966 resultados para Intestinal Parasitism
This paper reports the findings of a survey for intestinal parasites among the Xavánte Indians from Central Brazil. A. lumbricoides (25.0%) and hookworms (33.6%) were the two most common helminths; E. histolytica complex (7.8%) and G. lamblia (8.6%) the most common protozoans. The majority (58.5%) of positive individuals hosted only one species of helminth. Egg counts for helminths, and for A. lumbricoides in particular, were found to be not dispersed at random, with a few individuals, all of whom young children, showing very high counts. The prevalence rates of intestinal parasites for the Xavánte are below those reported for other Amerindian populations from Brazil.
Disturbing data reveal the prevalence of intestinal parasites and their relationship with socio-environmental factors among Mbyá-Guarani Indians. The prevalence was determined by spontaneous sedimentation in water, centrifugation-floatation, and Kato-Katz. A socioeconomic questionnaire was submitted to each family. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites was 88.7%, and 45.5% were polyparasitized. There was 90.5% prevalence of enteric parasites in children (1-12- year-old), and 85% among 13-65-year-old individuals, indicating that both age groups are extensively parasitized. The parasite load was low to moderate for geohelminths and 75% of the families did not have latrine, thus the practice of defecation occurred outdoors. These findings suggest that the multiple intestinal parasitism in the Mbyá-Guarani community is high to the point of being the rule, and that it relates essentially to the traditional lifestyle and health habits. It is urgently necessary to implement the association of anti-parasitic treatment with sanitation improvement. This should be done simultaneously with health education activities for this population.
Intestinal parasites are an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Immunocompromised individuals may develop more severe forms of these infections. Taking into account the immunity impairment in patients suffering from chronic renal failure (CRF), we will determine the prevalence and associated symptoms of intestinal parasites in these patients. Controls without CRF were used for comparison. Stool samples were collected and processed for microscopic identification of parasites using the Formalin-ether concentration method. For Cryptosporidium diagnosis, the ELISA technique was used. One hundred and ten fecal samples from hemodialysis patients were analyzed, as well as 86 from a community group used as control group. A result of 51.6% of intestinal parasites was observed in hemodialysis patients and 61.6% in the control group. Cryptosporidium and Blastocystis were the most common infections in patients with CRF (26.4% and 24.5%, respectively). Blastocystis was the most common infection in the control group (41.9%), however no individual was found positive for Cryptosporidium. Among the CRF patients, 73.6% were symptomatic, 54.3% of these tested positive for at least one parasite, in contrast to 44.8% in asymptomatic patients (p = 0.38). The most common symptoms in this group were flatulence (36.4%), asthenia (30.0%) and weight loss (30.0%). In the control group, 91.9% were symptomatic, 60.8% of these tested positive for at least one parasite, in contrast to 71.4% in asymptomatic patients (p = 0.703). A significant difference between the two groups was observed with regard to symptoms, with bloating, postprandial fullness, and abdominal pain being more frequent in the control group than in the hemodialysis group (all p < 0.05). Comparing symptomatic with asymptomatic, there was no association in either group between symptoms or the prevalence of parasitic infection, nor with the type of parasite or with multiple parasitic infections. Patients with chronic renal failure are frequent targets for renal transplantation, which as well as the inherent immunological impairment of the disease itself, results in immunosuppression by medication. For this reason, carriers of intestinal parasites with pathogenic potential can develop serious clinical complications influencing the success of transplantation. This fact, coupled with the high prevalence of intestinal parasites and the dissociation between symptoms and infection in CRF patients, suggests that the stool test should be incorporated in routine propedeutics. Furthermore, preventive measures for the acquisition of parasites through the fecal-oral contamination route should be introduced.
The objective of this survey was to assess the relationships between intestinal parasitism, nutritional status and hemoglobin level in children with Indian ascendancy living in an urban area in Brazilian Amazon. We carried out a cross-sectional survey obtaining anthropometric, parasitological and socioeconomic data, and hemoglobin measurements of children aged six to 84 months. Anthropometric data were expressed as z-scores for weight for age (WAZ), height for age (HAZ), weight for height (WHZ) and mid upper circumference for age (MUACZ) parameters. Parasitological examinations were performed through Ritchie (n = 307), Kato-Katz (n = 278), Baermann-Moraes (n = 238) and Safranin-methylene blue methods (n = 307). Hemoglobin measurements were obtained with a Hemocue® photometer (n = 282). Socioeconomic data were used in order to classify children in three family income strata (n = 242). Multiple linear regression analysis showed independent interactions between Giardia lamblia and WAZ (beta = -0.195, SE = 0.138, p = 0.003), WHZ (beta = -0.161, SE = 0.133, p = 0.018) and MUACZ (beta = -0.197, SE = 0.143, p = 0.011), controlling for age, sex, family income, Ascaris lumbricoides, and hookworm infection. Also, the multivariate model showed that the only variable associated with hemoglobin levels was age. Intestinal parasitism control should increase children's possibilities of full development in the studied area.
