910 resultados para Interferon-producing Killer Dendritic Cells


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L’idée qu’une cellule puisse effectuer la cytolyse de cellules transformées, comme une cellule Natural Killer (NK), tout en ayant la capacité de présenter des antigènes, comme une cellule dendritique (DC), peut sembler fantaisiste. Cependant, de telles cellules furent bel et bien identifiées chez la souris en 2006. Ces cellules, nommées Interferon-producing Killer Dendritic Cells (IKDC), furent l’objet d’une caractérisation extensive qui révéla leur énorme potentiel immunologique. La combinaison de fonctions associées à des cellules NK et à des DC a doté les IKDC d’un pouvoir antitumoral remarquable. D’ailleurs, il a été démontré que les IKDC sont plus efficaces que les cellules NK pour limiter la croissance tumorale. Ainsi, suite à leur découverte, les IKDC ont suscité beaucoup d’intérêt. Cependant, une controverse émergea sur la nature des IKDC. Plusieurs groupes indépendants tentèrent de reproduire les expériences attestant les fonctions de DC des IKDC, sans y parvenir. De plus, des études additionnelles révélèrent que les IKDC possèdent des similitudes très importantes avec les cellules NK. Ces observations ont mené la communauté scientifique à suggérer que les IKDC sont des cellules NK en état d’activation (aNK). Malgré cette controverse, les caractéristiques antitumorales des IKDC sont si uniques et considérables qu’il est primordial de poursuivre l’étude de ces cellules. Pour y arriver, il est essentiel de déterminer la nature des IKDC et de mettre fin à ce débat. Par la suite, il sera important d’identifier des façons de cibler spécifiquement les IKDC pour permettre leur usage dans le cadre de thérapies antitumorales. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette thèse est de définir l’identité des IKDC, puis de déterminer les facteurs génétiques responsables de la régulation de ces cellules. Nous avons démontré que les IKDC ne sont pas des cellules aNK, contrairement à ce qui avait été suggéré. Nous avons constaté que les IKDC prolifèrent activement et possèdent un phénotype unique, des caractéristiques associées à des cellules NK très immatures. Afin de déterminer si les IKDC peuvent acquérir un phénotype mature, nous avons effectué des expériences de transfert adoptif. Suite à leur injection in vivo, les IKDC acquièrent un phénotype de cellules matures, mais étonnamment, elles se différencient aussi en cellules NK. Ainsi, nous avons révélé que les IKDC sont un intermédiaire dans la différenciation des cellules NK. En parallèle, nous avons démontré que la proportion d’IKDC varie grandement entre des souris de fond génétique différent, indiquant que des facteurs génétiques sont impliqués dans la régulation de ces cellules. Nous avons alors effectué une analyse génétique qui a révélé que les IKDC sont régulées par des facteurs génétiques compris dans une région distale du chromosome 7. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse constituent une avancée importante pour la recherche sur les IKDC. Ils ont permis de définir la nature des IKDC et d’identifier un intervalle génétique impliqué dans la régulation de ces cellules. Ces découvertes sont des connaissances précieuses pour l’identification des IKDC chez l’Homme et la création de nouvelles thérapies dans la lutte contre le cancer.


