997 resultados para Intergranular properties
We performed measurements of electrical resistivity as a function of temperature, rho(T), in polycrystalline samples of YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7-delta) (Y-123) subjected to different uniaxial compacting pressures. We observed by using X-ray diffractometry that samples have a very similar composition. Most of the identified peaks are related to the superconducting Y-123 phase. Also, from the X-ray diffraction patterns performed, in powder and pellet samples, we estimated the Lotgering factor along the (00l) direction, F((00l)). The results indicate that F((00l)) increases from 0.13 to 0.16. From electrical resistivity measurements as a function of temperature, we were able to separate contributions arising from both the grain misalignment and microstructural defects. We found appreciable degradation in the normal-state transport properties of samples with an increase in uniaxial compacting pressure. It seems that this type of behavior is associated with an increase in the influence of microstructural defects at the intergranular level. The experimental results are analyzed in the framework of a current conduction model of granular samples.
We have studied the normal and superconducting transport properties of Bi(1.65)Pb(0.35)Sr(2)Ca(2)Cu(3)O(10+delta) (Bi-2223) ceramic samples. Four samples, from the same batch, were prepared by the solid-state reaction method and pressed uniaxially at different compacting pressures, ranging from 90 to 250 MPa before the last heat treatment. From the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity, combined with current conduction models for cuprates, we were able to separate contributions arising from both the grain misalignment and microstructural defects. The behavior of the critical current density as a function of temperature at zero applied magnetic field, J (c) (T), was fitted to the relationship J (c) (T)ae(1-T/T (c) ) (n) , with na parts per thousand 2 in all samples. We have also investigated the behavior of the product J (c) rho (sr) , where rho (sr) is the specific resistance of the grain-boundary. The results were interpreted by considering the relation between these parameters and the grain-boundary angle, theta, with increasing the uniaxial compacting pressure. We have found that the above type of mechanical deformation improves the alignment of the grains. Consequently the samples exhibit an enhance in the intergranular properties, resulting in a decrease of the specific resistance of the grain-boundary and an increase in the critical current density.
We report on the detection of the transport Barkhausen-like noise (TBN) in polycrystalline samples of Bi(1.65)Pb(0.35)Sr(2)Ca(2) Cu(3)O(10+delta) (Bi-2223) which were subjected to different uniaxial compacting pressures. The transport Barkhausen-like noise was measured when the sample was subjected to an ac triangular-shape magnetic field (f similar to 1 Hz) with maximum amplitude B(max) approximate to 5.5 mT, in order to avoid the flux penetration within the superconducting grains. Analysis of the TBN signal, measured for several values of excitation current density, indicated that the applied magnetic field in which the noise signal first appears, B(a)(t(i)), is closely related to the magnetic-flux pinning capability of the material. The combined results are consistent with the existence of three different superconducting levels within the samples: (i) the superconducting grains; (ii) the superconducting clusters; and (iii) the weak-links. We finally argue that TBN measurements constitute a powerful tool for probing features of the intergranular transport properties in polycrystalline samples of high-T(c) superconductors. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Experimental and theoretical studies on the magnetic field dependence of the electrical resistance R(B(a)) and the transport noise (TN) in polycrystalline high-T(c) superconductors subjected to different uniaxial compacting pressures were conducted. X-ray diffraction rocking curves were performed in different surfaces of the samples in order to investigated the degree of texture The results indicated an improvement of the degree of texture with increasing the uniaxial compacting pressure In theoretical simulations of the data, the polycrystalline superconductors were described as a series-parallel array of Josephson devices The intergranular magnetic field is described within the framework of the intragranular flux-trapping model and the distribution of the grain-boundary angles is assumed to follow the Rayleigh statistical function The proposed model describes well the experimental magnetoresistance R(B(a)) data We have found that the behavior of the R(B(a)) curves changes appreciably when different uniaxially compacting pressures are applied to the sample and such a changes are reproduced by the model when different grain-boundary angles distributions are used In addition, changes in the R(B(a)) dependence have their counterparts in the experimental transport noise signals (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
The Knowledge of the physical properties of agricultural products has great importance for the construction and operation of equipment for drying and storage, to achieve increased efficiency in post-harvest operations. The aim was to determine and analyze the physical properties of crambe fruits during drying at different temperatures. Crambe fruits with an initial moisture content of 0.36 (decimal d.b.) which was reduced by drying at 37.0; 58.8 and 83.5 ºC and relative humidity of 29.4; 11.2 and 3.2%, respectively, to 0.09 ± 1 (decimal d.b.). At different levels of moisture contents (0.36; 0.31; 0.26; 0.21; 0.17; 0.13 and 0.09 decimal d.b.), was evaluated the intergranular porosity, the bulk density, the true density as well as the volumetric shrinkage and the fruit mass. The study was installed by the factorial 3 x 7, and three drying temperatures and seven moisture contents in a randomized design. Data were analyzed using regression. The bulk density and the true density decreases along the drying process; the volumetric shrinkage and the mass increased with lower moisture content and the intergranular porosity decreased sharply with the increasing drying temperature.
