967 resultados para Interplanetary mission


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The gravitational capture was initially used to understand the capture of planetary satellites. However, in the 90's decade, this phenomenon was applied in spacecraft trajectories. Belbruno and Miller studied missions in the Earth-Moon system that uses this technique to save fuel during the insertion of the spacecraft in its final orbit around the Moon. Using a parameter defined as twice the two-body energy of the planet-particle system, Yamakawa also studied the gravitational capture in the Earth-Moon system. In the present paper, this technique is used to study a mission that goes to the Neptune system and perform a gravitational capture in the satellite Triton. The results show direct and retrograde trajectories, for different values of the initial conditions.


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Swing-by techniques are extensively used in interplanetary missions to minimize fuel consumption and to raise payloads of spaceships. The effectiveness of this type of maneuver has been proven since the beginning of space exploration. According to this premise, we have explored the existence of a natural and direct links between low Earth orbits and the lunar sphere of influence, to obtain low-energy interplanetary trajectories through swing-bys with the Moon and the Earth. The existence of these links are related to a family of retrograde periodic orbits around the Lagrangian equilibrium point L1 predicted for the circular, planar, restricted three-body Earth-Moon-particle problem. The trajectories in these links are sensitive to small disturbances. This enables them to be conveniently diverted reducing so the cost of the swing-by maneuver. These maneuvers allow us a gain in energy sufficient for the trajectories to escape from the Earth-Moon system and to stabilize in heliocentric orbits between the Earth and Venus or Earth and Mars. On the other hand, still within the Earth sphere of influence, and taking advantage of the sensitivity of the trajectories, is possible to design other swing-bys with the Earth or Moon. This allows the trajectories to have larger reach, until they can reach the orbit of other planets as Venus and Mars.(3σ)Broucke, R.A., Periodic Orbits in the Restricted Three-Body Problem with Earth-Moon Masses, JPL Technical Report 32-1168, 1968.


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The determination of a specific orbit and the procedure to calculate orbital maneuvers of artificial satellites are problems of extreme importance in the study of orbital mechanics. Therefore, the transferring problem of a spaceship from one orbit to another, and the attention due to this subject has in increased during the last years. Many applications can be found in several space activities, for example, to put a satellite in a geostationary orbit, to change the position of a spaceship, to maintain a specific satellite's orbit, in the design of an interplanetary mission, and others. The Brazilian Satellite SCD-1 (Data Collecting Satellite) will be used as example in this paper. It is the first satellite developed entirely in Brazil, and it remains in operation to this date. SCD-1 was designed, developed, built, and tested by Brazilian scientists, engineers, and technicians working at INPE (National Institute for Space Research, and in Brazilian Industries. During the lifetime, it might be necessary do some complementary maneuvers, being this one either an orbital transferring, or just to make periodical corrections. The purpose of transferring problem is to change the position, velocity and the satellite's mass to a new pre determined state. This transfer can be totally linked (in the case of "Rendezvous") or partially free (free time, free final velocity, etc). In the global case, the direction, the orientation and the magnitude of the thrust to be applied must be chosen, respecting the equipment's limit. In order to make this transferring, either sub-optimal or optimal maneuvers may be used. In the present study, only the sub-optimal will be shown. Hence, this method will simplify the direction of thrust application, to allow a fast calculation that may be used in real time, with a very fast processing. The thrust application direction to be applied will be assumed small and constant, and the purpose of this paper is to find the time interval that the thrust is applied. This paper is basically divided into three parts: during the first one the sub-optimal maneuver is explained and detailed, the second presents the Satellite SCD-1, and finally the last part shows the results using the sub-optimal maneuver applied to the Brazilian Satellite.


