992 resultados para Interacting system


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We consider N particles interacting pairwise by an inverse square potential in one dimension (Calogero-Sutherland-Moser model). For a system placed in a harmonic trap, its classical partition function for the repulsive regime is recognised in the literature. We start by presenting a concise re-derivation of this result. The equation of state is then calculated both for the trapped and the homogeneous gas. Finally, the classical limit of Wu's distribution function for fractional exclusion statistics is obtained and we re-derive the classical virial expansion of the homogeneous gas using this distribution function.


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We present Submillimeter Array [C II] 158 μm and Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array 12^CO(1-0) line emission maps for the bright, lensed, submillimeter source at z = 5.2430 behind A 773: HLSJ091828.6+514223 (HLS0918). We combine these measurements with previously reported line profiles, including multiple 12^CO rotational transitions, [C I], water, and [N II], providing some of the best constraints on the properties of the interstellar medium in a galaxy at z > 5. HLS0918 has a total far-infrared (FIR) luminosity L_FIR(8–1000 μm) = (1.6 ± 0.1) × 10^14 L_☉ μ^–1, where the total magnification μ_total = 8.9 ± 1.9, via a new lens model from the [C II] and continuum maps. Despite a HyLIRG luminosity, the FIR continuum shape resembles that of a local LIRG. We simultaneously fit all of the observed spectral line profiles, finding four components that correspond cleanly to discrete spatial structures identified in the maps. The two most redshifted spectral components occupy the nucleus of a massive galaxy, with a source-plane separation <1 kpc. The reddest dominates the continuum map (demagnified L_FIR, component = (1.1 ± 0.2) × 10^13 L_☉) and excites strong water emission in both nuclear components via a powerful FIR radiation field from the intense star formation. A third star-forming component is most likely a region of a merging companion (ΔV ~ 500 km s^–1) exhibiting generally similar gas properties. The bluest component originates from a spatially distinct region and photodissociation region analysis suggests that it is lower density, cooler, and forming stars less vigorously than the other components. Strikingly, it has very strong [N II] emission, which may suggest an ionized, molecular outflow. This comprehensive view of gas properties and morphology in HLS0918 previews the science possible for a large sample of high-redshift galaxies once ALMA attains full sensitivity.


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We consider the dynamics of an array of mutually interacting cavities, each containing an ensemble of N two-level atoms. By exploring the possibilities offered by ensembles of various dimensions and a range of atom-light and photon-hopping values, we investigate the generation of multisite entanglement, as well as the performance of excitation transfer across the array, resulting from the competition between on-site nonlinearities of the matter-light interaction and intersite photon hopping. In particular, for a three-cavity interacting system it is observed that the initial excitation in the first cavity completely transfers to the ensemble in the third cavity through the hopping of photons between the adjacent cavities. Probabilities of the transfer of excitation of the cavity modes and ensembles exhibit characteristics of fast and slow oscillations governed by coupling and hopping parameters, respectively. In the large-hopping case, by seeding an initial excitation in the cavity at the center of the array, a tripartite W state, as well as a bipartite maximally entangled state, is obtained, depending on the interaction time. Population of the ensemble in a cavity has a positive impact on the rate of excitation transfer between the ensembles and their local cavity modes. In particular, for ensembles of five to seven atoms, tripartite W states can be produced even when the hopping rate is comparable to the cavity-atom coupling rate. A similar behavior of the transfer of excitation is observed for a four-coupled-cavity system with two initial excitations.


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The quark gluon plasma (QGP) at zero temperature and high baryon number is a system that may be present inside compact stars. It is quite possible that this cold QGP shares some relevant features with the hot QGP observed in heavy ion collisions, being also a strongly interacting system. In a previous work we have derived from the QCD Lagrangian an equation of state (EOS) for the cold QGP, which can be considered an improved version of the MIT bag-model EOS. Compared to the latter, our EOS reaches higher values of the pressure at comparable baryon densities. This feature is due to perturbative corrections and also to nonperturbative effects. Here we apply this EOS to the study of neutron stars, discussing the absolute stability of quark matter and computing the mass-radius relation for self-bound (strange) stars. The maximum masses of the sequences exceed two solar masses, in agreement with the recently measured values of the mass of the pulsar PSR J1614-2230, and the corresponding radii of around 10-11 km.


