781 resultados para Intergenerational relations.
This article presents data from two samples of Catalan adolescents from 12 to 16 years and their parents in 2003 and 2008. The main aim is to explore the changing relationships between parents and their children and the impact that the use of ICT has on these changes. The results show that over the time there is a greater involvement of parents in communicating with their children about this issue, which involves no greater satisfaction of adolescents with such communication, possibly by the perception of lack of control that his/her father or mother has
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How is adolescents’ willingness for intergenerational support affected by parents’ expectations and parenting behavior? Does youths’ willingness for intergenerational support in turn affect parents’ well-being? The current study addresses these questions from a cross-cultural perspective, using data from connected samples of mother-adolescent dyads (N = 4162) from 14 diverse cultural contexts as part of the “Value of Children and Intergenerational Relations Study” (Trommsdorff & Nauck, 2005). The results are based on mixed model analyses (with culture as a random factor). Associations were investigated between family norms (expectations of support by adult children), parenting goals (obedience, independence) and parenting behavior (acceptance, control) reported by mothers and adolescents’ reports on willingness to support (help in household tasks, willingness to tolerate burdens in order to help their parents in case of accident, emotional support given to mothers and fathers). Across cultures, maternal expectations of adult children were positively related to adolescents’ reported household help and their current emotional support to mothers and fathers. Obedience, and control were positively related to the amount of adolescent help in the household, while independence and acceptance were related to a higher willingness to tolerate burdens as well as to higher emotional support given to the mother. Regarding associations between adolescents’ actual and intended intergenerational support with mothers’ life satisfaction, adolescents’ willingness to tolerate burdens was related to a higher maternal life satisfaction while adolescents’ reported household help was not. Adolescents’ current emotional support to fathers (but not to mothers) was also related to higher maternal life satisfaction. While most of the effects were stable across cultures (no significant random slope variance across cultural groups), some effects did significantly vary across cultures. Traditional-vs.-secular values as culture-level characteristics will be discussed as explanation for these culture-specific relations among mothers’ expectations, adolescents’ intergenerational support, and mothers’ life satisfaction.
Changes within the family unit have resulted in changes in interactions between grandparents and older grandchildren. Existing research indicates that these relationships can result in positive outcomes. A relevant task for researchers is to continue to explore th~se intergenerational relationships. This qualitative phenomenological study explores the question: What functional patterns exist when grandparents interact with older grandchildren? Six grandparent-older grandchild pairs agreed to be involved. Kennedy's (1992) formulation of grandparent-older grandchild activity clusters was reviewed and revised. Activities were clustered related to socialization, companionship, support, entertainment, and education. Findings unique to this study indicate that shared activities were mutually chosen with consideration of activity tolerance, and were consistently evaluated as enjoyable. Partners were chosen because of a comfortable relationship established through frequent past and present interactions, and not because of family lineage preferences. Both grandparents and older grandchildren stated a desire to have a generation peer share activities with them. Exploration of dimension concepts for the "McMaster Model of Family Functioning" indicated that these relationships have potential to contribute to healthy family functioning. The implications for practice, theory development and further research are suggested.
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This study examined the intergenerational effects of parental conviction of a substance-related charge on children's academic performance and, conditional on a conviction, whether completion of an adult drug treatment court (DTC) program was associated with improved school performance. State administrative data from North Carolina courts, birth records, and school records were linked for 2005-2012. Math and reading end-of-grade test scores and absenteeism were examined for 5 groups of children, those with parents who: were not convicted on any criminal charge, were convicted on a substance-related charge and not referred by a court to a DTC, were referred to a DTC but did not enroll, enrolled in a DTC but did not complete, and completed a DTC program. Accounting for demographic and socioeconomic factors, the school performance of children whose parents were convicted of a substance-related offense was worse than that of children whose parents were not convicted on any charge. These differences were statistically significant but substantially reduced after controlling for socioeconomic characteristics; for example, mother's educational attainment. We found no evidence that parent participation in an adult DTC program led to improved school performance of their children. While the children of convicted parents fared worse on average, much--but not all--of this difference was attributed to socioeconomic factors, with the result that parental conviction remained a risk factor for poorer school performance. Even though adult DTCs have been shown to have other benefits, we could detect no intergenerational benefit in improved school performance of their children.