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This thesis describes the developments of new models and toolkits for the orbit determination codes to support and improve the precise radio tracking experiments of the Cassini-Huygens mission, an interplanetary mission to study the Saturn system. The core of the orbit determination process is the comparison between observed observables and computed observables. Disturbances in either the observed or computed observables degrades the orbit determination process. Chapter 2 describes a detailed study of the numerical errors in the Doppler observables computed by NASA's ODP and MONTE, and ESA's AMFIN. A mathematical model of the numerical noise was developed and successfully validated analyzing against the Doppler observables computed by the ODP and MONTE, with typical relative errors smaller than 10%. The numerical noise proved to be, in general, an important source of noise in the orbit determination process and, in some conditions, it may becomes the dominant noise source. Three different approaches to reduce the numerical noise were proposed. Chapter 3 describes the development of the multiarc library, which allows to perform a multi-arc orbit determination with MONTE. The library was developed during the analysis of the Cassini radio science gravity experiments of the Saturn's satellite Rhea. Chapter 4 presents the estimation of the Rhea's gravity field obtained from a joint multi-arc analysis of Cassini R1 and R4 fly-bys, describing in details the spacecraft dynamical model used, the data selection and calibration procedure, and the analysis method followed. In particular, the approach of estimating the full unconstrained quadrupole gravity field was followed, obtaining a solution statistically not compatible with the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium. The solution proved to be stable and reliable. The normalized moment of inertia is in the range 0.37-0.4 indicating that Rhea's may be almost homogeneous, or at least characterized by a small degree of differentiation.