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Leishmania major parasites reside and multiply in late endosomal compartments of host phagocytic cells. Immune control of Leishmania growth absolutely requires expression of inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS/NOS2) and subsequent production of NO. Here, we show that CD11b+ CD11c+ Ly-6C+ MHC-II+ cells are the main iNOS-producing cells in the footpad lesion and in the draining lymph node of Leishmania major-infected C57BL/6 mice. These cells are phenotypically similar to iNOS-producing inflammatory DC (iNOS-DC) observed in the mouse models of Listeria monocytogenes and Brucella melitensis infection. The use of DsRed-expressing parasites demonstrated that these iNOS-producing cells are the major infected population in the lesions and the draining lymph nodes. Analysis of various genetically deficient mouse strains revealed the requirement of CCR2 expression for the recruitment of iNOS-DC in the draining lymph nodes, whereas their activation is strongly dependent on CD40, IL-12, IFN-gamma and MyD88 molecules with a partial contribution of TNF-alpha and TLR9. In contrast, STAT-6 deficiency enhanced iNOS-DC recruitment and activation in susceptible BALB/c mice, demonstrating a key role for IL-4 and IL-13 as negative regulators. Taken together, our results suggest that iNOS-DC represent a major class of Th1-regulated effector cell population and constitute the most frequent infected cell type during chronic Leishmania major infection phase of C57BL/6 resistant mice.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde die Rolle des Epstein-Barr Virus induzierten Gens 3 in einem Mausmodel des durch B16-F10 Zellen hervorgerufenen metastasierenden Melanoms untersucht. Das von aktivierten antigenpräsentierenden Zellen exprimierte EBI-3 gehört zur Familie der löslichen Typ 1 Zytokinrezeptoren, weist eine hohe Homologie zur p40 Untereinheit des IL-12 auf und bildet zusammen mit p28 das IL-27. Die intravenöse Injektion der B16-F10 Zelllinie führte zu einer signifikanten Erniedrigung der Tumormetastasen in den EBI-3 defizienten Lungen sowie zu einer höheren Lebenserwartung dieser Mäuse im Vergleich zu den B6 Wildtypen. Darüber hinaus habe ich in den EBI-3 defizienten Mäusen eine verminderte VCAM-1 Expression auf den Endothelzellen der Lunge gefunden während Änderungen in der VEGF Expression nicht detektiert wurden. Der immunologische Hintergrund, der diesen therapeutischen Effekt hervorrief, konnte durch die T-Zellaktivierung durch die kürzlich neu beschriebene DC Population, welche Interferon-produzierende Killer Dendritische Zellen genannt werden (IK-DC), die zusätzlich von aktivierten und maturierten klassischen DCs unterstützt wurden, erklärt werden. IK-DCs von EBI-3 defizienten Mäusen produzierten höhere Mengen an IFN-g während die klassischen DCs MHC und co-stimulatorische Moleküle exprimierten, welche die Sekretion von IL-12 initiierten. Das Zusammenspiel der genannten Faktoren induzierte eine verstärkte CD4 und CD8 T-Zellantwort in den Lungen dieser Mäuse. Dies wiederum resultierte im TNF- und TRAIL abhängigen programmierten Zelltod der B16-F10 Melanomzellen in den Lungen der EBI-3 defizienten Mäuse, wohingegen sowohl weitere anti-apoptotische Mechanismen als auch T regulatorische Zellen keinen Einfluss auf die in den EBI-3 defizienten Mäusen beobachtete Tumorabwehr zu spielen scheint. Schlussendlich konnten EBI-3 defiziente CD8+ T-Zellen, welche zuvor mit Tumorantigen geprimed wurden, adoptiv in B6 Wildtypmäuse transferiert werden, was zeigte, dass diese Zellen in der Lage sind, die Tumormasse in den Empfängermäusen signifikant zu verringern. Zusammengefasst, demonstrieren diese Daten, dass das Blockieren von EBI-3 im metastasierenden Melanom ein vielversprechender Angriffspunkt in der Tumortherapie darstellt.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) regulate various aspects of innate immunity, including natural killer (NK) cell function. Here we define the mechanisms involved in DC - NK cell interactions during viral infection. NK cells were efficiently activated by murine cytomegalovirus ( MCMV) - infected CD11b(+) DCs. NK cell cytotoxicity required interferon-alpha and interactions between the NKG2D activating receptor and NKG2D ligand, whereas the production of interferon-gamma by NK cells relied mainly on DC-derived interleukin 18. Although Toll-like receptor 9 contributes to antiviral immunity, we found that signaling pathways independent of Toll-like receptor 9 were important in generating immune responses to MCMV, including the production of interferon-alpha and the induction of NK cell cytotoxicity. Notably, adoptive transfer of MCMV-activated CD11b(+) DCs resulted in improved control of MCMV infection, indicating that these cells participate in controlling viral replication in vivo.