Nanoparticles are of immense importance both from the fundamental and application points of view. They exhibit quantum size effects which are manifested in their improved magnetic and electric properties. Mechanical attrition by high energy ball milling (HEBM) is a top down process for producing fine particles. However, fineness is associated with high surface area and hence is prone to oxidation which has a detrimental effect on the useful properties of these materials. Passivation of nanoparticles is known to inhibit surface oxidation. At the same time, coating polymer film on inorganic materials modifies the surface properties drastically. In this work a modified set-up consisting of an RF plasma polymerization technique is employed to coat a thin layer of a polymer film on Fe nanoparticles produced by HEBM. Ball-milled particles having different particle size ranges are coated with polyaniline. Their electrical properties are investigated by measuring the dc conductivity in the temperature range 10–300 K. The low temperature dc conductivity (I–V ) exhibited nonlinearity. This nonlinearity observed is explained on the basis of the critical path model. There is clear-cut evidence for the occurrence of intergranular tunnelling. The results are presented here in this paper
In this contribution superconducting specimens of YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7-delta) were synthesized by a modified polymeric precursor method, yielding a ceramic powder with particles of mesoscopic-size. Samples of this powder were then pressed into pellets and sintered under different conditions. The critical current density was analyzed by isothermal AC-susceptibility measurements as a function of the excitation field, as well as with isothermal DC-magnetization runs at different values of the applied field. Relevant features of the magnetic response could be associated to the microstructure of the specimens and, in particular, to the superconducting intra- and intergranular critical current properties.
Structural and electrical properties of ZnO varistors were investigated as a function of spinel composition. Six varistor mixtures differing only in chemical composition of spinel, were prepared by mixing separately synthesized constituent phases (DSCP method). Compositions of constituent phases in sintered samples were investigated by changes of lattice parameters of the phases, as well as by EDS analysis of the constituent phases. It was found that compositions of ZnO, intergranular and spinel phases were partially changed during sintering due to redistribution of additives, that was controlled by starting spinel composition and its stability. Electrical characterization showed significant difference in electrical properties of investigated varistors: nonlinearity coefficients ranging from 22 to 55 and leakage currents differing by the order of magnitude. Activation energies of conduction were obtained from ac impedance spectroscopy measurements. Calculated values of activation energies were in the range 0.61-1.0 eV confirming difference in defect structure of ZnO grain boundaries in varistors containing different spinel phases. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.
