935 resultados para Intracellular Injection


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This study forms part of an ongoing investigation of pyramidal cell structure in the cingulate cortex of primates. Recently we have demonstrated that layer III pyramidal cells in the anterior cingulate gyrus are considerably larger, more branched and more spinous than those in the posterior cingulate gyrus (areas 24 and 23, respectively) in the macaque and vervet monkeys. Moreover, the extent of the interareal difference in specialization in pyramidal cell structure differed between the two species. These data suggest that pyramidal cell circuitry may have evolved differently in these closely related species. Presently there are too few data to speculate on what is selecting for this specialization in structure. Here we extend the basis for comparison by studying pyramidal cell structure in cingulate gyrus of the Chacma baboon (Papio ursinus). Methodology used here is the same as that for our previous studies: intracellular injection of Lucifer Yellow in flat-mounted cortical slices. We found that pyramidal cells in anterior cingulate gyrus (area 24) were more branched and more spinous than those in posterior cingulate gyrus (area 23). Moreover, the complexity in pyramidal cell structure in both the anterior and posterior cingulate gyrus of the baboon differed to that in the corresponding regions in either the macaque or vervet monkeys. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recent studies have revealed marked differences in the basal dendritic structure of layer III pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex of adult simian primates. In particular, there is a consistent trend for pyramidal cells of increasing complexity with anterior progression through occipitotemporal cortical visual areas. These differences in pyramidal cell structure, and their systematic nature, are believed to be important for specialized aspects of visual processing within, and between, cortical areas. However, it remains unknown whether this regional specialization in the pyramidal cell phenotype is unique to simians, is unique to primates in general or is widespread amongst mammalian species. In the present study we investigated pyramidal cell structure in the prosimian galago (Otolemur garnetti). We found, as in simians, that the basal dendritic arbors of pyramidal cells differed between cortical areas. More specifically, pyramidal cells became progressively more spinous through the primary (V1), second (V2), dorsolateral (DL) and inferotemporal ( IT) visual areas. Moreover, pyramidal neurons in V1 of the galago are remarkably similar to those in other primate species, in spite of large differences in the sizes of this area. In contrast, pyramidal cells in inferotemporal cortex are quite variable among primate species. These data suggest that regional specialization in pyramidal cell phenotype was a likely feature of cortex in a common ancestor of simian and prosimian primates, but the degree of specialization varies between species. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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The pyramidal cell phenotype varies quite dramatically in structure among different cortical areas in the primate brain. Comparative studies in visual cortex, in particular, but also in sensorimotor and prefrontal cortex, reveal systematic trends for pyramidal cell specialization in functionally related cortical areas. Moreover, there are systematic differences in the extent of these trends between different primate species. Recently we demonstrated differences in pyramidal cell structure in the cingulate cortex of the macaque monkey; however, in the absence of other comparative data it remains unknown as to whether the neuronal phenotype differs in cingulate cortex between species. Here we extend the basis for comparison by studying the structure of the basal dendritic trees of layer III pyramidal cells in the posterior and anterior cingulate gyrus of the vervet monkey (Brodmann's areas 23 and 24, respectively). Cells were injected with Lucifer Yellow in flat-mounted cortical slices, and processed for a light-stable DAB reaction product. Size, branching pattern, and spine density of basal dendritic arbors were determined, and somal areas measured. As in the macaque monkey, we found that pyramidal cells in anterior cingulate gyrus (area 24) were more branched and more spinous than those in posterior cingulate gyrus (area 23). In addition, the extent of the difference in pyramidal cell structure between these two cortical regions was less in the vervet monkey than in the macaque monkey.