Gastro-intestinal parasitism of 24 buffalo cows before parturition, and post-parturition, their infection and that of their respective calves during the following 30 weeks were studied. Willis, Hoffmann and whenever possible, the modified Gordon & Whitlock techniques were used for fecal examinations. Toxocara vitulorum eggs were the earliest forms encountered in calves feces, as follows: during the 1st week after birth, 58.33% of the calves were positive, and in the 4th week, 100% of these animals were positive. Eggs of Strongyloides sp were in the 1st week after birth in two of the calves and in the 5th week, all for them were positive. The next parasites to appear were the Coccidia of which oocysts were detected in the feces of two calves in the 2nd week after birth, and 58.33% of the calves were positive for these in the 3rd week, and in the 6th week, all calves shed oocysts in their feces. On the other hand, eggs of Strongylids were the last forms to appear in calves feces. However, despite their sporadic appearance in the feces, eggs of these parasites were observed continuously from the 11th week onwards, and at this point, the percentage of positive samples began to increase to reach its peak. Relatively to adult animals, eggs of T. vitulorum were observed in the feces of 11 cows, one or twice at most; eggs of Strongyloides sp were seen only once in the feces of four buffalo cows and eggs of Strongylids in 21 out of 24 cows. Oocysts of Coccidia were observed in 16 cows. Mechanisms of infestation of calves with these parasites are discussed.
A group of youngsters (4-18 years old) in northeast Brazil was studied to establish the prevalence of anaemia and intestinal parasitism, as well as to analyze the correlation between them. Two criteria were used to determine the state of anaemia, the level of haemoglobin and the mean of corpuscular volume. The first was considered a single criterion and the second an associated criteria, used in an attempt to correlate anaemia with iron deficiency. The prevalence of intestinal parasitism was 93%, while the prevalence of anaemia was 43.1% and 16.1% according to the criteria employed (single or associated respectively). Anaemia was significantly associated with both sex and age. No significant statistical difference was observed when the association was made between each parasite and anaemia even with those more related to anaemia.
Gastro-intestinal parasitism of 24 buffalo cows before parturition, and post-parturition, their infection and that of their respective calves during the following 30 weeks were studied. Willis, Hoffmann and whenever possible, the modified Gordon & Whitlock techniques were used for fecal examinations. Toxocara vitulorum eggs were the earliest forms encountered in calves feces, as follows: during the 1st week after birth, 58.33% of the calves were positive, and in the 4th week, 100% of these animals were positive. Eggs of Strongyloides sp were in the 1st week after birth in two of the calves and in the 5th week, all for them were positive. The next parasites to appear were the Coccidia of which oocysts were detected in the feces of two calves in the 2nd week after birth, and 58.33% of the calves were positive for these in the 3rd week, and in the 6th week, all calves shed oocysts in their feces. on the other hand, eggs of Strongylids were the last forms to appear in calves feces. However, despite their sporadic appearance in the feces, eggs of these parasites were observed continuously from the 11th week onwards, and at this point, the percentage of positive samples began to increase to reach its peak. Relatively to adult animals, eggs of T. vitulorum were observed in the feces of 11 cows, one or twice at most; eggs of Strongyloides sp were seen only once in the feces of four buffalo cows and eggs of Strongylids in 21 out of 24 cows. Oocysts of Coccidia were observed in 16 cows. Mechanisms of infestation of calves with these parasites are discussed.