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Nuevas aplicaciones tecnológicas y científicas mediante amarras electrodinámicas son analizadas para misiones planetarias. i) Primero, se considera un conjunto de amarras cilíndricas en paralelo (veleros electrosolares) para una misión interplanetaria. Los iones provenientes del viento solar son repelidos por el alto potencial de dichas amarras generando empuje sobre el velero. Para conocer el intercambio de momento que provocan los iones sobre las amarras se ha considerado un modelo de potencial estacionario. Se ha analizado la transferencia orbital de la Tierra a Júpiter siguiendo un método de optimización de trayectoria indirecto. ii) Una vez que el velero se encuentra cerca de Júpiter, se ha considerado el despliegue de una amarra para diferentes objetivos científicos. iia) Una amarra podría ser utilizada para diagnóstico de plasmas, al ser una fuente efectiva de ondas, y también como un generador de auroras artificiales. Una amarra conductora que orbite en la magnetosfera jovial es capaz de producir ondas. Se han analizado las diferentes ondas radiadas por un conductor por el que circula una corriente constante que sigue una órbita polar de alta excentricidad y bajo apoápside, como ocurre en la misión Juno de la NASA. iib) Además, se ha estudiado una misión tentativa que sigue una órbita ecuatorial (LJO) por debajo de los intensos cinturones de radiación. Ambas misiones requiren potencia eléctrica para los sistemas de comunicación e instrumentos científicos. Las amarras pueden generar potencia de manera más eficiente que otros sistemas que utlizan paneles solares o sistemas de potencia de radioisótopos (RPS). La impedancia de radiación es necesaria para determinar la corriente que circula por todo el circuito de la amarra. En un modelo de plasma frío, la radiación ocurre principalmente en los modos de Alfven y magnetosónica rápida, mostrando un elevado índice de refracción. Se ha estudiado la impedancia de radiación en amarras con recubrimiento aislante para los dos modos de radiación y cada una de las misiones. A diferencia del caso ionosférico terrestre, la baja densidad y el intenso campo magnético que aparecen en el entorno de Júpiter consiguen que la girofrecuencia de los electrones sea mucho mayor que la frecuencia del plasma; esto hace que el espectro de potencia para cada modo se modifique substancialmente, aumentando la velocidad de Alfven. Se ha estimado también la impedancia de radiación para amarras sin aislante conductor. En la misión LJO, un vehículo espacial bajando lentamente la altitud de su órbita permitiría estudiar la estructura del campo magnético y composición atmosférica para entender la formación, evolución, y estructura de Júpiter. Adicionalmente, si el contactor (cátodo) se apaga, se dice que la amarra flota eléctricamente, permitiendo emisión de haz de electrones que generan auroras. El continuo apagado y encendido produce pulsos de corriente dando lugar a emisiones de señales, que pueden ser utilizadas para diagnóstico del plasma jovial. En Órbita Baja Jovial, los iones que impactan contra una amarra polarizada negativamente producen electrones secundarios, que, viajando helicoidalmente sobre las líneas de campo magnético de Júpiter, son capaces de alcanzar su atmósfera más alta, y, de esta manera, generar auroras. Se han identificado cuáles son las regiones donde la amarra sería más eficiente para producir auroras. iic) Otra aplicación científica sugerida para la misión LJO es la detección de granos cargados que orbitan cerca de Júpiter. Los electrones de alta energía en este ambiente pueden ser modelados por una distribucción no Maxwelliana conocida como distribución kappa. En escenarios con plasmas complejos, donde los campos eléctricos en Júpiter pueden acelerar las cargas hasta velocidades que superen la velocidad térmica, este tipo de distribuciones son muy útiles. En este caso las colas de las distribuciones de electrones siguen una ley de potencias. Se han estudiado las fluctuaciones de granos cargados para funciones de distribución kappa. iii) La tesis concluye con el análisis para deorbitar satélites con amarras electrodinámicas que siguen una Órbita Baja Terrestre (LEO). Una amarra debe presentar una baja probabilidad de corte por pequeño debris y además debe ser suficientemente ligero para que el cociente entre la masa de la amarra y el satélite sea muy pequeño. En este trabajo se estiman las medidas de la longitud, anchura y espesor que debe tener una amarra para minimizar el producto de la probabilidad de corte por el cociente entre las masas de la amarra y el satélite. Se presentan resultados preliminares del diseño de una amarra con forma de cinta para deorbitar satélites relativamente ligeros como Cryosat y pesados como Envisat. Las misiones espaciales a planetas exteriores y en el ámbito terrestre plantean importantes retos científico-tecnológicos que deben ser abordados y solucionados. Por ello, desde el inicio de la era espacial se han diseñando novedosos métodos propulsivos, sistemas de guiado, navegación y control más robustos, y nuevos materiales para mejorar el rendimiento de los vehículos espaciales (SC). En un gran número de misiones interplanetarias y en todas las misiones a planetas exteriores se han empleado sistemas de radioisótopos (RPS) para generar potencia eléctrica en los vehículos espaciales y en los rovers de exploración. Estos sistemas emplean como fuente de energía el escaso y costoso plutonio-238. La NASA, por medio de un informe de la National Academy of Science (5 de Mayo del 2009), expresó una profunda preocupación por la baja cantidad de plutonio almacenado, insuficiente para desarrollar todas las misiones de exploración planetaria planeadas en el futuro [81, 91]. Esta circustancia ha llevado a dicha Agencia tomar la decisión de limitar el uso de estos sistemas RPS en algunas misiones de especial interés científico y una recomendación de alta prioridad para que el Congreso de los EEUU apruebe el reestablecimiento de la producción de plutonio-238, -son necesarios cerca de 5 kg de este material radiactivo al año-, para salvaguardar las misiones que requieran dichos sistemas de potencia a partir del año 2018. Por otro lado, la Agencia estadounidense ha estado considerando el uso de fuentes de energía alternativa; como la fisión nuclear a través del ambicioso proyecto Prometheus, para llevar a cabo una misión de exploración en el sistema jovial (JIMO). Finalmente, dicha misión fue desestimada por su elevado coste. Recientemente se han estado desarrollando sistemas que consigan energía a través de los recursos naturales que nos aporta el Sol, mediante paneles solares -poco eficientes para misiones a planetas alejados de la luz solar-. En este contexto, la misión JUNO del programa Nuevas Fronteras de la NASA, cuyo lanzamiento fue realizado con éxito en Agosto de 2011, va a ser la primera misión equipada con paneles solares que sobrevolará Júpiter en el 2015 siguiendo una órbita polar. Anteriormente se habían empleado los antes mencionados RPS para las misiones Pioneer 10,11, Voyager 