109 resultados para Intestin


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As a cause of small intestine occlusion, volvulus is often a consequence of a band or adhesions. Except in infants, it is rarely the primary cause of symptomatology. Between January 1976 and December 1992, 13 patients (7 women and 6 men, mean age of 56.8 years) were admitted in our department for an acute abdomen due to a spontaneous primary volvulus of the small bowel. Clinical examination and laboratory tests did not help in preoperative diagnosis. All patients underwent an explorative laparotomy. Six patients had had prior abdominal surgery but none of them presented adhesion or band. In 8 patients (62%), detorsion was sufficient. Resection of a segment of small bowel was necessary in 4 patients. Gangrenous of the entire bowel was observed in one patient who rapidly died. Two patients presented minor complications. One patient with Down syndrome died of bronchoaspiration. One patient has been reoperated on one year later for recurrence of the volvulus, and underwent a Noble procedure. We conclude that volvulus of the small bowel is a rare cause of acute abdomen that must be remembered. Early surgery is mandatory to reduce the risk of gangrene, which is known to double the mortality. Laparoscopy will be helpful in early diagnosis and therapy.


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Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition characterised by nutrient malabsorption and excessive bacteria in the small intestine. It typically presents with diarrhea, flatulence and a syndrome of malabsorption (steatorrhea, macrocytic anemia). However, it may be asymptomatic in the eldery. A high index of suspicion is necessary in order to differentiate SIBO from other similar presenting disorders such as coeliac disease, lactose intolerance or the irritable bowel syndrome. A search for predisposing factor is thus necessary. These factors may be anatomical (stenosis, blind loop), or functional (intestinal hypomotility, achlorydria). The hydrogen breath test is the most frequently used diagnostic test although it lacks standardisation. The treatment of SIBO consists of eliminating predisposing factors and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy.


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A coimmunosuppression with azathioprine or methotrexate in addition to infliximab does not improve the therapeutic efficacy in Crohn's disease but increase the risks of infectious complications and neoplasia.


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In 2008 three biological agents against TNFalpha will be available. The combination of infliximab with azathioprine is no longer recommended, as hepatosplenic lymphomas with a particularly bad prognosis have been associated with this combined therapy. Regular maintenance therapy with infliximab is as effective in preventing the development of anti-infliximab antibodies as co-administration of this anti-TNFalpha agent with an immunomodulator. The benefit of regular maintenance therapy is probably linked to the presence of residual trough levels of infliximab between perfusions.


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The irritable bowel syndrome has been considered a diagnosis of exclusion and multiple diagnostic procedures were often performed in order to exclude an organic disorder. Nowadays, studies show that in young patients, who match the clinical criteria of irritable bowel syndrome and show no alarm features, the prevalence of underlying organic disorders is low, or at least not higher than in the general population. Based on these findings, current recommendations suggest that no extra diagnostic tests have to be performed in those patients, apart from the serological tests in search of celiac disease, which are recommended for patients presenting an irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea or a mixed-type irritable bowel syndrome.


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Background¦Erythrocyte MCV might be used as an inexpensive marker to predict and¦optimize the efficacy and tolerability of thiopurine therapy in IBD patients.¦Aim and methods¦This retrospective observational study aimed to assess the monitoring¦performances of MCV in patients under 3 months or more thiopurine treatment followed up¦in the Swiss IBD Cohort Study. All available MCV, white blood cells (WBC) and 6¦thioguanine nucleotide (6TGN) measurements, among others, were recorded. An IBD¦"flare" was defined as a composite outcome encompassing treatment change,¦colonoscopy, histology, CT scan or MRI reports showing active IBD lesions, occurrence of¦intestinal surgery and IBD-related hospitalisations. Whether MCV measurements predicted¦efficacy of thiopurine treatment was investigated by assessing the statistical association¦between the occurrence of IBD "flares", and the current or recent MCV values, taking into¦account the patient clustering and longitudinal aspect of data.¦Results¦140 patients (77 women), mean age 38 years (17-74), 104 diagnosed with¦Crohn's disease, 36 with ulcerative colitis, mean disease duration 8 years (0.25-36),¦receiving either azathioprine (n=125) or 6-mercaptopurine (n=15) were included, most of¦them over 3-year follow up.¦Thiopurines increased mean patient MCV by an average 5.8±5.2 fL, while¦patientsfluctuated by ±4.3 fL around their individual mean (p<0.001). They decreased¦WBC by an average of 2.4+/- 2.6 G/L (p<0.001).¦Significant associations were observed between the probability of flare occurrence and low¦current MVC (p=0.017) or high current WBC (p=0.009) and, with a relative risk of 3.7% for¦every fL of MCV decrease or 8% for every G/L of WBC increase. Both markers revealed¦some memory effect.¦Despite this, the performance of MCV and WBC to predict IBD "flare" remained rather¦limited, as it is less accurate than the 6-TGN-level , although only determined in a¦subgroup of patients in this study.¦Conclusion¦MCV and WBC deserve to be observed to check and monitor therapeutic¦exposure to thiopurine agents in IBD patients. Unfortunately, their predictive performance¦precludes their privileged use for optimization of therapy. Further prospective studies¦should suitably include the systematic measurement of metabolite concentration.


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Fecal calprotectin (FC) is a valid biomarker to discriminate with a good sensitivity and specificity the presence of mucosal lesions of the gastrointestinal tube (e.g. ulcers in the context of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)) from functional disorders (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome). FC is not specific for IBD and can be elevated also in gastrointestinal infections, ischemic colitis or neoplasia. An elevated FC should stimulate further investigations, notably an endoscopic workup. The level of FC correlates with the endoscopic score in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The correlation of FC and the endoscopic severity is better than the one of CRP or blood leukocytes. Thus, FC can also be used in the follow-up of IBD patients.


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Inflammatory bowel diseases are a result of an aberrant mucosal immune response to gut microflora. Several groups have reported newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel diseases following solid organ transplantation and subsequent immunosuppressive therapy. We describe four cases of newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel diseases following liver transplantation in a pool of 120 transplanted patients. These patients had no prior history of inflammatory bowel diseases or primary sclerosing cholangitis and were immunosuppressed. Two patients were transplanted for a hepatitis C related cirrhosis, one for alcoholic cirrhosis and one patient for autoimmune cirrhosis. Three patients were diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and one with Crohn's disease. These four patients were on a cyclosporin monotherapy when their inflammatory bowel diseases were diagnosed. These data suggest that cyclosporin monotherapy following solid organ transplantation does not prevent development of inflammatory bowel diseases.