988 resultados para Internal strain-gage balance


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Aerodynamic balances are employed in wind tunnels to estimate the forces and moments acting on the model under test. This paper proposes a methodology for the assessment of uncertainty in the calibration of an internal multi-component aerodynamic balance. In order to obtain a suitable model to provide aerodynamic loads from the balance sensor responses, a calibration is performed prior to the tests by applying known weights to the balance. A multivariate polynomial fitting by the least squares method is used to interpolate the calibration data points. The uncertainties of both the applied loads and the readings of the sensors are considered in the regression. The data reduction includes the estimation of the calibration coefficients, the predicted values of the load components and their corresponding uncertainties, as well as the goodness of fit.


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This paper describes the measurement of aerodynamic loads using fiber-optic strain gauge sensors and associated signal processors at hypersonic speeds in the 300mm hypersonic wind tunnel. at the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science. Fiber-optic sensors have been developed in USA since 1990, for variety of applications in experimental stress analysis, skin friction measurement in fluid flows, smart structures, smart materials, sensing of acoustic emission and more recently in the development of compact devices for measurement of displacement, stress/strain, pressure, temperature, acceleration etc. Our group at llSc has been playing a lead role in the use of these fiber - optic sensors for successful measurement of aerodynamic loads in wind tunnels and the first ever six-component wind tunnel strain gauge balance in the world based on fiber optic sensors was built at the Indian Institute of Science in the year 1999. We report here the results of our efforts in the development of an internal strain gauge balance for high-speed wind tunnel applications.


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This paper describes the development of a semiconductor strain gage tactile transducer. It was designed with the goal of measuring finger forces without affecting the hand dexterity. The transducer structure was manufactured with stainless steel and has small dimensions ( 4 min diameter and I min thickness). It is light and suitable to connect to the finger pads. It has a device that prevents its damage when forces are applied. The semiconductor strain gage was used over due its small size and high sensitivity, although it has high temperature sensitivity. Theory, design and construction details are presented the signal conditioning circuit is very simple because the semiconductor strain gage sensitivity is high. It presents linear response from 0 to 100 N, 0.5 N resolution, fall time of 7.2 ms, good repeatability, and small hysteresis. The semiconductor strain gage transducer has characteristics that can make it very useful in Rehabilitation Engineering, Robotics, and Medicine.


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This paper describes a high senstivity low cost capacitive strain gage sensor. The theory, design, and sensor construction details are presented. It consists of eight capacitive sensors connected in two full bridges. The capacitive strain gage sensor structure was designed in order to produce high sensitivity and low dependence with temperature. By using a simple signal conditioning circuit constituted by a differential amplifier, a band-pass filter, and a precision rectifier the device can measure forces with resolution of 0.009 N and precision of 98.7%. It is rugged, presents linear response, and good repeatability. It presents sensitivity of 8.7 V/N and fall time of 12 ms.


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Includes bibliographies.


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Includes bibliography.


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Wafer bonding between p-Si and an n-InP-based InGaAsP multiple quantum well (MQW) wafer was achieved by a direct wafer bonding method. In order to investigate the strain at different annealing temperatures, four pre-bonded pairs were selected, and pair one was annealed at 150 degrees C, pair two at 250 degrees C, pair three at 350 degrees C, and pair four at 450 degrees C, respectively. The macroscopical strains on the bonded epitaxial layer include two parts, namely the internal strain and the strain caused by the mismatching of the crystalline orientation between InP (100) and Si (100). These strains were measured by the X-ray double crystalline diffraction, and theoretical calculations of the longitudinal and perpendicular thermal strains at different annealing temperatures were calculated using the bi-metal thermostats model, both the internal strain and the thermal strain increase with the annealing temperature. Normal thermal stress and the elastic biaxial thermal strain energy were also calculated using this model. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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X-ray analysis of ferroelectric thin layers of Ba1/2Sr1/2TiO3 with different thicknesses reveals the presence of strain gradients across the films and allows us to propose a functional form for the internal strain profile. We use this to calculate the influence of strain gradient, through flexoelectric coupling, on the degradation of the ferroelectric properties of films with decreasing thickness, in excellent agreement with the observed behavior. This paper shows that strain relaxation can lead to smooth, continuous gradients across hundreds of nanometers, and it highlights the pressing need to avoid such strain gradients in order to obtain ferroelectric films with bulklike properties.


