977 resultados para Intercontinental ballistic missile bases
"B-223636"-- P. 1.
Shipping list no.: 2001-0124-P.
This paper develops a model of short-range ballistic missile defense and uses it to study the performance of Israel’s Iron Dome system. The deterministic base model allows for inaccurate missiles, unsuccessful interceptions, and civil defense. Model enhancements consider the trade-offs in attacking the interception system, the difficulties faced by militants in assembling large salvos, and the effects of imperfect missile classification by the defender. A stochastic model is also developed. Analysis shows that system performance can be highly sensitive to the missile salvo size, and that systems with higher interception rates are more “fragile” when overloaded. The model is calibrated using publically available data about Iron Dome’s use during Operation Pillar of Defense in November 2012. If the systems performed as claimed, they saved Israel an estimated 1778 casualties and $80 million in property damage, and thereby made preemptive strikes on Gaza about 8 times less valuable to Israel. Gaza militants could have inflicted far more damage by grouping their rockets into large salvos, but this may have been difficult given Israel’s suppression efforts. Counter-battery fire by the militants is unlikely to be worthwhile unless they can obtain much more accurate missiles.
At head of title: NAVWEPS OD 18413A.
Includes index.
Mode of access: Internet.
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles are capable of placing a nuclear warhead at more than 5,000 km away from its launching base. With the lethal power of a nuclear warhead a whole city could be wiped out by a single weapon causing millions of deaths. This means that the threat posed to any country from a single ICBM captured by a terrorist group or launched by a 'rogue' state is huge. This threat is increasing as more countries are achieving nuclear and advanced launcher capabilities. In order to suppress or at least reduce this threat the United States created the National Missile Defense System which involved, among other systems, the development of long-range interceptors whose aim is to destroy incoming ballistic missiles in their midcourse phase. The Ballistic Missile Defense is a high-profile topic that has been the focus of political controversy lately when the U.S. decided to expand the Ballistic Missile system to Europe, with the opposition of Russia. However the technical characteristics of this system are mostly unknown by the general public. The Interception of an ICBM using a long range Interceptor Missile as intended within the Ground-Based Missile Defense System by the American National Missile Defense (NMD) implies a series of problems of incredible complexity: - The incoming missile has to be detected almost immediately after launch. - The incoming missile has to be tracked along its trajectory with a great accuracy. - The Interceptor Missile has to implement a fast and accurate guidance algorithm in order to reach the incoming missile as soon as possible. - The Kinetic Kill Vehicle deployed by the interceptor boost vehicle has to be able to detect the reentry vehicle once it has been deployed by ICBM, when it offers a very low infrared signature, in order to perform a final rendezvous manoeuvre. - The Kinetic Kill Vehicle has to be able to discriminate the reentry vehicle from the surrounding debris and decoys. - The Kinetic Kill Vehicle has to be able to implement an accurate guidance algorithm in order to perform a kinetic interception (direct collision) of the reentry vehicle, at relative speeds of more than 10 km/s. All these problems are being dealt simultaneously by the Ground-Based Missile Defense System that is developing very complex and expensive sensors, communications and control centers and long-range interceptors (Ground-Based Interceptor Missile) including a Kinetic Kill Vehicle. Among all the technical challenges involved in this interception scenario, this thesis focuses on the algorithms required for the guidance of the Interceptor Missile and the Kinetic Kill Vehicle in order to perform the direct collision with the ICBM. The involved guidance algorithms are deeply analysed in this thesis in part III where conventional guidance strategies are reviewed and optimal guidance algorithms are developed for this interception problem. The generation of a realistic simulation of the interception scenario between an ICBM and a Ground Based Interceptor designed to destroy it was considered as necessary in order to be able to compare different guidance strategies with meaningful results. As a consequence, a highly representative simulator for an ICBM and a Kill Vehicle has been implemented, as detailed in part II, and the generation of these simulators has also become one of the purposes of this thesis. In summary, the main purposes of this thesis are: - To develop a highly representative simulator of an interception scenario between an ICBM and a Kill Vehicle launched from a Ground Based Interceptor. -To analyse the main existing guidance algorithms both for the ascent phase and the terminal phase of the missiles. Novel conclusions of these analyses are obtained. - To develop original optimal guidance algorithms for the interception problem. - To compare the results obtained using the different guidance strategies, assess the behaviour of the optimal guidance algorithms, and analyse the feasibility of the Ballistic Missile Defense system in terms of guidance (part IV). As a secondary objective, a general overview of the state of the art in terms of ballistic missiles and anti-ballistic missile defence is provided (part I).
From German point of view, air and missile defence systems are of little relevance for the protection of Germany’s territory. However, they are seen as important for conducting ‘out of area’ operations, providing military assistance to allies, and for Germany’s political and military- technical position within NATO. The Bundeswehr has been modernising its air and missile defence systems for several years. The modernisation of very short-range and short-range systems is slightly behind schedule. Plans to modernise the medium-range air and missile defence have been encountering problems since the United States decided to refrain from buying the jointly developed MEADS system. Therefore Germany is currently considering using the results of the MEADS program in the development of its own medium-range air and missile defence system, possibly in co-operation with France and Italy. Such a system would ensure protection against short-range ballistic missiles (up to 1000 km) and might become part of NATO’s ballistic missile defence, replacing the Patriot batteries which Germany is currently operating. Furthermore, Germany could expand its involvement in NATO’s ballistic missile defence in the future by buying or developing system to intercept medium- and intermediate- range ballistic missiles (up to 3000 km and 5500 km). The final decision on this matter has not yet been taken, and will be left for the successive governments of Germany to resolve. It will depend on a number of political, military and financial factors.
