985 resultados para Interfaces (computer)


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This research investigates some of the reasons for the reported difficulties experienced by writers when using editing software designed for structured documents. The overall objective was to determine if there are aspects of the software interfaces which militate against optimal document construction by writers who are not computer experts, and to suggest possible remedies. Studies were undertaken to explore the nature and extent of the difficulties, and to identify which components of the software interfaces are involved. A model of a revised user interface was tested, and some possible adaptations to the interface are proposed which may help overcome the difficulties. The methodology comprised: 1. identification and description of the nature of a ‘structured document’ and what distinguishes it from other types of document used on computers; 2. isolation of the requirements of users of such documents, and the construction a set of personas which describe them; 3. evaluation of other work on the interaction between humans and computers, specifically in software for creating and editing structured documents; 4. estimation of the levels of adoption of the available software for editing structured documents and the reactions of existing users to it, with specific reference to difficulties encountered in using it; 5. examination of the software and identification of any mismatches between the expectations of users and the facilities provided by the software; 6. assessment of any physical or psychological factors in the reported difficulties experienced, and to determine what (if any) changes to the software might affect these. The conclusions are that seven of the twelve modifications tested could contribute to an improvement in usability, effectiveness, and efficiency when writing structured text (new document selection; adding new sections and new lists; identifying key information typographically; the creation of cross-references and bibliographic references; and the inclusion of parts of other documents). The remaining five were seen as more applicable to editing existing material than authoring new text (adding new elements; splitting and joining elements [before and after]; and moving block text).


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A Remote Sensing Core Curriculum (RSCC) development project is currently underway. This project is being conducted under the auspices of the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA). RSCC is an outgrowth of the NCGIA GIS Core Curriculum project. It grew out of discussions begun at NCGIA, Initiative 12 (I-12): 'Integration of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems'. This curriculum development project focuses on providing professors, teachers and instructors in undergraduate and graduate institutions with course materials from experts in specific subject matter for areas use in the class room.


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This paper presents a Graphical User Interface, developed with python and the graphic library wxpython, to GRASS GIS. This GUI allows to access several modules with a graphic interface written in Spanish. Its main purpouse is to be a teaching tool, that is the reason way it only allows to access several basic put crucial moludes. It also allows user to organize the elements presented to stress the aspects to be resalted in a particular working sesion with the program


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A Web-based tool developed to automatically correct relational database schemas is presented. This tool has been integrated into a more general e-learning platform and is used to reinforce teaching and learning on database courses. This platform assigns to each student a set of database problems selected from a common repository. The student has to design a relational database schema and enter it into the system through a user friendly interface specifically designed for it. The correction tool corrects the design and shows detected errors. The student has the chance to correct them and send a new solution. These steps can be repeated as many times as required until a correct solution is obtained. Currently, this system is being used in different introductory database courses at the University of Girona with very promising results


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El projecte ACME va néixer, l’any 1998, amb la finalitat de millorar la docència de les matemàtiques en els estudis d’Enginyeria Industrial i Enginyeries Tècniques de l’Escola Politècnica de la Universitat de Girona, amb la intenció de buscar la manera de que els alumnes s’impliquessin i participessin més activament en aquesta matèria fent ús de la xarxa com a via de comunicació. El projecte ACME, Avaluació Continuada i Millora de l’Ensenyament, és una eina d’e-learning que té com a objectiu fer una avaluació continuada dels alumnes a través d’uns dossiers personalitzats de problemes que el professor proposa. El sistema permet fer el seguiment, per part del professor, del progrés del conjunt de la classe, o d’un alumne individual, en una assignatura concreta. Això fa que l’ACME tingui un gran valor pedagògic. Els objectius d’aquest projecte final de carrera són els següents: • Desenvolupar un sistema de gestió d’usuaris convidats que ens permeti acceptar o denegar l’accés a usuaris que prèviament han fet una petició per poder utilitzar l’ACME. • Crear un sistema que faciliti la tasca d’assignar als usuaris els temes i els problemes més adients pel seu perfil. • Desenvolupar tot un seguit de millores i ampliacions amb la intenció d’integrar el nou mòdul dins les interfícies existents: Ampliar la interfície d’administració en l’apartat d’usuari amb la opció per gestionar els usuaris convidats. Ampliar la interfície d’administració en l’apartat del quadern de problemes amb les opcions adients per tal de gestionar les assignatures dels convidats.


