997 resultados para Interactional analysis
Participants' eye-gaze is generally not captured or represented in immersive collaborative virtual environment (ICVE) systems. We present EyeCVE. which uses mobile eye-trackers to drive the gaze of each participant's virtual avatar, thus supporting remote mutual eye-contact and awareness of others' gaze in a perceptually unfragmented shared virtual workspace. We detail trials in which participants took part in three-way conferences between remote CAVE (TM) systems linked via EyeCVE. Eye-tracking data was recorded and used to evaluate interaction, confirming; the system's support for the use of gaze as a communicational and management resource in multiparty conversational scenarios. We point toward subsequent investigation of eye-tracking in ICVEs for enhanced remote social-interaction and analysis.
Enquadrado numa perspectiva sócio-construtivista em Didáctica de Línguas (DL), o presente trabalho propõe-se identificar e descrever as imagens face às línguas estrangeiras, em particular à língua Alemã, e sua aprendizagem, que se manifestam numa determinada comunidade escolar. Com base nas imagens identificadas, pretende-se compreender de que forma elas se relacionam com a dimensão afectiva presente no processo de ensinoaprendizagem, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à relação afectiva que o aprendente vai construindo com o alemão, objecto de estudo. Neste quadro, foram traçadas as seguintes questões de investigação para este trabalho: (1) Que imagens face às línguas escolares (inglês, francês, espanhol, português e, em particular, alemão), se manifestam numa determinada comunidade escolar (considerando os alunos, encarregados de educação, professores, administração da escola e funcionários)?; Como se (inter-) relacionam estas imagens nos diferentes públicos considerados?; (2) De que forma se manifestam as imagens face à língua alemã e sua aprendizagem na interacção em sala de aula de Alemão (LE)? Quais as marcas discursivas que as identificam e tecem?; De que forma estão estas imagens associadas às emoções e (3) Quais as emoções associadas às imagens do Alemão e sua aprendizagem em contexto de sala de aula? A investigação recente em DL sugere que as imagens que um determinado sujeito constrói face a uma dada língua permitem compreender as suas atitudes e comportamentos face à mesma, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à relação afectiva que vai construindo com a língua em causa e sua aprendizagem (cf. ARAÚJO E SÁ & SCHMIDT 2008, DE PIETRO & MÜLLER 1997, MÜLLER 1998, PERREFORT 2001). Estas imagens, enquanto constructos sociais, elaboram-se, revitalizam-se e cristalizam-se na e pela interacção verbal em sala de aula. Nesta perspectiva, o presente trabalho discute os conceitos de imagem/representação face às línguas, relacionandoos com a dimensão afectiva (inegavelmente) presente nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem das LE e à luz de uma abordagem interaccional em DL. A investigação desenrolou-se em duas fases. Numa primeira, aplicou-se um inquérito por questionário a toda uma comunidade escolar (incluindo todos os públicos anteriormente referidos), numa escola secundária com terceiro ciclo em Albergaria-a-Velha, no distrito de Aveiro. Os dados recolhidos foram analisados segundo uma abordagem mista (quantitativa e qualitativa). Os resultados apontam para imagens fortemente escolarizadas, na medida em que os inquiridos parecem considerar as línguas estrangeiras sobretudo enquanto objectos de apropriação em contextos escolares. Identificaram-se imagens homogéneas e consistentes das línguas estrangeiras, evidenciando-se, no que à língua alemã diz respeito, a sua dificuldade. Os resultados relacionam-se com os obtidos noutras investigações realizadas em terreno nacional em DL, corroborando alguns e complementando outros (ARAÚJO E SÁ 2008, SIMÕES 2006, PINTO 2005, MELO 2006 e Projecto Imagens das Línguas na comunicação intercultural: contributos para o desenvolvimento da competência plurilingue). Numa segunda fase, acompanhou-se uma turma de alemão (LE) ao longo de um ano lectivo completo, tendo-se procedido à vídeo-gravação das aulas e, posteriormente, à identificação do que designámos por ‘episódios significativos’, para constituição do corpus de análise. A análise interaccional destes episódios permitiu a identificação de diferentes marcas discursivas (verbais, para-verbais e não-verbais) que indiciam, por um lado, a circulação e (re)construção de imagens face ao alemão e sua aprendizagem e, por outro, a presença de um conjunto de emoções associadas a estas imagens, nos discursos dos aprendentes e da professora. No que diz respeito à imagem da dificuldade do alemão e da sua aprendizagem, cristalizaram-se seis indicadores: (1) a compreensão oral e a pronúncia, (2) o léxico e as palavras compostas (3) os números, (4) a leitura, (5) o sistema de regras gramaticais e, finalmente, (6) a auto-imagem dos alunos enquanto aprendentes de alemão. Os resultados sugerem ainda a associação destas imagens a emoções tendencialmente ‘negativas’ (por exemplo a arrelia e o embaraço), isto é, que se traduzem numa atitude de distanciamento e de evitamento linguístico. Face às conclusões obtidas, propõe-se um conjunto de princípios enquadradores para uma educação em línguas ‘afectivamente consciente’ e capaz de promover imagens mais positivas das línguas e das suas aprendizagens, designadamante do alemão. Considerando-se a diminuição acentuada dos aprendentes de alemão (LE) em contexto escolar nacional nos últimos dez anos, aponta-se para a necessidade de melhor compreender a relação entre a falta de popularidade escolar desta língua e a imagem da sua dificuldade (de aprendizagem).
