884 resultados para Intergenerational solidarity


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The relationship between class and intergenerational solidarities in the public and private spheres calls for further conceptual and theoretical development. This article discusses the findings from the first wave of a qualitative longitudinal study entitled Changing Generations, conducted in Ireland in 2011–2012, comprising 100 in-depth interviews with men and women across the age and socioeconomic spectrums. Constructivist grounded theory analysis of the data gives rise to the following postulates: (1) intergenerational solidarity at the family level is strongly contoured by socioeconomic status (SES); (2) intergenerational solidarity evolves as family generations observe each others’ practices and adjust their expectations accordingly; (3) intergenerational solidarity within families is also shaped by the public sphere (the welfare state) that generates varying expectations and levels of solidarity regarding State supports for different age groups, again largely dependent on SES; (4) the liberal welfare state context, especially at a time of economic crisis, enhances the significance of intergenerational solidarity within families. We conclude by calling for research that is attuned to age/generation, gender and class, and how these operate across the family and societal levels.


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Gross domestic product plummets. Unemployment soars. Large-scale emigration reemerges after a decade of labor-market driven immigration. The International Monetary Fund and European Union are called to bail out the economy. Indebtedness haunts households in the aftermath of a spectacular housing market crash. The Celtic Tiger is firmly consigned to history books as Ireland’s economic fortunes have waned with unprecedented rapidity. The trials of the economy and policy are highly visible in the media and political debates. However, we know little about how these public travails are reflected in the private sphere where the recession is translated into mass emigration of young workers, defaults on mortgages, former twoearner households turning into no-earner families, and cutbacks in health and social care services that leave many younger and older citizens without the supports on which they could rely.


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Constructivist grounded theory (CGT) methods render an interpretive portrayal, a construction of reality, strengthened when the process of construction is acknowledged. An Irish team study uses CGT to explore intergenerational solidarity at individual, familial and societal levels, and their interface. The study data comprise interviews with 100 people from diverse socio-economic and
age groups. The article contributes insights on applying CGT in team-based interview research on a topic with such breadth of scope. This contrasts with the more usual focused inquiry with a defined population. Adapting the method’s guidelines to the specific inquiry involved challenges in: framing the topic conceptually; situating research participants in contrasting social contexts to
provide interpretive depth; and generating interview data with which to construct theory. We argue that interrogating the very premise of the inquiry allowed for emergent reconstruction, a goal at the heart of the method.


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Ce mémoire s’intéresse à la cohabitation intergénérationnelle en immeubles de type plex, en tant que stratégie de solidarité familiale observée à Montréal. Plus précisément, il s’agit de retracer l’histoire de ce mode d’habiter à travers les récits recueillis auprès d’une dizaine de familles québécoises. Les personnes rencontrées ont évoqué les motivations d’un tel projet, ont parlé de son élaboration, de la vie quotidienne dans le plex, de l’avenir de la cohabitation ou, le cas échéant, des motifs d’y mettre fin. La spécificité de la cohabitation intergénérationnelle en plex est de mettre à profit le cadre bâti résidentiel montréalais, composé d’un grand nombre de plex, dans le but plus ou moins explicite de resserrer les liens de la solidarité familiale. La démarche a donc consisté à reconstituer l’histoire d’une dizaine de familles ayant opté pour un tel mode d’habiter à Montréal, ceci à travers le récit d’un membre de la « génération-pivot », dans chacun de ces familles, susceptible de se situer au carrefour des solidarités : entre ses enfants dans la jeune vingtaine et ses parents et ses parents vieillissants. Deux objectifs principaux ont été poursuivis. Il s’agissait dans un premier temps de retracer le processus menant à une telle stratégie de proximité résidentielle et de détailler ensuite le fonctionnement quotidien de la cohabitation intergénérationnelle. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, trois questions ont guidé l’analyse du discours des répondants. Premièrement, quelles sont les motivations de ces familles? Deuxièmement, à quel point les réalités quotidiennes des membres cohabitants se voient-elles dès lors imbriquées? Troisièmement, quels enjeux sont soulevés par ce mode d’habiter? Les résultats mettent de l’avant de nombreux avantages à la cohabitation intergénérationnelle en plex, par exemple l’accès plus aisé à la propriété pour les jeunes générations, des possibilités accrues d’échanges de services concrets ou encore un sentiment de plus grande sécurité. Les enjeux soulevés par ce mode d’habiter sont également explorés et analysés du point de vue de la notion centrale sur laquelle repose ce projet familial et résidentiel, la notion d’indépendance.