1,2, Ulysses, Cassini-Huygens y Galileo (todas sobrevuelos excepto Galileo). Dicha misión seguirá una órbita elíptica de alta excentricidad con un periápside muy cercano a Júpiter, y apoápside lejano, evitando que los intensos cinturones de radiación puedan dañar los instrumentos de navegación y científicos. Un tether o amarra electrodinámica es capaz de operar como sistema propulsivo o generador de potencia, pero también puede ser considerado como solución científicotecnológica en misiones espaciales tanto en LEO (Órbita Baja Terrestre) como en planetas exteriores. Siguiendo una perspectiva histórica, durante las misiones terrestres TSS-1 (1992) y TSS-1R (1996) se emplearon amarras estandard con recubrimiento aislante en toda su longitud, aplicando como terminal anódico pasivo un colector esférico para captar electrones. En una geometría alternativa, propuesta por J. R. Sanmartín et al. (1993) [93], se consideró dejar la amarra sin recubrimiento aislante (“bare tether”), y sin colector anódico esférico, de forma que recogiera electrones a lo largo del segmento que resulta polarizado positivo, como si se tratara de una sonda de Langmuir de gran longitud. A diferencia de la amarra estandard, el “bare tether” es capaz de recoger electrones a lo largo de una superficie grande ya que este segmento es de varios kilómetros de longitud. Como el radio de la amarra es del orden de la longitud de Debye y pequeño comparado con el radio de Larmor de los electrones, permite una recolección eficiente de electrones en el régimen OML (Orbital Motion Limited) de sondas de Langmuir. La corriente dada por la teoría OML varía en función del perímetro y la longitud. En el caso de una cinta delgada, el perímetro depende de la anchura, que debe ser suficientemente grande para evitar cortes producidos por debris y micrometeoritos, y suficientemente pequeño para que la amarra funcione en dicho régimen [95]. En el experimento espacial TSS-1R mencionado anteriormente, se identificó una recolección de corriente más elevada que la que predecía el modelo teórico de Parker- Murphy, debido posiblemente a que se utilizaba un colector esférico de radio bastante mayor que la longitud de Debye [79]. En el caso de una amarra “bare”, que recoge electrones a lo largo de gran parte de su longitud, se puede producir un fenómeno conocido como atrapamiento adiabático de electrones (adiabatic electron trapping) [25, 40, 60, 73, 74, 97]. En el caso terrestre (LEO) se da la condición mesotérmica en la que la amarra se mueve con una velocidad muy superior a la velocidad térmica de los iones del ambiente y muy inferior a la velocidad térmica de los electrones. J. Laframboise y L. Parker [57] mostraron que, para una función de distribución quasi-isotrópica, la densidad de electrones debe entonces ser necesariamente inferior a la densidad ambiente. Por otra parte, debido a su flujo hipersónico y a la alta polarización positiva de la amarra, la densidad de los iones es mayor que la densidad ambiente en una vasta región de la parte “ram” del flujo, violando la condición de cuasi-neutralidad,-en una región de dimensión mayor que la longitud de Debye-. La solución a esta paradoja podría basarse en el atrapamiento adiabático de electrones ambiente en órbitas acotadas entorno al tether. ABSTRACT New technological and scientific applications by electrodynamic tethers for planetary missions are analyzed: i) A set of cylindrical, parallel tethers (electric solar sail or e-sail) is considered for an interplanetary mission; ions from the solar wind are repelled by the high potential of the tether, providing momentum to the e-sail. An approximated model of a stationary potential for a high solar wind flow is considered. With the force provided by a negative biased tether, an indirect method for the optimization trajectory of an Earth-to-Jupiter orbit transfer is analyzed. ii) The deployment of a tether from the e-sail allows several scientific applications in Jupiter. iia) It might be used as a source of radiative waves for plasma diagnostics and artificial aurora generator. A conductive tether orbiting in the Jovian magnetosphere produces waves. Wave radiation by a conductor carrying a steady current in both a polar, highly eccentric, low perijove orbit, as in NASA’s Juno mission, and an equatorial low Jovian orbit (LJO) mission below the intense radiation belts, is considered. Both missions will need electric power generation for scientific instruments and communication systems. Tethers generate power more efficiently than solar panels or radioisotope power systems (RPS). The radiation impedance is required to determine the current in the overall tether circuit. In a cold plasma model, radiation occurs mainly in the Alfven and fast magnetosonic modes, exhibiting a large refraction index. The radiation impedance of insulated tethers is determined for both modes and either mission. Unlike the Earth ionospheric case, the low-density, highly magnetized Jovian plasma makes the electron gyrofrequency much larger than the plasma frequency; this substantially modifies the power spectrum for either mode by increasing the Alfven velocity. An estimation of the radiation impedance of bare tethers is also considered. iib) In LJO, a spacecraft orbiting in a slow downward spiral under the radiation belts would allow determining magnetic field structure and atmospheric composition for understanding the formation, evolution, and structure of Jupiter. Additionally, if the cathodic contactor is switched off, a tether floats electrically, allowing e-beam emission that generate auroras. On/off switching produces bias/current pulses and signal emission, which might be used for Jovian plasma diagnostics. In LJO, the ions impacting against the negative-biased tether do produce secondary electrons, which racing down Jupiter’s magnetic field lines, reach the upper atmosphere. The energetic electrons there generate auroral effects. Regions where the tether efficiently should produce secondary electrons are analyzed. iic) Other scientific application suggested in LJO is the in-situ detection of charged grains. Charged grains naturally orbit near Jupiter. High-energy electrons in the Jovian ambient may be modeled by the kappa distribution function. In complex plasma scenarios, where the Jovian high electric field may accelerate charges up superthermal velocities, the use of non-Maxwellian distributions should be considered. In these cases, the distribution tails fit well to a power-law dependence for electrons. Fluctuations of the charged grains for non-Mawellian distribution function are here studied. iii) The present thesis is concluded with the analysis for de-orbiting satellites at end of mission by electrodynamic tethers. A de-orbit tether system must present very small tether-to-satellite mass ratio and small probability of a tether cut by small debris too. The present work shows how to select tape dimensions so as to minimize the product of those two magnitudes. Preliminary results of tape-tether design are here discussed to minimize that function. Results for de-orbiting Cryosat and Envisat are also presented.


