to compare two different brands of cisplatin in relation to type I hypersensitivity reactions. Brand A was used in a tertiary care teaching hospital until 2012, and use of brand B started from January 2013, when the first hypersensitivity cases were observed. Patients were categorized based on symptom. Cisplatin of both brands was analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and high-resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-(+)-MS) and characterized according to US Pharmacopeia. There were no cases of hypersensitivity associated with the use of cisplatin brand A, whereas four of 127 outpatients that used cisplatin brand B were affected. The two brands were in accordance with the US Pharmacopeia parameters, and there was no significant difference in the total platinum levels between the two brands when analysed by HPLC. However, high-resolution ESI-(+)-MS analyses show that brand B contains approximately 2.7 times more hydrolysed cisplatin than brand A. The increase in the hydrolysed form of cisplatin found in brand B may be the cause of the hypersensitivity reaction observed in a subset of patients. We present the first study of the quality of drugs by high-resolution ESI-(+)-MS. Drug regulatory agencies and manufacturers should consider including measurement of hydrolysed cisplatin as a quality criterion for cisplatin formulations.
The possibility of using a graphite silicone-rubber composite electrode (GSR) in a differential pulse voltammetric(DPV) procedure for rutin (vitamin P) determination is described. Cyclic voltammograms of rutin presented a reversible pair of oxidation/reduction peaks respectively at 0.411 and 0.390 V (vs. SCE) at the GSR surface in Britton-Robinson(B-R) buffer solution pH 4.0. In DPV after optimization of conditions, an oxidation peak at 0.370 V (vs. SCE) was used to quantitative determination of rutin in B-R buffer solution pH 4.0. In this case a linear dynamic range of 5.0×10-8 to 50.0×10-8 mol L-1 was observed with a detection limit of 1.8×10-8 mol L-1 for the analyte. Recoveries from 94 to 113% were observed. The electrode surface was renewed by polishing after each determination, with a repeatability of 1.09 ± 0.06 µA (n = 10) peak current. Rutin was determined in a pharmaceutical formulation using the proposed electrode and the results agreed with those from an official method within 95% confidence level.
This work presents a fully non-linear finite element formulation for shell analysis comprising linear strain variation along the thickness of the shell and geometrically exact description for curved triangular elements. The developed formulation assumes positions and generalized unconstrained vectors as the variables of the problem, not displacements and finite rotations. The full 3D Saint-Venant-Kirchhoff constitutive relation is adopted and, to avoid locking, the rate of thickness variation enhancement is introduced. As a consequence, the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor and the Green strain measure are employed to derive the specific strain energy potential. Curved triangular elements with cubic approximation are adopted using simple notation. Selected numerical simulations illustrate and confirm the objectivity, accuracy, path independence and applicability of the proposed technique.
This work presents a non-linear boundary element formulation applied to analysis of contact problems. The boundary element method (BEM) is known as a robust and accurate numerical technique to handle this type of problem, because the contact among the solids occurs along their boundaries. The proposed non-linear formulation is based on the use of singular or hyper-singular integral equations by BEM, for multi-region contact. When the contact occurs between crack surfaces, the formulation adopted is the dual version of BEM, in which singular and hyper-singular integral equations are defined along the opposite sides of the contact boundaries. The structural non-linear behaviour on the contact is considered using Coulomb`s friction law. The non-linear formulation is based on the tangent operator in which one uses the derivate of the set of algebraic equations to construct the corrections for the non-linear process. This implicit formulation has shown accurate as the classical approach, however, it is faster to compute the solution. Examples of simple and multi-region contact problems are shown to illustrate the applicability of the proposed scheme. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper deals with analysis of multiple random crack propagation in two-dimensional domains using the boundary element method (BEM). BEM is known to be a robust and accurate numerical technique for analysing this type of problem. The formulation adopted in this work is based on the dual BEM, for which singular and hyper-singular integral equations are used. We propose an iterative scheme to predict the crack growth path and the crack length increment at each time step. The proposed scheme able us to simulate localisation and coalescence phenomena, which is the main contribution of this paper. Considering the fracture mechanics analysis, the displacement correlation technique is applied to evaluate the stress intensity factors. The propagation angle and the equivalent stress intensity factor are calculated using the theory of maximum circumferential stress. Examples of simple and multi-fractured domains, loaded up to the rupture, are considered to illustrate the applicability of the proposed scheme. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new two-dimensionally mapped infinite boundary element (IBE) is presented. The formulation is based on a triangular boundary element (BE) with linear shape functions instead of the quadrilateral IBEs usually found in the literature. The infinite solids analyzed are assumed to be three-dimensional, linear-elastic and isotropic, and Kelvin fundamental solutions are employed. One advantage of the proposed formulation over quadratic or higher order elements is that no additional degrees of freedom are added to the original BE mesh by the presence of the IBEs. Thus, the IBEs allow the mesh to be reduced without compromising the accuracy of the result. Two examples are presented, in which the numerical results show good agreement with authors using quadrilateral IBEs and analytical solutions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.