999 resultados para Internal curing


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This paper presents an experimental study on the effect of presoaked lightweight aggregates (LWAs) for internal curing on water permeability, water absorption and resistance of concrete to chloride-ion penetration in comparison with those of a control concrete and a concrete with shrinkage reducing admixture (SRA) of similar water/cement ratios (w/c). In general, the concretes with LWA particles had initial water absorption, sorptivity and water permeability similar to or lower than those of the control concrete and the concrete with SRA. The charges passed, chloride migration coefficient and chloride diffusion coefficient of such concretes were in the same order as those of the control concrete and the concrete with SRA. However, the incorporation of the LWAs for internal curing reduced unit weight, compressive strength and elastic modulus of the concrete. Comparing the LWAs of different sizes for internal curing, finer particles were more efficient in reducing the shrinkage and generally resulted in less reduction in the unit weight, compressive strength, and elastic modulus. However, the increase in the more porous crushed LW particles in concrete seems to increase the penetration of chloride ions in the concrete. The concrete with SRA had initial water absorption, sorptivity, water permeability and resistance to chloride ion penetration comparable with those of the control concrete. The use of SRA in concrete does not affect the elastic modulus of the concrete, except for a minor influence on the compressive strength of the concrete.


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O desenvolvimento de betões de elevado desempenho, durante o início da década de 80, revelou que este tipo particular de materiais com base em cimento é susceptível a problemas de cura. São bem conhecidos os efeitos dos fenómenos autogéneos em sistemas de elevado desempenho com base em cimento, nomeadamente a fissuração em idade jovem. Esta é, aliás vista como a maior limitação no desenvolvimento de novos materiais com durabilidade superior. Desenvolvimentos recentes de métodos de cura interna provaram ser uma boa estratégia de mitigação dos efeitos da auto-dissecação destes sistemas, onde a presente tese ganha o seu espaço no tempo. Este estudo centra-se essencialmente em sistemas de elevado desempenho com base em cimento com cura interna através de partículas superabsorventes, dando particular importância à alteração de volume em idade jovem. Da análise mais aprofundada deste método, resultam algumas limitações na sua aplicabilidade, especialmente em sistemas modificados com sílica de fumo. Conclui-se que a natureza física e química dos polímeros superabsorventes pode afectar significativamente a eficiência da cura interna. Em adição, os mecanismos de cura interna são discutidos mais profundamente, sendo que para além dos mecanismos baseados em fenómenos físicos e químicos, parecem existir efeitos mecânicos significativos. Várias técnicas foram utilizadas durante o decorrer desta investigação, com o objectivo, para além da caracterização de certas propriedades dos materiais, de perseguir as questões deixadas em aberto pela comunidade internacional, relativamente aos mecanismos que fundamentam a explicação dos fenómenos autogéneos. Como exemplo, são apresentados os estudos sobre hidratação dos sistemas para avaliação do problema numa escala microscópica, em vez de macroscópica. Uma nova técnica de cura interna emerge da investigação, baseada na utilização de agregados finos como veiculo para mitigar parcialmente a retracção autogénea. Até aqui, esta técnica não encontra par em investigação anterior, mas a extensão da cura interna ou a eficácia na mitigação baseada neste conceito encontra algumas limitações. A significância desta técnica em prevenir a micro fissuração é um aspecto que está ainda em aberto, mas pode concluir-se que os agregados finos podem ser benéficos na redução dos efeitos da restrição localizada no sistema, reduzindo o risco de micro fissuração. A utilização combinada de partículas finas de agregado e polímeros super absorventes pode ter como consequência betão sem microfissuração, ou pelo menos com nanofissuração.


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Abstract In many parts of the world, corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete induced by carbonation of the concrete continues to be a major durability concern. This paper investigates the accelerated and natural carbonation resistance of a set of seven concretes, specifically evaluating the effects of internal curing and/or shrinkage/viscosity modifiers on carbonation resistance. In addition to five different ordinary portland cement (OPC) concretes, two concretes containing 20 % of a Class F fly ash as replacement for cement on a mass basis are also evaluated. For all seven concrete mixtures, a good correlation between accelerated (lab) and natural (field) measured carbonation coefficients is observed. Conversely, there is less correlation observed between the specimens’ carbonation resistance and their respective 28 days compressive strengths, with the mixtures containing the shrinkage/viscosity modifier specifically exhibiting an anomalous behavior of higher carbonation resistance at lower strength levels. For both the accelerated and natural exposures, the lowest carbonation coefficients are obtained for two mixtures, one containing the shrinkage/viscosity modifier added in the mixing water and the other containing a solution of the same admixture used to pre-wet fine lightweight aggregate. Additionally, the fly ash mixtures exhibited a significantly higher carbonation coefficient in both exposures than their corresponding OPC concretes.