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The magnetometer is a key instrument to the Solar Orbiter mission. The magnetic field is a fundamental parameter in any plasma: a precise and accurate measurement of the field is essential for understanding almost all aspects of plasma dynamics such as shocks and stream-stream interactions. Many of Solar Orbiter’s mission goals are focussed around the link between the Sun and space. A combination of in situ measurements by the magnetometer, remote measurements of solar magnetic fields and global modelling is required to determine this link and hence how the Sun affects interplanetary space. The magnetic field is typically one of the most precisely measured plasma parameters and is therefore the most commonly used measurement for studies of waves, turbulence and other small scale phenomena. It is also related to the coronal magnetic field which cannot be measured directly. Accurate knowledge of the magnetic field is essential for the calculation of fundamental plasma parameters such as the plasma beta, Alfvén speed and gyroperiod. We describe here the objectives and context of magnetic field measurements on Solar Orbiter and an instrument that fulfils those objectives as defined by the scientific requirements for the mission.


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The first Brazilian mission to an asteroid is being planned. The target is the asteroid 2001 SN263, which has a NEA orbit of class AMOR. Spectral analysis indicated that this is a C-type asteroid. This type of asteroids are dark and difficult to be studied from Earth. They hold clues of the initial stages of planetary formation and also the origin of water and life on Earth. In fact, radar data showed that 2001 SN263 is composed of three bodies with diameters of about 2.8 km, 1.1 km and 0.4 km. Therefore, the spacecraft will have the opportunity to explore three bodies on the same trip. The mission is scheduled to be launched in 2015, reaching the asteroid in 2018. It will be used a small spacecraft (150 kg) with 30 kg for the payload. The set of scientific instruments being considered to explore the target of this mission include an Imaging Camera, a Laser Rangefinder, an Infrared Spectrometer, a Synthetic Aperture Radar and a Mass Spectrometer. The main measurements to be made include the bulk properties (size, shape, mass, density, dynamics, spin state), the internal properties (structure, gravity field) and surface properties (mineralogy, morphology, elemental composition). The mission also opens an opportunity for some relevant experiments, not directly related to the target. Two such experiments will take benefit from being on board of the spacecraft along the journey to the asteroid system, which will take about three years. The first is an astrobiology experiment. The main goal of this experiment is to determine the viability of the microorganisms survival in extraterrestrial environments simulated in laboratory (chemical atmosphere, temperature, desiccation, vacuum, microgravity and radiation). The second experiment is a plasma package. The main objectives of this experiment are to study the structure and electrodynamics of plasma along the trajectory, the plasma instability processes and the density and temperature of plasma of solar wind origin along the trajectory and near the asteroids. This mission represents a great challenge for the Brazilian space program. It is being structured to allow the full engagement of the Brazilian universities and technological companies in all the necessary developments to be carried out. In this paper, we present some aspects of this mission and details of the payload that will be used and the scientific expectations. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved.


