56 resultados para Intermaxillary elastics
Objectif : Évaluer les effets sur la croissance des maxillaires, ainsi que les effets dentaires, de l'utilisation du Forsus versus celle des élastiques de classe II. Matériel et méthode : Un échantillon de 30 patients a été traité sans extraction et a eu une phase d'alignement préliminaire avec appareillage orthodontique fixe complet. Vingt-trois (23) patients (14 filles, 9 garçons) ont été traités à l'aide de Forsus (âge moyen : 13,4 ans) et 7 patients (4 filles, 3 garçons) ont été traités avec des élastiques de classe II (âge moyen : 14,3 ans). Une radiographie céphalométrique a été prise à la fin de la phase d'alignement, juste avant la mise en place de l'appareil myofonctionnel choisi, et une autre au moment de l'enlèvement de l'appareil (temps de port moyen : 0,5 an). Les radiographies ont ensuite été tracées à l'aveugle et 17 mesures ont été sélectionnées pour évaluer l'effet des appareils sur les maxillaires (ANS-PNS, SNA, SNB, ANB, Go-Pg, Ar-Go, Co-Gn, axe Y, Ar-Gn, Ar-Go-Me, FMA, POF/FH, PP/FH, B-Pg(PM), 1/-FH, 1/-/1, /1-PM). Un questionnaire pour évaluer le confort face à leur appareil a été remis aux patients à environ la moitié du temps de port estimé. Résultats : Il n'y a aucune différence statistiquement significative entre les deux traitements sur la croissance du maxillaire (ANS-PNS p = 0,93, SNA p = 0,12). De façon générale, il n'y a pas non plus de différence significative entre les deux traitements sur la croissance de la mandibule (Ar-Gn p = 0,03, SNB p = 0,02 et pour les 6 autres mesures p > 0,05). Pour la composante dento-alvéolaire, les deux traitements proclinent les incisives inférieures et rétroclinent les incisives supérieures, le Forsus causant une plus forte rétroclinaison des incisives supérieures (1/-FH p = 0,007, /1-PM p = 0,10). Pour les changements angulaires des plans, le Forsus cause de manière significative une augmentation de l’inclinaison du plan occlusal (POF/FH p = 0,001). Pour le questionnaire sur l'évaluation du confort, il n'y a pas de différence entre les deux traitements en ce qui concerne la gêne face aux activités quotidiennes (p = 0,19). L'hygiène est plus facile avec les élastiques (p = 0,03). Le sommeil n’est perturbé par aucun des appareils (p =0,76). La différence entre le groupe «élastiques» et le groupe «Forsus» pour le confort en général n'est pas significative (p = 0,08). Conclusions : Le but de l’étude étant de vérifier l’efficacité des élastiques de classe II bien portés versus celle des Forsus, on peut conclure que leurs effets sont relativement similaires sur les maxillaires. Cependant, le Forsus cause de manière statistiquement significative une augmentation de l'angle du plan occlusal et une rétroclinaison plus importante des incisives supérieures.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study aimed to evaluate the force degradation of synthetic elastics over time using dynamic biomechanical tests in order to find clinical parameters of what size of elastic and frequency of exchange should be used in orthodontic therapy. It was used 240 elastics of Dental Morelli, sizes 1/8", 3/16", 1/4 "and 5/16", medium force, divided in four groups. In each group was measured forces at different times, from immediate to 72 hours after immersion in water at 37°C and incubated stretched to 600% of its initial inner diameter. Tensile tests were performed on a universal testing machine EMIC DL2000 submerged in distilled water maintained at 37°C. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16.0, by the Analysis of Variance (One-Way) with Tukey´s post test. There was a greater increase in pattern of force decay of immediate measurement until 24 hours in all sizes of synthetic elastics, from which it was observed a decrease in force progressively smaller, with the exception of 5/16´´ elastic with a maximum force decay occurred at 12h. It was concluded that: the elastic synthetic Dental Morelli suffered significant force degradation over time, with reduction of approximately 70% of the initial force during 24 hours of stretching, followed by a progressively smaller decrease; the amount of stretch for a ideal force in intermaxillary therapies depends on the distance between the points of attachment of elastic, being necessary to consult the tables to choose the size, force and frequency of replacement.
