978 resultados para Intralocus sexual conflict


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Because males and females of a species express many homologous traits, sex-specific selection on these traits can shift the opposite sex away from its phenotypic optimum. This mode of sexually antagonistic selection, known as intralocus sexual conflict (IaSC), arises when the evolution of sexual dimorphism is constrained by the two sexes sharing a common gene pool. As IaSC has been historically overlooked, many outstanding questions remain. For example, what is its contribution in maintaining genetic variation for fitness in populations? What characters underlie this variation in fitness? How does the selection history of the population influence the standing genetic variation? I used the model organism Drosophila melanogaster to attempt to resolve some of these questions. The first part of my Master’s project involved assessing the detectability of sexually antagonistic alleles in populations at different stages of adaptation to the laboratory. For the second part of my Master’s project, I looked for evidence of conflict during the development of body size, a well-known sexually dimorphic trait. While the first part of my thesis proved inconclusive, the second part revealed a surprising source of sexual conflict in pre-adult stages of D. melanogaster.


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BACKGROUND: The fertilization success in sperm competition in externally fertilizing fish depends on number and quality of sperm. The time delay between sequential ejaculations may further influence the outcome of sperm competition. Such a time interval can load the raffle over fertilization if fertilization takes place very fast. Short fertilization times are generally assumed for externally fertilizing fish such as the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). In this pair-spawning fish, territorial males often try to steal fertilizations in nests of neighbouring males. This sneaking behaviour causes sperm competition. Sneakers will only get a share of paternity when eggs are not fertilized immediately after sperm release. Contrary to males, females may be interested in multiple paternity of their clutch of eggs. There thus may be a sexual conflict over the speed of fertilization. RESULTS: In this study we used two different in vitro fertilization experiments to assess how fast eggs are fertilized in sticklebacks. We show that complete fertilization takes more than 5 min which is atypically long for externally fertilizing fishes. CONCLUSION: This result suggests that the time difference does not imply high costs to the second stickleback male to ejaculate. Slow fertilization (and concomitant prolonged longevity of sperm) may be the result of sexual conflict in which females aimed at complete fertilization and/or multiple paternity.


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Theoretical models predict that parents should adjust the amount of care both to their own and their partner's body condition. In most biparental species, parental duties are switched repeatedly allowing for repeated mutual adjustment of the amount of care. In the mouthbrooding cichlid Eretmodus cyanostictus, terms are switched only once with females taking the first share. The timing of the shift of the clutch between mates strongly determines both partners' brooding period and thereby their parental investment. Females signal their readiness to transfer the young several days before the male finally takes them, suggesting sexual conflict over the timing of the shift. In a lab experiment, we reduced the body condition of either the female or the male of a pair to test whether energy reserves affect the timing of the shift and whether female signalling behaviour depends on energetic state. Males with a lowered condition took the young later and incubated for a shorter period, which prolonged the incubation time of their female partners. When female condition was lowered, female and male incubation durations remained unchanged, although females signalled their readiness to shift more intensely. Our results suggest that males adjust their parental investment to own energy reserves but are unresponsive to their mate's condition. Females appear to carry the entire costs for the male's adjustment of care. We propose that intrinsic asymmetries in the scope for mutual adjustment of parental investment and the costs of negotiation crucially influence solutions of the conflict between sexes over care.


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Speciation rates among extant lineages of organisms vary extensively, but our understanding of the causes of this variation and, therefore, the processes of speciation is still remarkably incomplete. Both theoretical and empirical studies have indicated that sexual selection is important in speciation, but earlier discussions have focused almost exclusively on the potential role of female mate choice. Recent findings of postmating reproductive conflicts of interest between the sexes suggest a quite different route to speciation. Such conflicts may lead to perpetual antagonistic coevolution between males and females and may thus generate rapid evolutionary divergence of traits involved in reproduction. Here, we assess this hypothesis by contrasting pairs of related groups of insect species differing in the opportunity for postmating sexual conflict. Groups where females mate with many males exhibited speciation rates four times as high as in related groups where females mate only once. Our results not only highlight the general importance of postmating sexual selection in speciation, but also support the recent suggestion that sexual conflict is a key engine of speciation.