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Two types of antigen-presenting cells (APCs), macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs), function at the interface of innate and adaptive immunity. Through recognition of conserved microbial patterns, they are able to detect the invading pathogens. This leads to activation of signal transduction pathways that in turn induce gene expression of various molecules required for immune responses and eventually pathogen clearance. Cytokines are among the genes induced upon detection of microbes. They play an important role in regulating host immune responses during microbial infection. Chemotactic cytokines, chemokines, are involved in migratory events of immune cells. Cytokines also promote the differentiation of distinct T cell responses. Because of the multiple roles of cytokines in the immune system, the cytokine network needs to be tightly regulated. In this work, the induction of innate immune responses was studied using human primary macrophages or DCs as cell models. Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium served as a model for an intracellular bacterium, whereas Sendai virus was used in virus experiments. The starting point of this study was that DCs of mouse origin had recently been characterized as host cells for Salmonella. However, only little was known about the immune responses initiated in Salmonella-infected human DCs. Thus, cellular responses of macrophages and DCs, in particular the pattern of cytokine production, to Salmonella infection were compared. Salmonella-induced macrophages and DCs were found to produce multiple cytokines including interferon (IFN) -gamma, which is conventionally produced by T and natural killer (NK) cells. Both macrophages and DCs also promoted the intracellular survival of the bacterium. Phenotypic maturation of DCs as characterized by upregulation of costimulatory and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecules, and production of CCL19 chemokine, were also detected upon infection with Salmonella. Another focus of this PhD work was to unravel the regulatory events controlling the expression of cytokine genes encoding for CCL19 and type III IFNs, which are central to DC biology. We found that the promoters of CCL19 and type III IFNs contain similar regulatory elements that bind nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) and interferon regulatory factors (IRFs), which could mediate transcriptional activation of the genes. The regulation of type III IFNs in virus infection resembled that of type I IFNs a cytokine class traditionally regarded as antiviral. The induction of type I and type III IFNs was also observed in response to bacterial infection. Taken together, this work identifies new details about the interaction of Salmonella with its phagocytic host cells of human origin. In addition, studies provide information on the regulatory events controlling the expression of CCL19 and the most recently identified IFN family genes, type III IFN genes.


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Recent evidence suggests that in addition to their well known stimulatory properties, dendritic cells (DCs) may play a major role in peripheral tolerance. It is still unclear whether a distinct subtype or activation status of DC exists that promotes the differentiation of suppressor rather than effector T cells from naive precursors. In this work, we tested whether the naturally occurring CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells (Treg) may control immune responses induced by DCs in vivo. We characterized the immune response induced by adoptive transfer of antigen-pulsed mature DCs into mice depleted or not of CD25+ cells. We found that the development of major histocompatibility complex class I and II-restricted interferon gamma-producing cells was consistently enhanced in the absence of Treg. By contrast, T helper cell (Th)2 priming was down-regulated in the same conditions. This regulation was independent of interleukin 10 production by DCs. Of note, splenic DCs incubated in vitro with Toll-like receptor ligands (lipopolysaccharide or CpG) activated immune responses that remained sensitive to Treg function. Our data further show that mature DCs induced higher cytotoxic activity in CD25-depleted recipients as compared with untreated hosts. We conclude that Treg naturally exert a negative feedback mechanism on Th1-type responses induced by mature DCs in vivo.


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Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) were first described as interferon-producing cells and, for many years, their overlapping characteristics with both lymphocytes and classical dendritic cells (cDCs) created confusion over their exact ontogeny. In this Viewpoint article, Nature Reviews Immunology asks five leaders in the field to discuss their thoughts on the development and functions of pDCs--do these cells serve mainly as a major source of type I interferons or do they also make other important contributions to immune responses?


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Cross-talk between NK cells and dendritic cells (DCs) is critical for the potent therapeutic response to dsRNA, but the receptors involved remained controversial. We show in this paper that two dsRNAs, polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid and polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid [poly(I:C)], similarly engaged human TLR3, whereas only poly(I:C) triggered human RIG-I and MDA5. Both dsRNA enhanced NK cell activation within PBMCs but only poly(I:C) induced IFN-gamma. Although myeloid DCs (mDCs) were required for NK cell activation, induction of cytolytic potential and IFN-gamma production did not require contact with mDCs but was dependent on type I IFN and IL-12, respectively. Poly(I:C) but not polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid synergized with mDC-derived IL-12 for IFN-gamma production by acting directly on NK cells. Finally, the requirement of both TLR3 and Rig-like receptor (RLR) on mDCs and RLRs but not TLR3 on NK cells for IFN-gamma production was demonstrated using TLR3- and Cardif-deficient mice and human RIG-I-specific activator. Thus, we report the requirement of cotriggering TLR3 and RLR on mDCs and RLRs on NK cells for a pathogen product to induce potent innate cell activation.