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In this thesis, we investigate mixtures of quantum degenerate Bose and Fermi gases of neutral atoms in threedimensional optical lattices. Feshbach resonances allow to control interspecies interactions in these systems precisely, by preparing suitable combinations of internal atomic states and applying external magnetic fields. This way, the system behaviour can be tuned continuously from mutual transparency to strongly interacting correlated phases, up to the stability boundary.rnThe starting point for these investigations is the spin-polarized fermionic band insulator. The properties of this non-interacting system are fully determined by the Pauli exclusion principle for the occupation of states in the lattice. A striking demonstration of the latter can be found in the antibunching of the density-density correlation of atoms released from the lattice. If bosonic atoms are added to this system, isolated heteronuclear molecules can be formed on the lattice sites via radio-frequency stimulation. The efficiency of this process hints at a modification of the atom number distribution over the lattice caused by interspecies interaction.rnIn the following, we investigate systems with tunable interspecies interaction. To this end, a method is developed which allows to assess the various contributions to the system Hamiltonian both qualitatively and quantitatively by following the quantum phase diffusion of the bosonic matter wave.rnBesides a modification of occupation number statistics, these measurements show a significant renormalization of the bosonic Hubbard parameters. The final part of the thesis considers the implications of this renormalization effect on the many particle physics in the mixture. Here, we demonstrate how the quantum phase transition from a bosonic superfluid to a Mott insulator state is shifted towards considerably shallower lattices due to renormalization.


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We present an experimental demonstration of strong optical coupling between CdSequantum dots of different sizes which is induced by a surface plasmon propagating on a planar silver thin film. Attenuated total reflection measurements demonstrate the hybridization of exciton states, characterized by the observation of two avoided crossings in the energy dispersion measured for the interacting system.


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We present a microscopic model for calculating the AC conductivity of a finite length line junction made up of two counter-or co-propagating single mode quantum Hall edges with possibly different filling fractions. The effect of density-density interactions and a local tunneling conductance (sigma) between the two edges is considered. Assuming that sigma is independent of the frequency omega, we derive expressions for the AC conductivity as a function of omega, the length of the line junction and other parameters of the system. We reproduce the results of Sen and Agarwal (2008 Phys. Rev. B 78 085430) in the DC limit (omega -> 0), and generalize those results for an interacting system. As a function of omega, the AC conductivity shows significant oscillations if sigma is small; the oscillations become less prominent as sigma increases. A renormalization group analysis shows that the system may be in a metallic or an insulating phase depending on the strength of the interactions. We discuss the experimental implications of this for the behavior of the AC conductivity at low temperatures.


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In the present study, ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles were synthesized by the chemical co-precipitation followed by calcinations at 473 and 673K for 4h. Particle sizes obtained were 4 and 6nm for the calcination temperatures of 473 and 673K, respectively. To study the origin of system's low temperature spin dynamic behaviour, temperature dependence of susceptibility was investigated as a function of particle size and frequency. Slight increase in the grain size from 4nm at 473K to 6nm at 673K has led to a peak shift of temperature dependence of susceptibility measured at a constant frequency of 400Hz. Temperature dependence of at different frequencies also resulted in peak shift. Relaxation time dependence of peak temperature obeys a power law, which provides the fitting parameters within the range of superparamagnetic nature of the particles. Further, dependence of relaxation time and peak temperature obeys VogelFulcher law rather than NeelBrown equation demonstrating that the particles follow the behaviour of superparamagnetism of slightly interacting system. Spinlattice, T-1 and spinspin, T-2 relaxivity of proton of the water molecule in the presence of chitosan-coated superparamagnetic ZnFe2O4 nanoparticle yields the values of 0.002 and 0.360s(1)perppm.