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A camada I tem como característica principal a baixa quantidade de neurônios e uma alta densidade de fibras nervosas. A morfologia dos neurônios da camada I ainda é pouco estudada, tanto que nos estudos que avaliaram a morfologia desses neurônios não se chegou ainda a um consenso sobre as formas e funções desses neurônios. Este estudo avaliou a morfologia dos neurônios da camada I do córtex visual de duas espécies de roedores: Cavia porcellus, popularmente conhecido no Brasil como porquinho-da-índia e Rattus norvegicus, que é o rato e foi utilizada a linhagem Wistar, comumente usado nas pesquisas científicas. O porquinho-da-índia é um modelo animal muito estudado, utilizado em diversos segmentos da ciência. Apesar dessa espécie ser bem estudada, trabalhos na camada I desse animal são relativamente raros, especialmente em relação à morfologia e eletrofisiologia dos neurônios dessa região cortical. Pesquisas em ratos sobre os neurônios da camada I são mais frequentes, tanto em relação a morfologia quanto a eletrofisiologia. Para discriminar as possibilidades de diferenças na morfologia dos neurônios da camada I do córtex visual do porquinho-da-índia e do rato, este estudo classificou esses neurônios de acordo com a trajetória de seus dendritos e analisou as medidas dendríticas utilizando a técnica de injeção intracelular de biocitina. Após a classificação dos neurônios as comparações foram feitas entre os mesmos tipos celulares de cada roedor. Foram utilizados 35 porquinhos-da-índia da variedade Dunkin-Hartley de pêlo curto de ambos os sexos com idades de 4 a 5 dias de vida pós-natal. Quanto aos ratos, foram utilizados 30 ratos da variedade Wistar, de ambos os sexos com idades de 14 a 21 dias de vida pós-natal. Os animais foram anestesiados e tiveram seus encéfalos removidos, hemisférios separados e foram realizados cortes no plano coronal na região occipital onde se localiza a área visual dos roedores. As fatias foram mantidas em líquido cérebro-espinhal artificial e em seguida levadas ao microscópio para injeção de biocitina e posteriormente foram fixadas e tratadas para montagem em lâmina e contracoradas com Nissl para melhor visualização. Os neurônios encontrados foram classificados como: horizontais, ascendentes, descendentes e radias. Foram analisadas as seguintes medidas dendríticas: área do campo receptor, comprimento dendrítico total e médio, área total do corpo celular, número de dendritos, distância da pia-máter e análise da distribuição de Sholl. Dos resultados obtidos os mais notáveis foram o alcance dos ramos dendríticos e o tamanho do corpo celular dos neurônios da camada I do porquinho-da-índia quando comparados aos do rato. Isso sugere que, nessa espécie, um maior número de microcircuitos neurais podem ser estabelecidos, e por conseguinte maior taxa metabólica, justificada pelo maior tamanho do corpo celular.


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In various species, peripheral injury produces long-lasting sensitization of central and peripheral neurons representing the affected area. In Aplysia, memory-like traces (lasting days or weeks) of noxious peripheral stimulation include enhancement of central synaptic transmission and enhanced excitability of the central soma and peripheral branches of nociceptive sensory neurons. An important role for the cAMP-PKA-CREB pathway in consolidating long-term memory and inducing transcription-dependent synaptic potentiation has also been indicated by studies in rodents and Drosophila. ^ Much less attention has been paid to the cGMP-PKG pathway for transcription-dependent plasticity. Nevertheless, the cGMP-PKG pathway has been implicated in activity-dependent neural alterations lasting hours, and may trigger some forms of persistent pain. Recent evidence indicates PKG can regulate gene expression in the brain and several properties make it an attractive candidate for inducing long-term memories. ^ This dissertation reports that brief, noxious stimulation of a behaving, semi-intact preparation from mollusc, Aplysia californica, produces transcription-dependent, long-term hyperexcitability (LTH) of nociceptive sensory neurons that requires a nitric oxide (NO)-cGMP-protein kinase G (PKG) pathway and which lasts for at least 24 hours. Intracellular injection of cGMP is sufficient to induce LTH. Similarly, body wall injury induces LTH which can be blocked with specific inhibitors of the NO-cGMP-PKG pathway such as L-NMMA, ODQ, Rp-8-cGMPS, PKI-G and KT5823 by isolated perfusion of pleural ganglion sensory cells in or directly by intracellular injection. In contrast, specific inhibitors of the cAMP-PKA pathway (Rp-8-cAMPS, PKI-A and H-89) failed to block injury-induced LTH. Interestingly, co-injection of the cAMP-responsive element (CRE) blocked the induction of both cAMP and injury-induced LTH, but not cGMP-induced LTH. Furthermore, co-injection of cAMP and cGMP with the Ca2+ buffer BAPTA in reduced Ca2+ seawater blocked cAMP-, but not cGMP-induced LTH. These findings demonstrate that the NO-cGMP-PKG pathway and at least one other pathway (perhaps mediated by Ca2+), but not the cAMP-PKA pathway, are critical for inducing LTH during transient, noxious stimulation.^


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Phototransduction in Limulus photoreceptors involves a G protein-mediated activation of phospholipase C (PLC) and subsequent steps involving InsP3-mediated release of intracellular Ca2+. While exploring the role of calmodulin in this cascade, we found that intracellular injection of Ca2+/calmodulin-binding peptides (CCBPs) strongly inhibited the light response. By chemically exciting the cascade at various stages, we found the primary target of this effect was not in late stages of the cascade but rather at the level of G protein and PLC. That PLCδ1 contains a calmodulin-like structure raised the possibility that PLC might be directly affected by CCBPs. To test this possibility, in vitro experiments were conducted on purified PLC. The activity of this enzyme was strongly inhibited by CCBPs and also inhibited by calmodulin itself. Our results suggest that the calmodulin-like region of PLC has an important role in regulating this enzyme.