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The bed bug, Cimex lectularius, has a unique mode of copulation termed “traumatic” insemination [Carayon, J. (1966) in Monograph of the Cimicidae, ed. Usinger, R. (Entomol. Soc. Am., Philadelphia), pp. 81–167] during which the male pierces the female's abdominal wall with his external genitalia and inseminates into her body cavity [Carayon, J. (1966) in Monograph of the Cimicidae, ed. Usinger, R. (Entomol. Soc. Am., Philadelphia), pp. 81–167]. Under controlled natural conditions, traumatic insemination was frequent and temporally restricted. We show for the first time, to our knowledge, that traumatic insemination results in (i) last-male sperm precedence, (ii) suboptimal remating frequencies for the maintenance of female fertility, and (iii) reduced longevity and reproductive success in females. Experimental females did not receive indirect benefits from multiple mating. We conclude that traumatic insemination is probably a coercive male copulatory strategy that results in a sexual conflict of interests.


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Sexual cannibalism, where a female kills and consumes a courting male, represents an extreme form of sexual conflict and has been proposed as a mechanism of mate choice. We evaluate the evidence for mate choice through premating sexual cannibalism via mate rejection, other indirect mechanisms of mate 'choice' and choice in postmating sexual cannibalism. We highlight a paucity of investigations, particularly of field studies, and note gaps in our knowledge. There is empirical support for the size-dependent sexual cannibalism predicted by mate choice through premating sexual cannibalism. This may represent mate choice operating on absolute male size but it could be a by-product of female foraging behaviour and greater vulnerability of relatively smaller males. Thus, indirect mate choice is as plausible an explanation of size-dependent sexual cannibalism as is direct mate choice based on discrimination of male traits. Direct female choice, mediated through premating sexual cannibalism, has yet to be demonstrated. We suggest a framework for distinguishing direct and indirect choice and note an absence of information on which to test it. There is evidence for sequential mate choice in postmating sexual cannibalism, but the nature or basis of the female's discriminatory behaviour remains unclear. Costs and long-term fitness benefits of the putative mate choice have been largely ignored. Reversed sexual cannibalism, in which the male eats the female, presumably occurs when the gain from food is high and potential gain from mating low and probably has little to do with mate choice. (c) 2005 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A key component of parental care involves defending resources destined for offspring from a diverse array of potential interspecific competitors, such as social parasites, fungi and bacteria. 2. Just as with other aspects of parental care, such as offspring provisioning or brood defence, sexual conflict between parents may arise over how to share the costs of this form of care. There has been little previous work, however, to investigate how this particular burden might be shared. 3. Here, we describe a hitherto uncharacterized form of parental care in burying beetles Nicrophorus vespilloides, a species which prepares carrion for its young and faces competition from microbes for this resource. We found that parents defend the carcass with antibacterial anal exudates, and that the antibacterial activity of these exudates is only upregulated following the discovery of a corpse. At the same time, phenoloxidase activity in the anal exudates is downregulated, indicating parallels with the internal insect immune system. 4. In unmanipulated breeding pairs, females had higher antibacterial activity in their anal exudates than males, suggesting sex-specific roles in this aspect of parental care. 5. When we experimentally widowed males, we found that they increased levels of antibacterial activity in their anal exudates. Experimentally widowing females, however, led them to decrease levels of antibacterial activity in their anal exudates. Widowed beetles of each sex thus produced anal exudates of comparable antibacterial activity. We suggest that this flexible division of antibacterial activity may be coordinated by Juvenile Hormone. © 2009 British Ecological Society.


