12 resultados para Interrogatives


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Interactional research on advice giving has described advice as normative and asymmetric. In this paper we examine how these dimensions of advice are softened by counselors on a helpline for children and young people through the use of questions. Through what we term ‘‘adviceimplicative interrogatives,’’ counselors ask clients about the relevance or applicability of a possible future course of action. The allusion to this possible action by the counselor identifies it as normatively relevant, and displays the counselor’s epistemic authority in relation to dealing with a client’s problems. However, the interrogative format mitigates the normative and asymmetric dimensions typical of advice sequences by orienting to the client’s epistemic authority in relation to their own lives, and delivering advice in a way that is contingent upon the client’s accounts of their experiences, capacities, and understandings. The demonstration of the use of questions in advice sequences offers an interactional specification of the ‘‘client-centered’’ support that is characteristic of prevailing counseling practice. More specifically, it shows how the values of empowerment and child-centered practice, which underpin services such as Kids Helpline, are embodied in specific interactional devices. Detailed descriptions of this interactional practice offer fresh insights into the use of interrogatives in counseling contexts, and provide practitioners with new ways of thinking about, and discussing, their current practices.


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En este trabajo se describe la naturaleza y secuencia de adquisición de las preguntas interrogativas parciales en niños de habla catalana y/o castellana dentro de un marco de análisis según el cual la adquisición de las estructuras lingüísticas se construye gradualmente desde estructuras concretas hasta estructuras más abstractas. La muestra utilizada se compone de 10 niños y niñas procedentes de corpus longitudinales cuyas edades van de los 17 meses a los 3 años. El análisis se ha realizado atendiendo a la estructura sintáctica de la oración, los errores, los pronombres y adverbios interrogativos, y la tipología verbal. Los resultados muestran que la secuencia de adquisición pasa por un momento inicial caracterizado por producciones estereotipadas o fórmulas, durante el cual sólo aparecen algunas partículas interrogativas en estructuras muy concretas. Posteriormente la interrogación aparece con otros pronombres y adverbios y se diversifica a otros verbos, además, no se observan errores en la construcción sintáctica. Estos resultados suponen un hecho diferencial respecto de estudios previos en lengua inglesa


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In this thesis I examine a variety of linguistic elements which involve ``alternative'' semantic values---a class arguably including focus, interrogatives, indefinites, and disjunctions---and the connections between these elements. This study focusses on the analysis of such elements in Sinhala, with comparison to Malayalam, Tlingit, and Japanese. The central part of the study concerns the proper syntactic and semantic analysis of Q[uestion]-particles (including Sinhala "da", Malayalam "-oo", Japanese "ka"), which, in many languages, appear not only in interrogatives, but also in the formation of indefinites, disjunctions, and relative clauses. This set of contexts is syntactically-heterogeneous, and so syntax does not offer an explanation for the appearance of Q-particles in this particular set of environments. I propose that these contexts can be united in terms of semantics, as all involving some element which denotes a set of ``alternatives''. Both wh-words and disjunctions can be analysed as creating Hamblin-type sets of ``alternatives''. Q-particles can be treated as uniformly denoting variables over choice functions which apply to the aforementioned Hamblin-type sets, thus ``restoring'' the derivation to normal Montagovian semantics. The treatment of Q-particles as uniformly denoting variables over choice functions provides an explanation for why these particles appear in just this set of contexts: they all include an element with Hamblin-type semantics. However, we also find variation in the use of Q-particles; including, in some languages, the appearance of multiple morphologically-distinct Q-particles in different syntactic contexts. Such variation can be handled largely by positing that Q-particles may vary in their formal syntactic feature specifications, determining which syntactic contexts they are licensed in. The unified analysis of Q-particles as denoting variables over choice functions also raises various questions about the proper analysis of interrogatives, indefinites, and disjunctions, including issues concerning the nature of the semantics of wh-words and the syntactic structure of disjunction. As well, I observe that indefinites involving Q-particles have a crosslinguistic tendency to be epistemic indefinites, i.e. indefinites which explicitly signal ignorance of details regarding who or what satisfies the existential claim. I provide an account of such indefinites which draws on the analysis of Q-particles as variables over choice functions. These pragmatic ``signals of ignorance'' (which I argue to be presuppositions) also have a further role to play in determining the distribution of Q-particles in disjunctions. The final section of this study investigates the historical development of focus constructions and Q-particles in Sinhala. This diachronic study allows us not only to observe the origin and development of such elements, but also serves to delimit the range of possible synchronic analyses, thus providing us with further insights into the formal syntactic and semantic properties of Q-particles. This study highlights both the importance of considering various components of the grammar (e.g. syntax, semantics, pragmatics, morphology) and the use of philology in developing plausible formal analyses of complex linguistic phenomena such as the crosslinguistic distribution of Q-particles.


