911 resultados para Interactions and Diffusion
Understanding the interfacial interactions and structure is important to better design and application of organic-inorganic nanohybrids. This paper presents our recent molecular dynamic studies on organoclays and polymer nanocomposites, including the layering behavior of organoclays, structural and dynamic properties of dioctadecyldimethyl ammoniums in organoclays, and interfacial interactions and structure of polyurethane nanocomposites. The results demonstrate that the layering behaviors of organoclays are closely related to the chain length of quaternary alkyl ammoniums and cation exchangeable capacity of clays. In addition to typical layered structures such as monolayer, bilayer and pseudo-trilayer, a pseudo-quadrilayer structure was also observed in organoclays modified with dioctadecyldimethyl ammoniums (DODDMA). In such a structure, alkyl chains do not lie flat within a single layer but interlace, and also jump to the next layer or even the next nearest layer. Moreover, the diffusion constants of nitrogen and methylene atoms increase with the temperature and methelene towards the tail groups. For polyurethane nanocomposite, the van der Waals interaction between apolar alkyl chains and soft segments of polyurethane predominates the interactions between organoclay and polyurethane. Different from most bulk polyurethane systems, there is no distinct phase-separated structure for the polyurethane.
Abstract Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPARs) form a family of three nuclear receptors regulating important cellular and metabolic functions. PPARs control gene expression by directly binding to target promoters as heterodimers with the Retinoid X Receptor (RXR), and their transcriptional activity is enhanced upon activation by natural or pharmacological ligands. The binding of PPAR/RXR heterodimers on target promoters allows the anchoring of a series of coactivators and corepressors involved in promoter remodeling and the recruitment of the transcription machinery. The transcriptional output finally depends on a complex interplay between (i) the respective expression levels of PPARs, RXRs and of other nuclear receptors competing for DNA binding and RXR recruitment, (ii) the availability and the nature of PPAR and RXR ligands, (iii) the expression levels and the nature of the different coactivators and corepressors and (iv) the sequence and the epigenetic status of the promoter. Understanding how all these factors and signals integrate and fine-tune transcription remains a challenge but is necessary to understand the specificity of the physiological functions regulated by PPARs. The work presented herein focuses on the molecular mechanisms of PPAR action and aims at understanding how the interactions and mobility of the receptor modulate transcription in the physiological context of a living cell: Such observations in vivo rely on the use of engineered fluorescent protein chimeras and require the development and the application of complementary imaging techniques such as Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP), Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) and Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS). Using such techniques, PPARs are shown to reside solely in the nucleus where they are constitutively associated with RXR but transcriptional activation by ligand binding -does not promote the formation of sub-nuclear structures as observed with other nuclear receptors. In addition, the engagement of unliganded PPARs in large complexes of cofactors in living cells provides a molecular basis for their ligand-independent activity. Ligand binding reduces receptor diffusion by promoting the recruitment of coactivators which further enlarge the size of PPAR complexes to acquire full transcriptional competence. Using these molecular approaches, we deciphered the molecular mechanisms through which phthalates, a class of pollutants from the plastic industry, interfere with PPARγ signaling. Mono-ethyl-hexyl-phthalate (MEHP) binding induces the recruitment of a specific subset of cofactors and translates into the expression of a specific subset of target genes, the transcriptional output being strongly conditioned by the differentiation status of the cell. This selective PPARγ modulation induces limited adipogenic effects in cellular models while exposure to phthalates in animal models leads to protective effects on glucose tolerance and diet-induced obesity. These results demonstrate that phthalates influence lipid and carbohydrate metabolism through complex mechanisms which most likely involve PPARγ but also probably PPARα and PPARß, Altogether, the molecular and physiological demonstration of the interference of pollutants with PPAR action outlines an important role of chemical exposure in metabolic regulations. Résumé Les PPARs (Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors) forment une famille de récepteurs nucléaires qui régulent des fonctions cellulaires et métaboliques importantes. Les PPARs contrôlent l'expression des gènes en se liant directement à leurs promoteurs sous forme d'hétérodimères avec les récepteurs RXR (Retinoid X Receptor), et leur activité transcriptionnelle est stimulée par la liaison de ligands naturels ou pharmacologiques. L'association des hétérodimères PPAR/RXR avec les promoteurs des gènes cibles permet le recrutement de coactivateurs et de corépresseurs qui vont permettre le remodelage de la chromatine et le recrutement de la machinerie transcriptionnelle. Les actions transcriptionnelles du récepteur dépendent toutefois d'interactions complexes qui sont régulées par (i) le niveau d'expression des PPARs, des RXRs et d'autres récepteurs nucléaires entrant en compétition pour la liaison à l'ADN et l'association avec RXR, (ii) la disponibilité et la nature de ligands de PPAR et de RXR, (iii) les niveaux d'expression et la nature des différents coactivateurs et corépresseurs et (iv) la séquence et le marquage épigénétique des promoteurs. La compréhension des mécanismes qui permettent d'intégrer ces aspects pour assurer une régulation fine de l'activité transcriptionnelle est un défi qu'il est nécessaire de relever pour comprendre la spécificité des fonctions