This study presents a new treatment technique, that uses TMA archwires with standardized curvatures, associated to intermaxillary elastics, that can do both offer satisfactory results in short period of the treatment time in the open bites cases and in the finishing procedures of the orthodontic treatment.
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de verificar as angulações e as inclinações dentárias obtidas no final do tratamento ortodôntico, em casos tratados com aparelho ortodôntico fixo e prescrição MBT e compará-las com os valores encontrados por Andrews para a oclusão normal natural. Foram utilizados 30 pares de modelos de gesso finais, de 30 pacientes, tratados, na faixa etária de 13 a 23 anos. Como pré-requisitos, estes pacientes não deveriam ter sido submetidos a qualquer tipo de intervenção ortopédica, uso de elásticos intermaxilares, compensações dento-alveolares e tratamentos realizados com extração. Para a mensuração da angulação mésio-distal e da inclinação vestíbulo-lingual utilizou-se um dispositivo, desenvolvido em pesquisa anterior, capaz de realizar tais medições. De acordo com a metodologia empregada e diante dos resultados obtidos, pôde-se concluir que as angulações das coroas dentárias tanto superiores quanto inferiores apresentaram valores positivos. Quanto às inclinações das coroas dentárias, em ambos os arcos dentários, foram encontrados valores positivos para os incisivos centrais e laterais, ao passo que caninos, pré-molares e primeiros molares apresentaram valore s negativos. Variações individuais estiveram presentes nas duas mensurações realizadas. Ao comparar nossos resultados com os de Andrews, obtivemos diferenças estatisticamente significantes para a maioria dos dentes, em ambas as medidas efetuadas.
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de verificar as angulações e as inclinações dentárias obtidas no final do tratamento ortodôntico, em casos tratados com aparelho ortodôntico fixo e prescrição MBT e compará-las com os valores encontrados por Andrews para a oclusão normal natural. Foram utilizados 30 pares de modelos de gesso finais, de 30 pacientes, tratados, na faixa etária de 13 a 23 anos. Como pré-requisitos, estes pacientes não deveriam ter sido submetidos a qualquer tipo de intervenção ortopédica, uso de elásticos intermaxilares, compensações dento-alveolares e tratamentos realizados com extração. Para a mensuração da angulação mésio-distal e da inclinação vestíbulo-lingual utilizou-se um dispositivo, desenvolvido em pesquisa anterior, capaz de realizar tais medições. De acordo com a metodologia empregada e diante dos resultados obtidos, pôde-se concluir que as angulações das coroas dentárias tanto superiores quanto inferiores apresentaram valores positivos. Quanto às inclinações das coroas dentárias, em ambos os arcos dentários, foram encontrados valores positivos para os incisivos centrais e laterais, ao passo que caninos, pré-molares e primeiros molares apresentaram valore s negativos. Variações individuais estiveram presentes nas duas mensurações realizadas. Ao comparar nossos resultados com os de Andrews, obtivemos diferenças estatisticamente significantes para a maioria dos dentes, em ambas as medidas efetuadas.
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de verificar as angulações e as inclinações dentárias obtidas no final do tratamento ortodôntico, em casos tratados com aparelho ortodôntico fixo e prescrição MBT e compará-las com os valores encontrados por Andrews para a oclusão normal natural. Foram utilizados 30 pares de modelos de gesso finais, de 30 pacientes, tratados, na faixa etária de 13 a 23 anos. Como pré-requisitos, estes pacientes não deveriam ter sido submetidos a qualquer tipo de intervenção ortopédica, uso de elásticos intermaxilares, compensações dento-alveolares e tratamentos realizados com extração. Para a mensuração da angulação mésio-distal e da inclinação vestíbulo-lingual utilizou-se um dispositivo, desenvolvido em pesquisa anterior, capaz de realizar tais medições. De acordo com a metodologia empregada e diante dos resultados obtidos, pôde-se concluir que as angulações das coroas dentárias tanto superiores quanto inferiores apresentaram valores positivos. Quanto às inclinações das coroas dentárias, em ambos os arcos dentários, foram encontrados valores positivos para os incisivos centrais e laterais, ao passo que caninos, pré-molares e primeiros molares apresentaram valore s negativos. Variações individuais estiveram presentes nas duas mensurações realizadas. Ao comparar nossos resultados com os de Andrews, obtivemos diferenças estatisticamente significantes para a maioria dos dentes, em ambas as medidas efetuadas.