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This study tested the hypothesis that a set of predominantly myeloid restricted receptors (F4/80, CD36, Dectin-1, CD200 receptor and mannan binding lectins) and the broadly expressed CD200 played a role in a key function of plasmacytoid DC (pDC), virally induced type I interferon (IFN) production. The Dectin-1 ligands zymosan, glucan phosphate and the anti-Dectin-1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) 2A11 had no effect on influenza virus induced IFNα/β production by murine splenic pDC. However, mannan, a broad blocking reagent against mannose specific receptors, inhibited IFNα/β production by pDC in response to inactivated influenza virus. Moreover, viral glycoproteins (influenza virus haemagglutinin and HIV-1 gp120) stimulated IFNα/β production by splenocytes in a mannan-inhibitable manner, implicating the function of a lectin in glycoprotein induced IFN production. Lastly, the effect of CD200 on IFN induction was investigated. CD200 knock-out macrophages produced more IFNα than wild-type macrophages in response to polyI:C, a MyD88-independent stimulus, consistent with CD200's known inhibitory effect on myeloid cells. In contrast, blocking CD200 with an anti-CD200 mAb resulted in reduced IFNα production by pDC-containing splenocytes in response to CpG and influenza virus (MyD88-dependent stimuli). This suggests there could be a differential effect of CD200 on MyD88 dependent and independent IFN induction pathways in pDC and macrophages. This study supports the hypothesis that a mannan-inhibitable lectin and CD200 are involved in virally induced type I IFN induction.


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Dendritic cells (DC) are important cells at the interface between innate and adaptive immunity. DC have a key role in antigen processing and presentation to T cells. Effector functions of DC related to innate immunity have not been explored extensively. We show that bovine monocyte-derived DC (mDC) express inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) mRNA and protein and produce NO upon triggering with interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and heat-killed Listeria monocytogenes (HKLM). An immunocytochemical analysis revealed that a sizeable subset (20-60%) copiously expresses iNOS (iNOShi) upon IFN-gamma/HKLM triggering, whereas the other subset expressed low levels of iNOS (iNOSlo). Monocyte-derived macrophages (mMphi) are more homogeneous with regard to iNOS expression. The number of cells within the iNOSlo mDC subset is considerably larger than the number of dead cells or cells unresponsive to IFN-gamma/HKLM. The large majority of cells translocated p65 to the nucleus upon triggering by IFN-gamma/HKLM. A contamination of mDC with iNOS-expressing mMphi was excluded as follows. (i) Cell surface marker analysis suggested that mDC were relatively homogeneous, and no evidence for a contaminating subset expressing macrophage markers (e.g. high levels of CD14) was obtained. (ii) iNOS expression was stronger in iNOShi mDC than in mMphi. The use of maturation-promoting stimuli revealed only subtle phenotypic differences between immature and mature DC in cattle. Nevertheless, these stimuli promoted development of considerably fewer iNOShi mDC upon triggering with IFN-gamma/HKLM. Immunocytochemical results showed that although a significant proportion of cells expressed iNOS only or TNF only upon triggering with IFN-gamma/HKLM, a significant number of cells expressed both iNOS and TNF, suggesting that TNF and iNOS producing (TIP) DC are present within bovine mDC populations obtained in vitro.


