350 resultados para Intern


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Objective: To determine the frequency and nature of intern underperformance as documented on in-training assessment forms. Methods: A retrospective review of intern assessment forms from a 2 year period (2009–2010) was conducted at a tertiary referral hospital in Brisbane, Queensland. The frequency of interns assessed as ‘requiring substantial assistance’ and/or ‘requires further development’ on mid- or end-of-term assessment forms was determined. Forms were analysed by the clinical rotation, time of year and domain(s) of clinical practice in which underperformance was documented. Results: During 2009 and 2010 the overall documented incidence of intern underperformance was 2.4% (95% CI 1.5–3.9%). Clinical rotation in emergency medicine detected significantly more underperformance compared with other rotations (P < 0.01). Interns predominantly had difficulty with ‘clinical judgment and decision-making skills’, ‘time management skills’ and ‘teamwork and colleagues’ (62.5%, 55% and 32.5% of underperforming assessments, respectively). Time of the year did not affect frequency of underperformance. A proportion of 13.4% (95% CI 9.2–19.0%) of interns working at the institution over the study period received at least one assessment in which underperformance was documented. Seventy-six per cent of those interns who had underperformance identified by mid-term assessment successfully completed the term following remediation. Conclusion: The prevalence of underperformance among interns is low, although higher than previously suggested. Emergency medicine detects relatively more interns in difficulty than other rotations.


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The professional socialisation of paramedics encompasses preconceptions developed during childhood and early adulthood, and subsequent changes in perceptions resulting from university studies, clinical placements and encountering the professional workplace as an employee. This study investigates the professional socialisation of university educated paramedics making the transition from paramedic intern to qualified paramedic. Participants were sought from several of Australia’s larger ambulance services and UK NHS Ambulance Trusts to take part in this study. Participants were recruited through Ambulance Service Research Institutes, Clinical Governance Departments and university databases. To be included in this study, participants were required to be university educated, have completed a professional internship year and achieved qualified or registered paramedic status. Data collection was via face to face semi-structured interviews. Transcripts were analysed using socialisation models from the nursing and allied health disciplines and a grounded theory approach. The study found that participants initially enjoyed their new professional status after completing their internship and becoming qualified paramedics. However, for many the excitement of becoming a qualified paramedic was short lived. Newly qualified paramedics experienced increased levels of responsibility and were required to develop mentoring skills while still adjusting to their new roles. Participants had to contend with inner conflicting views about the reality of paramedic work which were developed though preconceptions and experiences as paramedic interns. The transition from paramedic intern to qualified paramedic is reportedly a challenging experience, as newly qualified paramedics are required to deal with added complexities while still adjusting to their new roles.


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Disseny de la pàgina web de l’ empresa de telefonia mòbil Movitel Comunicaciones S.L


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Este material contiene el decreto 39/2000, de 10 de marzo, por el cual se crea y se regula el Consell de Formació Professional de les Illes Balears y la resolución del consejero de Trabajo y Formación del día 16 de julio de 2001 por la que se ordena la publicación del reglamento interno de funcionamiento del Consell de Formació Professional de les Illes Balears.


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Detta examensarbete är genomfört på uppdrag av kundansvariga på Banverkets Marknadsavdelning. Avdelningen ansvarar bland annat för samordning av marknadskontakter och avtalssystem rörande bannätets trafikering. Arbetet syftar till att utreda och beskriva det optimala sättet för kundansvariga för kundsegmentet Järnvägsföretag, att nå ut med intern kundrelaterad information. Förutom en grundlig förstudie av den nuvarande arbetsrutinen genomfördes även jämförelser med liknande rutiner hos fem andra stora organisationer. Idéer från dessa organisationer har anpassats till Banverkets egna förutsättningar och de identifierade behoven.Utredningens resultat är tio förbättringsförslag som syftar till att stärka serviceinriktningen, stärka kundansvarigas roll internt samt att skapa en helhetssyn på kunden. En viktig uppgift är att visa kundnyttan av Banverkets handlande och hur kundansvariga samarbetar med kunderna för att öka järnvägstrafiken. I förlängningen förväntas åtgärderna effektivisera organisationen och motivera medarbetare att göra ett bra jobb. För att åstadkomma resultat och hålla informationsarbetet levande är det viktigt att vara tydlig i sitt budskap, sprida rätt och tillräcklig intern marknadsinformation samt att skapa fasta rutiner.