994 resultados para Interactive Method


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Expert knowledge is used to assign probabilities to events in many risk analysis models. However, experts sometimes find it hard to provide specific values for these probabilities, preferring to express vague or imprecise terms that are mapped using a previously defined fuzzy number scale. The rigidity of these scales generates bias in the probability elicitation process and does not allow experts to adequately express their probabilistic judgments. We present an interactive method for extracting a fuzzy number from experts that represents their probabilistic judgments for a given event, along with a quality measure of the probabilistic judgments, useful in a final information filtering and analysis sensitivity process.


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The paper describes a learning-oriented interactive method for solving linear mixed integer problems of multicriteria optimization. The method increases the possibilities of the decision maker (DM) to describe his/her local preferences and at the same time it overcomes some computational difficulties, especially in problems of large dimension. The method is realized in an experimental decision support system for finding the solution of linear mixed integer multicriteria optimization problems.


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The expansion of the Internet has made the task of searching a crucial one. Internet users, however, have to make a great effort in order to formulate a search query that returns the required results. Many methods have been devised to assist in this task by helping the users modify their query to give better results. In this paper we propose an interactive method for query expansion. It is based on the observation that documents are often found to contain terms with high information content, which can summarise their subject matter. We present experimental results, which demonstrate that our approach significantly shortens the time required in order to accomplish a certain task by performing web searches.


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The paper describes a classification-based learning-oriented interactive method for solving linear multicriteria optimization problems. The method allows the decision makers describe their preferences with greater flexibility, accuracy and reliability. The method is realized in an experimental software system supporting the solution of multicriteria optimization problems.


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AMS subject classification: 90C29.


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One of the current frontiers in the clinical management of Pectus Excavatum (PE) patients is the prediction of the surgical outcome prior to the intervention. This can be done through computerized simulation of the Nuss procedure, which requires an anatomically correct representation of the costal cartilage. To this end, we take advantage of the costal cartilage tubular structure to detect it through multi-scale vesselness filtering. This information is then used in an interactive 2D initialization procedure which uses anatomical maximum intensity projections of 3D vesselness feature images to efficiently initialize the 3D segmentation process. We identify the cartilage tissue centerlines in these projected 2D images using a livewire approach. We finally refine the 3D cartilage surface through region-based sparse field level-sets. We have tested the proposed algorithm in 6 noncontrast CT datasets from PE patients. A good segmentation performance was found against reference manual contouring, with an average Dice coefficient of 0.75±0.04 and an average mean surface distance of 1.69±0.30mm. The proposed method requires roughly 1 minute for the interactive initialization step, which can positively contribute to an extended use of this tool in clinical practice, since current manual delineation of the costal cartilage can take up to an hour.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia


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In this work we present a mathematical and computational modeling of electrokinetic phenomena in electrically charged porous medium. We consider the porous medium composed of three different scales (nanoscopic, microscopic and macroscopic). On the microscopic scale the domain is composed by a porous matrix and a solid phase. The pores are filled with an aqueous phase consisting of ionic solutes fully diluted, and the solid matrix consists of electrically charged particles. Initially we present the mathematical model that governs the electrical double layer in order to quantify the electric potential, electric charge density, ion adsorption and chemical adsorption in nanoscopic scale. Then, we derive the microscopic model, where the adsorption of ions due to the electric double layer and the reactions of protonation/ deprotanaç~ao and zeta potential obtained in modeling nanoscopic arise in microscopic scale through interface conditions in the problem of Stokes and Nerst-Planck equations respectively governing the movement of the aqueous solution and transport of ions. We developed the process of upscaling the problem nano/microscopic using the homogenization technique of periodic structures by deducing the macroscopic model with their respectives cell problems for effective parameters of the macroscopic equations. Considering a clayey porous medium consisting of kaolinite clay plates distributed parallel, we rewrite the macroscopic model in a one-dimensional version. Finally, using a sequential algorithm, we discretize the macroscopic model via the finite element method, along with the interactive method of Picard for the nonlinear terms. Numerical simulations on transient regime with variable pH in one-dimensional case are obtained, aiming computational modeling of the electroremediation process of clay soils contaminated


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Na atualidade, o estudo do desempenho térmico de um sistema de refrigeração por compressão de vapor representa uma ferramenta importante no auxílio do desenvolvimento de novos produtos ou melhoria dos já existentes. Um modelo de simulação em regime permanente foi elaborado para avaliar o desempenho do sistema frigorífico. O sistema estudado inclui uma Central de Ar Condicionado, modelo PA HILTON, constituída de um compressor alternativo do tipo semi-hermético, evaporador e condensador compacto de tubos e aletas e uma válvula de expansão termostática. O modelo do condensador considera três regiões distintas de troca de calor as quais são respectivamente a região de dessuperaquecimento, condensação e subresfriamento. Para a modelagem do evaporador, foram consideradas as regiões de evaporação e superaquecimento. No modelo de simulação foram utilizadas correlações adequadas para a estimativa dos coeficientes de transferência de calor e perda de pressão para cada região do evaporador e condensador. Não foram consideradas a transferência de calor e queda de pressão nas linhas de conexão entre os componentes. A solução do sistema de equações não lineares resultantes da modelagem matemática dos componentes do sistema simulado foi obtida utilizando-se o método das substituições sucessivas com o emprego do software Engineenng Equation Solver . Os resultados obtidos pelo modelo de simulação apresentaram erros inferiores a 9% em relação aos valores experimentais.