Comprendre le mode d’existence de l’organisation est certainement l’un des plus grands défis que se sont donnés les chercheurs qui s’intéressent à ce domaine d’étude. La littérature nous présente ainsi plusieurs images, métaphores et perspectives qui, combinées, dressent un portrait hybride de ce type de collectif. Je propose, dans cette thèse, de reconnaître et exploiter ce caractère hybride de l’organisation en partant d’une réflexion centrée sur l'espace. En m’inspirant particulièrement des travaux de la géographe Doreen Massey (1999, 2005), le concept d'espace auquel je souscris est celui d’un espace ouvert et dynamique (qui incorpore le temps), basé sur une relationalité matérielle et hétérogène, supposant des acteurs humains et non humains en interaction. L'espace peut donc être compris comme la coexistence d’ontologies hétérogènes, ce que Massey (2005) nomme une coexistence de trajectoires comme stories-so-far. Il s’agit ici d’une vision performative de l’espace organisationnel qui est constitué dans la relation de trajectoires distinctes qui coexistent, se rencontrent, s’affectent, entrent en conflit ou coopèrent (Massey, 1999). Je postule que pour assurer une certaine continuité et cohérence dans la coexistence de trajectoires hétérogènes, un travail d’alignement et d’ordonnancement est mis à l’oeuvre, et ce, par le suivi d’une trajectoire principale — ce que je nomme une trajectoire scriptée. Suivre cette trajectoire permet ainsi à l’organisation de s’étendre, de se rendre présente dans le temps et dans l’espace, sans pour autant perdre son identité : to be here and there at the same time, now and then at the same place. À partir de cette définition de l’espace, je propose d’« espacer l’organisation », et plus particulièrement d’« espacer » Explora, un programme d’éducation non formelle du gouvernement du Chili visant la diffusion et la valorisation de la science et de la technologie. Cette proposition est double : elle renvoie aux pratiques d’espacements — des pratiques hybrides, collectives et situées — des agents organisationnels (dans ce cas, aux pratiques des agents d’Explora impliqués dans l’organisation d’un projet, celui de la Semaine de la science 2006),mais aussi à une pratique de recherche. « Espacer l’organisation » veut donc dire déployer ces espaces pleins, déplier l’organisation, accroître la série des simultanéités-successions pour ainsi créer plus d’espace-temps.
Les crises sont omniprésentes dans le monde organisationnel. Pour faire face à ces situations, les organisations se fient à leurs équipes de gestion de crise, composées habituellement de membres provenant de différents domaines et possédant divers types d’expertise, pour bien gérer ces situations. Comment les membres de ces équipes réussissent-ils ou ne réussissent-il pas à s’entendre et à cadrer collectivement une situation de crise, étant donné leurs antécédents variés? La présente étude propose de répondre à cette question à partir d’une perspective interactionnelle en analysant une sélection d’extraits audio-visuels tirés de trois exercices de gestion de crise réalisés dans la province de l’Ontario. Cinq extraits pertinents ont été retenus pour l’analyse interactionnelle qui a permis de décrire le rôle important de certaines figures dans le cadrage d’une gestion de crise. Les figures correspondent à ce qui compte dans la situation, c’est-à-dire aux préoccupations, aux intérêts et aux attentes des représentants autour de la table. Ces figures sont placées au premier plan dans le cadrage des individus et sont ensuite animées ou non par les membres du groupe de coordination communautaire. C’est seulement lorsque ces différentes préoccupations sont articulées, prises en compte et négociées que le cadrage de la situation de crise peut évoluer collectivement.