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Includes bibliography


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“We must be fully aware that while the developed countries became rich before they became old, the developing countries will become old before they become rich”. This statement made by Gro Harlem Brundtland, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, at the World Assembly on Ageing in 2002 in Madrid, reflects the challenges that the developing world is facing in the twentieth century. Population ageing is a global phenomenon, which is having and will have major implications on all aspects of human life in every society. This process is enduring and irreversible, as observed from differing patterns and distinct paces in various regions and countries all over the world. The United Nations has undertaken various efforts to repeatedly draw governments’ attention to the growing demand for answers to these encompassing and profound demographic changes. Various initiatives on the global as well as on the regional and subregional level have been undertaken to highlight the pressing need for concerted action. Of importance in this regard are the numerous agreements reached at the global conferences on social development, population and women orchestrated by the United Nations in the 1990s, which all refer to ageing as an issue of particular concern. The year 1999 was proclaimed by the General Assembly1 of the United Nations as the Year of Older Persons to recognize ageing as one of the major achievements but, at the same time, as one of the major challenges all populations have to cope with in the twentieth century. This continuous call for action culminated in the Second World Assembly on Ageing, which was held in Madrid 2002, where governments agreed to the implementation of a global action plan. This new Plan of Action focuses both on political priorities such as improvements in living conditions of older persons, combating poverty, social inclusion, individual self-fulfilment, human rights and gender equality. To an increasing degree attention is also devoted to such holistic and overarching themes as intergenerational solidarity, employment, social security, health and well-being. Mandated by the Second World Assembly on Ageing, the Population Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC/CELADE) has convened the Regional Intergovernmental Conference on Ageing in November 2003 in Santiago, where a regional strategy for the implementation (ECLAC, 2003b) of the commitments reached in Madrid has been adopted. Further, a background document (ECLAC 2003a) on the situation of the elderly in the Latin American and Caribbean region, of which this document is a substantive part, has been presented to the meeting. Participating government officials formally committed themselves to work on a national follow-up strategy and to report on the progress made in the implementation of their commitments to the Ad hoc Committee on Population and Development to be convened in 2004.