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The role played by lung dendritic cells (DCs) which are influenced by external antigens and by their redox state in controlling inflammation is unclear. We studied the role played by nitric oxide (NO) in DC maturation and function. Human DCs were stimulated with a long-acting NO donor, DPTA NONOate, prior to exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Dose-and time-dependent experiments were performed with DCs with the aim of measuring the release and gene expression of inflammatory cytokines capable of modifying T-cell differentiation, towardsTh1, Th2 and Th17 cells. NO changed the pattern of cytokine release by LPS-matured DCs, dependent on the concentration of NO, as well as on the timing of its addition to the cells during maturation. Addition of NO before LPS-induced maturation strongly inhibited the release of IL-12, while increasing the expression and release of IL-23, IL-1β and IL-6, which are all involved in Th17 polarization. Indeed, DCs treated with NO efficiently induced the release of IL-17 by T-cells through IL-1β. Our work highlights the important role that NO may play in sustaining inflammation during an infection through the preferential differentiation of the Th17 lineage.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are able to present glycolipids to invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells in vivo. Very few compounds have been found to stimulate iNKT cells, and of these, the best characterised is the glycolipid a-galactosylceramide, which stimulates the production of large quantities of interferon-gamma (IFN-?) and interleukin-4 (IL-4). However, aGalCer leads to overstimulation of iNKT cells. It has been demonstrated that the aGalCer analogue, threitol ceramide (ThrCer 2), successfully activates iNKT cells and overcomes the problematic iNKT cell activation-induced anergy. In this study, ThrCer 2 has been inserted into the bilayers of liposomes composed of a neutral lipid, 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC), or dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDA), a cationic lipid. Incorporation efficiencies of ThrCer within the liposomes was 96% for DSPC liposomes and 80% for DDA liposomes, with the vesicle size (large multilamellar vs. small unilamellar vesicles) making no significant difference. Langmuir-Blodgett studies suggest that both DSPC and DDA stack within the monolayer co-operatively with the ThrCer molecules with no condensing effect. In terms of cellular responses, IFN-? secretion was higher for cells treated with small DDA liposomes compared with the other liposome formulations, suggesting that ThrCer encapsulation in this liposome formulation resulted in a higher uptake by DCs.


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Monocytes can differentiate into dendritic cells (DC), cells with a pivotal role in both protective immunity and tolerance. Defects in the maturation or function of DC may be important in the development of autoimmune disease. We sought to establish if there were differences in the cytokine (granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and IL-4)-driven maturation of monocytes to DC in patients with MS and whether drugs used to treat MS affected this process in vitro. We have demonstrated that there is no defect in the ability of magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS)-purified monocytes from patients with MS to differentiate to DC, but equally they show no tendency to acquire a DC phenotype without exogenous cytokines. Interferon-beta1a prevents the acquisition of a full DC phenotype as determined by light and electron microscopy and by flow cytometry. Methylprednisolone not only prevents the development of monocyte-derived DC but totally redirects monocyte differentiation towards a macrophage phenotype. Evidence is evolving for a role for DC in central nervous system immunity, either within the brain or in cervical lymph nodes. The demonstrated effect of both drugs on monocyte differentiation may represent an important site for immune therapy in MS.


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The C-type lectin langerin/CD207 was originally discovered as a specific marker for epidermal Langerhans cells (LC). Recently, additional and distinct subsets of langerin(+) dendritic cells (DC) have been identified in lymph nodes and peripheral tissues of mice. Although the role of LC for immune activation or modulation is now being discussed controversially, other langerin(+) DC appear crucial for protective immunity in a growing set of infection and vaccination models. In knock-in mice that express the human diphtheria toxin receptor under control of the langerin promoter, injection of diphtheria toxin ablates LC for several weeks whereas other langerin(+) DC subsets are replenished within just a few days. Thus, by careful timing of diphtheria toxin injections selective states of deficiency in either LC only or all langerin(+) cells can be established. Taking advantage of this system, we found that, unlike selective LC deficiency, ablation of all langerin(+) DC abrogated the activation of IFN-gamma producing and cytolytic CD8(+) T cells after gene gun vaccination. Moreover, we identified migratory langerin(+) dermal DC as the subset that directly activated CD8(+) T cells in lymph nodes. Langerin(+) DC were also critical for IgG1 but not IgG2a Ab induction, suggesting differential polarization of CD4(+) T helper cells by langerin(+) or langerin-negative DC, respectively. In contrast, protein vaccines administered with various adjuvants induced IgG1 independently of langerin(+) DC. Taken together, these findings reflect a highly specialized division of labor between different DC subsets both with respect to Ag encounter as well as downstream processes of immune activation. The Journal of Immunology, 2011, 186: 1377-1383.