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2001 SN263 is a triple system asteroid. Although it was discovery in 2001, in 2008 astronomical observation carried out by Arecibo observatory revealed that it is actually a system with three bodies orbiting each other. The main central body is an irregular object with a diameter about 2.8 km, while the other two are small objects with less than 1 km across. This system presents an orbital eccentricity of 0.47, with perihelion of 1.04 and aphelion of 1.99, which means that it can be considered as a Near Earth Object. This interesting system was chosen as the target for the Aster mission - first Brazilian space exploration undertaking. A small spacecraft with 150 kg of total mass, 30 kg of payload with 110 W available for the instruments, is scheduled to be launched in 2015, and in 2018 it will approach and will be put in orbit of the triple system. This spacecraft will use electric propulsion and in its payload it will carry image camera, laser rangefinder, infrared spectrometer, mass spectrometer, and experiments to be performed in its way to the asteroid. This mission represents a great challenge for the Brazilian space program. It is being structured to allow the full engagement of the Brazilian universities and technological companies in all the necessary developments to be carried out. In this paper, we present some aspects of this mission, including the transfer trajectories to be used, and details of buss and payload subsystems that are being developed and will be used. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved.


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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are emerging as an ideal platform for a wide range of civil applications such as disaster monitoring, atmospheric observation and outback delivery. However, the operation of UAVs is currently restricted to specially segregated regions of airspace outside of the National Airspace System (NAS). Mission Flight Planning (MFP) is an integral part of UAV operation that addresses some of the requirements (such as safety and the rules of the air) of integrating UAVs in the NAS. Automated MFP is a key enabler for a number of UAV operating scenarios as it aids in increasing the level of onboard autonomy. For example, onboard MFP is required to ensure continued conformance with the NAS integration requirements when there is an outage in the communications link. MFP is a motion planning task concerned with finding a path between a designated start waypoint and goal waypoint. This path is described with a sequence of 4 Dimensional (4D) waypoints (three spatial and one time dimension) or equivalently with a sequence of trajectory segments (or tracks). It is necessary to consider the time dimension as the UAV operates in a dynamic environment. Existing methods for generic motion planning, UAV motion planning and general vehicle motion planning cannot adequately address the requirements of MFP. The flight plan needs to optimise for multiple decision objectives including mission safety objectives, the rules of the air and mission efficiency objectives. Online (in-flight) replanning capability is needed as the UAV operates in a large, dynamic and uncertain outdoor environment. This thesis derives a multi-objective 4D search algorithm entitled Multi- Step A* (MSA*) based on the seminal A* search algorithm. MSA* is proven to find the optimal (least cost) path given a variable successor operator (which enables arbitrary track angle and track velocity resolution). Furthermore, it is shown to be of comparable complexity to multi-objective, vector neighbourhood based A* (Vector A*, an extension of A*). A variable successor operator enables the imposition of a multi-resolution lattice structure on the search space (which results in fewer search nodes). Unlike cell decomposition based methods, soundness is guaranteed with multi-resolution MSA*. MSA* is demonstrated through Monte Carlo simulations to be computationally efficient. It is shown that multi-resolution, lattice based MSA* finds paths of equivalent cost (less than 0.5% difference) to Vector A* (the benchmark) in a third of the computation time (on average). This is the first contribution of the research. The second contribution is the discovery of the additive consistency property for planning with multiple decision objectives. Additive consistency ensures that the planner is not biased (which results in a suboptimal path) by ensuring that the cost of traversing a track using one step equals that of traversing the same track using multiple steps. MSA* mitigates uncertainty through online replanning, Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and tolerance. Each trajectory segment is modeled with a cell sequence that completely encloses the trajectory segment. The tolerance, measured as the minimum distance between the track and cell boundaries, is the third major contribution. Even though MSA* is demonstrated for UAV MFP, it is extensible to other 4D vehicle motion planning applications. Finally, the research proposes a self-scheduling replanning architecture for MFP. This architecture replicates the decision strategies of human experts to meet the time constraints of online replanning. Based on a feedback loop, the proposed architecture switches between fast, near-optimal planning and optimal planning to minimise the need for hold manoeuvres. The derived MFP framework is original and shown, through extensive verification and validation, to satisfy the requirements of UAV MFP. As MFP is an enabling factor for operation of UAVs in the NAS, the presented work is both original and significant.


