977 resultados para Internationalization strategies


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Includes bibliography


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Portuguese Born Global Companies have been performing an important role in the Portuguese market, mainly due to their innovative ideas and the positive contribution to exportations. This study focuses on the international strategies of four of these companies, comparing them with four international Non-Born Global Companies, in qualitative analysis. It will be possible to see a preference by the Non-Born Global Companies over proximate cultural countries. By following opportunities instead of markets, Portuguese Born Global Companies excel at internationalization growth. The purpose of this study is to help managers of small, innovative companies understand the internationalization strategies in Portugal.


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Internationalization of higher education has become one of the most important policies for institutions of higher education worldwide. Though universities are international by nature, the need for intensified quality activities of international nature has promoted internationalization to be under spotlight of researchers, administrators and policy makers and to be an area for research. Each institution follows its certain way to govern its international affairs. Most Universities, especially in the 'Developed World' started to plan it strategically. This study explores the meanings and importance of internationalization especially that it means different things to different people. It also studies the rationales behind internationalizing higher education. It focuses on the four main prevailing rationales; political, cultural/social, economic/financial, and academic on both national and institutional levels. With the increasing need to strategically plan, the study explores internationalization strategies in terms of how to develop them, what are their approaches and types, and their components and dimensions. Damascus University has witnessed an overwhelming development of its international relations and activities. Therefore, it started to face a problem of how to deal with this increasing load especially that its International Office is the only unit that deals with the international issues. In order to study the internationalization phenomenon at Damascus University, the 2WH approach, which asks the what, why, and how questions, is used and in order to define the International Office's role in the internationalization process of the University, it studies it and the international offices of Kassel University, and Humboldt University in Germany, The University of Jordan, and Al Baath University in Syria using the 'SOCIAL' approach that studies and analyses the situation, organization, challenges, involvement, ambitions, and limitations of these offices. The internationalization process at the above-mentioned Universities is studied and compared in terms of its meaning, rationales for both the institution and its academic staff, challenges and strategic planning. Then a comparison is made among the international offices of the Universities to identify their approaches, what led to their success and what led to their failure in their practices. The aim is to provide Damascus University and its International Office with some good practices and, depending on the experiences of the professionals of the case-studies, a suggested guidance to the work of this Office and the University in general is given. The study uses the interviews with the different officials and stakeholders of the case-studies as the main method of collecting the information in addition to site visits, studying their official documents and their websites. The study belongs to qualitative research that has an action dimension in it since the recommendations will be applied in the International Office. The study concludes with few learned lessons for Damascus University and its International Office depending on the comparison that was done according to a set of dimensions. Finally a reflection on the relationship between internationalization of higher education and politics, the impact of politics on Middle Eastern Universities, and institutional internationalization strategies are presented.


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The multi-polar world in which we now live and work demands re-examination and refinement of the traditional understanding of the internationalization strategies and competitive advantages of multinational firms by incorporating the characteristics of firms from emerging economies. Based on interviews in four Indian multinationals in different industry segments, we present the "voices" of Indian corporate leaders to provide preliminary evidence on the primary motives behind the internationalization process of emerging multinationals from the perspective of linkage, leverage and learning (LLL). We show how the case study organizations have evolved themselves to become credible global players by leveraging on their learning through targeted acquisitions in developed markets to acquire intangible assets and/or following global clients in search of new markets and competitive advantages.


