12 resultados para Interradicular


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In order to standardize an experimental model to study the effects of absence of ovarian hormones in maxillary bones compared with long bones, the aim of this research was to analyze the influence of ovariectomy (OVX) on rat alveolar bone and tibiae, in different observation periods. Thirty-six female rats were ovariectomized or sham operated. After 60, 90 or 120 days, the animals were sacrificed and their hemimandibles, maxillae and tibiae were removed and routinely prepared for hematoxylin and eosin staining. The percentage of bone matrix area in bone septum in the first molar furcation region, and in tibial metaphysis was calculated, and data were submitted to statistical analysis (p < 0.05). As regards the histomorphometrical analysis in jaw bones, there was no statistical difference between groups, while the effects of ovariectomy on tibiae were seen as early as 60 days. According to the methods used, there was no significant influence of absence of ovarian hormones on interradicular septum of mandibular or maxillary first molars in the periods studied, despite the reduction in bone matrix area in tibia metaphysis as early as 60 days. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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To minimize the risk of intraoperative complications, a comprehensive radiological diagnostic work-up should be a routine procedure in oral surgery. This is especially true concerning possible damage to the inferior alveolar nerve during surgical removal of the third molars. The course and location of the nerve are best assessed when evaluating panoramic view images or cone beam CTs. The following case report demonstrates and discusses the importance of a thorough radiological evaluation before surgery, the problems raised by an interradicular course of the inferior alveolar nerve, and the finding of a monostotic fibrous dyplasia in the same patient.


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Esta pesquisa teve como proposta avaliar histopatologicamente,os efeitos do tratamento de perfurações radiculares, empregando medicamentos à base de corticóide e antibiótico como curativo, seu posterior preenchimento com uma pasta aquosa de hidróxido de cálcio e iodofórmio e, também, a utilização dessa pasta durante todo o período experimental. Para tanto, foram utilizados os segundos e terceiros pré-molares superiores e os terceiros e quartos inferiores de 6 cães adultos jovens. Nestes dentes, sob isolamento absoluto do campo operatório com dique de borracha, efetuou-se a obturação dos canais radiculares, e após a limpeza da câmara pulpar, procedeu-se a perfuração radicular na raiz mesial para a região interradicular e lateralmente disposta à furca. Como curativo foram utilizados o Rifocort e o Otosporin, que permaneciam por 7 dias no trajeto perfurado e em contato com os tecidos periodontais da região. Passado esse período, o curativo era substituído por uma pasta aquosa de hidróxido de cálcio e iodofórmio e todos os dentes eram radiografados antes e depois da substituição do material. Decorridos 90 dias, os animais foram sacrificados por meio de perfusão e as peças removidas, radiografadas e preparadas para se obter cortes histológicos, os quais foram corados pela hematoxilina e eosina e pelo tricrômico de Masson. Pelos resultados obtidos neste trabalho, é válido concluir que: a) as perfurações seladas imediatamente com a pasta aquosa de hidróxido de cálcio e iodofórmio apresentaram melhores resultados no exame histológico, onde ficaram evidenciadas menor quantidade do processo inflamatório e maior hiper-plasia de cemento; b) não houve diferença significante entre as perfurações tratadas com os medicamentos Rifocort e Otosporin; c) os dentes cujas perfurações permaneceram sem nenhum tratamento durante 7 dias, exibiram uma resposta menos favorável e sem evidência de reparação na área perfurada; d) as imagens radiográficas, no que se refere á extensão de destruição do tecido ósseo alveolar, foram compatfveis com os quadros histológicos, não havendo evidências, porém, da neoformação do tecido cementário.


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Background: Although there are several studies that show the prevalence and diameter of accessory root canals in the furcation area, there is a scarceness of studies that observe the trajectory and different types of cavo-interradicular canals. The aim of this study was to verify the prevalence of the different morphologic types of accessory canals in the furcation region in an attempt to show their trajectories.Methods: Forty submerged mandibular third molars were used, which were extracted and decalcified so that the microtomy procedure in the mesio-distal axial plane could be performed, obtaining semiserial sections with thicknesses of 5 mu m. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and observed under optical microscopy.Results: All of the morphologic types were found, whereas the proper accessory canals, type-A canals, were present in 10% of the specimens. The most prevalent canals were the sealed ones (type D), with a prevalence of 87.5%, followed by the blind ones (type B), with a prevalence of 75%. The loop accessory canals (type C), observed in only 5% of the teeth, were the least prevalent ones.Conclusions: Different morphologic types of accessory canals were found in the furcation area of submerged mandibular molars. The histologic method was effective to show the canal trajectories.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJECTIVES: To determine (1) the optimal sites for mini-implant placement in the maxilla and the mandible based on dimensional mapping of the interradicular spaces and cortical bone thickness and (2) The effect of age and sex on the studied anatomic measurements. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The cone beam computed tomography images of 100 patients (46 males, 54 females) divided into two age groups (13-18 years), and (19-27 years) were used. The following interradicular measurements were performed: (1) Buccolingual bone thickness; (2) Mesiodistal spaces both buccally and palatally/lingually; and (3) Buccal and palatal/lingual cortical thicknesses. RESULTS: In the maxilla, the highest buccolingual thickness existed between first and second molars; the highest mesiodistal buccal/palatal distances were between the second premolar and the first molar. The highest buccal cortical thickness was between the first and second premolars. The highest palatal cortical thickness was between central and lateral incisors. In the mandible, the highest buccolingual and buccal cortical thicknesses were between the first and second molars. The highest mesiodistal buccal distance was between the second premolar and the first molar. The highest mesiodistal lingual distance was between the first and second premolars. The highest lingual cortical thickness was between the canine and the first premolar. The males and the older age group had significantly higher buccolingual, buccal, and palatal cortical thicknesses at specific sites and levels in the maxilla and the mandible. CONCLUSIONS: A clinical guideline for optimal sites for mini-implant placement is suggested. Sex and age affected the anatomic measurements in certain areas in the maxilla and the mandible.


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El ameloblastoma es una neoplasia odontogénica que muestra un comportamiento agresivo local. Algunas variantes como la uniquística y la desmoplásica tienen un mejor pronóstico que la sólida/multiquística. Presentamos un caso en un varón de 76 años con una lesión radiolúcida interradicular mandibular de apariencia quística, la cual se enucleó quirúrgicamente. Histológicamente correspondió a una lesión desmoplásica con una amplia zona quística que fue diagnosticada como ameloblastoma desmoplásico con predominio quístico. Trascurridos 30 meses no se evidencia recidiva. En este artículo se discuten los principales aspectos clinicopatológicos de estas entidades.