829 resultados para Internet and teenagers
Introduction: Self-image is important in the behaviour and lifestyle of children and adolescents. Analysing the self-image they have and the factors that might influence their distortion, can be used to prevent problems of obesity and anorexia. The main objective of present publication was to analyse the risk factors that may contribute to self-image distortion. Material and Methods: A descriptive survey study was conducted among 659 children and adolescents in two social classes (low and medium-high), measuring height and weight, calculating BMI percentile for age and gender. Body image and self-perception were registered. Results: The percentage of overweight-obesity is higher in scholars (41.8% boys, 28.7% girls) than in adolescents (30.1% and 22.2% respectively), with no difference between socioeconomic classes. The multinomial logistic regression analysis gives a risk of believing thinner higher (p=0.000) among boys OR=2.9(95%CI:1.43-3.37), school (p=0.000) OR=2.42(95%CI:1.56-3.76) and much lower (p=0.000) between normally nourished OR=0.08(95%CI:0.05-0.13), with no differences according to socioeconomic status. The risk of believing fatter is lower (p=0.000) between boys OR=0.28(95%CI:0.14-0.57), school(p=0.072) OR=0.54(95%CI:0.27-1.6), and much higher among underweight (p=0.000) OR=9x108(95% CI:4x108-19x108). Conclusions: Are risk factors of believing thinner: males, being in a group of schoolchildren and overweight-obesity. Conversely, are risk factors of believing fatter: females, teen and above all, be thin.
Mode of access: Internet.
The Internet plays an important role in higher education institutions where Learning Management Systems (LMS) occupies a main role in the eLearning realm. In this chapter we aim to characterize the Internet and LMS usage patterns and their role in the largest Portuguese Polytechnic Institute. The usage patterns were analyzed in two components: characterization of Internet usage and the role of Internet and LMS in education. Using a quantitative approach, the data analysis describes the differences between gender, age and scientific fields. The carried qualitative analysis allows a better understanding of students’ both motivations, opinions and suggestions of improvement. The outcome of this work is the presentation of the Portuguese students’ profile regarding Internet and LMS usage patterns. We expect that these results can be used to select the most suitable digital pedagogical processes and tools to be adopted regarding the learning process and most adequate LMS’s policies.
Some infections can be the cause of secondary nephrotic syndrome. The aim of this study was to describe the experience of a Renal Disease Reference Clinic from Central Brazil, in which serological markers of some infectious agents are systematically screened in children with nephrotic syndrome. Data were obtained from the assessment of medical files of all children under fifteen years of age, who matched nephrotic syndrome criteria. Subjects were tested for IgG and IgM antibodies against T. gondii and cytomegalovirus; antibodies against Herpes simplex, hepatitis C virus and HIV; and surface antigen (HBsAg) of hepatitis B virus. The VDRL test was also performed. 169 cases were studied. The median age on the first visit was 44 months and 103 (60.9%) patients were male. Anti-CMV IgG and IgM were found in 70.4% and 4.1%, respectively. IgG and IgM against Toxoplasma gondii were present in 32.5% and 5.3%, respectively. Two patients were positive for HBsAg, but none showed markers for HIV, hepatitis C, or Treponema pallidum. IgG and IgM against herpes simplex virus were performed on 54 patients, of which 48.1% and 22.2% were positive. IgM antibodies in some children with clinical signs of recent infection suggest that these diseases may play a role in the genesis of nephrotic syndrome.
Paper analysing the increasing importance of Internet in organisations, the evolution of the use of information technology in the Olympic Games and the challenges that Internet can bring to the Olympic Movement. This paper was presented at the 11th IASI World Conference on Sports Information (Lausanne, 25-27 April 2001)
El desenvolupament de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC) durant els darrers quaranta anys del segle XX i la seva incorporació en els diferents àmbits de l'activitat humana ens porten a plantejar-nos, al començament del segle XXI, quines són les transformacions profundes que acompanyen aquests fets i quines són les conseqüències que, com a mínim a curt termini, comporten. El focus d'aquest projecte és l'anàlisi dels processos de transformació de la vida acadèmica universitària en l'àmbit català, la seva vinculació amb la realitat actual i les repercussions que els processos esmentats tenen en la societat en general. De manera més específica, l'objectiu és, en primer lloc, explorar amb una perspectiva global la incorporació d'Internet a les universitats catalanes i, en segon lloc, analitzar els processos de canvi que aquest fet comporta en els processos de formació i recerca de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). Aquest informe presenta els resultats de tres estudis concrets, cadascun dels quals té uns objectius, una metodologia i una discussió particulars: Configuració de la xarxa d'universitats catalanes: connexió física i projectes compartits, Presència de les universitats catalanes a Internet, i Estudi de cas: la URV.
Cet article passe en revue les côtés positifs et les risques liés à l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies. Parmi les aspects positifs, figurent l'accès rapide à des informations à caractère éducatif, la possibilité d'échanges à caractère social ou intellectuel, et l'ouverture à des renseignements dans le domaine de la santé, des drogues ou de la sexualité. Les menaces sont liées à l'inexpérience et à la difficulté à juger de la validité des informations, ou du risque que les jeunes prennent en diffusant des informations sur le web. La dépendance à internet et le risque de violence sont probablement surestimés. Un monitorage ouvert et interactif de la part des parents constitue une bonne prévention. L'investigation du rapport que chaque jeune patient entretient avec ces outils fait partie intégrante de tout bilan de santé. [Abstract] This reviews the use of new technologies with its benefits and pitfalls. Among the positive aspects are instant access to educational information, the possibility to connect with mates and to develop social exchanges, as well as an access to preventive contents in the field of health, substances or sexuality. The risks are linked with inexperience and the adolescent's inability to assess the validity of information collected on Internet, as well as a lack of insights of the consequences of launching information or images on the web. The menace of addiction or of violence induced by intemet is probably overestimated by many adults but should be taken into account. Parents should monitor their adolescents' activity in an open and interactive way. Moreover, any adolescent medical check-up should touch on the use of new technologies.
In this paper we want to present a work- in-progress research about video self production on the Internet that is part of a broader research project which explores the ways current media practices convey a 'playful' relationship with digital technologies in popular culture.
The osteoporosis of the child and the teenager is a pathological reality; its multifactorial pathogenesis often requires a collaborative approach and multidisciplinary. The osteoporosis characterized by a reduction in the bone mineral density is not a uniform pathology; it must be dealt with on all the levels by analyzing the factors of risks, by giving itself the diagnostic means and while insisting on the importance of a preventive approach as well as therapeutic.
Many researchers and professionals have reported nonsubstance addiction to online entertainments in adolescents. However, very few scales have been designed to assess problem Internet use in this population, in spite of their high exposure and obvious vulnerability. The aim of this study was to review the currently available scales for assessing problematic Internet use and to validate a new scale of this kind for use, specifically in this age group, the Problematic Internet Entertainment Use Scale for Adolescents. The research was carried out in Spain in a gender-balanced sample of 1131 high school students aged between 12 and 18 years. Psychometric analyses showed the scale to be unidimensional, with excellent internal consistency (Cronbach"s alpha of 0.92), good construct validity, and positive associations with alternative measures of maladaptive Internet use. This selfadministered scale can rapidly measure the presence of symptoms of behavioral addiction to online videogames and social networking sites, as well as their degree of severity. The results estimate the prevalence of this problematic behavior in Spanish adolescents to be around 5 percent.