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This paper describes a strain gauge-based sensor used for measuring finger force. The theory, design, and sensor construction details are presented. It was constructed using metallic strain gauges and a carefully designed structure which has a protection de-vice that impedes the sensor damage when forces higher than 100 N are applied. Its dimensions are suitable for measuring thumb force, but the same design can be used for constructing smaller sensors for other fingers. It is rugged, presents linear response, good repeatability, resolution of 0.3 N, low hysteresis, and sensitivity of 0.12 V/N. It can be useful in rehabilitation engineering, biomechanics, robotics, and medicine.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal propor um nodo (ou nó) sensor sem fio para ser utilizado em redes de sensores sem fio, em sistemas de aquisição de dados de extensômetros. O sistema de aquisição para os extensômetros é baseado na ponte de Wheatstone e de modo a permitir várias configurações de extensômetros. O processamento e a comunicação sem fio é realizada pelo ATmega128RFA1, composto por um microcontrolador e um transceiver Rádio-Frequência com o padrão Zigbee. O nodo foi projetado para garantir confiabilidade na aquisição de dados e ser totalmente controlado remotamente. Entre os parâmetros controláveis estão: o ganho do sinal e a taxa de amostragem. Além disso, o nodo possui recursos para efetuar o equilíbrio da ponte de Wheatstone automaticamente. A escolha de seus componentes, baseou-se em critérios relacionados ao consumo de energia do mesmo e ao custo. Foi concebida uma placa de circuito impresso (PCI) para o nodo, e sobre ela foram realizadas estimativas sobre o consumo de energia e valor agregado do protótipo, com o objetivo de analisar a sua viabilidade. Além do projeto do nodo sensor, o trabalho apresenta a proposta de integração do mesmo em uma rede de sensores sem fio (RSSF), incluindo a sugestão do hardware complementar e desenvolvimentos dos softwares. Para os testes do nodo sensor, foi construido experimentalmente um transdutor de força.