Le sujet principal de ce mémoire est l’expression des émotions en univers carcéral. L’émission radiophonique « Souverains Anonymes » a servi d’étude de cas pour ce travail. Dans cette étude, j’ai analysé en détail l’expression des émotions dans un environnement supposément hostile, soit le milieu carcéral. Je me suis appuyée sur la littérature portant sur les émotions et les institutions totales afin d’étudier un nouvel axe qui est celui de l’analyse interactionnelle de l’expression des émotions dans un environnement imposé, régimenté, a priori non propice à de telles expressions. Le corpus à partir duquel j’ai élaboré mes analyses est constitué, d’une vidéographie intitulée « Hommes de passage » réalisé par Bruno Boulianne. C’est une vidéographie, qui a été tourné sur l’émission de radio avec également des entretiens menés en dehors du contexte de la radio. Quatre extraits pertinents ont été retenus dans cette vidéographie pour l’analyse des moments visibles d’émotion. Le corpus est également constitué d’une journée d’observation de la préparation de cette émission, observation que j’ai enregistrée sous forme de notes manuscrites. Enfin une seconde journée d’observation m’a permise de compléter et de vérifier les résultats de mes analyses. Par l’analyse de toutes ces données, je tente de mieux comprendre comment et dans quelles circonstances les détenus expriment et parlent de leurs émotions. Comme nous le verrons à travers les analyses que je propose, il est principalement question de leur identité lorsque les détenus expriment ou parlent de leurs émotions. Il s’agit d’une identité qu’ils voudraient obtenir, soit celle qu’ils souhaitent regagner ou celle qu’ils souhaitent acquérir. Cette quête identitaire revêt différents aspects, entre autres, avec des références à la morale, à la famille ou encore aux murs de la prison. L’expression des émotions et l’expression identitaire apparaissent donc inextricablement liées dans leur discours.
This article proposes an interactional approach to the question of Russian language maintenance through the activity of bedtime story-reading in Russian-French bilingual families in French speaking Switzerland. Reading stories appears to be a language maintenance strategy commonly employed by the Russian speaking parent. The ritual and recreational moment of story-reading therefore becomes an opportunity for language learning. Drawing upon a language socialization perspective, this paper proposes an interactional analysis of the language use in the activity of story-reading. It shows how the language choice of the participants may be requested, negotiated and challenged during the interaction. The analysis further informs us about the language choice pattern and the bilingual competences in these families. We will gain insight into (Russian) language maintenance as a daily social and linguistic practice.
People with intellectual disability are living longer, which creates new demands for the support and care of this target group. Participation and autonomy at all ages, regardless of functional capacity, are cited in legislation and among the key objectives of disability policy. As a group, older people with intellectual disability have previously been almost invisible in both policy documents and research. Information regarding this group is thus limited, and more systematic knowledge is needed about older people with intellectual disability, their daily lives, and especially their opportunities for autonomy. The purpose of this thesis is to learn more about the role of influence and autonomy in everyday life from the perspective of older people with intellectual disability living in group homes. This will be achieved by studying situations in which opportunities and obstacles arise for these residents to exercise their autonomy in daily life, and identifying and analysing how autonomy is expressed in the meeting between residents and staff. The study applies an ethnographic approach, using methods including field studies with observations and videotaped meetings between residents and staff. The sample consists of residents aged 65 and over and staff at three group homes for people with intellectual disability. One resident at each group home is followed in greater depth. The analysis uses the time-geographic concepts of project, activity and restrictions in order to clarify where and when different projects are carried out, as well as who has the power to determine what is to be carried out. Interaction analysis is used to analyse the videotaped meetings between residents and staff. The analysis is based on Goffman’s interaction order and interaction rituals, theories about turntaking, both verbal and non-verbal, and theories about power and counter-power. In accordance with Goffman’s framework concept, the starting point is the concrete framework that reflects spatiality, which in turn becomes a way to place the more abstract framework of the situation into a specific context. Two major projects were identified: Sleep and Rest and Meals. The analysis reveals projects that are governed by the resident’s own preferences (individual projects) and projects that are governed to a greater degree by the staff’s objectives and opportunities (institutional projects). Some guidance also derives from municipal decisions and guidelines (organizational projects). Many projects were carried out based on staff decisions and objectives, but in actual practice many projects failed to get off the ground. Some projects were at risk of failure until something happened or someone intervened and thereby rescued the project so that it could be implemented. The interactional analysis perspective shows how autonomy is constructed in the meeting. Autonomy is situation-bound, and shifts more on the basis of context than in relation to specific individuals. The study includes decision situations mainly between autonomy and its opposite, paternalism, which are viewed as extremes on a continuum. However, certain factors lead to stronger autonomy in certain situations. When a resident can define the situation, they also have greater power to determine the outcome. In situations characterized by paternalism, the staff have a preferential right of interpretation and the power to decide, both on the basis of their knowledge and because of the asymmetrical interdependence that characterizes the resident-professional relationship. Such situations are also governed by the rules and procedures of the group home to a greater degree than those situations in which the resident exercises autonomy. The thesis discusses strategies that could increase the residents’ opportunities for autonomy. Greater communication skills among staff can be viewed as a step on the path toward greater autonomy for the residents. Staff have the potential to eliminate obstacles, to strengthen inadequate skills or create new ones by providing choices and assistive devices, and to exercise an affirmative approach.