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This paper presents an experimental study to evaluate effect of cumulative lightweight aggregate (LWA) content (including lightweight sand) in concrete [water/cement ratio (w/c) = 0.38] on its water absorption, water permeability, and resistance to chloride-ion penetration. Rapid chloride penetrability test (ASTM C 1202), rapid migration test (NT Build 492), and salt ponding test (AASHTO T 259) were conducted to evaluate the concrete resistance to chloride-ion penetration. The results were compared with those of a cement paste and a control normal weight aggregate concrete (NWAC) with the same w/c and a NWAC (w/c = 0.54) with 28-day compressive strength similar to some of the lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC). Results indicate that although the total charge passed, migration coefficient, and diffusion coefficient of the LWAC were not significantly different from those of NWAC with the same w/c of 0.38, resistance of the LWAC to chloride penetration decreased with increase in the cumulative LWA content in the concretes. The water penetration depth under pressure and water sorptivity showed, in general, similar trends. The LWAC with only coarse LWA had similar water sorptivity, water permeability coefficient, and resistance to chloride-ion penetration compared to NWAC with similar w/c. The LWAC had lower water sorptivity, water permeability and higher resistance to chloride-ion penetration than the NWAC with similar 28-day strength but higher w/c. Both the NWAC and LWAC had lower sorptivity and higher resistance to chloride-ion penetration than the cement paste with similar w/c.


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This paper presents an experimental study to evaluate the influence of coarse lightweight aggregate (LWA), fine LWA and the quality of the paste matrix on water absorption and permeability, and resistance to chloride-ion penetration in concrete. The results indicate that incorporation of pre-soaked coarse LWA in concrete increases water sorptivity and permeability slightly compared to normal weight concrete (NWC) of similar water-to-cementitious materials ratio (w/cm). Furthermore, resistance of the sand lightweight concrete (LWC) to water permeability and chloride-ion penetration decreases with an increase in porosity of the coarse LWA. The use of fine LWA including a crushed fraction <1.18 mm reduced resistance of the all-LWC to water and chloride-ion penetration compared with the sand-LWC which has the same coarse LWA. Overall, the quality of the paste matrix was dominant in controlling the transport properties of the concrete, regardless of porosity of the aggregates used. With low w/cm and silica fume, low unit weight LWC (_1300 kg/m3) was produced with a higher resistance to water and chloride-ion penetration compared with NWC and LWC of higher unit weights.


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This paper presents an experimental study on the resistance of lightweight aggregate concretes to chloride-ion penetration in comparison to that of normal weight concrete of similar w/c. Salt ponding test (based on AASHTO T 259), rapid chloride permeability test (ASTM C 1202) and rapid migration test (NT Build 492) were carried out to evaluate the concrete resistance to the chloride-ion penetration. Results indicate that in general the resistance of the LWAC to the chloride-ion penetration was in the same order as that of NWAC of similar w/c. However, the increase in cumulative LWA volume and the incorporation of finer LWA particles led to higher charge passed, migration coefficient, and diffusion coefficient. Since the LWACs had lower 28-day compressive strength compared with that of the NWAC of similar w/c, the LWACs may have equal or better resistance to the chloride-ion penetration compared with the NWAC of equivalent strength. The trend of the resistance of concretes to chloride-ion penetration determined by the three test methods was reasonably consistent although there were some discrepancies due to different test methods.