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Recent Australian early childhood policy and curriculum guidelines promoting the use of technologies invite investigations of young children’s practices in classrooms. This study examined the practices of one preparatory year classroom, to show teacher and child interactions as they engaged in Web searching. The study investigated the in situ practices of the teacher and children to show how they accomplished the Web search. The data corpus consists of eight hours of videorecorded interactions over three days where children and teachers engaged in Web searching. One episode was selected that showed a teacher and two children undertaking a Web search. The episode is shown to consist of four phases: deciding on a new search subject, inputting the search query, considering the result options, and exploring the selected result. The sociological perspectives of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis were employed as the conceptual and methodological frameworks of the study, to analyse the video-recorded teacher and child interactions as they co-constructed a Web search. Ethnomethodology is concerned with how people make ‘sense’ in everyday interactions, and conversation analysis focuses on the sequential features of interaction to show how the interaction unfolds moment by moment. This extended single case analysis showed how the Web search was accomplished over multiple turns, and how the children and teacher collaboratively engaged in talk. There are four main findings. The first was that Web searching featured sustained teacher-child interaction, requiring a particular sort of classroom organisation to enable the teacher to work in this sustained way. The second finding was that the teacher’s actions recognised the children’s interactional competence in situ, orchestrating an interactional climate where everyone was heard. The third finding was that the teacher drew upon a range of interactional resources designed to progress the activity at hand, that of accomplishing the Web search. The teacher drew upon the interactional resources of interrogatives, discourse markers, and multi-unit turns during the Web search, and these assisted the teacher and children to co-construct their discussion, decide upon and co-ordinate their future actions, and accomplish the Web search in a timely way. The fourth finding explicates how particular social and pedagogic orders are accomplished through talk, where children collaborated with each other and with the teacher to complete the Web search. The study makes three key recommendations for the field of early childhood education. The study’s first recommendation is that fine-grained transcription and analysis of interaction aids in understanding interactional practices of Web searching. This study offers material for use in professional development, such as using transcribed and videorecorded interactions to highlight how teachers strategically engage with children, that is, how talk works in classroom settings. Another strategy is to focus on the social interactions of members engaging in Web searches, which is likely to be of interest to teachers as they work to engage with children in an increasingly online environment. The second recommendation involves classroom organisation; how teachers consider and plan for extended periods of time for Web searching, and how teachers accommodate children’s prior knowledge of Web searching in their classrooms. The third recommendation is in relation to future empirical research, with suggested possible topics focusing on the social interactions of children as they engage with peers as they Web search, as well as investigations of techno-literacy skills as children use the Internet in the early years.


