940 resultados para International medical graduates
This qualitative research study used grounded theory methodology to explore the settlement experiences and changes in professional identity, self esteem and health status of foreign-trained physicians (FTPs) who resettled in Canada and were not able to practice their profession. Seventeen foreign-trained physicians completed a pre-survey and rated their health status, quality of life, self esteem and stress before and after coming to Canada. They also rated changes in their experiences of violence and trauma, inclusion and belonging, and racism and discrimination. Eight FTPs from the survey sample were interviewed in semi-structured qualitative interviews to explore their experiences with the loss of their professional medical identities and attempts to regain them during resettlement. This study found that without their medical license and identity, this group of FTPs could not fully restore their professional, social, and economic status and this affected their self esteem and health status. The core theme of the loss of professional identity and attempts to regain it while being underemployed were connected with the multifaceted challenges of resettlement which created experiences of lowered selfesteem, and increased stress, anxiety and depression. They identified the re-licensing process (cost, time, energy, few residency positions, and low success rate) as the major barrier to a full and successful settlement and re-establishment of their identities. Grounded research was used to develop General Resettlement Process Model and a Physician Re-licensing Model outlining the tasks and steps for the successfiil general resettlement of all newcomers to Canada with additional process steps to be accomplished by foreign-trained physicians. Maslow's Theory of Needs was expanded to include the re-establishment of professional identity for this group to re-establish levels of safety, security, belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization. Foreign-trained physicians had established prior professional medical identities, self-esteem, recognition, social status, purpose and meaning and bring needed human capital and skills to Canada. However, without identifying and addressing the barriers to their full inclusion in Canadian society, the health of this population may deteriorate and the health system of the host country may miss out on their needed contributions.
PURPOSE: This study describes in Brazil and in the global biomedical community the time course of the development of animal research welfare guidelines. METHODS: The database of the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto (EC/FMRP-USP), Brazil, was surveyed since its inception in 2002 as the regulations became more stringent to provide better protection of animal research welfare at this institution. Medline database was evaluated to identify the number of publications in the period between 1968 and 2008 that used research animals and were in compliance with established ethics guidelines. RESULTS: The EC/FMRP-USP evaluated 979 projects up until 2009. Most of the applications came from Department of Physiology and the most frequently requested species was the rat. In 2004, national research funding agencies started to request prior approval from institutional review ethics committees prior to application review and this requirement became federal law in Brazil in 2008. The analysis of international publications revealed a relative reduction in studies involving research animals (18% in 1968 to 7.5% in 2008). CONCLUSIONS: The present work showed that in the last four decades major changes occurred in the guidelines dictating use of research animals occurred and they are being adopted by developing countries. Moreover, animal welfare concern in the scientific community preceded the introduction of journal guidelines for this purpose. Furthermore, in Brazil it was anticipated that laws were needed to protect animal research welfare from being not upheld.
PURPOSE: This study describes in Brazil and in the global biomedical community the time course of the development of animal research welfare guidelines. METHODS: The database of the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto (EC/FMRP-USP), Brazil, was surveyed since its inception in 2002 as the regulations became more stringent to provide better protection of animal research welfare at this institution. Medline database was evaluated to identify the number of publications in the period between 1968 and 2008 that used research animals and were in compliance with established ethics guidelines. RESULTS: The EC/FMRP-USP evaluated 979 projects up until 2009. Most of the applications came from Department of Physiology and the most frequently requested species was the rat. In 2004, national research funding agencies started to request prior approval from institutional review ethics committees prior to application review and this requirement became federal law in Brazil in 2008. The analysis of international publications revealed a relative reduction in studies involving research animals (18% in 1968 to 7.5% in 2008). CONCLUSIONS: The present work showed that in the last four decades major changes occurred in the guidelines dictating use of research animals occurred and they are being adopted by developing countries. Moreover, animal welfare concern in the scientific community preceded the introduction of journal guidelines for this purpose. Furthermore, in Brazil it was anticipated that laws were needed to protect animal research welfare from being not upheld.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
American edition of: Medical annual and practitioner's index.
"A monthly review of current literature."
Abstracts of medical literature.
Vol. 1, no. 1-4, published in New York.
Includes index.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
No Abstract
RÉSUMÉ : Problématique : En dépit du nombre croissant de médecins immigrants qui choisissent de s’installer au Québec, et de la pénurie de ces professionnels de la santé, beaucoup d’entre eux ne parviendront pas à exercer leur profession au Québec. Les études réalisées auparavant n’étaient souvent pas spécifiques à l’intégration professionnelle des médecins immigrants au Québec. Et de nouvelles barrières émergeaient à chaque étude, justifiant la nécessité d’une démarche exploratoire pour mieux comprendre le sujet. Objectifs : L’objectif de cette étude est d’identifier et analyser les barrières à l’intégration professionnelle ainsi que les facteurs facilitants perçus par les médecins immigrants diplômés hors Canada et États-Unis qui choisissent de s’installer au Québec. Méthodologie : La stratégie retenue est la recherche synthétique de type étude de cas. C’est une recherche qualitative principalement basée sur l’analyse de 22 entrevues semi-structurées, réalisées avec des médecins immigrants diplômés hors Canada et États-Unis, originaires de 15 pays différents. L’échantillon est de type variation maximale, selon le pays d’origine, la formation initiale, l’expérience professionnelle et selon le parcours personnel au Québec. Le recrutement a été réalisé principalement à l’aide de la collaboration du Centre d'évaluation des sciences de la santé de l’Université Laval, de l’organisme « l’Hirondelle » et du département d’administration de la santé de l’Université de Montréal. Le cadre théorique est celui de Diaz (1993) et les différents thèmes qui ont été abordés dans l’entrevue sont inspirés de la synthèse des barrières et des perceptions citées dans la littérature dont la plupart ne sont pas spécifiques aux médecins immigrants. Ces thèmes généraux sont représentés par les contraintes linguistiques, socioculturelles, informationnelles, financières, procédurales et discriminatoires. Pour ce qui est des thèmes des facteurs facilitants, ce sont : les facteurs financiers, informationnels, d’aide et de support à l’intégration professionnelle. Résultats : Les 22 participants étaient composés de 13 hommes et de 9 femmes, âgés de 29 à 53 ans, originaires de 15 pays différents et ayant une durée de séjour au Québec de 2 à 15 ans. Lors des entrevues, les émergences recueillies grâce aux questions ouvertes ont permis d’appréhender les difficultés spécifiques perçues par les médecins immigrants qui n’ont pas été soulevées ii par la littérature. Les barrières à l’intégration professionnelle perçues par les médecins immigrants sont surtout de nature procédurale, mais également institutionnelles, et dans une moindre mesure, socioculturelles. Les principales barrières procédurales sont relatives aux facteurs informationnels, à l’évaluation des connaissances et des compétences médicales, mais surtout à l’absence de garantie de l’octroi des postes de résidence même après la réussite des examens exigés. Les facteurs facilitants les plus importants sont l’harmonisation des procédures provinciales et fédérales, l’amélioration relative de l’information, le soutien linguistique pour les nonfrancophones et la pénurie des médecins. Conclusion : La réduction des nombreuses barrières identifiées dans cette recherche, permettra non seulement de faciliter l’intégration professionnelle des médecins immigrants, mais également de contribuer à réduire la pénurie de ces professionnels de la santé au Québec.