We report the material properties of 26 granular analogue materials used in 14 analogue modelling laboratories. We determined physical characteristics such as bulk density, grain size distribution, and grain shape, and performed ring shear tests to determine friction angles and cohesion, and uniaxial compression tests to evaluate the compaction behaviour. Mean grain size of the materials varied between c. 100 and 400 μm. Analysis of grain shape factors shows that the four different classes of granular materials (14 quartz sands, 5 dyed quartz sands, 4 heavy mineral sands and 3 size fractions of glass beads) can be broadly divided into two groups consisting of 12 angular and 14 rounded materials. Grain shape has an influence on friction angles, with most angular materials having higher internal friction angles (between c. 35° and 40°) than rounded materials, whereas well-rounded glass beads have the lowest internal friction angles (between c. 25° and 30°). We interpret this as an effect of intergranular sliding versus rolling. Most angular materials have also higher basal friction angles (tested for a specific foil) than more rounded materials, suggesting that angular grains scratch and wear the foil. Most materials have an internal cohesion in the order of 20–100 Pa except for well-rounded glass beads, which show a trend towards a quasi-cohesionless (C < 20 Pa) Coulomb-type material. The uniaxial confined compression tests reveal that rounded grains generally show less compaction than angular grains. We interpret this to be related to the initial packing density after sifting, which is higher for rounded grains than for angular grains. Ring-shear test data show that angular grains undergo a longer strain-hardening phase than more rounded materials. This might explain why analogue models consisting of angular grains accommodate deformation in a more distributed manner prior to strain localisation than models consisting of rounded grains.
The effect of thermochemical treatment namely carburising on the fatigue behaviour of one carbon and two alloy steels has been studied in rotating and unidirectional bending. The effect of carbon profile on the unidirect¬ional bending fatigue strength of 63SA14 was assessed, and it was found that single stage carburising with a surface carbon content of 0.8% has resulted in a higher fatigue strength than other types of carbon profiles. Residual stresses and other metallurgical variables arising from different carbon profiles, were also considered. The highest compressive stresses h~e resulted from boost-diffuse-carburising. On the other hand surface decarburisation was associated with tensile residual stresses and a reduced fatigue strength. Retained austenite was found to be detrimental in unidirectional bending fatigue; however its presence in carburised 83SAIS did not seem to influence the rotating bending fatigue strength. Carbide particles in globular and/or intergranular form were detrimental to compressive residual stresses; the unidirectional bending fatigue strength is markedly lowered. The highest fatigue strength was accomplished by vacuum carburising. The absence of internal oxidation was the key factor in the increased fatigue strength; the presence of uniformly distributed fine carbide particles did not upset the superior fatigue strength of vacuum carburised pieces. The effect of mean stress on the fatigue strength of carburised 63SA14 was studied. Increasing the mean stress as would be expected resulted in a decreased fatigue strength. Carburisation showed its advantages at low mean stress, but at high mean stress it offers little advantage over the uncarburised hardened conditions. Notch effect was also studied in unidirectional bending of carburised 080MlS. The general trend showed that the fatigue strength decreases with increasing the stress concentration factor. But different carburising conditions have different effect on notch sensitivity.
Viscosupplements, used for treating joint and cartilage diseases, restore the rheological properties of synovial fluid, regulate joint homeostasis and act as scaffolds for cell growth and tissue regeneration. Most viscosupplements are hydrogels composed of hyaluronic acid (HA) microparticles suspended in fluid HA. These microparticles are crosslinked with chemicals to assure their stability against enzyme degradation and to prolong the action of the viscosupplement. However, the crosslinking also modifies the mechanical, swelling and rheological properties of the HA microparticle hydrogels, with consequences on the effectiveness of the application. The aim of this study is to correlate the crosslinking degree (CD) with these properties to achieve modulation of HA/DVS microparticles through CD control. Because divinyl sulfone (DVS) is the usual crosslinker of HA in viscosupplements, we examined the effects of CD by preparing HA microparticles at 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, and 5:1 HA/DVS mass ratios. The CD was calculated from inductively coupled plasma spectrometry data. HA microparticles were previously sized to a mean diameter of 87.5 µm. Higher CD increased the viscoelasticity and the extrusion force and reduced the swelling of the HA microparticle hydrogels, which also showed Newtonian pseudoplastic behavior and were classified as covalent weak. The hydrogels were not cytotoxic to fibroblasts according to an MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A, 2014.
