988 resultados para Interactive control


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De Hoofdvraag van dit onderzoek is: Is er een relatie tussen de lever of control Interactive control en het vervullen van de controllerrol business partner? Dit onderzoek is gebaseerd op de dataset verkregen uit de controllerenquête 2013, uitgevoerd in opdracht van de Open Universiteit (Bork & van der Wal, 2014). Vanuit het literatuuronderzoek is het duidelijk: de rol business partner is een zeer gewenste rol voor controllers. Daarnaast is er in de literatuur een verband te vinden tussen de rol business partner en de lever of control Interactive control. De factor- en clusteranalyse zoals beschreven door Bork & van der Wal (2014), resulteerde in de identificatie van twee type controllers. In dit uitgebreide onderzoek is TYPE II geïdentificeerd als business partner, omdat hij/zij activiteitencombinaties uitvoert die gerelateerd zijn aan strategie, analyseren, het management ondersteunen in besluitvorming, advisering, change management en de organisatie vertegenwoordigen. 36% van de populatie van aan Nederlandse Universiteiten afgestudeerde controllers die ook werkzaam zijn als controller vervullen een rol grotendeels gelijk aan de rol business partner. De vervulling van de rol (TYPE II) is niet puur business partner. Vervaardigen en organiseren van rapportagestromen zijn ook activiteiten die uitgevoerd worden door TYPE II. Daarnaast voert TYPE I activiteiten als change en risk management uit, volgens de definitie zou de business partner deze activiteiten uit moeten voeren. De rol business partner wordt uitgevoerd, maar nog niet in de optimale vorm zoals aangegeven in de theorie. De logistische regressieanalyse op de dataset laat zien dat geen van de levers of control een significante trigger is voor het uitvoeren van een van de twee types controllerrollen (Bork & van der Wal, 2014). Dit verdiepende onderzoek concentreert zich op de relatie tussen de lever of control Interactive control en de zes activiteitencombinaties (factoren) in plaats van de twee clusters (TYPE I & II). De statistische analyses bevestigen de uitkomsten het onderzoek van Bork & van der Wal (2014). Er is geen significantie tussen Interactive control en de factoren die behoren bij de business partner rol. De hoofdvraag moet ontkennend beantwoord worden, er is geen relatie tussen de lever of control Interactive control en de controllerrol business partner. Een paar beperkingen van het onderzoek richten zich op de vragenlijst over de levers of control: is het de juiste vragenlijst voor dit onderzoek en meet deze vragenlijst de levers of control van controllers? Vervolg onderzoek kan zich richten op bovenstaande beperking. Daarnaast zijn er uit het onderzoek van Bork & van der Wal (2014) triggers naar voren gekomen die verder onderzocht kunnen worden.


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This work presents an efficient method for volume rendering of glioma tumors from segmented 2D MRI Datasets with user interactive control, by replacing manual segmentation required in the state of art methods. The most common primary brain tumors are gliomas, evolving from the cerebral supportive cells. For clinical follow-up, the evaluation of the pre- operative tumor volume is essential. Tumor portions were automatically segmented from 2D MR images using morphological filtering techniques. These seg- mented tumor slices were propagated and modeled with the software package. The 3D modeled tumor consists of gray level values of the original image with exact tumor boundary. Axial slices of FLAIR and T2 weighted images were used for extracting tumors. Volumetric assessment of tumor volume with manual segmentation of its outlines is a time-consuming proc- ess and is prone to error. These defects are overcome in this method. Authors verified the performance of our method on several sets of MRI scans. The 3D modeling was also done using segmented 2D slices with the help of a medical software package called 3D DOCTOR for verification purposes. The results were validated with the ground truth models by the Radi- ologist.


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The theory of harmonic force constant refinement calculations is reviewed, and a general-purpose program for force constant and normal coordinate calculations is described. The program, called ASYM20. is available through Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange. It will work on molecules of any symmetry containing up to 20 atoms and will produce results on a series of isotopomers as desired. The vibrational secular equations are solved in either nonredundant valence internal coordinates or symmetry coordinates. As well as calculating the (harmonic) vibrational wavenumbers and normal coordinates, the program will calculate centrifugal distortion constants, Coriolis zeta constants, harmonic contributions to the α′s. root-mean-square amplitudes of vibration, and other quantities related to gas electron-diffraction studies and thermodynamic properties. The program will work in either a predict mode, in which it calculates results from an input force field, or in a refine mode, in which it refines an input force field by least squares to fit observed data on the quantities mentioned above. Predicate values of the force constants may be included in the data set for a least-squares refinement. The program is written in FORTRAN for use on a PC or a mainframe computer. Operation is mainly controlled by steering indices in the input data file, but some interactive control is also implemented.