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Canonical Monte Carlo simulations for the Au(210)/H(2)O interface, using a force field recently proposed by us, are reported. The results exhibit the main features normally observed in simulations of water molecules in contact with different noble metal surfaces. The calculations also assess the influence of the surface topography on the structural aspects of the adsorbed water and on the distribution of the water molecules in the direction normal to the metal surface plane. The adsorption process is preferential at sites in the first layer of the metal. The analysis of the density profiles and dipole moment distributions points to two predominant orientations. Most of the molecules are adsorbed with the molecular plane parallel to surface, while others adsorb with one of the O-H bonds parallel to the surface and the other bond pointing towards the bulk liquid phase. There is also evidence of hydrogen bond formation between the first and second solvent layers at the interface. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This research is related to the user-centred design and use of Virtual Environment (VE) training systems. A multidimensional user-centred systematic training evaluation framework that combines ideas from human-computer interaction, training, education and psychology was proposed, which contributes to better design and evaluation of VE user interfaces.


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IEEE 1451 Standard is intended to address the smart transducer interfacing problematic in network environments. Usually, proprietary hardware and software is a very efficient solution to in planent the IEEE 1451 normative, although can be expensive and inflexible. In contrast, the use of open and standardized tools for implementing the IEEE 1451 normative is proposed in this paper. Tools such as Java and Phyton programming languages, Linux, programmable logic technology, Personal Computer resources and Ethernet architecture were integrated in order to constructa network node based on the IEEE 1451 standards. The node can be applied in systems based on the client-server communication model The evaluation of the employed tools and expermental results are presented. © 2005 IEEE.


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En el área de Aerofotogrametría Digital, el software comercial prevalente para postproceso presenta limitaciones debido a dos factores: (i) las legislaciones de cada país o región requieren diferentes convenciones, y (ii) las necesidades de las empresas son tan cambiantes que no justifican la compra de software de alto rendimiento, que puede quedar sin utilizar debido a un viraje del mercado -- El presente proyecto se ha desarrollado para atender necesidades de procesamiento automático de planos (partición, detección y corrección de errores, etc.), así como módulos de importación – exportación paquete a paquete, trazado de rutas e interacción con GPS -- Este artículo informa de los dos últimos aspectos -- Debido a necesidades de los clientes, los archivos entregados deben llevar un formato comercial (DWG, DXF), pero el procesamiento de los archivos debe ser hecho en paquetes y formatos diversos (DGN) -- Por lo tanto, fue necesario diseñar e implementar un formato acompañante que permitió llevar la información que se pierde al usar filtros comerciales (DGN a DXF/DWG) -- Asimismo se crearon módulos de importación y exportación redundantes, que hicieron efectivos dichos atributos -- En el aspecto de generación de rutas de vuelo, se reportan en este artículo la aplicación de algoritmos tradicionales de barrido (peinado) de áreas 2D, a los cuales se agregaron restricciones geométricas (puntos fijos, offsets, orden de los barridos de acuerdo a coordenadas del sitio de partida, etc.) -- Debido a los altos costos de equipos equivalentes, se decidió desarrollar software para traducción de rutas entre formatos GPS y formatos geográficos locales al país -- Ello permite la eliminación de fuentes de error y además facilita la carga del plan de vuelo, a costos mucho menores a los del hardware / software comercial


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Companies such as NeuroSky and Emotiv Systems are selling non-medical EEG devices for human computer interaction. These devices are significantly more affordable than their medical counterparts, and are mainly used to measure levels of engagement, focus, relaxation and stress. This information is sought after for marketing research and games. However, these EEG devices have the potential to enable users to interact with their surrounding environment using thoughts only, without activating any muscles. In this paper, we present preliminary results that demonstrate that despite reduced voltage and time sensitivity compared to medical-grade EEG systems, the quality of the signals of the Emotiv EPOC neuroheadset is sufficiently good in allowing discrimina tion between imaging events. We collected streams of EEG raw data and trained different types of classifiers to discriminate between three states (rest and two imaging events). We achieved a generalisation error of less than 2% for two types of non-linear classifiers.