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This paper presents the application of advanced optimization techniques to unmanned aerial system mission path planning system (MPPS) using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs). Two types of multi-objective optimizers are compared; the MOEA nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II and a hybrid-game strategy are implemented to produce a set of optimal collision-free trajectories in a three-dimensional environment. The resulting trajectories on a three-dimensional terrain are collision-free and are represented by using Bézier spline curves from start position to target and then target to start position or different positions with altitude constraints. The efficiency of the two optimization methods is compared in terms of computational cost and design quality. Numerical results show the benefits of adding a hybrid-game strategy to a MOEA and for a MPPS.


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This paper presents advanced optimization techniques for Mission Path Planning (MPP) of a UAS fitted with a spore trap to detect and monitor spores and plant pathogens. The UAV MPP aims to optimise the mission path planning search and monitoring of spores and plant pathogens that may allow the agricultural sector to be more competitive and more reliable. The UAV will be fitted with an air sampling or spore trap to detect and monitor spores and plant pathogens in remote areas not accessible to current stationary monitor methods. The optimal paths are computed using a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs). Two types of multi-objective optimisers are compared; the MOEA Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms II (NSGA-II) and Hybrid Game are implemented to produce a set of optimal collision-free trajectories in three-dimensional environment. The trajectories on a three-dimension terrain, which are generated off-line, are collision-free and are represented by using Bézier spline curves from start position to target and then target to start position or different position with altitude constraints. The efficiency of the two optimization methods is compared in terms of computational cost and design quality. Numerical results show the benefits of coupling a Hybrid-Game strategy to a MOEA for MPP tasks. The reduction of numerical cost is an important point as the faster the algorithm converges the better the algorithms is for an off-line design and for future on-line decisions of the UAV.


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This paper presents the application of advanced optimization techniques to unmanned aerial system mission path planning system (MPPS) using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs). Two types of multi-objective optimizers are compared; the MOEA nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II and a hybrid-game strategy are implemented to produce a set of optimal collision-free trajectories in a three-dimensional environment. The resulting trajectories on a three-dimensional terrain are collision-free and are represented by using Bézier spline curves from start position to target and then target to start position or different positions with altitude constraints. The efficiency of the two optimization methods is compared in terms of computational cost and design quality. Numerical results show the benefits of adding a hybrid-game strategy to a MOEA and for a MPPS.


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Perhaps the most innovative of all independent OLD ventures specialising in ROW content is Jaman. Founded in 2007 by IT entrepreneur Gaurav Dhillon, and based in San Mateo, California, Jaman is a quality specialist distributor of non-Hollywood films. As of late 2010, Jaman had 1.8 million registered users and attracts viewers from most countries in the world. 75% of all use is generated from outside the U.S. Jaman does very well in English speaking parts of the world, particularly current and former Commonwealth countries. The United Kingdom accounts for 29% of users, North America (U.S. and Canada) 26%, and India represents 23%. Jaman is sometimes referred to as ‘social cinema’: a website which brings together the critique and review of a cinephile website (the forums of Rue-morgue.com for cinefantastique movie fans for example) with the social interaction, community and functionality of a social media site (for example Facebook.com). Jaman could be considered a pioneer in this space; a first mover in wrapping commercial movie downloading in an interactive social experience.