physiologiques régulées par les PPARs. Ce travail concerne l'étude des mécanismes d'action moléculaire des PPARs et vise à mieux comprendre comment les interactions du récepteur avec d'autres protéines ainsi que la mobilité de ce dernier régulent son activité transcriptionnelle dans le contexte physiologique des cellules vivantes. De telles observations reposent sur l'emploi de protéines fusionnées à des protéines fluorescentes ainsi que sur le développement et l'utilisation de techniques d'imagerie complémentaires telles que le FRAP (Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching), le FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer) ou la FCS (Fluorescence Corrélation Spectroscopy). En appliquant ces méthodes, nous avons pu montrer que les PPARs résident toujours dans le noyau où ils sont associés de manière constitutive à RXR, mais que l'ajout de ligand n'induit pas la formation de structures sub-nucléaires comme cela a pu être décrit pour d'autres récepteurs nucléaires. De plus, les PPARs sont engagés dans de larges complexes protéiques de cofacteurs en absence de ligand, ce qui procure une explication moléculaire à leur activité ligand-indépendante. La liaison du ligand réduit la vitesse de diffusion du récepteur en induisant le recrutement de coactivateurs qui augmente encore plus la taille des complexes afin d'acquérir un potentiel d'activation maximal. En utilisant ces approches moléculaires, nous avons pu caractériser les mécanismes permettant aux phtalates, une classe de polluants provenant de l'industrie plastique, d'interférer avec PPARγ. La liaison du mono-ethyl-hexyl-phtalate (NERF) à PPARγ induit un recrutement sélectif de cofacteurs, se traduisant par l'induction spécifique d'un sous-ensemble de gènes qui varie en fonction du niveau de différentiation cellulaire. La modulation sélective de PPARγ par le MEHP provoque une adipogenèse modérée dans des modèles cellulaires alors que l'exposition de modèles animaux aux phtalates induit des effets bénéfiques sur la tolérance au glucose et sur le développement de l'obésité. Toutefois, les phtalates ont une action complexe sur le métabolisme glucido-lipidique en faisant intervenir PPARγ mais aussi probablement PPARα et PPARß. Cette démonstration moléculaire et physiologique de l'interférence des polluants avec les récepteurs nucléaires PPAR souligne un rôle important de l'exposition à de tels composés dans les régulations métaboliques.
In this paper we analyze the double Caldeira-Leggett model: the path integral approach to two interacting dissipative harmonic oscillators. Assuming a general form of the interaction between the oscillators, we consider two different situations: (i) when each oscillator is coupled to its own reservoir, and (ii) when both oscillators are coupled to a common reservoir. After deriving and solving the master equation for each case, we analyze the decoherence process of particular entanglements in the positional space of both oscillators. To analyze the decoherence mechanism we have derived a general decay function, for the off-diagonal peaks of the density matrix, which applies both to common and separate reservoirs. We have also identified the expected interaction between the two dissipative oscillators induced by their common reservoir. Such a reservoir-induced interaction, which gives rise to interesting collective damping effects, such as the emergence of relaxation- and decoherence-free subspaces, is shown to be blurred by the high-temperature regime considered in this study. However, we find that different interactions between the dissipative oscillators, described by rotating or counter-rotating terms, result in different decay rates for the interference terms of the density matrix. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Biosensors find wide application in clinical diagnostics, bioprocess control and environmental monitoring. They should not only show high specificity and reproducibility but also a high sensitivity and stability of the signal. Therefore, I introduce a novel sensor technology based on plasmonic nanoparticles which overcomes both of these limitations. Plasmonic nanoparticles exhibit strong absorption and scattering in the visible and near-infrared spectral range. The plasmon resonance, the collective coherent oscillation mode of the conduction band electrons against the positively charged ionic lattice, is sensitive to the local environment of the particle. I monitor these changes in the resonance wavelength by a new dark-field spectroscopy technique. Due to a strong light source and a highly sensitive detector a temporal resolution in the microsecond regime is possible in combination with a high spectral stability. This opens a window to investigate dynamics on the molecular level and to gain knowledge about fundamental biological processes.rnFirst, I investigate adsorption at the non-equilibrium as well as at the equilibrium state. I show the temporal evolution of single adsorption events of fibrinogen on the surface of the sensor on a millisecond timescale. Fibrinogen is a blood plasma protein with a unique shape that plays a central role in blood coagulation and is always involved in cell-biomaterial interactions. Further, I monitor equilibrium coverage fluctuations of sodium dodecyl sulfate and demonstrate a new approach to quantify the characteristic rate constants which is independent of mass transfer interference and long term drifts of the measured signal. This method has been investigated theoretically by Monte-Carlo simulations but so far there has been no sensor technology with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio.rnSecond, I apply plasmonic nanoparticles as sensors for the determination of diffusion coefficients. Thereby, the sensing volume of a single, immobilized nanorod is used as detection volume. When a diffusing particle enters the detection volume a shift in the resonance wavelength is introduced. As no labeling of the analyte is necessary the hydrodynamic radius and thus the diffusion properties are not altered and can be studied in their natural form. In comparison to the conventional Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy technique a volume reduction by a factor of 5000-10000 is reached.