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A afasiologia linguística, enquanto ramo da Linguística, contribui para a verificação dos pressupostos da Teoria Gerativa e para a classificação e descrição das particularidades linguísticas características dos diferentes tipos de afasias. Neste contexto, os problemas com a produção de estruturas complexas, como é o caso das interrogativas, têm sido tema de muitos estudos em diversas línguas. Entretanto, os benefícios que tais pesquisas podem oferecer no sentido de melhorar o cotidiano dos sujeitos de pesquisa raramente são abordados. Com o intuito de atuar sobre esta lacuna, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo geral fornecer um roteiro de pesquisa com sugestões de intervenção de base linguística no tratamento fonoaudiológico de um indivíduo afásico, proporcionando, desta forma, melhora do cotidiano do afásico em seu ambiente familiar. A hipótese que orienta este trabalho é a de que a aplicação de um roteiro de pesquisa linguística descentralizado e desverticalizado sobre o tratamento da afasia pode proporcionar melhorias no cotidiano familiar do paciente acometido pelo déficit. Para desenvolver o roteiro em questão, foram escolhidas as interrogativas-QU como tópico linguístico. O roteiro, todavia, foi desenvolvido para que qualquer outro tópico linguístico, identificado como problemático e passível de tratamento específico, seja aplicável ao esquema. Como objetivo subsidiário, pretende-se desenvolver um modelo de pesquisa que busque contribuir para a aplicação do princípio da indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão. A metodologia consiste na utilização de um estudo de caso com testes avaliativos, treinamento de sentenças e entrevistas. O sujeito selecionado para o estudo é um afásico agramático. Há, ainda, a colaboração de membros de sua família e da equipe de fonoaudiologia do Centro de Recuperação do Paciente Afásico (CRPA) da Universidade Veiga de Almeida (UVA). Os resultados coletados nos testes e nas entrevistas apontam para melhora no processamento linguístico de interrogativas-QU, tanto no que se refere à organização dos sintagmas nas sentenças, quanto à seleção de itens lexicais adequados (elementos-QU). Resultados também apontam para melhoras no cotidiano do afásico no que se refere à redução da ansiedade perante erros, presença de mais opções comunicativas e aumento da capacidade de comunicação independente. Através dos resultados, constata-se a viabilidade de aplicação do roteiro proposto para futura aplicação por profissionais envolvidos com o tratamento e o estudo das afasias


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La ligne directrice de notre recherche est de questionner l'évidence d'une distinction disciplinaire entre la sociologie et l'histoire. Vue l'étendue du sujet, nous avons adopté une posture exploratoire en suivant deux pistes. La première consiste à interroger un critère de distinction courant et selon lequel la sociologie serait davantage explicative alors que l'histoire serait essentiellement descriptive. À la lumière d'une mise en débat des positions de Durkheim et Weber pour la sociologie et de celles de l'histoire traditionnelle et des Annales pour l'histoire, nous avons noté une tendance à la diversité des conceptions disciplinaires qui semblent confirmée par certains travaux de recherche des auteurs discutés. Constatant un décalage entre les discours de définition disciplinaire et les recherches à proprement parler, la seconde piste d'exploration s'attarde à l'analyse des disciplines à l'oeuvre. À travers une sélection de trois études d'histoire et trois études de sociologie, nous avons cherché à identifier ce qui pourrait être considéré comme des fondements d'une distinction disciplinaire. Loin de fournir une ligne de démarcation claire, les oeuvres analysées semblent plutôt indiquer que l'histoire et la sociologie participent à une pratique analytique commune guidée par un processus d'interrogation complexe. Nous avançons que l'analyse des distinctions disciplinaires devrait se poursuivre par la recherche de postures interrogatives propres à chacune de l'histoire et de la sociologie.


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Ce mémoire examine les questions à mouvement multiple en bulgare, en accordant une importance particulière aux mécanismes qui régissent l’ordre des syntagmes interrogatifs antéposés. Outre la présentation d’un phénomène linguistique complexe et très intéressant, l’étude propose un aperçu critique des hypothèses les plus importantes émises au fil des ans à propos des interrogatives multiples. Dans un premier temps, nous discutons des différentes approches renfermant l’idée que l’ordre des mots interrogatifs au début de la proposition dépend entièrement des règles syntaxiques. Ensuite, nous présentons les analyses qui tentent d’expliquer la problématique en faisant appel à des traits spécifiques des syntagmes Qu-, tels que [animé] ou [lié au discours]. Le rôle de la topicalisation et de la focalisation dans la formation des questions multiples, les projections fonctionnelles de la « périphérie gauche » en bulgare accueillant différents syntagmes, ainsi que la résomption comptent également parmi les sujets traités dans ce mémoire.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este estudo descreve pesquisa sobre o que é ser orientador em programas de pós-graduação em educação, desenvolvida com oito professores orientadores do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, com base no fenômeno que é situado, tendo como interrogativo: O que é ser professor orientador? Como se exerce a função de orientador? Os dados empíricos foram produzidos por meio de entrevista, cuja intenção é apresentar os modos existenciais que os professores orientadores produzem na experiência de orientar e a identificar como se exerce a função de professor orientador. Nossa tese é de que o ser orientador só pode ser constatado a partir da experiência, não de comportamento sob tutela de um mundo pré-concebido, ao contrário, ao existir no mundo da educação é que se cria o seu estofo existencial. O referencial teórico da fenomenologia de Merleau-Ponty, em especial, a obra Fenomenologia da Percepção dá sustentação a este estudo. Os dados produzidos a partir dos depoimentos dos professores orientadores revelam que ser orientador é estar junto, aprender, abrir horizontes, lidar com a pressão do sistema, com a singularidade da condição humana, um tipo de atividade em que você cresce, aprende, decepciona-se, sente-se importante como em outras ocorrências da vida. A relação entre orientador/orientando deve ser de empatia e não se reduz apenas a uma troca de conhecimentos, mas de afeto, por isso muitas vezes dramática, incluindo as projeções de ambos. Não defendemos que não seja necessária uma formação que atenda às demandas específicas da atividade de orientação. Pelo contrário, uma prática educativa requer interlocuções, entender o que nos acontece, o que fez e por que fez, o que deu certo ou não, é dividir a vida vivida, em um projeto que tenha como estofo o existir humano e suas possibilidades de vir-a-ser.