The synthetic intermaxillary elastic emerged as an alternative for clinical use in patients with latex sensitivity. However, there are disagreements about this elastic protocol use according to the force degradation. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the forces generated by latex and synthetic elastics over time. Material and methods: Sample size of 840 elastics were used (420 latex and 420 synthetic), delivering medium strength (Dental Morelli®) with internal diameter of 1/8", 3/16", 1/4" and 5/16". The elastics were randomly divided into 7 groups according to the time of the force measuring and immersed into distilled water at 37°C. To measure the force in each group, the elastics were stretched in six progressive increases of 100% of its internal diameter with the aid of a testing machine Emic and measured up to 72 hours. Data were analyzed with SPSS 16.0, using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: Immediate force level of synthetic elastics was statistically higher than latex elastics in all strains, for the same size. However, the latex elastics mean forceslightly decreased over time, while the synthetic elastics presented an abrupt decrease. Conclusion: In view of these findings, Sudanese homemade alcoholic beverages cause oral epithelial atypical changes, which lead to oral precancerous and cancerous lesions. OEFC is a useful procedure for detection and assessment of oral ET.
Os elásticos ortodônticos intermaxilares sintéticos vem sendo cada vez mais utilizados, sendo principalmente indicados para pacientes que apresentam hiper-sensibilidade ao látex. Afim de avaliar e comparar o comportamento de elásticos de látex e sintéticos quanto a perda de força ao longo do tempo, este estudo foi realizado tanto in vitro quanto in vivo. Para o estudo in vitro foram avaliados 15 elásticos de cada material, para cada tempo: 0, 1, 3, 12 e 24 horas. No estudo in vivo, pacientes foram avaliados (N=15), utilizando elásticos de ambos os materiais (látex e sintético), nos mesmos tempos do estudo in vitro. Os elásticos foram transferidos para a máquina de ensaios mecânicos (EMIC DL-500 MF). Os valores da força gerada foram registrados após a distensão dos elásticos a uma distância de 25mm. Foi aplicado o teste t pareado para a amostra clínica e independente para a amostra laboratorial. Foi utilizada a análise de variância (ANOVA) para verificar a variação das forças geradas entre os tempos determinados e o teste post-hoc para identificar entre quais tempos houve diferença significativa. Quanto às forças iniciais geradas (zero hora), os valores para os elásticos sintéticos foram bastante semelhantes entre os estudos laboratorial e clínico e ligeiramente superiores aos dos elásticos de látex. Nos tempos subsequentes, as forças geradas pelos elásticos de látex apresentaram valores superiores. Em relação à degradação do material, ao final de 24 horas, maior percentual foi observado para os elásticos sintéticos, tanto in vitro quanto in vivo. A maior queda nos valores das forças liberadas pelos elásticos de ambos os materiais e nos estudos clínico e laboratorial, ocorreu entre os tempos de 0 e 1 hora, seguida de uma queda gradativa e progressiva até o tempo de 24 horas. Os elásticos de látex apresentaram um comportamento mais estável no período estudado em relação aos sintéticos, em ambos os estudos.
Background: the effective long-term treatments for morbid obesity is bariatric surgery. However, the associated surgical and anesthetic risks led the authors to evaluate intermaxillary fixation, a less aggressive procedure, as a preoperative treatment in selected patients with morid obesity.Methods: 22 patients (5 male, 17 female, ages 16-53 years, with BMI 44.9 +/- 5.4 kg/m(2)) underwent intermaxillary fixation. The procedure consisted of fitting brackets on the front face of the teeth and posterior application of elastic bands to impede mouth opening.Results: At the end of 6 weeks, weight loss was 7.4 +/- 2.6% there was general improvement in lipid profile, glycemia, and blood pressure. There was no recorded discomfort, pain, or any other difficulty during this treatment.Conclusion: Intermaxillary fixation can be used as a pre-surgical solution for weight reduction in preparation for bariatric surgery, improving co-morbid aspects such as blood pressure, glycemia, and lipid profile.