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O presente trabalho trata da análise teórica da plurifuncionalidade da Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN) no meio ambiente, que se sustenta como um dever de solidariedade agroambiental. O trabalho foi dividido em três partes, cada uma com dois capítulos, que foram desenvolvidos inicialmente com o estabelecimento do contexto em que se encontram os assuntos abordados, e finalizados com observações acerca das principais ideias estudadas, até a elaboração de considerações finais, que demonstram os resultados alcançados pelo trabalho. Utiliza-se a metodologia teórica e o raciocínio indutivo-crítico, pois se parte do estudo de um fenômeno individualizado, a SAN, para se prejetarem hipóteses que considerem seus efeitos e interações com o meio ambiente natural, para ao final buscar generalizar as soluções encontradas, notadamente a solidariedade em sua dimensão de dever jurídico. Procura-se sustentar a argumentação com obras de referência bibliográficas e outras produções científicas de entidades nacionais e estrangeiras. Discute-se introdutoriamente alguns motivos que levaram à realização da tese, quais sejam os graves problemas que envolvem a alimentação humana na contemporaneidade, destaca sua aproximação com os direitos humanos, especialmente com o princípio da solidariedade e suas características de transdisciplinaridade metodológica, que gera necessariamente efeitos em vários outros campos do conhecimento. São revisados criticamente conceitos firmados pela Organização das Nações Unidas para Agricultura e Alimentação (FAO), especialmente os referentes ao direito à alimentação, direito a estar alimentado, soberania alimentar, Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN), desnutrição, subnutrição e má nutrição. Considera-se a SAN em sua dimensão plurifuncional porque implica necessariamente em repercussões éticas e jurídicas no âmbito dos direitos humanos, a partir da ideia teórica da solidariedade, que é estudada desde a sua formação antiga, quando associada à virtude, até à modernidade e a aproximação com a política e o direito, entendida no presente como princípio que sustenta o dever jurídico ligado à gestão racional de bens ambientais voltados à alimentação, delimitados em especial no direito agroambiental, percebendo-se a solidariedade então como fundamento de direitos, valor superior qualificada pela fraternidade, e ao mesmo tempo prevista em documentos internacionais de direitos humanos e em diversas constituições. Os interesses difusos são necessariamente examinados, pois a SAN é um interesse geral da sociedade humana, e implica na preservação dos bens ambientais alimentares, considerados indivisíveis na visão solidária, que deve ser integrada aos valores liberdade e igualdade, tornando-os princípios com interpretação mais humana, limitando seu exercício absoluto e ainda justificando-os. A ideia de solidariedade faz com que seja possível chegar aos direitos partindo do dever agroambiental e, diante das várias correntes teóricas que tratam do dever jurídico, considera-se que seja autônomo em relação ao direito subjetivo, mas traduzindo deveres ligados a finalidades sociais, de interesse público, que se manifestam em ambiente democrático, podendo o dever agroambiental ser considerado fenômeno com raízes de ética pública, com elevados valores ambientais, decisivos em sua dimensão jurídica de obrigações e responsabilidades, de todos em relação a todos, inclusive com normas objetivas nacionais e internacionais de proteção de bens agroambientais. Sustenta-se que nesse sentido a ética pública ligada à ética ambiental pode ser decisiva na observância ao direito, para além do convencimento meramente externo, mas enquanto manifestação também interna, ética, que carrega de sentido o dever jurídico solidário ligado à plurifuncionalidade da SAN. Também são elaboradas críticas à tradicional argumentação acerca dos direitos das gerações futuras, pela imprecisão e incerteza científica que os cinge, afastando-os da possibilidade de figurarem como objeto do direito, para assentar que os direitos de que se falam são precisamente traduzidos como deveres das gerações presentes, sendo estes deveres o vínculo jurídico entre gerações sucessivas. Nesse sentido, a solidariedade intergeracional passa a ter um liame jurídico contínuo, estudado através da teoria dos direitos fundamentais, o que lhe confere como característica a fluidez entre as gerações, e que por isso exige o aproveitamento racional dos recursos ambientais naturais, amparado nos princípios da precaução e informação, na ética da responsabilidade dirigida a todas as gerações, que demanda a incorporação de longo tempo nas ações humanas, que possibilite a ampla educação ambiental, e o desenvolvimento do pensamento altruísta, transtemporal, que considere problemas ambientais transfonteiriços e os bens ambientais naturais finitos, sendo indispensável conscientização da geração presente e de sua classe política para a afirmação da solidariedade. Estuda-se ainda que o dever de gestão racional dos bens ambientais naturais alimentares é dever de solidariedade, pois se considera que cada indivíduo usa uma parcela imaterial e indivisa desse bem coletivo, que pode ser público ou privado, mas que se sujeita à solidariedade. Nesse contexto só prevalece o direito de propriedade, em relação aos seus atributos tradicionais, se o objetivo comum de preservação dos bens ambientais alimentares não fornecer uma justificativa suficiente para impor readequação da atividade, abstenção de conduta, ou mesmo medidas sancionadoras decorrentes de responsabilização objetiva. Finalmente, enquanto contribuição científica, o trabalho apresenta um ensaio para a construção das características do dever de solidariedade agroambiental, quais sejam, o seu objeto e os sujeitos, a sua estrutura, que abrange a natureza das obrigações dele decorrente, e o regime principiológico. A conclusão geral apresentada é que o dever de solidariedade agroambiental, demonstrado sua ocorrência pela plurifuncionalidade da SAN, corresponde à ideia de justiça e moralidade política, fenômeno no qual é percebida intensa conexão entre o direito e a ética ambiental, compreensão relevante para resolução de conflitos que envolvam alimentação humana e a utilização de bens ambientais naturais.


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In accordance with Bengtson's model of intergenerational solidarity (e.g. Bengtson & Roberts, 1991), the interrelations between adult daughters' family values, their perception of the relationship quality with their parents, the support they reported to give to and to receive from their parents, and their perception of reciprocity in intergenerational support exchange were investigated for N = 265 middle-aged women in Germany. It was also asked whether the support given to parents and perceived reciprocity are related to daughters' felt burden as a result of their support. Cross-sectional, self-report data were examined with multiple and multinomial logistic regression analyses. The analyses revealed positive relations between family values, relationship quality, and support to parents. Perceived reciprocity was associated with the exchange of intergenerational support and imbalance in support had negative effects on the relationship quality. Felt burden was predicted by the extent of support and the perceived reciprocity. However, specific correlational patterns depending on the kind of support as well as differences in the importance of mother and father occurred. The findings are discussed against the background of the meaning of family obligations and reciprocity in a Western culture.