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The net effect of sexual selection on nonsexual fitness is controversial. On one side, elaborate display traits and preferences for them can be costly, reducing the nonsexual fitness of individuals possessing them, as well as their offspring, In contrast, sexual selection may reinforce nonsexual fitness if an individual's attractiveness and quality are genetically correlated. According to recent models, such good-genes mate choice should increase both the extent and rate of adaptation. We evolved 12 replicate populations of Drosophila serrata in a powerful two-way factorial experimental design to test the separate and combined contributions of natural and sexual selection to adaptation to a novel larval food resource. Populations evolving in the presence of natural selection had significantly higher mean nonsexual fitness when measured over three generations (13-15) during the course of experimental evolution (16-23% increase). The effect of natural selection was even more substantial when measured in a standardized, monogamous mating environment at the end of the experiment (generation 16; 52% increase). In contrast, and despite strong sexual selection on display traits, there was no evidence from any of the four replicate fitness measures that sexual selection promoted adaptation. In addition, a comparison of fitness measures conducted under different mating environments demonstrated a significant direct cost of sexual selection to females, likely arising from some form of male-induced harm. Indirect benefits of sexual selection in promoting adaptation to this novel resource environment therefore appear to be absent in this species, despite prior evidence suggesting the operation of good-genes mate choice in their ancestral environment. How novel environments affect the operation of good-genes mate choice is a fundamental question for future sexual selection research.


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Over the past decade, the common rock shrimp, Rhynchocinetes typus H. Milne Edwards, 1837, has been the focus of extensive investigations on mating behaviour. The species is now perceived as a model system for the study of reproductive strategies and sexual conflict in crustaceans displaying external fertilization. Using molecular markers, the current study assesses whether social mating behaviour in common rock shrimp translates into true genetic parentage. In a large mesocosm tank with >200 individuals of both sexes, the analysis of 15 families (22 eggs per female) for three informative microsatellites unambiguously confirmed multiple paternity in 11 instances (73%) involving, in each case, two to four males. Where more than one male was identified siring a particular brood, reproductive skew was apparent towards a single individual. Results suggest that multiple paternity in this species results from subordinate male coercive behaviour, female solicitation of multiple male matings or a combination of both.


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Chez les patineurs, des processus postcopulatoires sont documentés et un conflit sexuel sur le taux d’accouplement est démontré. Cependant, leurs effets combinés sur le succès reproducteur ont rarement été investigués. Cette étude joint une analyse de filiation génétique à des observations comportementales pour évaluer l’effet des processus pré- et post- copulatoires sur le succès reproducteur de Gerris buenoi. Nos résultats montrent la nature antagoniste des combats précopulatoires et un niveau de résistance optimal intermédiaire pour les femelles. Cependant, le taux d’accouplement n’a eu aucune influence sur le succès reproducteur des deux sexes. Un taux d’accouplement élevé permettant à des processus postcopulatoires de se mettre en place ainsi que plusieurs copulations superflues ont vraisemblablement masqué les effets attendus du taux d’accouplement. Notre étude confirme l’idée que des précisions peuvent être apportées sur les forces de sélection sexuelle en jeu lorsque l’on considère tous les épisodes d’un cycle d’accouplement chez les animaux polygynandres.


