347 resultados para Internationaler Austausch


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David Phillips: The German Example, English Interest in Educational Provision in Germany Since 1800, London / New York: Continuum 2011 (230 S.; ISBN 978-1-44114-130-9; 70,00 EUR)


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Rezension von: Pilz, Matthias / Berger, Susanne / Canning, Roy (Hrsg.): Fit for business, Pre vocational education in European Schools, Heidelberg: Springer 2012 (211 S.; ISBN 978-3-531-18383-1)


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Im Februar 2001 begann unter der Schirmherrschaft des Internationalen Rates für Meeresforschung (ICES) und der Ozeanographie Kommission der UNESCO (IOC) der internationale Workshop Biological Effects of Contaminants in Pelagic Ecosystems, BECPELAG mit folgenden Zielen: • Untersuchungen über das Auftreten biologischer Effekte von Umweltschadstoffen auf Meeresorganismen in der Freiwasserzone (Pelagial) der Nordsee • Überprüfung von Methoden zur Erkennung von biologischen Schadstoffeffekten in pelagischen Organismen auf ihre Eignung für zukünftige Überwachungsprogramme


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The German larvae surveys in the main spawning area of the herring of the western Baltic Sea - an international important program. The article gives an overview over the German herring larvae surveys in the Greifswalder Bodden and Strelasund. This program is performed under ecological points of view annually in the main spawning area of the herring of the western Baltic Sea and delivers indices, which are well suited as independent estimates of the herring year-class strength.


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A hydroacoustic survey on the oceanic redfish (oceanic Sebastes mentella) in the Irminger Sea and adjacent waters South and East of Greenland was carried out by Iceland, Germany and Russia. During this, about 250 000 nm2 were covered. The acoustic assessment yielded a stock size of approximately 1.6 x 10(6) tonnes or 2.6 x 10(9) individuals. This however, is considered to be an underestimation of the stock, as a result of partial mixing of the stock with the scattering layer. The oceanic redfish concentrations were densest at 200-300 m depth, mainly within temperatures of 3.5 °C to 5 °C. 61 % of the stock were males at an average length of 36 cm and an average weight of 582 g.


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From 25 November until 8 Deeember 1994, a sea-going workshop with the above title was carried out on board RV "Walther Herwig IlI" under the umbrella of the Baltie Marine Biologists (BMlJ) and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). Under the co-convenorship of the first two authors of this paper, 11 seientists from 8 of the 9 countries bordering the Baltic Sea (except Sweden) actively involved in research monitoring into fish diseases/parasites participated. The main reason for holding the workshop was that, although fish disease monitoring programmes on the abundance and spatial distribution of fish diseases/parasites are being carried out by some of the countries bordering the Baltic Sea, there is still a striking lack of seientific information as compared to other seas, such as the North Sea. Moreover, since new fish disease monitoring programmes have recently been started (mainly by the new Baltic republics Latvia and Estonia, which recently became ICES-member countries) or are planned for the near future (Lithuania), BMB as weil as ICES felt the need for a interealibration and standardization of methodologies applied during fish disease/parasite surveys for the specific conditions in the Baltic Sea. Therefore, the major objectives of the workshop were -to obtain information about the disease/parasite prevalence in Baltic (Platichthys flesus) and other abundant fish species along a transect from the western (Mecklenhurg Bight) to the eastern (Gulf of Finland) Baltic Sea to be used as a baseline for future studies, -to intercalibrate methodologies applied for sampling, diagnosis of diseases/parasites, reporting and analyses of disease data, -if necessary, to recommend standard methodologies to be used for fish disease/parasite monitoring programmes under the specific conditions in the Baltic Sea. Although the data have yet not been completely analyzed, there is indication for some pronounced spatial trends regarding the prevalence of certain diseases/parasites, mainly for Iymphocystis and skin ulcerations in flounder but also for diseases and parasites of cod (Gadus morhua) which can be seen in figures 2 and 4. Recommendations for standard methodologies will later be published elsewhere.


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Das Fehlen einer theoretisch und empirisch fundierten Konzeption des Managements im Rahmen internationaler Unternehmenskooperation am Standort Korea auf der Basis strategischer Erfolgsfaktoren bildet den Anlass und den Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit, deren Zielsetzung sich wie folgt formulieren lässt: • Eine erste Zielsetzung ist es, einen theoretisch fundierten Bezugsrahmen potentieller Einflussbereiche des Kooperationserfolgs zu entwickeln. Die einzelnen Bausteine dieses Bezugsrahmens, die zugleich die zentralen Elemente einer Gesamtkonzeption des Kooperationsmanagements darstellen, dienen im Folgenden als Suchfelder für eine theoriegeleitete Identifikation koreaspezifischer Erfolgs- und Misserfolgsfaktoren bei der Gestaltung und Führung internationaler Unternehmenskooperationen am Standort Korea. • Ein weiteres Untersuchungsziel besteht darin, die theoretisch identifizierten Erfolgsfaktoren mit Hilfe der varianzbasierten Strukturanalyse („PLS-Verfahren“) auf ihre empirische Relevanz im Rahmen internationaler Unternehmenskooperationen in Korea zu überprüfen. • Darüber hinaus sollen empirische Resultate auf den jeweiligen konzeptionellen Ebenen für praxis- und anwendungsorientierte Problemlösungsstrategien und -instrumente im Hinblick auf die Auswahl und Ausgestaltung einer adäquaten Koreastrategie abgeleitet werden. • Schließlich besteht das Untersuchungsziel in der Vermittlung von Problemlösungsstrategien mit Blick auf das interkulturelle Management. In diesem Zusammenhang wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht, inwiefern das unterschiedliche Kulturumfeld der beteiligten Unternehmen die effiziente und effektive Führung einer internationalen Unternehmenskooperation im Falle Korea erschwert und wie diese Kulturdistanz überwunden werden kann.


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In the era of international migration, the experience of homelessness, deriving from the loss of the myth of cultural and ethno-linguistically singularity in contemporary societies, seems to become an universal phenomenon. Questions of home and belonging are key issues in the current discourses on Diaspora which, since the turning point of 1989, developed beyond those academic disciplines concerned with religion. At taking a critical perspective on the loss of analytical categories, this article discusses the enormous proliferation of Diasporaconcepts in social sciences at large, and in particular with regard to discourses on Muslims in Europe.


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The responses of photosynthetic plant gas exchange, COS uptake and carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity were studied on Quercus ilex (Holm oak), and beech Fagus sylvatica L