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Background In Switzerland, age is the predominant driver of solidarity transfers in risk adjustment (RA). Concerns have been voiced regarding growing imbalances in cost sharing between young and old insured due to demographic changes (larger fraction of elderly >65 years and rise in average age). Particularly young adults aged 19–25 with limited incomes have to shoulder increasing solidarity burdens. Between 1996 and 2011, monthly intergenerational solidarity payments for young adults have doubled from CHF 87 to CHF 182, which corresponds to the highest absolute transfer increase of all age groups. Results By constructing models for age-specific RA growth and for calculating the lifetime sum of RA transfers we investigated the causes and consequences of demographic changes on RA payments. The models suggest that the main driver for RA increases in the past was below average health care expenditure (HCE) growth in young adults, which was only half as high (average 2% per year) compared with older adults (average 4% per year). Shifts in age group distributions were only accountable for 2% of the CHF 95 rise in RA payments. Despite rising risk adjustment debts for young insured the balance of lifetime transfers remains positive as long as HCE growth rates are greater than the discount rate used in this model (3%). Moreover, the life-cycle model predicts that the lifetime rate of return on RA payments may even be further increased by demographic changes. Nevertheless, continued growth of RA contributions may overwhelm vulnerable age groups such as young adults. We therefore propose methods to limit the burden of social health insurance for specific age groups (e.g. young adults in Switzerland) by capping solidarity payments. Conclusions Taken together, our mathematical modelling framework helps to gain a better understanding of how demographic changes interact with risk adjustment and how redistribution of funds between age groups can be controlled without inducing further selection incentives. Those methods can help to construct more equitable systems of health financing in light of population aging.


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Summary. Belgium is on the cusp of its next defence reform. While the security landscape throughout Europe’s neighbourhood and beyond deteriorates, the armed forces face numerous challenges. Most importantly, the next defence plan needs to recalibrate the force structure in function of political ambitions and budgetary realities. This Policy Brief argues that Belgium must embrace a nimble but broad-spectrum force. Any future structure must encompass agile land forces as well as a modern combat air force, without neglecting the need to safeguard a sizeable navy and invest in cyber capabilities. European cooperation should be pursued wherever possible while recognising that this necessitates budgetary convergence. For Belgium this means the investment budget needs to grow significantly in order to acquire interoperable but self-owned assets. Such a choice can be justified on the recognition that defence is not just about expeditionary operations, but also economic stimulus, intergenerational solidarity and strategic insurance: maintaining the ability to respond to whatever the future may bring.


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In the light of the dramatically changed social structure of women, surprisingly little gender differences have been found in temporal changes of effects of social origin on occupational class. Using a recently developed methodological approach and Swiss data on birth cohorts from 1925 to 1978, this paper takes a closer look by considering not only the total effect of social origin but also the individual elements of the indirect effect mediated by individual’s education. It finds that this indirect path have changed indeed differently for women and men, but the findings on the direct effect remain mixed, partially because this path seems to be especially sensitive to the conceptualization of social class.


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In a context of rapid demographic and technological changes, digital skills are essential in order for citizens to actively participate in society. However, digital literacy for all citizens, especially for the older population, is not yet a reality. It is increasingly crucial for active ageing, lifelong learning, and life-wide learning that the elderly learn digital skills. Intergenerational learning can play a key role in achieving a wide range of goals. This paper focuses on the contribution of intergenerational learning to digital and social inclusion. We promoted ICT intergenerational workshops and chose the case study methodolog y to study three distinct cases of intergenerational learning with ICT. The results show that intergenerational learning with ICT contributes to the digital literacy of adults and seniors and fosters lifelong learning, active ageing, and understanding and solidarity among generations. We reveal the benefits of the intergenerational learning process for all participants and suggest some ways to achieve intergenerational learning through ICT in order to build more socially and digitally cohesive societies.