A dissertação de mestrado subordinada ao tema das Relações Intergeracionais e as Sociedades Envelhecidas surgiu, no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária, da Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa e teve como ponto de partida saber se a participação em actividades intergeracionais promove o envelhecimento ativo de 8 mulheres com 65 e mais anos, residentes num território multigeracional de Lisboa Oriental. A abordagem concetual do envelhecimento social, do envelhecimento ativo, das relações intergeracionais e da participação conduziu o estudo, através da triangulação dos instrumentos de análise qualitativa de entrevistas de histórias de vida e de focus group. As mulheres entrevistadas têm entre 65 e 85 anos de idade cronológica, mas em média dizem sentir que têm menos 34 anos. Afirmam, ser jovens de espirito e por isso preferem ser chamadas de seniores. Manifestam que sempre foram e são, mulheres autónomas, livres, independentes, com poder de decisão, com auto-estima elevada e com qualidade de vida. Mulheres que ocupam o tempo em actividades da vida diária, em actividades de tempos livres, e voluntariado. Mulheres reivindicativas, proativas, frontais e determinadas que assumem um papel social ativo envolvendo-se socialmente em todas as actividades produtivas ou orientadas para a performance e em actividades colectivas e ou orientadas para a união, com vista alcançar objetivos comuns. Mulheres, que ganham prestígio e estatuto na comunidade por se envolverem socialmente no processo de tomadas de decisão, organização, execução e avaliação, com as gerações mais novas. São visionárias ancestrais de espirito jovem que abrem novas portas para a construção social da velhice nas sociedades neoliberais e desafiam os humanistas quando afirmam que as atividades produtivas na velhice dão sentido à própria existência. São histórias de mulheres que nos fazem acreditar que a participação social contribui espontaneamente para o diálogo entre as gerações, em todas as fases da vida. - Abstract A dissertation on the subject of Intergenerational Relationships and Societies Aged emerged within the Master of Education Social and Community Intervention, School of Education and Lisbon had as starting point whether participation promotes intergenerational activities on aging 8 active women aged 65 years and older, residing in the territory of Eastern Lisbon multigenerational. The conceptual approach of social aging, active aging, intergenerational relations and participation conducted the study through triangulation of instruments qualitative analysis of interviews and life stories focus group. The women interviewed are between 65 and 85 years of chronological age, but on average say they feel they are under 34 years old. They claim to be young in spirit and so they prefer to be called seniors. Demonstrate that have always been and are women autonomous, free, independent, decision-making, self-esteem and quality of life. Women who occupy the time in activities of daily life, in leisure activities, and volunteering. Women reivindicativas, proactive, front and determined to play an active social role by engaging in socially productive activities or any performance-oriented and collective activities and or targeted at the union in order to achieve common objectives. Women who gain prestige and status in the community by becoming involved socially in the process of decision making, organization, implementation and evaluation with the younger generations. They are young visionary spirit of ancestors that open new doors to the social construction of old age in neoliberal societies and challenge humanists say when productive activities in old age give meaning to their own existence. These are stories of women who have us believe that social participation contributes to spontaneous dialogue between generations, in all stages of life.