Purpose: This study was conducted to comparatively evaluate, in a prospective and randomized manner, 2 techniques for providing double-gloving protection during arch bar placement for intermaxillary fixation. Materials and Methods: A total of 42 consecutive patients in whom application of an Erich bar was indicated for intermaxillary fixation were equally divided into 2 groups. In group 1, 2 sterile surgical gloves were used; in group 2, a nonsterile disposable inner glove was used under a sterile surgical glove. Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and binomial statistical tests were used to analyze the findings. Results: A total of 103 perforations were found in the outer gloves (47 in group 1 and 56 in group 2), along with 5 perforations in inner gloves in both groups (α = .01). No significant statistical difference was found between groups in terms of inner glove perforations (α = .05). The nondominant hand presented with 70.9% of the perforations, statistically significant to 1%. Conclusions: Both double-gloving techniques were found to provide effective clinician protection. The use of a nonsterile disposable glove under the surgical glove is possible for less-invasive procedures, offering the same safety as using 2 sterile surgical gloves while decreasing operational costs. This method does not eliminate the need to change gloves when a perforation is suspected or noted during the surgery, however. © 2007 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
Introduction and Objective: The synthetic intermaxillary elastic emerged as an alternative for clinical use in patients with latex sensitivity. However, there are disagreements about this elastic protocol use according to the force degradation. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the forces generated by latex and synthetic elastics over time. Material and methods: Sample size of 840 elastics were used (420 latex and 420 synthetic), delivering medium strength (Dental Morelli®) with internal diameter of 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4” and 5/16”. The elastics were randomly divided into 7 groups according to the time of the force measuring and immersed into distilled water at 37°C. To measure the force in each group, the elastics were stretched in six progressive increases of 100% of its internal diameter with the aid of a testing machine Emic and measured up to 72 hours. Data were analyzed with SPSS 16.0, using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: Immediate force level of synthetic elastics was statistically higher than latex elastics in all strains, for the same size. However, the latex elastics mean force slightly decreased over time, while the synthetic elastics presented an abrupt decrease. Conclusion: The synthetic elastic presented severe force degradation, jeopardizing the cost-benefit ratio, which indicates a higher replacement frequency. The latex elastic showed better mechanical performance in comparison to synthetic ones.
Introduction: The aim of this prospective clinical study was to investigate the cephalometric changes produced by bonded spurs associated with high-pull chincup therapy in children with Angle Class I malocclusion and anterior open bite. Methods: Thirty patients with an initial mean age of 8.14 years and a mean anterior open bite of 3.93 mm were treated with bonded spurs associated with chincup therapy for 12 months. An untreated control group of 30 subjects with an initial mean age of 8.36 years and a mean anterior open bite of 3.93 mm and the same malocclusion was followed for 12 months for comparison. Student t tests were used for intergroup comparisons. Results: The treated group demonstrated a significantly greater decrease of the gonial angle, and increase in overbite, palatal tipping of the maxillary incisors, and vertical dentoalveolar development of the maxillary and mandibular incisors compared with the control group. Conclusions: The association of bonded spurs with high-pull chincup therapy was efficient for the correction of the open bite in 86.7% of the patients, with a 5.23-mm (SD, 61.69) overbite increase.
Lamellar systems composed of lipid bilayers have been widely used as model system for investigating properties of biological membranes, interactions between membranes and with biomolecules. The composition of the membrane determines its three dimensional shape and its properties such as rigidity and compressibility which play an important role on membrane fusion, protein adhesion, interactions between proteins, etc. We present a systematic study of a lamellar system composed of lecithin and a commercial co-surfactant (Simusol), which is a mixture of ethoxylated fatty acids. Using X ray scattering and a new procedure to fit X-ray experimental data, we determine relevant parameters characterizing the lamellar structure, varying membrane composition from 100% of lecithin to 100% of Simulsol. We present experimental data illustrating the swelling behavior for the membrane of different compositions and the respective behavior of the Caillé parameter. From and GISAXS experiments on oriented films under controlled humidity we investigate the compressibility of the lamellar phase and the effect of incorporating co-surfactant. Combining the Caillé parameter and compressibility studies we determine the bending rigidity of membranes. The results obtained with this experimental approach and new procedure to fit X-ray experimental allows us to identify structural changes in the bilayer depending both on hydration and co-surfactant content, with implications on elastic properties of membranes.