Combining the philosophies of nonlinear model predictive control and approximate dynamic programming, a new suboptimal control design technique is presented in this paper, named as model predictive static programming (MPSP), which is applicable for finite-horizon nonlinear problems with terminal constraints. This technique is computationally efficient, and hence, can possibly be implemented online. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by designing an ascent phase guidance scheme for a ballistic missile propelled by solid motors. A comparison study with a conventional gradient method shows that the MPSP solution is quite close to the optimal solution.
La península coreana ha sido desde la Guerra Fría y a la actualidad una zona convulsionada por intereses políticos, económicos e ideológicos. Ese panorama obliga un análisis sobre la configuración y los cambios que se han dado entre las potencias actuales, China y Estados Unidos, desde la existencia de un programa nuclear norcoreano que afecta a Corea del Sur y la definición de los intereses de Beijin y Washington.
El objetivo general de la presente monografía es analizar la incidencia de los cambios en el entorno regional en la reformulación de la agenda de seguridad de Japón y en el Tratado de Seguridad Nipo-Americano durante el periodo 2001-2010. Para llevar a cabo este objetivo es necesario abordar, como un primer capítulo, los cambios en el escenario regional que representan un desafío para la seguridad de Japón. En el segundo capítulo, se describirá el alcance y ajustes que ha tenido la alianza Nipo-Americana; finalmente, en el tercer capítulo se explicará como Japón ha reformulado su agenda de seguridad en respuesta a los nuevos desafíos regionales.
La aparición de las armas nucleares hacia los años ’40 ha cambiado la forma en que ciertos Estados desarrollan sus relaciones bilaterales en materia de seguridad, debido a que la obtención de estas garantiza capacidad militar que no se tiene con las armas de carácter convencional. Tanto Estados Unidos como la Unión Soviética procuraron la producción de las armas nucleares a gran escala, lo cual conllevó a la consolidación de una carrera armamentista entre ambos que fue regulada por tratados bilaterales: esta situación generó un Dilema de Seguridad entre ambos Estados. Con la disolución de la Unión Soviética y el surgimiento de la Federación Rusa en el inicio de la década del ’90, el Sistema Internacional que se había configurado durante la Guerra Fría se alteró debido a que, si bien se había acabado el conflicto que existía en el periodo bipolar, aún existían las armas nucleares con las que se garantizaba la continuación del Dilema de Seguridad que había surgido en los años anteriores. Con la presente monografía pretende analizar el Dilema de Seguridad durante el periodo comprendido entre 1991 y 2010 entre Estados Unidos y la Federación Rusa.
Aplicar el método PERT a la función directiva en educación. Explica el proceso de elaboración de un grafo, el cálculo del método PERT y las etapas necesarias en dicho método, analiza la teoría del grafo y su descomposición en niveles y estudia el establecimiento de un programa de investigación. 1) El método PERT es un nuevo instrumento de planificación y control iniciado en América por el almirante W. F. Raborn para los programas Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) comúnmente conocidos como sistemas de proyectiles Polaris. 2) El equipo investigador constituido en 1958 le dió el nombre de Program evaluation research task (PERT) que más tarde se cambió por el de Programa evaluation and review technique. 3) El método PERT es una nueva técnica de planificación y control provista de aditamentos cuantitativos. Su fundamento es la red o grado, es decir, la gráfica para representar las operaciones necesarias para alcanzar un objetivo. 4) El grafo o red pert es una evolución del diagrama de barras llamado también diagrama de GANTT por ser este el nombre del iniciador de ese sistema. En dicho sistema las actividades se representan por barras en serie, ya que no comienza una actividad hasta que la anterior ha sido terminada. 5) Sin embargo, los diagramas no ponen de manifiesto la interdependencia de varias actividades, ni determinan el progreso de un proyecto cuando una barra representa un período largo de tiempo. Para cubrir esta dificultad se ideó el diagrama de etapas que descompone las barras en períodos de tiempo más pequeños, representando cada uno de ellos un acontecimiento del trabajo que representaba la barra completa. 6) No obstante, el diagrama de etapas no puede subsanar la primera dificultad del diagrama de barras, es decir, la interdependencia entre barras o etapas. Para ello, se necesita un elemento que una las etapas, y este elemento son las flechas. Así las etapas se transforman en acontecimientos y las flechas representan las actividades o tareas, y el resultado es el grafo. 7) Al ser la base de la planificación el grafo, pueden representarse mediante él, las relaciones existentes en los trabajos que el director escolar debe realizar para alcanzar los objetivos de su proyecto. Aunque para ello se necesita primeramente determinar las actividades que requiere la consecución de los objetivos. . El método PERT puede ser útil en la dirección por tres razones: 1) Hay una continua necesidad de comprobar la eficacia de las operaciones a través de controles más rápidos, directos y unidos y especialmente ver los resultados tangibles de las inversiones en la procesación de los datos. 2) La dirección desea comprobar su capacidad para detectar problemas en curso a largo plazo, discutir las desviaciones sufridas e intentar prevenir sus futuras consecuencias. 3) Los directores se enfrentan con la necesidad de reducir el tiempo y el coste de los programas de desarrollo. Es totalmente necesario que el director establezca un plan de sus actividades durante el curso.