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This project has been undertaken for Hamworthy Hydraulics Limited. Its objective was to design and develop a controller package for a variable displacement, hydraulic pump for use mainly on mobile earth moving machinery. A survey was undertaken of control options used in practice and from this a design specification was formulated, the successful implementation of which would give Hamworthy an advantage over its competitors. Two different modes for the controller were envisaged. One consisted of using conventional hydro-mechanics and the other was based upon a microprocessor. To meet short term customer prototype requirements the first section of work was the realisation of the hydro-mechanical system. Mathematical models were made to evaluate controller stability and hence aid their design. The final package met the requirements of the specification and a single version could operate all sizes of variable displacement pumps in the Hamworthy range. The choice of controller options and combinations totalled twenty-four. The hydro-mechanical controller was complex and it was realised that a micro-processor system would allow all options to be implemented with just one design of hardware, thus greatly simplifying production. The final section of this project was to determine whether such a design was feasible. This entailed finding cheap, reliable transducers, using mathematical models to predict electro-hydraulic interface stability, testing such interfaces and finally incorporating a micro-processor in an interactive control loop. The study revealed that such a system was technically possible but it would cost 60% more than its hydro-mechanical counterpart. It was therefore concluded that, in the short term, for the markets considered, the hydro-mechanical design was the better solution. Regarding the micro-processor system the final conclusion was that, because the relative costs of the two systems are decreasing, the electro-hydraulic controller will gradually become more attractive and therefore Hamworthy should continue with its development.


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This paper is concerned with the modelling of strategic interactions between the human driver and the vehicle active front steering (AFS) controller in a path-following task where the two controllers hold different target paths. The work is aimed at extending the use of mathematical models in representing driver steering behaviour in complicated driving situations. Two game theoretic approaches, namely linear quadratic game and non-cooperative model predictive control (non-cooperative MPC), are used for developing the driver-AFS interactive steering control model. For each approach, the open-loop Nash steering control solution is derived; the influences of the path-following weights, preview and control horizons, driver time delay and arm neuromuscular system (NMS) dynamics are investigated, and the CPU time consumed is recorded. It is found that the two approaches give identical time histories as well as control gains, while the non-cooperative MPC method uses much less CPU time. Specifically, it is observed that the introduction of weight on the integral of vehicle lateral displacement error helps to eliminate the steady-state path-following error; the increase in preview horizon and NMS natural frequency and the decline in time delay and NMS damping ratio improve the path-following accuracy. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Management control in public university hospitals is a challenging task because of continuous changes due to external pressures (e.g. economic pressures, stakeholder focuses and scientific progress) and internal complexities (top management turnover, shared leadership, technological evolution, and researcher oriented mission). Interactive budgeting contributed to improving vertical and horizontal communication between hospital and stakeholders and between different organizational levels. This paper describes an application of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to enhance interactive budgeting in one of the biggest public university hospital in Italy. AHP improved budget allocation facilitating elicitation and formalization of units' needs. Furthermore, AHP facilitated vertical communication among manager and stakeholders, as it allowed multilevel hierarchical representation of hospital needs, and horizontal communication among staff of the same hospital, as it allowed units' need prioritization and standardization, with a scientific multi-criteria approach, without using complex mathematics. Finally, AHP allowed traceability of a complex decision making processes (as budget allocation), this aspect being of paramount importance in public sectors, where managers are called to respond to many different stakeholders about their choices.