Paired speaking tests are now commonly used in both high-stakes testing and classroom assessment contexts. The co-construction of discourse by candidates is regarded as a strength of paired speaking tests, as candidates have the opportunity to display a wider range of interactional competencies, including turn taking, initiating topics and engaging in extended discourse with a partner, rather than an examiner. However, the impact of the interlocutor in such jointly negotiated discourse and the implications for assessing interactional competence are areas of concern. This article reports on the features of interactional competence that were salient to four trained raters of 12 paired speaking tests through the analysis of rater notes, stimulated verbal recalls and rater discussions. Findings enabled the identification of features of the performance noted by raters when awarding scores for interactional competence, and the particular features associated with higher and lower scores. A number of these features were seen by the raters as mutual achievements, which raises the issue of the extent to which it is possible to assess individual contributions to the co-constructed performance. The findings have implications for defining the construct of interactional competence in paired speaking tests and operationalising this in rating scales.
Data analysis sessions are a common feature of discourse analytic communities, often involving participants with varying levels of expertise to those with significant expertise. Learning how to do data analysis and working with transcripts, however, are often new experiences for doctoral candidates within the social sciences. While many guides to doctoral education focus on procedures associated with data analysis (Heath, Hindmarsh, & Luff, 2010; McHoul & Rapley, 2001; Silverman, 2011; Wetherall, Taylor, & Yates, 2001), the in situ practices of doing data analysis are relatively undocumented. This chapter has been collaboratively written by members of a special interest research group, the Transcript Analysis Group (TAG), who meet regularly to examine transcripts representing audio- and video-recorded interactional data. Here, we investigate our own actual interactional practices and participation in this group where each member is both analyst and participant. We particularly focus on the pedagogic practices enacted in the group through investigating how members engage in the scholarly practice of data analysis. A key feature of talk within the data sessions is that members work collaboratively to identify and discuss ‘noticings’ from the audio-recorded and transcribed talk being examined, produce candidate analytic observations based on these discussions, and evaluate these observations. Our investigation of how talk constructs social practices in these sessions shows that participants move fluidly between actions that demonstrate pedagogic practices and expertise. Within any one session, members can display their expertise as analysts and, at the same time, display that they have gained an understanding that they did not have before. We take an ethnomethodological position that asks, ‘what’s going on here?’ in the data analysis session. By observing the in situ practices in fine-grained detail, we show how members participate in the data analysis sessions and make sense of a transcript.
Early years researchers interested in storytelling have largely focused on the development of children’s language and social skills within constructed story sessions. Less focus has been given to the interactional aspects of storytelling in children’s everyday conversation and how the members themselves, the storytellers and story recipients, manage storytelling. An interactional view, using ethnomethodological and conversation analytic approaches, offers the opportunity to study children’s narratives in terms of ‘members work’. Detailed examination of a video-recorded interaction among a group of children in a preparatory year playground shows how the children managed interactions within conversational storytelling. Analyses highlight the ways in which children worked at gaining a turn and made a story tellable within a round of second stories. Investigating children’s competence-in-action ‘from within’, the findings from this research show how children invoke and accomplish competence through their interactions.