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Although neurotrophins are primarily associated with long-term effects on neuronal survival and differentiation, recent studies have shown that acute changes in synaptic transmission can also be produced. In the hippocampus, an area critically involved in learning and memory, we have found that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) rapidly enhanced synaptic efficacy through a previously unreported mechanism--increased postsynaptic responsiveness via a phosphorylation-dependent pathway. Within minutes of BDNF application to cultured hippocampal neurons, spontaneous firing rate was dramatically increased, as were the frequency and amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic currents. The increased frequency of postsynaptic currents resulted from the change in presynaptic firing. However, the increased amplitude was postsynaptic in origin because it was selectively blocked by intracellular injection of the tyrosine kinase receptor (Ntrk2/TrkB) inhibitor K-252a and potentiated by injection of the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid. These results suggest a role for BDNF in the modulation of synaptic transmission in the hippocampus.


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Recent studies have revealed a marked degree of variation in the pyramidal cell phenotype in visual, somatosensory, motor and prefrontal cortical areas in the brain of different primates, which are believed to subserve specialized cortical function. In the present study we carried out comparisons of dendritic structure of layer III pyramidal cells in the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex and compared their structure with those sampled from inferotemporal cortex (IT) and the primary visual area (V1) in macaque monkeys. Cells were injected with Lucifer Yellow in flat-mounted cortical slices, and processed for a light-stable DAB reaction product. Size, branching pattern, and spine density of basal dendritic arbors was determined, and somal areas measured. We found that pyramidal cells in anterior cingulate cortex were more branched and more spinous than those in posterior cingulate cortex, and cells in both anterior and posterior cingulate were considerably larger, more branched, and more spinous than those in area V1. These data show that pyramidal cell structure differs between posterior dysgranular and anterior granular cingulate cortex, and that pyramidal neurons in cingulate cortex have different structure to those in many other cortical areas. These results provide further evidence for a parallel between structural and functional specialization in cortex.


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Recent studies have revealed systematic differences in the pyramidal cell structure between functionally related cortical areas of primates. Trends for a parallel in pyramidal cell structure and functional complexity have been reported in visual, somatosensory, motor, cingulate and prefrontal cortex in the macaque monkey cortex. These specializations in structure have been interpreted as being fundamental in determining cellular and systems function, endowing circuits in these different cortical areas with different computational power. In the present study we extend our initial finding of systematic specialization of pyramidal cell structure in sensory-motor cortex in the macaque monkey [Cereb Cortex 12 (2002) 1071] to the vervet monkey. More specifically, we investigated pyramidal cell structure in somatosensory and motor areas 1/2, 5, 7, 4 and 6. Neurones in fixed, flat-mounted, cortical slices were injected intracellularly with Lucifer Yellow and processed for a light-stable 3,3'-diaminobenzidine reaction product. The size of, number of branches in, and spine density of the basal dendritic arbors varied systematically such that there was a trend for increasing complexity in arbor structure with progression through 1/2, 5 and 7. In addition, cells in area 6 were larger, more branched, and more spinous than those in area 4. (c) 2005 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The gene encoding the dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinase DYRK1A maps to the chromosomal segment HSA21q22.2, which lies within the Down syndrome critical region. The reduction in brain size and behavioral defects observed in mice lacking one copy of the murine homologue Dyrk1A (Dyrk1A+/-) support the idea that this kinase may be involved in monosomy 21 associated mental retardation. However, the structural basis of these behavioral defects remains unclear. In the present work, we have analyzed the microstructure of cortical circuitry in the Dyrk1A+/- mouse and control littermates by intracellular injection of Lucifer Yellow in fixed cortical tissue. We found that labeled pyramidal cells were considerably smaller, less branched and less spinous in the cortex of Dyrk1A+/- mice than in control littermates. These results suggest that Dyrk1A influences the size and complexity of pyramidal cells, and thus their capability to integrate information. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The systematic study of pyramidal cell structure has revealed new insights into specialization of the phenotype in the primate cerebral cortex. Regional specialization in the neuronal phenotype may influence patterns of connectivity and the computational abilities of the circuits they compose. The comparative study of pyramidal cells in homologous cortical areas is beginning to yield data on the evolution and development of such specialized circuitry in the primate cerebral cortex. Recently, we have focused our efforts on sensory-motor cortex. Based on our intracellular injection methodology, we have demonstrated a progressive increase in the size of, the branching structure in, and the spine density of the basal dendritic trees of pyramidal cells through somatosensory areas 3b, 1, 2, 5, and 7 in the macaque and vervet monkeys. In addition, we have shown that pyramidal cells in premotor area 6 are larger, more branched, and more spinous than those in the primary motor cortex (MI or area 4) in the macaque monkey, vervet monkey, and baboon. Here we expand the basis for comparison by studying the basal dendritic trees of layer III pyramidal cells in these same sensory-motor areas in the chacma baboon. The baboon was selected because it has a larger cerebral cortex than either the macaque or vervet monkeys; motor cortex has expanded disproportionately in these three species; and motor cortex in the baboon reportedly has differentiated to include a new cortical area not present in either the macaque or vervet monkeys. We found, as in monkeys, a progressive increase in the morphological complexity of pyramidal cells through areas 3b, 5, and 7, as well as from area 4 to area 6, suggesting that areal specialization in microcircuitry was likely to be present in a common ancestor of primates. In addition, we found subtle differences in the extent of the interareal differences in pyramidal cell structure between homologous cortical areas in the three species. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Pyramidal cell structure varies systematically in occipitotemporal visual areas in monkeys. The dendritic trees of pyramidal cells, on average, become larger, more branched and more spinous with progression from the primary visual area (V1) to the second visual area (V2), the fourth (V4, or dorsolateral DL visual area) and inferotemporal (IT) cortex. Presently available data reveal that the extent of this increase in complexity parallels the expansion of occipitotemporal cortex. Here we extend the basis for comparison by studying pyramidal cell structure in occipitotemporal cortical areas in the chacma baboon. We found a systematic increase in the size of and branching complexity in the basal dendritic trees, as well as a progressive increase in the spine density along the basal dendrites of layer III pyramidal cells through V1, V2 and V4. These data suggest that the trend for more complex pyramidal cells with anterior progression through occipitotemporal visual areas is not a feature restricted to monkeys and prosimians, but is a widespread feature of occipitotemporal cortex in primates.