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Drawing on upper echelon theory and focusing on the context of higher education reforms in Australia within new public management in university faculties/colleges, this study investigates the diagnostic versus interactive uses of management control systems by Deans/Pro-Vice Chancellors of Faculties/Colleges (hereafter called Faculty PVCs). It seeks to identify how the professional and experiential characteristics of these senior academic executives and the structure of their Faculty, impact on their managerial and collegial orientation as reflected in their approach to using management controls. A mail survey of Faculty PVCs is conducted amongst a census of all Faculties/Colleges of all universities in Australia. Supplementing this survey are semi-structured interviews with the PVC of the business and science Faculty at a large Australian university. Results reveal that PVCs who have had a longer career in higher education tend to use MCSs more interactively (or collegially). There is also evidence that as PVCs hold their current position for longer periods, they tend to move from an early diagnostic use of MCSs to a subsequent interactive use. Further, the higher the complexity of a Faculty the more a PVC will adopt an interactive approach to MCS use. Other PVC and Faculty characteristics did not reveal patterns of significant influence on the interactive or diagnostic use of MCSs. A key revelation from interviews is that PVCs will give over-riding importance to meeting centrally-set diagnostically-focused KPI, but still take a collegial approach within their Faculty to the broader use of MCSs. The findings lend limited support to upper echelons theory, but provide a grounding for further research into the impact that a managerial versus a collegial approach by PVCs/Deans may have on their Faculty’s growth in innovative capacities, teaching qualities or financial strength.


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INTRODUCTION: Postural instability is a major source of disability in idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD). Deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus internus (GPI-DBS) improves clinician-rated balance control but there have been few quantitative studies of its interactive effects with levodopa (L-DOPA). The purpose of this study was to compare the short-term and interactive effects of GPI-DBS and L-DOPA on objective measures of postural stability in patients with longstanding IPD. METHODS: Static and dynamic posturography during a whole-body leaning task were performed in 10 IPD patients with bilateral GPI stimulators under the following conditions: untreated (OFF); L-DOPA alone; DBS alone; DBS+L-DOPA, and in 9 healthy Control subjects. Clinical status was assessed using the UPDRS and AIMS Dyskinesia Scale. RESULTS: Static sway was greater in IPD patients in the OFF state compared to the Control subjects and was further increased by L-DOPA and reduced by GPI-DBS. In the dynamic task, L-DOPA had a greater effect than GPI-DBS on improving Start Time, but reduced the spatial accuracy and directional control of the task. When the two therapies were combined, GPI-DBS prevented the L-DOPA induced increase in static sway and improved the accuracy of the dynamic task. CONCLUSION: The findings demonstrate GPI-DBS and L-DOPA have differential effects on temporal and spatial aspects of postural control in IPD and that GPI-DBS counteracts some of the adverse effects of L-DOPA. Further studies on larger numbers of patients with GPI stimulators are required to confirm these findings and to clarify the contribution of dyskinesias to impaired dynamic postural control.


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Distinguishing between physical and social aggression, this study examined whether the predictive effect of aggression on resource control a) is moderated by prosocial behavior and b) corresponds to a linear or a curvilinear trend. Moderating effects of children’s social preference among peers and child sex in this context were also tested. Based on a sample of 682 kindergarten children (348 girls; average age 72.7 months, 3.6 SD), multilevel regressions revealed additive linear effects of social preference and prosociality on resource control. Moderate (but not high) levels of social aggression also facilitated resource control for disliked children. There was no such threshold effect for well liked children, who increasingly controlled the resource the more socially aggressive they were. In contrast, physical aggression hampered resource control unless used very modestly. The present study has a number of positive features. First, the distinction between physical and social aggression improves our understanding of the relation between aggression and social competence and sketches a more differentiated picture of the role of different forms of aggression in resource control. Second, this study combines the concept of resource control with the concept of social preference and investigates curvilinear effects of aggression. Third, the direct observation of resource control in the Movie Viewer increases the internal validity of this study.


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Ubiquitous computing (one person, many computers) is the third era in the history of computing. It follows the mainframe era (many people, one computer) and the PC era (one person, one computer). Ubiquitous computing empowers people to communicate with services by interacting with their surroundings. Most of these so called smart environments contain sensors sensing users’ actions and try to predict the users’ intentions and necessities based on sensor data. The main drawback of this approach is that the system might perform unexpected or unwanted actions, making the user feel out of control. In this master thesis we propose a different procedure based on Interactive Spaces: instead of predicting users’ intentions based on sensor data, the system reacts to users’ explicit predefined actions. To that end, we present REACHeS, a server platform which enables communication among services, resources and users located in the same environment. With REACHeS, a user controls services and resources by interacting with everyday life objects and using a mobile phone as a mediator between himself/herself, the system and the environment. REACHeS’ interfaces with a user are built upon NFC (Near Field Communication) technology. NFC tags are attached to objects in the environment. A tag stores commands that are sent to services when a user touches the tag with his/her NFC enabled device. The prototypes and usability tests presented in this thesis show the great potential of NFC to build such user interfaces.


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Transportation Department, Office of University Research, Washington, D.C.