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En este trabajo se aborda una cuestión central en el diseño en carga última de estructuras de hormigón armado y de fábrica: la posibilidad efectiva de que las deformaciones plásticas necesarias para verificar un estado de rotura puedan ser alcanzadas por las regiones de la estructura que deban desarrollar su capacidad última para verificar tal estado. Así, se parte de las decisiones de diseño que mediante mera estática aseguran un equilibrio de la estructura para las cargas últimas que deba resistir, pero determinando directamente el valor de las deformaciones necesarias para llegar a tal estado. Por tanto, no se acude a los teoremas de rotura sin más, sino que se formula el problema desde un punto de vista elastoplástico. Es decir, no se obvia el recorrido que la estructura deba realizar en un proceso de carga incremental monótono, de modo que las regiones no plastificadas contribuyen a coaccionar las libres deformaciones plásticas que, en la teoría de rotura, se suponen. En términos de trabajo y energía, se introduce en el balance del trabajo de las fuerzas externas y en el de la energía de deformación, aquella parte del sistema que no ha plastificado. Establecido así el balance energético como potencial del sistema es cuando la condición de estacionariedad del mismo hace determinados los campos de desplazamientos y, por tanto, el de las deformaciones plásticas también. En definitiva, se trata de un modo de verificar si la ductilidad de los diseños previstos es suficiente, y en qué medida, para verificar el estado de rotura previsto, para unas determinadas cargas impuestas. Dentro del desarrollo teórico del problema, se encuentran ciertas precisiones importantes. Entre ellas, la verificación de que el estado de rotura a que se llega de manera determinada mediante el balance energético elasto-plástico satisface las condiciones de la solución de rotura que los teoremas de carga última predicen, asegurando, por tanto, que la solución determinada -unicidad del problema elásticocoincide con el teorema de unicidad de la carga de rotura, acotando además cuál es el sistema de equilibrio y cuál es la deformada de colapso, aspectos que los teoremas de rotura no pueden asegurar, sino sólo el valor de la carga última a verificar. Otra precisión se basa en la particularidad de los casos en que el sistema presenta una superficie de rotura plana, haciendo infinitas las posibilidades de equilibrio para una misma deformada de colapso determinada, lo que está en la base de, aparentemente, poder plastificar a antojo en vigas y arcos. Desde el planteamiento anterior, se encuentra entonces que existe una condición inherente a cualquier sistema, definidas unas leyes constitutivas internas, que permite al mismo llegar al inicio del estado de rotura sin demandar deformación plástica alguna, produciéndose la plastificación simultánea de todas las regiones que hayan llegado a su solicitación de rotura. En cierto modo, se daría un colapso de apariencia frágil. En tal caso, el sistema conserva plenamente hasta el final su capacidad dúctil y tal estado actúa como representante canónico de cualquier otra solución de equilibrio que con idéntico criterio de diseño interno se prevea para tal estructura. En la medida que el diseño se acerque o aleje de la solución canónica, la demanda de ductilidad del sistema para verificar la carga última será menor o mayor. Las soluciones que se aparten en exceso de la solución canónica, no verificarán el estado de rotura previsto por falta de ductilidad: la demanda de deformación plástica de alguna región plastificada estará más allá de la capacidad de la misma, revelándose una carga de rotura por falta de ductilidad menor que la que se preveía por mero equilibrio. Para la determinación de las deformaciones plásticas de las rótulas, se ha tomado un modelo formulado mediante el Método de los Elementos de Contorno, que proporciona un campo continuo de desplazamientos -y, por ende, de deformaciones y de tensiones- incluso en presencia de fisuras en el contorno. Importante cuestión es que se formula la diferencia, nada desdeñable, de la capacidad de rotación plástica de las secciones de hormigón armado en presencia de cortante y en su ausencia. Para las rótulas de fábrica, la diferencia se establece para las condiciones de la excentricidad -asociadas al valor relativo de la compresión-, donde las diferencias entres las regiones plastificadas con esfuerzo normal relativo alto o bajo son reseñables. Por otro lado, si bien de manera un tanto secundaria, las condiciones de servicio también imponen un límite al diseño previo en carga última deseado. La plastificación lleva asociadas deformaciones considerables, sean locales como globales. Tal cosa impone que, en estado de servicio, si la plastificación de alguna región lleva asociadas fisuraciones excesivas para el ambiente del entorno, la solución sea inviable por ello. Asimismo, las deformaciones de las estructuras suponen un límite severo a las posibilidades de su diseño. Especialmente en edificación, las deformaciones activas son un factor crítico a la hora de decidirse por una u otra solución. Por tanto, al límite que se impone por razón de ductilidad, se debe añadir el que se imponga por razón de las condiciones de servicio. Del modo anterior, considerando las condiciones de ductilidad y de servicio en cada caso, se puede tasar cada decisión de diseño con la previsión de cuáles serán las consecuencias en su estado de carga última y de servicio. Es decir, conocidos los límites, podemos acotar cuáles son los diseños a priori que podrán satisfacer seguro las condiciones de ductilidad y de servicio previstas, y en qué medida. Y, en caso de no poderse satisfacer, qué correcciones debieran realizarse sobre el diseño previo para poderlas cumplir. Por último, de las consecuencias que se extraen de lo estudiado, se proponen ciertas líneas de estudio y de experimentación para poder llegar a completar o expandir de manera práctica los resultados obtenidos. ABSTRACT This work deals with a main issue for the ultimate load design in reinforced concrete and masonry structures: the actual possibility that needed yield strains to reach a ultimate state could be reached by yielded regions on the structure that should develop their ultimate capacity to fulfill such a state. Thus, some statically determined design decisions are posed as a start for prescribed ultimate loads to be counteracted, but finding out the determined value of the strains needed to reach the ultimate load state. Therefore, ultimate load theorems are not taken as they are, but a full elasto-plastic formulation point of view is used. As a result, the path the structure must develop in a monotonus increasing loading procedure is not neglected, leading to the fact that non yielded regions will restrict the supposed totally free yield strains under a pure ultimate load theory. In work and energy terms, in the overall account of external forces work and internal strain energy, those domains in the body not reaching their ultimate state are considered. Once thus established the energy balance of the system as its potential, by imposing on it the stationary condition, both displacements and yield strains appear as determined values. Consequently, what proposed is a means for verifying whether the ductility of prescribed designs is enough and the extent to which they are so, for known imposed loads. On the way for the theoretical development of the proposal, some important aspects have been found. Among these, the verification that the conditions for the ultimate state reached under the elastoplastic energy balance fulfills the conditions prescribed for the ultimate load state predicted through the ultimate load theorems, assuring, therefore, that the determinate solution -unicity of the elastic problemcoincides with the unicity ultimate load theorem, determining as well which equilibrium system and which collapse shape are linked to it, being these two last aspects unaffordable by the ultimate load theorems, that make sure only which is the value of the ultimate load leading to collapse. Another aspect is based on the particular case in which the yield surface of the system is flat -i.e. expressed under a linear expression-, turning out infinite the equilibrium possibilities for one determined collapse shape, which is the basis of, apparently, deciding at own free will the yield distribution in beams and arches. From the foresaid approach, is then found that there is an inherent condition in any system, once defined internal constitutive laws, which allows it arrive at the beginning of the ultimate state or collapse without any yield strain demand, reaching the collapse simultaneously for all regions that have come to their ultimate strength. In a certain way, it would appear to be a fragile collapse. In such a case case, the system fully keeps until the end its ductility, and such a state acts as a canonical representative of any other statically determined solution having the same internal design criteria that could be posed for the that same structure. The extent to which a design is closer to or farther from the canonical solution, the ductility demand of the system to verify the ultimate load will be higher or lower. The solutions being far in excess from the canonical solution, will not verify the ultimate state due to lack of ductility: the demand for yield strains of any yielded region will be beyond its capacity, and a shortcoming ultimate load by lack of ductility will appear, lower than the expected by mere equilibrium. For determining the yield strains of plastic hinges, a Boundary Element Method based model has been used, leading to a continuous displacement field -therefore, for strains and stresses as well- even if cracks on the boundary are present. An important aspect is that a remarkable difference is found in the rotation capacity between plastic hinges in reinforced concrete with or without shear. For masonry hinges, such difference appears when dealing with the eccentricity of axial forces -related to their relative value of compression- on the section, where differences between yield regions under high or low relative compressions are remarkable. On the other hand, although in a certain secondary manner, serviceability conditions impose limits to the previous ultimate load stated wanted too. Yield means always big strains and deformations, locally and globally. Such a thing imposes, for serviceability states, that if a yielded region is associated with too large cracking for the environmental conditions, the predicted design will be unsuitable due to this. Furthermore, displacements must be restricted under certain severe limits that restrain the possibilities for a free design. Especially in building structures, active displacements are a critical factor when chosing one or another solution. Then, to the limits due to ductility reasons, other limits dealing with serviceability conditions shoud be added. In the foresaid way, both considering ductility and serviceability conditions in every case, the results for ultimate load and serviceability to which every design decision will lead can be bounded. This means that, once the limits are known, it is possible to bound which a priori designs will fulfill for sure the prescribed ductility and serviceability conditions, and the extent to wich they will be fulfilled, And, in case they were not, which corrections must be performed in the previous design so that it will. Finally, from the consequences derived through what studied, several study and experimental fields are proposed, in order to achieve a completeness and practical expansion of the obtained results.