As infecções parasitárias apresentam-se de forma endêmica em diversas áreas do Brasil. A investigação estimou a prevalência de enteroparasitas em 200 crianças de 2 a 13 anos pertencentes a duas classes sócio-econômicas distintas, média e baixa, no período de abril a junho de 2001, na cidade de Porto Velho, RO. E também analisou os fatores contextuais de risco de maior importância epidemiológica. As amostras de fezes foram examinadas pelos métodos Direto e Sedimentação Espontânea. A população de nível sócio-econômico médio (A) composta por 100 indivíduos, apresentou um índice de positividade de 18%, sendo o parasita mais prevalente, Giardia lamblia (52,4%), seguido por Ascaris lumbricoides (19,0%), Trichuris trichiura (14,3%), Enterobius vermicularis (4,8%), Hymenolepis nana (4,8%) e Endolimax nana (4,8%). No grupo de nível sócio-econômico baixo (B), a positividade atingiu 56% dos indivíduos, sendo também Giardia lamblia (28,9%) o mais prevalente, seguido por Entamoeba calí (22,7%), A. lumbricoides (14,4%), T. Trichiura (8,3%), E. vermicularis (7,2%), H. nana (4,1%), E. nana (4,1%), E. histolytica (4,1%), Ancylostomidae (3,1%) e leveduras (3,1%). A ocorrência de mais de um parasito por indivíduo foi maior no grupo B (46,4%), sendo que o parasitismo foi mais prevalente entre as crianças com sintomas gastrintestinais em ambos os grupos A e B. As parasitoses intestinais afetaram igualmente meninos e meninas; negroides e caucasóides e ocorreram igualmente nas duas faixas etárias de crianças menores e maiores de cinco anos, contudo as crianças com menos de cinco anos de grupo A apresentaram predomínio de infecção por protozoários da espécie G. lamblia. A baixa renda salarial e residências com numero elevado de pessoas coabitando e sem rede de abastecimento de água se constituíram em fatores de risco socioeconômicos que favorecem a elevada prevalência das parasitoses intestinais. As condições de anemia e estado nutricional também foram avaliadas e não mostraram associação significantes com enteroparasitoses, nos diferentes grupos sócio-econômicos. Logo, a elevada prevalência de crianças, em especial de baixo nível sócio-econômico, com parasitismo intestinal, anemia e com desnutrição aguda moderada, refletem as precárias condições de saúde pública na cidade de Porto Velho-RO.
A incidência de anemia, parasitismo intestinal e prevalência da exposição mercurial foi avaliada em duas comunidades amazônicas ribeirinhas, São Luiz do Tapajós (Rio Tapajós) e Igarapé-Mirim (Rio Tocantins) cujos padrões sócio-econômicos são semelhantes. Foram analisadas amostras de cabelo, sangue e fezes dos residentes nestas comunidades, empregando metodologia analítica oficialmente reconhecida. Oitenta amostras de cabelo, sangue e fezes foram analisadas. Os resultados demonstraram incidência média de 42,5 % de parasitose intestinal em São Luiz do Tapajós e 75,15 % em Igarapé-Mirim. Os índices hematimétricos indicaram incidência de anemia de 40 % em São Luiz do Tapajós e 25 % em Igarapé-Mirim. Os teores médios de mercúrio total nas amostras de cabelo dos residentes em São Luiz do Tapajós foram de 14,9 ± 6,6 µg/g nos indivíduos do sexo masculino e 13,4 ± 3,4 µg/g no sexo feminino, enquanto que em Igarapé-Mirim foi de 2,5 ± 1,4 µg/g na população masculina e 3,5 ± 1,6 µg/g na feminina. Observou-se que em São Luiz do Tapajós, 82 % das concentrações de mercúrio total encontram-se acima de 10µg/g, valor considerado de referência para população não exposta, enquanto que em Igarapé-Mirim, não foram encontrados valores acima destes. Pode-se concluir que a qualidade de vida dos ribeirinhos analisados é comprometida pelos fatores avaliados, tornando-se necessária à adoção de medidas preventivas e ações educadoras nestas comunidades pelas autoridades governamentais responsáveis.
O trabalho visa estudar a ocorrência e os aspectos epidemiológicos do parasitismo intestinal na aldeia Paranatinga da tribo indígena Parakanã, Amazônia Oriental Brasileira. Foram realizados dois inquéritos coproparasitológicos, em abril de 1992 e em fevereiro de 1995. Os métodos utilizados na identificação dos agentes parasitários foram os de Hoffman e exame direto, dois métodos simples, facilmente exeqüíveis em aldeias indígenas. Da amostra de 126 índios em abril de 1992 (população de 215 índios), 101 (80,2%) encontravam-se parasitados por pelo menos um enteroparasita. Ancilostomídeos foram encontrados em 33,3%, A. lumbricoides, em 42,8%, T. trichiura, em 0,8%, e S. stercoralis, em 5,6%. Em relação aos protozoários, E. histolytica foi encontrada em 65,0% e G. lamblia, em 46,8%. No inquérito de fevereiro de 1995, apesar do aumento da prevalência total em comparação com o de abril de 1992 (p = 0,04), houve diminuição das prevalências de ancilostomídeos, E. histolytica, G. lamblia, e ausência de S. stercoralis (p<0,05). A despeito das ações de saúde e saneamento empreendidas nas aldeias Parakanã, a prevalência de enteroparasitas ainda se encontra elevada na aldeia Paranatinga, sugerindo que as medidas de atenção primária e secundária devem ser imediatamente incrementadas.