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The extant literature had studied the determinants of the firms’ location decisions with help of host country characteristics and distances between home and host countries. Firm resources and its internationalization strategies had found limited attention in this literature. To address this gap, the research question in this dissertation was whether and how firms’ resources and internationalization strategies impacted the international location decisions of emerging market firms. ^ To explore the research question, data were hand-collected from Indian software firms on their location decisions taken between April 2000 and March 2009. To analyze the multi-level longitudinal dataset, hierarchical linear modeling was used. The results showed that the internationalization strategies, namely market-seeking or labor-seeking had direct impact on firms’ location decision. This direct relationship was moderated by firm resource which, in case of Indian software firms, was the appraisal at CMMI level-5. Indian software firms located in developed countries with a market-seeking strategy and in emerging markets with a labor-seeking strategy. However, software firms with resource such as CMMI level-5 appraisal, when in a labor-seeking mode, were more likely to locate in a developed country over emerging market than firms without the appraisal. Software firms with CMMI level-5 appraisal, when in market-seeking mode, were more likely to locate in a developed country over an emerging market than firms without the appraisal. ^ It was concluded that the internationalization strategies and resources of companies predicted their location choices, over and above the variables studied in the theoretical field of location determinants.^


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The extant literature had studied the determinants of the firms’ location decisions with help of host country characteristics and distances between home and host countries. Firm resources and its internationalization strategies had found limited attention in this literature. To address this gap, the research question in this dissertation was whether and how firms’ resources and internationalization strategies impacted the international location decisions of emerging market firms. To explore the research question, data were hand-collected from Indian software firms on their location decisions taken between April 2000 and March 2009. To analyze the multi-level longitudinal dataset, hierarchical linear modeling was used. The results showed that the internationalization strategies, namely market-seeking or labor-seeking had direct impact on firms’ location decision. This direct relationship was moderated by firm resource which, in case of Indian software firms, was the appraisal at CMMI level-5. Indian software firms located in developed countries with a market-seeking strategy and in emerging markets with a labor-seeking strategy. However, software firms with resource such as CMMI level-5 appraisal, when in a labor-seeking mode, were more likely to locate in a developed country over emerging market than firms without the appraisal. Software firms with CMMI level-5 appraisal, when in market-seeking mode, were more likely to locate in a developed country over an emerging market than firms without the appraisal. It was concluded that the internationalization strategies and resources of companies predicted their location choices, over and above the variables studied in the theoretical field of location determinants.


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[ES] La internacionalización de la producción de las factorías navales viene impulsada por las posibilidades que las nuevas técnicas de construcción abren a la desagregación de los procesos productivos. Además, los avances experimentados en las tecnologías de la información y comunicación reducen los inconvenientes de la deslocalización de actividades en distintos centros ubicados en áreas geográficas distantes. Asimismo, el abaratamiento de los costes de transporte resta importancia a los escollos del desplazamiento de las partes del buque entre los distintos puntos de construcción. Pese a ello, en el sector naval, cuyo mercado objetivo habitual es de ámbito mundial, la internacionalización de la producción resulta ser una práctica menos frecuente.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientador: Professor Doutor Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de Lima Rua


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The growing connotation Internationalization has worldwide, alongside the economic, political and socio-environmental changes, is empowering a progressively global education economy. Therefore, this Work Project aims to help Nova SBE to understand the decision making process of the Colombian tertiary education students, as this market constitutes an enriching opportunity to meet both business and educative objectives. In order to do so, a qualitative research was conducted to comprehend the rationale behind Colombian students to study abroad. The study points out that the reputation of a HE institution and the Portuguese culture are the key attributes to pursue a degree in Portugal.


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Grupo Bimbo es uno de los mayores fabricantes a nivel mundial de panadería y dulces, es considerada como la segunda empresa panificadora más importante del mundo, estando presente en más de 17 países, en los cuales cuenta con gran participación y posicionamiento de sus productos. Esto ha contribuido a que se convierta en la empresa líder de la industria panadera en Latinoamérica, siendo así, un modelo a seguir para otras compañías que quieren seguir sus pasos. Por esta razón, fue preciso hacer un estudio de sus operaciones y actividades tanto internas como externas, con el objetivo de analizar y comprender la clave de su rotundo éxito. Por otro lado, después de realizar un recorrido teórico por los planteamientos de cada uno de los modelos de internacionalización, formulados por diferentes teóricos y una investigación profunda del proceso de internacionalización que ha desarrollado Grupo Bimbo a través de sus 65 años de presencia en el mercado, se logró comparar la teoría de éstos modelos con las prácticas y metodologías que ha implementado ésta compañía en su proceso de expansión a mercados extranjeros, llegando a conclusiones tales como que esta compañía, no se basó en un modelo teórico especifico para su proceso de internacionalización, sino en una combinación de experiencia, conocimiento, investigación de mercados y de diferentes mecanismos de ingreso a nuevos mercados, para entrar con gran éxito a los distintos países en los cuales sus productos se están comercializando.