RESUMO: Muitos desenvolvimentos demográficos e estruturais ocorreram nas relações intergeracionais, os quais provocaram um impacto nas ligações familiares, tais como o aumento da longevidade e as alterações da dinâmica estrutural e social da família, tendo sido colocado em causa a vitalidade das obrigações familiares e solidariedade familiar, nomeadamente entre pais e filhos adultos. Assim, com este estudo pretendeu-se verificar a presença de solidariedade entre pais e os seus filhos adultos, assim como as expectativas de responsabilidade filial dos pais e as suas opiniões e preferências no que se refere à orientação da responsabilidade para família/ serviços públicos no cuidado aos idosos. De forma a alcançar os objectivos, foi aplicado um questionário a 97 alunos, da Universidade Sénior da Póvoa de Santa Iria, com 55 ou mais anos e que tivessem pelo menos um filho adulto. Foi possível chegar à conclusão de que existe solidariedade entre pais e filhos adultos, assim como os pais consideram que existe uma responsabilidade mista (família/Estado) no cuidado aos idosos e que preferem os apoios formais em detrimento dos informais (familiares) – contrariando a orientação familística. Contudo, apesar disso continuam a apresentar expectativas elevadas em relação à responsabilidade que os filhos devem ter para com os pais, nomeadamente a nível da dimensão de apoio emocional, sendo a dimensão de apoio instrumental a excepção. Desta forma, é possível concluir que há uma tendência por parte da população inquirida em preferir a complementaridade de apoios formais e informais, com consequente especialização de tarefas: instrumental e emocional, respectivamente-----------ABSTRACT: Intergenerational relations have been affected by demographical and structural changes that had impact on family relationships. The increase in life expectancy and the changes in the families’ structural and social dynamics have put at risk the vitality of family obligations and solidarity, namely between parents and adult children. Therefore, this research aimed at studying the existence of solidarity between parents and adult children as well as the parents’ expectations towards their children’s responsibilities and their views and preferences on family and welfare state responsibility as far as elderly people are concerned. In order to achieve this, a questionnaire was devised and subsequently applied to 97 participants attending the Universidade Sénior in Póvoa de Santa Iria, aged 55 or older, with at least one adult child. The results indicate that there is solidarity between parents and adult children and that parents consider that both the family and the state should share the responsibility towards elderly people. Moreover, the study proves that formal support is preferred to the detriment of an informal one (family), which contradicts the familistic approach. However, parents evince high expectations as far as children responsibility towards them is concerned, specially in terms of emotional support. This does not apply, however, to the instrumental support domain. In conclusion, the study indicates that the participants tend to prefer the complementariness of formal and informal support with subsequent task specialisation: instrumental and emotional, respectively.
En la sociedad actual están aconteciendo una serie de cambios en la estructura de lafamilia, en su ciclo y evolución, en los roles tradicionales, en la aparición de nuevosroles y en las relaciones intergeneracionales. Esta situación cambiante afecta al rol deabuelo y abuela y, en la actualidad, nadie cuestionará la importancia que estánadquiriendo los abuelos/as en las relaciones familiares, ya que el número de personasque llegan a ser abuelos/as aumenta, así como también crece el número de años quelos abuelos/as pueden compartir con sus nietos. Estos cambios han hecho que lafigura de los abuelos/as recupere su importancia dentro de la familia y adquiera unnotable protagonismo y una valiosa función social produciéndose una mayorintegración de los abuelos/as en la familia. En esta nueva situación social y familiarresulta especialmente importante el estudio de las características del rol de abuelo/aactual y de la relación y actividades que comparte con su nieto/a. Con estainvestigación se pretende examinar la relación abuelo nieto en la infancia, desde laperspectiva de los abuelos/as así como las repercuciones del cuidado de los nietos enla salud de éstos
Coexisting workloads from professional, household and family, and caregiving activities for frail parents expose middle-aged individuals, the so-called "Sandwich Generation", to potential health risks. Current trends suggest that this situation will continue or increase. Thus SG health promotion has become a nursing concern. Most existing research considers coexisting workloads a priori pathogenic. Most studies have examined the association of one, versus two, of these three activities with health. Few studies have used a nursing perspective. This article presents the development of a framework based on a nursing model. We integrated Siegrist's Effort-Reward Imbalance middle-range theory into "Neuman Systems Model". The latter was chosen for its salutogenic orientation, its attention to preventive nursing interventions and the opportunity it provides to simultaneously consider positive and negative perceptions of SG health and SG coexisting workloads. Finally, it facilitated a theoretical identification of health protective factors.