The objectives of this study were to develop a questionnaire that evaluates the perception of nursing workers to job factors that may contribute to musculoskeletal symptoms, and to evaluate its psychometric properties. Internationally recommended methodology was followed: construction of domains, items and the instrument as a whole, content validity, and pre-test. Psychometric properties were evaluated among 370 nursing workers. Construct validity was analyzed by the factorial analysis, known-groups technique, and convergent validity. Reliability was assessed through internal consistency and stability. Results indicated satisfactory fit indices during confirmatory factor analysis, significant difference (p < 0.01) between the responses of nursing and office workers, and moderate correlations between the new questionnaire and Numeric Pain Scale, SF-36 and WRFQ. Cronbach's alpha was close to 0.90 and ICC values ranged from 0.64 to 0.76. Therefore, results indicated that the new questionnaire had good psychometric properties for use in studies involving nursing workers.
As graphene has become one of the most important materials, there is renewed interest in other similar structures. One example is silicene, the silicon analogue of graphene. It shares some of the remarkable graphene properties, such as the Dirac cone, but presents some distinct ones, such as a pronounced structural buckling. We have investigated, through density functional based tight-binding (DFTB), as well as reactive molecular dynamics (using ReaxFF), the mechanical properties of suspended single-layer silicene. We calculated the elastic constants, analyzed the fracture patterns and edge reconstructions. We also addressed the stress distributions, unbuckling mechanisms and the fracture dependence on the temperature. We analysed the differences due to distinct edge morphologies, namely zigzag and armchair.
The reconstruction of the external ear to correct congenital deformities or repair following trauma remains a significant challenge in reconstructive surgery. Previously, we have developed a novel approach to create scaffold-free, tissue engineering elastic cartilage constructs directly from a small population of donor cells. Although the developed constructs appeared to adopt the structural appearance of native auricular cartilage, the constructs displayed limited expression and poor localization of elastin. In the present study, the effect of growth factor supplementation (insulin, IGF-1, or TGF-β1) was investigated to stimulate elastogenesis as well as to improve overall tissue formation. Using rabbit auricular chondrocytes, bioreactor-cultivated constructs supplemented with either insulin or IGF-1 displayed increased deposition of cartilaginous ECM, improved mechanical properties, and thicknesses comparable to native auricular cartilage after 4 weeks of growth. Similarly, growth factor supplementation resulted in increased expression and improved localization of elastin, primarily restricted within the cartilaginous region of the tissue construct. Additional studies were conducted to determine whether scaffold-free engineered auricular cartilage constructs could be developed in the 3D shape of the external ear. Isolated auricular chondrocytes were grown in rapid-prototyped tissue culture molds with additional insulin or IGF-1 supplementation during bioreactor cultivation. Using this approach, the developed tissue constructs were flexible and had a 3D shape in very good agreement to the culture mold (average error <400 µm). While scaffold-free, engineered auricular cartilage constructs can be created with both the appropriate tissue structure and 3D shape of the external ear, future studies will be aimed assessing potential changes in construct shape and properties after subcutaneous implantation.
To evaluate the influence of a fluorescent dye (rhodamine B) on the physical and mechanical properties of three different luting cements: a conventional adhesive luting cement (RelyX ARC, 3M/ESPE), a self-adhesive luting cement (RelyX U-200, 3M/ESPE), and a self-etching and self-adhesive luting cement (SeT PP, SDI). The cements were mixed with 0.03 wt% rhodamine B, formed into bar-shaped specimens (n = 10), and light cured using an LED curing unit (Radii, SDI) with a radiant exposure of 32 J/cm(2) . The Knoop hardness (KHN), flexural strength (FS), and Young's modulus (YM) analyses were evaluated after storage for 24 h. Outcomes were subjected to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (P = 0.05) for multiple comparisons. No significant differences in FS or YM were observed among the tested groups (P ≥ 0.05); the addition of rhodamine B increased the hardness of the luting cements tested. The addition of a fluorescent agent at 0.03 wt% concentration does not negatively affect the physical-mechanical properties of the luting cement polymerization behavior.