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Internal curing is a relatively new technique being used to promote hydration of Portland cement concretes. The fundamental concept is to provide reservoirs of water within the matrix such that the water does not increase the initial water/cementitious materials ratio to the mixture, but is available to help continue hydration once the system starts to dry out. The reservoirs used in the US are typically in the form of lightweight fine aggregate (LWFA) that is saturated prior to batching. Considerable work has been conducted both in the laboratory and in the field to confirm that this approach is fundamentally sound and yet practical for construction purposes. A number of bridge decks have been successfully constructed around the US, including one in Iowa in 2013. It is reported that inclusion of about 20% to 30% LWFA will not only improve strength development and potential durability, but, more importantly, will significantly reduce shrinking, thus reducing cracking risk. The aim of this work was to investigate the feasibility of such an approach in a bridge deck.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2015.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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Hoje em dia, o desenvolvimento dos superplastificantes permite a produção de betões com menor razão água/cimento. Ao usar razões água/cimento mais baixas, os materiais científicos apresentam maior tendência para fissurar devido à retracção autogénea. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a utilização de polímeros superabsorventes (SAP) no controlo da retracção. O uso de SAPs em materiais comentícios atenua a retracção autogénea pois estes produtos permitem o fornecimento interno de água. Estes produtos podem também afectar outras propriedades, afectando as características mecânicas e a trabalhabilidade. Para análise do efeito dos SAP foram estudadas argamassas com várias concentrações deste produto, tendo como referência argamassas semelhantes sem SAP, determinando-se as retracções autogénea e total, a resistência à compressão e o módulo de elasticidade. Além de SAP, foi também utilizado um agregado leve, um outro tipo de introdutor de água, para comparação com os polímeros em estudo. /ABSTRACT: This work presents a study on the use of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) in the control of shrinkage. The use of SAPs in cementitious materials reduces the autogenous shrinkage because these products enable the internal supply of water. These materials can also affect other properties such as mechanical properties and workability. To analyze the effect of SAP, mortars containing various concentrations of this product were studied, in comparison with reference mortars without SAP. The tests performed were autogenous and total shrinkage, compressive strength and modulus of elasticity. Besides SAP, it was also used a lightweight aggregate, another type of internal supply of water, for comparison with the polymers under study.


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Insights into the relative importance of various aspects of product quality can be provided through quantitative analysis of consumer preference and choice of fruit. In this study, methods previously used to establish taste preferences for kiwifruit (Harker et al., 2008) and conjoint approaches were used to determine the influence of three key aspects of avocado quality on consumer liking and willingness to purchase fruit: dry matter percentage (DM), level of ripeness (firmness) and internal defects (bruising). One hundred and seven consumers tasted avocados with a range of DM levels from ~20% (minimally mature) to nearly 40% (very mature), and at a range of fruit firmness (ripeness) stages (firm-ripe to soft-ripe). Responses to bruising, a common quality defect in fruit obtained from the retail shelf, were examined using a conjoint approach in which consumers were presented with photographs showing fruit affected by damage of varying severity. In terms of DM, consumers showed a progressive increase in liking and intent to buy avocados as the DM increased. In terms of ripeness, liking and purchase intent was higher in avocados that had softened to a firmness of 6.5 N or below (hand-rating 5). For internal defects, conjoint analysis revealed that price, level of bruising and incidence of bruising all significantly lowered consumers' future purchase decision, but the latter two factors had a greater impact than price. These results indicate the usefulness of the methodology, and also provide realistic targets for Hass avocado quality on the retail shelf.


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Two sets of graft copolymers were prepared by grafting glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) or ally] (3-isocyanate-4-tolyl) carbamate (TAI) onto ethylene/propylene/diene terpolymer (EPDM) in an internal mixer. These graft copolymers were used as the compatibilizer to prepare the thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) containing 50 wt%, of poly(butylene terephthalate), PBT, 30 wt% of compatibilizer, and 20 wt% of nitrile-butadiene rubber, NBR. The indirect, two-step mixer process was chosen for dynamic curing.


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In this present work attempts have been made to study the glass transition temperature of alternative mould materials by using both microwave heating and conventional oven heating. In this present work three epoxy resins, namely R2512, R2515 and R2516, which are commonly used for making injection moulds have been used in combination with two hardeners H2403 and H2409. The magnetron microwave generator used in this research is operating at a frequency of 2.45 GHz with a hollow rectangular waveguide. In order to distinguish the effects between the microwave and conventional heating, a number of experiments were performed to test their mechanical properties such as tensile and flexural strengths. Additionally, differential scanning calorimeter technique was implemented to measure the glass transition temperature on both microwave and conventional heating. This study provided necessary evidences to establish that microwave heated mould materials resulted with higher glass transition temperature than the conventional heating. Finally, attempts were also made to study the microstructure of microwave-cured materials by using a scanning electron microscope in order to analyze the morphology of cured specimens.


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The impact of service direction, service training and staff behaviours on perceptions of service delivery are examined. The impact of managerial behaviour in the form of internal market orientation (IMO) on the attitudes of frontline staff towards the firm and its consequent influence on their customer oriented behaviours is also examined. Frontline service staff working in the consumer transport industry were surveyed to provide subjective data about the constructs of interest in this study, and the data were analysed using structural equations modelling employing partial least squares estimation. The data indicate significant relationships between internal market orientation (IMO), the attitudes of the employees to the firm and their consequent behaviour towards customers. Customer orientation, service direction and service training are all identified as antecedents to high levels of service delivery. The study contributes to marketing theory by providing quantitative evidence to support assumptions that internal marketing has an impact on services success. For marketing practitioners, the research findings offer additional information about the management, training and motivation of service staff towards service excellence.