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Summary Understanding the factors influencing variation in the degree of sperm competition is a key question underlying the mechanisms driving sexual conflict. Previous behavioural and comparative studies have indicated that carnivores appear to have evolved under sperm competition but an analysis of the predictors of the level of sperm competition is missing. In this study, we use phylogenetic comparative methods to investigate life-history parameters predicted to affect the degree of sperm competition in terrestrial carnivores using variation in relative testes size (RTS, after controlling for body size allometry) as a measure of the level of sperm competition. Due to a paucity of consistent data across taxa, we used three measures of RTS: testes mass (n = 40 species), testes and epididymes mass combined (n = 38), and testes volume (n = 48). We also created a derived data set (n = 79) with testes mass estimated from regression analyses on the other measures of testes size. Carnivores with shorter mating seasons had relatively larger testes, consistent with the hypothesis that sperm competition is greater when the degree of female oestrous synchrony is high. This relationship was stronger in spontaneous versus induced ovulators, suggesting higher sperm competition levels in spontaneous ovulators. This is the first comparative study to show this within mammalian taxa. Neither social mating system nor reproductive lifespan were significantly associated with variation in RTS and hence are poor predictors of sperm competition levels. None of the above relationships were found to be significant for the testes and epididymes mass combined data set, but our understanding of the role of the epididymis in sperm competition is too limited to draw any conclusions. Finally, we consistently found a significant phylogenetic signal in all analyses, indicating that phylogeny has played a significant role in the evolution of carnivore testes size and, therefore, in shaping levels of sperm competition. Our results shed new light into the factors affecting levels of sperm competition in terrestrial carnivores by showing that the degree of oestrous synchrony and ovulation type interact to predict variation in RTS.


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Mating plugs occluding the female gonopore after mating are a widespread phenomenon. In scorpions, two main types of mating plugs are found: sclerotized mating plugs being parts of the spermatophore that break off during mating, and gel-like mating plugs being gelatinous fluids that harden in the female genital tract. In this study, the gel-like mating plug of Euscorpius italicus was investigated with respect to its composition, fine structure, and changes over time. Sperm forms the major component of the mating plug, a phenomenon previously unknown in arachnids. Three parts of the mating plug can be distinguished. The part facing the outside of the female (outer part) contains sperm packages containing inactive spermatozoa. In this state, sperm is transferred. In the median part, the sperm packages get uncoiled to single spermatozoa. In the inner part, free sperm is embedded in a large amount of secretions. Fresh mating plugs are soft gelatinous, later they harden from outside toward inside. This process is completed after 3-5 days. Sperm from artificially triggered spermatophores could be activated by immersion in insect Ringer's solution indicating that the fluid condition in the females' genital tract or females' secretions causes sperm activation. Because of the male origin of the mating plug, it has likely evolved under sperm competition or sexual conflict. As females refused to remate irrespective of the presence or absence of a mating plug, females may have changed their mating behavior in the course of evolution from polyandry to monandry.


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The coevolution of parental investment and offspring solicitation is driven by partly different evolutionary interests of genes expressed in parents and their offspring. In species with biparental care, the outcome of this conflict ma!: be influenced by the sexual conflict over parental investment, Models for the resolution of such family conflicts have made so far untested assumptions about genetic variation and covariation in the parental resource provisioning response and the level of offspring solicitation. Using a combination of cross-fostering and begging playback experiments, we show that, in the great tit (Parus major), (i) the begging call intensity of nestlings depends on their common origin, suggesting genetic variation for this begging display, (ii) only mothers respond to begging calls by increased food provisioning, and (iii! the size of the parental response is positively related to the begging call intensity of nestlings in the maternal but not paternal line. This study indicates that genetic covariation, its differential expression in the maternal and paternal lines and/or early environmental and parental effects need to be taken into account when predicting the phenotypic outcome of the conflict over investment between genes expressed in each parent and the offspring. [References: 36]


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Rapid evolution driven by positive Darwinian selection is a recurrent theme in male reproductive protein evolution. In contrast, positive selection has never been demonstrated for female reproductive proteins. Here, we perform phylogeny-based tests on three female mammalian fertilization proteins and demonstrate positive selection promoting their divergence. Two of these female fertilization proteins, the zona pellucida glycoproteins ZP2 and ZP3, are part of the mammalian egg coat. Several sites identified in ZP3 as likely to be under positive selection are located in a region previously demonstrated to be involved in species-specific sperm-egg interaction, suggesting the selective pressure is related to male-female interaction. The results provide long-sought evidence for two evolutionary hypotheses: sperm competition and sexual conflict.