This thesis is an empirical study of how two words in Icelandic, "nú" and "núna", are used in contemporary Icelandic conversation. My aims in this study are, first, to explain the differences between the temporal functions of "nú" and "núna", and, second, to describe the non-temporal functions of "nú". In the analysis, a focus is placed on comparing the sequential placement of the two words, on their syntactical distribution, and on their prosodic realization. The empirical data comprise 14 hours and 11 minutes of naturally occurring conversation recorded between 1996 and 2003. The selected conversations represent a wide range of interactional contexts including informal dinner parties, institutional and non-institutional telephone conversations, radio programs for teenagers, phone-in programs, and, finally, a political debate on television. The theoretical and methodological framework is interactional linguistics, which can be described as linguistically oriented conversation analysis (CA). A comparison of "nú" and "núna" shows that the two words have different syntactic distributions. "Nú" has a clear tendency to occur in the front field, before the finite verb, while "núna" typically occurs in the end field, after the object. It is argued that this syntactic difference reflects a functional difference between "nú" and "núna". A sequential analysis of "núna" shows that the word refers to an unspecified period of time which includes the utterance time as well as some time in the past and in the future. This temporal relation is referred to as reference time. "Nú", by contrast, is mainly used in three different environments: a) in temporal comparisons, 2) in transitions, and 3) when the speaker is taking an affective stance. The non-temporal functions of "nú" are divided into three categories: a) "nú" as a tone particle, 2) "nú" as an utterance particle, and 3) "nú" as a dialogue particle. "Nú" as a tone particle is syntactically integrated and can occur in two syntactic positions: pre-verbally and post-verbally. I argue that these instances are employed in utterances in which a speaker is foregrounding information or marking it as particularly important. The study shows that, although these instances are typically prosodically non-prominent and unstressed, they are in some cases delivered with stress and with a higher pitch than the surrounding talk. "Nú" as an utterance particle occurs turn-initially and is syntactically non-integrated. By using "nú", speakers show continuity between turns and link new turns to prior ones. These instances initiate either continuations by the same speaker or new turns after speaker shifts. "Nú" as a dialogue particle occurs as a turn of its own. The study shows that these instances register informings in prior turns as unexpected or as a departure from the normal state of affairs. "Nú" as a dialogue particle is often delivered with a prolonged vowel and a recognizable intonation contour. A comparative sequential and prosodic analysis shows that in these cases there is a correlation between the function of "nú" and the intonation contour by which it is delivered. Finally, I argue that despite the many functions of "nú", all the instances can be said to have a common denominator, which is to display attention towards the present moment and the utterances which are produced prior or after the production of "nú". Instead of anchoring the utterances in external time or reference time, these instances position the utterance in discourse internal time, or discourse time.
This essay has identified and analysed rhetorical devices in Gordon Brown’s speech delivered at the Labour Party conference on September 25, 2006. The aim of the study was to identify specific rhetorical devices which are described as interactional resources, analyse their uses and discuss possible effects that they may have when included in a political speech. The results are based on my own interpretations but are supported by information provided in current literature by analysts and researchers of rhetoric use. The result findings could probably serve as evidence of the need for better understanding of the devices used by politicians in their relentless endeavours to influence audience decisions.
BACKGROUND: Adequate assessment of symptoms of patients suffering from environmental illnesses requires appropriate procedures such as psychological and psychiatric diagnostics, medical screening and a thorough analysis of noxious environmental factors. The Basel pilot research project established a multi-methodological assessment procedure that meets these criteria. However, an exhaustive three-fold analysis is very costly in terms of both equipment and personnel, and hence the need for a heuristic approach and pre-screening persists. METHOD: The three-fold diagnostic approach was preceded by a structured psychodynamic interview; the findings were used to construct a new profile of the patient's interactional behaviour (IB) in conjunction with the interviewer's countertransference. The extent to which this new profile could predict the results of the multi-method assessment was then assessed. RESULTS: A low level of IB on the part of the patient significantly predicted the degree of stress and the extent of the psychiatric diagnosis, including personality disorders. A negative IB was associated with negative personality traits. Furthermore, a high level of IB implied more medical, but not more environmental, findings which could plausibly be related to the patient's complaints. CONCLUSIONS: Assessment of patients' IB in conjunction with one's own countertransference is very helpful as a preliminary heuristic approach and may lead to consequences for treatment and therapy. Therefore, the training provided for experts who deal with patients suffering from environment-related complaints should place more specific emphasis on assessing patients' behaviour and on incorporating information gathered from countertransference. Nevertheless, an interdisciplinary assessment including medical, psychological/psychiatric, and environmental expertise remains mandatory for adequate and satisfactory diagnosis of patients with environment-related complaints.
These data result from an investigation examining the interplay between dyadic rapport and consequential behavior-mirroring. Participants responded to a variety of interpersonally-focused pretest measures prior to their engagement in videotaped interdependent tasks (coded for interactional synchrony using Motion Energy Analysis [17,18]). A post-task evaluation of rapport and other related constructs followed each exchange. Four studies shared these same dependent measures, but asked distinct questions: Study 1 (Ndyad = 38) explored the influence of perceived responsibility and gender-specificity of the task; Study 2 (Ndyad = 51) focused on dyad sex-makeup; Studies 3 (Ndyad = 41) and 4 (Ndyad = 63) examined cognitive load impacts on the interactions. Versions of the data are structured with both individual and dyad as the unit of analysis. Our data possess strong reuse potential for theorists interested in dyadic processes and are especially pertinent to questions about dyad agreement and interpersonal perception / behavior association relationships.