The occurrence of the enteroparasites was verified in 279 children (0 to 6 years) of four municipal day cares of Botucatu/SP. Three samples of each child's feces were collected and processed by the methods of Hoffman-Pons-Janner, Faust and Ritchie and subsequent coloration of the fecal smear by the methods of Auramina-O and Ziehl-Neelsen modified for diagnosis of Cryptosporidium sp. and Graham method for diagnosis of Enterobius vermicularis. Of the analyzed children we verified a prevalence of intestinal parasitism in 53.40%, and the most frequent parasite was Giardia duodenalis (26.88%). Significant association was verified among enteroparasitosis, family income, maternal education and age; the lowest enteroparasite frequency occurred in children of families with larger income and higher education. It was observed that G. duodenalis is more prevalent in children from 0 to 4 years and E. vermicularis is more frequent in children between three and four years old. The high enteroparasite prevalence in day cares suggests complex structure in its epidemiology, where factors beyond sanitation should be considered.
The author describes a case of liver ascaridiasis in a girl, 1 year old, who also presented intestinal parasitism by 54 adult specimens pf Ascaris lumbricoides. The hepatic lesions consisted in several abscesses containing living adult worms along with dead specimens and in the formation of an inflammatory condition with pronounced production of fibrous connective tissue and lymphocytic infiltration. Special attention is attracted by the fact of the existence of numerous eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides in the innermost of the inflammatory tissue. The inflammatory foci met with are closely connected with the biliary ducts; the presence of eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides is found even within the epithelium. Apart from the zones affected by the process of ascaridiasis, the hepatic tissue is seen to be well preserved.
Plasmodium falciparum sensitivity to chloroquine (CHL), amodiaquine (AMO) and sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (SDX/PYR) was assessed in vivo and in vitro in a representative sample from the population of Zaragoza in El Bajo Cauca region (Antioquia-Colombia). There were 94 patients with P. falciparum evaluated. For the in vivo test the patients were followed by clinical examination and microscopy, during 7 days. The in vitro test was performed following the recommendations of the World Health Organization. The in vivo prevalence of resistance to CHL was 67%, to AMO 3% and to SDX/PYR 9%. The in vitro test showed sensitivity to all antimalarials evaluated. Concordance for CHL between the in vivo and in vitro tests was 33%. For AMO and SDX/PYR, the concordance was 100%. We conclude that a high percentage of patients are resistant to CHL (in vivo). A high rate of intestinal parasitism might explain in part, the differences observed between the in vivo and the in vitro results. Therefore, new policies and treatment regimens should be proposed for the treatment of the infection in the region. Nationwide studies assessing the degree of resistance are needed.
Verificou-se a prevalência dos enteroparasitas em 279 crianças (0 a 6 anos) de quatro creches municipais de Botucatu/SP. Foram coletadas três amostras de fezes de cada criança e processadas pelos métodos Hoffman, Faust e Ritchie e posterior coloração do esfregaço fecal pelos métodos de Auramina-O e Ziehl-Neelsen modificado para diagnóstico de Cryptosporidium sp. e método da fita gomada para diagnóstico de Enterobius vermicularis. Das crianças analisadas apresentaram-se parasitadas 53.40%, sendo que o parasita mais freqüente foi Giardia duodenalis (26.88%). Verificou-se associação significativa entre enteroparasitose, renda familiar, escolaridade materna e idade; quanto maior a renda e o grau escolar, menor a freqüência de enteroparasitas. Observou-se que G. duodenalis é mais prevalente em crianças de 0 a 4 anos e E. vermicularis em crianças entre três e quatro anos de idade. A elevada prevalência de enteroparasitas em creches sugere estrutura complexa em sua epidemiologia, onde fatores além do saneamento devem ser considerados.