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A Amazônia brasileira detém cerca de 69% da água doce disponível no Brasil, quantidade que acaba criando a ilusão de que não falta e nem faltará água na região, assim, a grande oferta deste recurso se torna um problema quando se trata da Gestão e Planejamento dos Recursos Hídricos na Amazônia, em função do uso perdulário e a falta de conservação dos mananciais, agravado pelo lançamento de resíduos líquidos sem tratamento. Falar em programas de conservação de água na Amazônia algumas décadas atrás e ainda hoje, com menor intensidade, é de certa forma estranha, devido à grande quantidade de água disponível e a cultura da abundância. Porém, com as mudanças climáticas, ssociada à crise da água no século XXI e o crescimento da consciência ambiental, surgiu um novo paradigma para o uso da água. Assim, a presente pesquisa busca discutir a importância do aproveitamento de água de chuva para fins não potáveis, visto o potencial de aproveitamento, ao longo de todo ano, devido o alto índice pluviométrico presente na região amazônica, variando, em média, de 119,6mm no mês de novembro a 441,6mm no mês de março. Foi verificado o potencial de aproveitamento de água da chuva, a partir das áreas dos telhados de alguns prédios, localizados na Universidade Federal do Pará – UFPA, Campus Guamá, também conhecido como Cidade Universitária Professor José da Silveira Netto. Os métodos utilizados para o dimensionamento do reservatório foram os de Rippl e o Interativo, sendo a verificação da viabilidade econômica feita através dos métodos do Valor Presente Líquido - VPL e payback descontado. Como resultado, obteve-se através do método de Rippl um volume superior a 1000 m³, enquanto que, pelo método interativo foi de no máximo 75 m³. A viabilidade econômica apresentou-se fragilizada em função do tempo de retorno ser superior a vida útil do sistema de aproveitamento de água de chuva.


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In addition to the comments summarized herein, regarding the difficulties in understanding scientific phenomena by the human mind (epistemological obstacles), this paper presents and proposes a methodological framework for transdisciplinarity and reflectivity as an interactive method through critical reflection to be used as an antidote against prejudice and a lack of transparency of researcher that are often seen as impeding proper understanding of the true, specifically in the human processes that occur with people living in rural areas. Then, three examples of research are presented, which – in different time periods – a polyocular view was applied to conduct investigations outlined by guidelines in the framework related to the proposal summarized within this work.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE In clinical diagnosis, medical image segmentation plays a key role in the analysis of pathological regions. Despite advances in automatic and semi-automatic segmentation techniques, time-effective correction tools are commonly needed to improve segmentation results. Therefore, these tools must provide faster corrections with a lower number of interactions, and a user-independent solution to reduce the time frame between image acquisition and diagnosis. METHODS We present a new interactive method for correcting image segmentations. Our method provides 3D shape corrections through 2D interactions. This approach enables an intuitive and natural corrections of 3D segmentation results. The developed method has been implemented into a software tool and has been evaluated for the task of lumbar muscle and knee joint segmentations from MR images. RESULTS Experimental results show that full segmentation corrections could be performed within an average correction time of 5.5±3.3 minutes and an average of 56.5±33.1 user interactions, while maintaining the quality of the final segmentation result within an average Dice coefficient of 0.92±0.02 for both anatomies. In addition, for users with different levels of expertise, our method yields a correction time and number of interaction decrease from 38±19.2 minutes to 6.4±4.3 minutes, and 339±157.1 to 67.7±39.6 interactions, respectively.


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Recently, we have developed the hierarchical Generative Topographic Mapping (HGTM), an interactive method for visualization of large high-dimensional real-valued data sets. In this paper, we propose a more general visualization system by extending HGTM in three ways, which allows the user to visualize a wider range of data sets and better support the model development process. 1) We integrate HGTM with noise models from the exponential family of distributions. The basic building block is the Latent Trait Model (LTM). This enables us to visualize data of inherently discrete nature, e.g., collections of documents, in a hierarchical manner. 2) We give the user a choice of initializing the child plots of the current plot in either interactive, or automatic mode. In the interactive mode, the user selects "regions of interest," whereas in the automatic mode, an unsupervised minimum message length (MML)-inspired construction of a mixture of LTMs is employed. The unsupervised construction is particularly useful when high-level plots are covered with dense clusters of highly overlapping data projections, making it difficult to use the interactive mode. Such a situation often arises when visualizing large data sets. 3) We derive general formulas for magnification factors in latent trait models. Magnification factors are a useful tool to improve our understanding of the visualization plots, since they can highlight the boundaries between data clusters. We illustrate our approach on a toy example and evaluate it on three more complex real data sets. © 2005 IEEE.