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With the new computational technology, the studies of acoustic phonetics started to have a special place. This brought a new way of seeing the phenomenon and to deal with it in the phonetics and in the phonology. Such studies have been developing even more, recently, with a facilitated use of computational programs specially developed to the acoustic analysis of speech, such as PRAAT. Programs like this have been very interesting and useful recently. The acoustic models of analysis have influenced the way the researchers came to see and to interpret the prosodic phenomenon. The current project investigates the acoustic production of declarative and interrogative sentences from the “paulista” Portuguese. This study contributes for a more detailed description of the phenomenon, also becoming inserted in the chart of “intonational” descriptions of the Brazilian Portuguese. The subject of this current project is the acoustic study of some intonation aspects from the speaking Portuguese in Brazil, with a special place to the “paulista” dialect. The current project´s purpose is to make a specific study of interrogatives sentences through the acoustic data analysis of “paulista” dialect speakers


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Les interrogatives partielles peuvent être marquées par un mot en QU en position initiale de la phrase. Cette position est analysée dans différents cadres génératifs comme mettant en jeu le mouvement du mot QU depuis une position intraprédicative. Ce mouvement serait démontré par le fait qu’il peut être interrompu par différents opérateurs, dont la négation. Cette interruption distinguerait le mouvement des arguments et des non-arguments: les QU sous-catégorisés pourraient passer par-dessus la négation parce que leur prédicat licencie leur trace. Cela prédit que comment, combien, où, pourquoi et quand ne peuvent pas introduire de questions négatives (?* Comment ne lui a-t-il pas parlé?), ce que pourraient qui, que, quoi (À qui n’a-t-il pas parlé?). C’est cette prédiction que teste ce travail qui considère le mot QU comment avec des propositions interrogatives niées. Il se fonde sur le recensement des attestations dans Frantext pour le 20ème siècle, parmi lesquelles prédominent les questions rhétoriques (Comment ne pas perdre la tête?). L’identification de ces dernières face aux interrogations réelles demande des critères que formule ce travail. La raison pour laquelle les questions rhétoriques rendent possible les séquences considérées est envisagée, et sont considérées une hypothèse syntaxique sur un prédicat sous-jacent et une hypothèse interprétative sur le rôle des présuppositions. L’intervention des présuppositions reflète la définition même de la question rhétorique, et suggère que la putative impossibilité des questions négatives avec un QU adverbial tiendrait à des facteurs d’informativité.


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Influential bodies of work in language acquisition studies single out heritage bilingualism as a discrete acquisition process within the bilingualism continuum. In regards to the acquisition of WH-/QU- interrogatives containing prepositional phrases (PP), the present study examined whether heritage speakers (HS) of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) produce preposition stranding (P-stranding) constructions in their heritage language, in contrast to monolingual and adult speakers of BP, where prepositions are pied-piped to form the interrogative. Participants were HS of BP born in the USA and in Brazil, monolinguals, and late bilingual adults. The experiment consisted of an elicited production task and a grammaticality judgment task, both carried out in BP and then in English. Results showed that HS born in the USA use P-stranding in QU- interrogatives productively and systematically, in contrast to the other three groups. Moreover, no evidence of protracted acquisition was found in this group. No signs of attrition were detected among bilinguals.