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Dendritic spines of pyramidal cells are the main postsynaptic targets of cortical excitatory synapses and as such, they are fundamental both in neuronal plasticity and for the integration of excitatory inputs to pyramidal neurons. There is significant variation in the number and density of dendritic spines among pyramidal cells located in different cortical areas and species, especially in primates. This variation is believed to contribute to functional differences reported among cortical areas. In this study, we analyzed the density of dendritic spines in the motor, somatosensory and visuo-temporal regions of the mouse cerebral cortex. Over 17,000 individual spines on the basal dendrites of layer III pyramidal neurons were drawn and their morphologies compared among these cortical regions. In contrast to previous observations in primates, there was no significant difference in the density of spines along the dendrites of neurons in the mouse. However, systematic differences in spine dimensions (spine head size and spine neck length) were detected, whereby the largest spines were found in the motor region, followed by those in the somatosensory region and those in visuo-temporal region. (c) 2005 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We quantified the morphology of over 350 pyramidal neurons with identified ipsilateral corticocortical projections to the primary (V1) and middle temporal (MT) visual areas of the marmoset monkey, following intracellular injection of Lucifer Yellow into retrogradely labelled cells. Paralleling the results of studies in which randomly sampled pyramidal cells were injected, we found that the size of the basal dendritic tree of connectionally identified cells differed between cortical areas, as did the branching complexity and spine density. We found no systematic relationship between dendritic tree structure and axon target or length. Instead, the size of the basal dendritic tree increased roughly in relation to increasing distance from the occipital pole, irrespective of the length of the connection or the cortical layer in which the neurons were located. For example, cells in the second visual area had some of the smallest and least complex dendritic trees irrespective of whether they projected to V1 or MT, while those in the dorsolateral area (DL) were among the largest and most complex. We also observed that systematic differences in spine number were more marked among V1-projecting cells than MT-projecting cells. These data demonstrate that the previously documented systematic differences in pyramidal cell morphology between areas cannot simply be attributed to variable proportions of neurons projecting to different targets, in the various areas. Moreover, they suggest that mechanisms intrinsic to the area in which neurons are located are strong determinants of basal dendritic field structure.


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The biological underpinnings of human intelligence remain enigmatic. There remains the greatest confusion and controversy regarding mechanisms that enable humans to conceptualize, plan, and prioritize, and why they are set apart from other animals in their cognitive abilities. Here we demonstrate that the basic neuronal building block of the cerebral cortex, the pyramidal cell, is characterized by marked differences in structure among primate species. Moreover, comparison of the complexity of neuron structure with the size of the cortical area/region in which the cells are located revealed that trends in the granular prefrontal cortex (gPFC) were dramatically different to those in visual cortex. More specifically, pyramidal cells in the gPFC of humans had a disproportionately high number of spines. As neuron structure determines both its biophysical properties and connectivity, differences in the complexity in dendritic structure observed here endow neurons with different computational abilities. Furthermore, cortical circuits composed of neurons with distinguishable morphologies will likely be characterized by different functional capabilities. We propose that 1. circuitry in V1, V2, and gPFC within any given species differs in its functional capabilities and 2. there are dramatic differences in the functional capabilities of gPFC circuitry in different species, which are central to the different cognitive styles of primates. In particular, the highly branched, spinous neurons in the human gPFC may be a key component of human intelligence. (C) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.