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When wheels pass over insulated rail joints (IRJs) a vertical impact force is generated. The ability to measure the impact force is valuable as the force signature helps understand the behaviour of the IRJs, in particular their potential for failure. The impact forces are thought to be one of the main factors that cause damage to the IRJ and track components. Study of the deterioration mechanism helps finding new methods to improve the service life of IRJs in track. In this research, the strain-gage-based wheel load detector, for the first time, is employed to measure the wheel–rail contact-impact force at an IRJ in a heavy haul rail line. In this technique, the strain gages are installed within the IRJ assembly without disturbing the structural integrity of IRJ and arranged in a full wheatstone bridge to form a wheel load detector. The instrumented IRJ is first tested and calibrated in the lab and then installed in the field. For comparison purposes, a reference rail section is also instrumented with the same strain gage pattern as the IRJ. In this paper the measurement technique, the process of instrumentation, and tests as well as some typical data obtained from the field and the inferences are presented.


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The radius of an elastic-plastic boundary was measured by the strain gage method around the cold-worked region in L72-aluminum alloy. The relative radial expansion was varied from 2.5 to 6.5 percent during the cold-working process using mandrel and split sleeve. The existing theoretical studies in this area are reviewed. The experimental results are compared with existing experimental data of various investigators and with various theoretical formulations. A model is developed to predict the radius of elastic-plastic boundary, and the model is assessed by comparing with the present experiments.


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In this paper we incorporate a novel approach to synthesize a class of closed-loop feedback control, based on the variational structure assignment. Properties of a viscoelastic system are used to design an active feedback controller for an undamped structural system with distributed sensor, actuator and controller. Wave dispersion properties of onedimensional beam system have been studied. Efficiency of the chosen viscoelastic model in enhancing damping and stability properties of one-dimensional viscoelastic bar have been analyzed. The variational structure is projected on a solution space of a closed-loop system involving a weakly damped structure with distributed sensor and actuator with controller. These assign the phenomenology based internal strain rate damping parameter of a viscoelastic system to the usual elastic structure but with active control. In the formulation a model of cantilever beam with non-collocated actuator and sensor has been considered. The formulation leads to the matrix identification problem of two dynamic stiffness matrices. The method has been simplified to obtain control system gains for the free vibration control of a cantilever beam system with collocated actuator-sensor, using quadratic optimal control and pole-placement methods.