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Quantum emulation property of the cold atoms has generated a lot of interest in studying systems with synthetic gauge fields. In this article, we describe the physics of two component Fermi gas in the presence of synthetic non-Abelian SU(2) gauge fields. Even for the non-interacting system with the gauge fields, there is an interesting change in the topology of the Fermi surface by tuning only the gauge field strength. When a trapping potential is used in conjunction with the gauge fields, the non-interacting system has the ability to produce novel Hamiltonians and show characteristic change in the density profile of the cloud. Without trap, the gauge fields act as an attractive interaction amplifier and for special kinds of gauge field configurations, there are two-body bound states for any attraction even in three dimensions. For a many body system, the gauge fields can induce a crossover from a weak superfluid to a strong superfluid with transition temperature as high as the Fermi temperature. The superfluid state obtained for a very large gauge field strength is a superfluid of new kind of bosons, called ``rashbons'', the properties of which are independent of its constituent two component fermions and are solely determined by the gauge field strength. We also discuss the collective excitations over the superfluid ground states and the experimental relevance of the physics.


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The effect of metal ions on the conformation of thymine-containing poly-D-lysine was studied by CD spectra in aqueous solution. Of the metal ions studied,only copper(Ⅱ)ion affected the conformation of mucleic acid analogs .copper(Ⅱ)ion also affected the specifically interacting system made up of thymine-containing poly-D-lysine and polyadenylic acid.


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The aim of this work is to describe the most recent achievements in the field of the physical chemistry of mixing. The systems studied have been classified according to the amount of thermic effect due to the blending and its interpretation. When polystyrene (PS) and poly(alpha-methylstyrene) (P alpha MS) are blended, the interaction is weak and Delta(mix)H is close to zero. The presence of polar atoms and/or groups increases the stability of the blend and, therefore, Delta(mix)H becomes more negative. Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), poly(methyl acrylate) (PMA), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly(vinylacetate) (PVAc), when mixed to form binary systems, show large differences from their properties when pure. If hydrogen bonding takes place, the interactions are readily detected and a large effect is calorimetrically determined. Cellulose diacetate (CDA) and poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) have been studied as an example of a strongly interacting system.


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Starting from a Lagrangian mean-field theory, a set of time-dependent tight-binding equations is derived to describe dynamically and self-consistently an interacting system of quantum electrons and classical nuclei. These equations conserve norm, total energy and total momentum. A comparison with other tight-binding models is made. A previous tight-binding result for forces on atoms in the presence of electrical current flow is generalized to the time-dependent domain and is taken beyond the limit of local charge neutrality.


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The recently synthesized ionic liquid (IL) 2-butylthiolonium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide, [mimSBu][NTf2], has been used for the extraction of copper(II) from aqueous solution. The pH of the aqueous phase decreases upon addition of [mimSBu]+, which is attributed to partial release of the hydrogen attached to the N(3) nitrogen atom of the imidazolium ring. The presence of sparingly soluble water in [mimSBu][NTf2] also is required in solvent extraction studies to promote the incorporation of Cu(II) into the [mimSBu][NTf2] ionic liquid phase. The labile copper(II) system formed by interacting with both the water and the IL cation component has been characterized by cyclic voltammetry as well as UV−vis, Raman, and 1H, 13C, and 15N NMR spectroscopies. The extraction process does not require the addition of a complexing agent or pH control of the aqueous phase. [mimSBu][NTf2] can be recovered from the labile copper−water−IL interacting system by washing with a strong acid. High selectivity of copper(II) extraction is achieved relative to that of other divalent cobalt(II), iron(II), and nickel(II) transition-metal cations. The course of microextraction of Cu2+ from aqueous media into the [mimSBu][NTf2] IL phase was monitored in situ by cyclic voltammetry using a well-defined process in which specific interaction with copper is believed to switch from the ionic liquid cation component, [mimSBu], to the [NTf2] anion during the course of electrochemical reduction from Cu(II) to Cu(I). The microextraction−voltammetry technique provides a fast and convenient method to determine whether an IL is able to extract electroactive metal ions from an aqueous solution.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The momentum distribution is a powerful probe of strongly interacting systems that are expected to display universal behavior. This is contained in the contact parameters which relate few- and many-body properties. Here we consider a Bose gas in two dimensions and explicitly show that the two-body contact parameter is universal and then demonstrate that the momentum distribution at next-to-leading order has a logarithmic dependence on momentum which is vastly different from the three-dimensional case. Based on this, we propose a scheme for measuring the effective dimensionality of a quantum many-body system by exploiting the functional form of the momentum distribution. © 2013 American Physical Society.