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Como aun adición al documento “Estrategias para la Internacionalización en Prosectorglass SAS.” Se desarrolla la VSM del estado actual de la producción para ofrecer a la compañía una herramienta de evaluación y revisión de sus procesos e identificación de desperdicios. Esta herramienta se elabora teniendo en cuenta análisis de tempos de ciclo, y diagramas de producción elaborados también en el desarrollo del ejercicios.


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En el estudio de caso se podrá encontrar información relacionada a la empresa ASTRO MAQUINARIA Ltda. la cual lleva más de 20 años en el mercado, generando soluciones a las necesidades de maquinaria y equipos, especialmente en el área de bombeo. Desde el principio la empresa ha estado importando desde Estados Unidos el portafolio de productos que ofrecen, actualmente tienen la representación comercial de la empresa Pentair Pump Group. Este estudio de caso pretende identificar cual es la estrategia de internacionalización empleada por la empresa, la toma de decisiones, la cadena de abastecimiento, relaciones comerciales, entre otras; las cuales han logrado la perdurabilidad y el crecimiento de la empresa desde su inicio. La metodología utilizada para el desarrollo de este estudio de caso se basara en variables cualitativas que permiten el análisis profundo y la indagación sobre el fenómeno, igualmente se utilizaran algunas variables cuantitativas para observar la situación actual de la empresa y el desempeño de la misma en el sector de comercialización de maquinaria pesada.


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Por medio de la realización de un análisis comparativo de las mejores prácticas y la situación actual del sector ecoturismo en Costa Rica y Colombia y teniendo como referente las diversas teorías de internacionalización, se generaron numerosas estrategias de internacionalización para poder posicionar al turismo de naturaleza en Colombia como un sector de talla mundial. A partir del análisis general del sector ecoturismo a nivel mundial y profundizando después en Costa Rica y Colombia, se identificó el comportamiento del sector en Costa Rica para posicionarse como un país líder en ecoturismo, para así concluir con las estrategias de internacionalización comúnmente usadas en ese país y llevarlas al contexto colombiano. El indiscutible éxito del sector ecoturismo de Costa Rica en el mundo, es el motivo por el cual se tomó como patrón y base para dicho análisis comparativo. Sus prácticas y estrategias pueden ser utilizadas por el sector colombiano para realizar su proceso de internacionalización y de ésta manera mejorar su productividad, proyectarse internacionalmente y generar empleo para así contribuir con el desarrollo económico del país y la calidad de vida de sus habitantes.


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A partir de un estudio realizado a cinco de los bancos más importantes del sector financiero sudamericano y utilizando las diferentes teorías del proceso de internacionalización que han expuesto diferentes autores, se logró identificar un modelo estratégico a seguir que puede ser utilizado por cualquier entidad financiera colombiana que desee iniciar actividades en algún país de la región. Se lograron identificar características de competencia claves en el sector financiero colombiano como son: calidad del servicio, tasas de interés de captación y colocación, costos administrativos, red de oficinas y diferentes canales de atención, entre otros. Igualmente, se pudo concluir que debido al alto grado de hacinamiento en el sector financiero ocasionado por las estrategias utilizadas por las entidades, se hace necesario aumentar la participación del mercado en diferentes países de la región con el fin de incrementar la rentabilidad. Teniendo como base las diferentes teorías de internacionalización, se identificaron estrategias utilizadas por cinco entidades financieras que tienen participación en diferentes países, siendo la adquisición y fusión entre entidades las más exitosas.