939 resultados para Interações agonísticas
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O comportamento territorial é exibido por animais que competem por recursos dentro de uma área específica defendida. Ao excluir competidores potenciais desta área através de comportamentos agressivos, os indivíduos territoriais garantem acesso prioritário aos recursos essenciais para sua sobrevivência e reprodução. Em anfíbios anuros, a territorialidade tem sido relacionada principalmente com espécies de reprodução prolongada, cujos sítios reprodutivos estão disponíveis durante todo o ano. O presente trabalho foi realizado em um trecho de riacho na Floresta da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Foram realizadas quatro visitas consecutivas a área de amostragem em cada mês (abril/2009 à agosto/2010). O objetivo foi responder questões sobre a territorialidade dos indivíduos da espécie Hylodes nasus: (área de vida, fidelidade ao sítio, comportamentos agonísticos e combates físicos). As áreas de vida dos machos apresentaram relação significativa com o número de recapturas. O tamanho da área de vida das fêmeas foi ligeiramente maior do que dos machos. Os machos apresentaram maior fidelidade do que as fêmeas. A fidelidade apresentou resultado significativo com o CRC e a massa corporal dos indivíduos. Foram observadas 50 interações agonísticas entre machos, sendo exibidos 11 comportamentos agressivos. Foram observados 19 combates físicos, sendo os machos envolvidos classificados como residente, intruso, vencedor ou perdedor. Todas as disputas foram vencidas por indivíduos residentes. Informações a respeito da influência de fatores ambientais sobre a população de H. nasus, aspectos da estrutura populacional e descrição do microhábitat também são fornecidos.
Goats are social animals which groups are organized from dominance hierarchies, established by agonistic behaviors. The quality and productivity of the goat s milk can be influenced by the dominance hierarchy. In this context, the objectives of our work were describe the social and food behavior of Saanen goats in a semi-extensive production system; characterize the social organization from the assessment of dominance hierarchies in two seasonal periods and correlate the physicochemical quality of the goats milk according hierarchical position. The experiment was conducted in the EMPARN s experimental station, located in the district of Cruzeta/RN. We utilized 17 multiparous goats of the Saanen race, with different age and weight. The observations were performed in precipitation and drought phases. The scan method recorded the trough permanence and agonistic interactions by method "all occurrences" in the pasture the alimentary behaviors of eat, ruminate on foot, ruminate lying, leisure on foot, leisure lying and walk, by the focal animal sampling method. The goats milk was submitted to analyzes of: density, protein, fat, lactose, CSS and total solids. The animals spend most of the time feeding themselves, and the activities that demand greater energy expenditure are done in the morning. The animals changed the hierarchical structure during the seasonal periods because of the withdrawal of some individuals of the group, having more aggressive behavior in the rainy season. The dominant animal the lowet production, the more CSS and the lesser fat, the goat in the middle of the hierarchy was the one that obtained the best production and quality. We conclude that the Saanen goats adapt to the environment and the conditions of the group to ensure better survival and its production is influenced by the internal dynamics of the group
The Callitrichidae family is characterized by flexibility in its mating system, being possible to find monogamous, polyandrid and polygynic groups. Its social organization and mating system can be defined by the interaction between ecological and demographic factors plus the degree of relatedness among the individuals in the population. The objective of this work was to demonstrate the influence of relatedness and coexistence on the establishment and maintenance of social relations between Callithrix jacchus adult males. Four pairs of related adult males (CP), 4 pairs with coexistence between the animals in the pair (CC) and 4 pairs with no relatedness (SP) were studied. The pairs in the group CC had been kept in the same cage for at least 8 months before the experiment and the pairs in the group SP were put together at the beginning of the study. Each animal was observed 3 times/week for 2 months, in 15 min. sessions, through focal time sampling with instantaneous record each minute. In the first month, only the pair of males was kept in the cage (Phase I) and in the second month, a female was introduced into the cage (Phase II). The affiliative, agonistic and sexual interactions were registered. Affiliative interactions showed similar frequencies for all groups in phases. There was also no significant difference in the agonistic interactions of the CP, CC and SP males in Pase I, even considering that group SP exhibited higher levels of agonism. In Phase II, there was a statistically significant increase comparing to the others. The results demonstrate that relatedness and coexistence are of great importance for maintaining reprodutive and social stability inside the group. Nonetheless, in this study, only one of the males in the pair had sexual interations with the females, except for 2 pairs. This was assured through mate guarding and agonism directed to the potencial competitor. The most probable mating system would be functional monogamy, where the males would present low levels of competition, if there is relatedness and coexistence among them; on the other hand, a strong competition if there is no relatedness between the individuals. Even so, a polyandric system would also have to be considered
The competition for resources is one of the costs of group living. The scramble competition is considered an indirect type of competition, mainly associated with factors like group size and distribution of resources. Contest competition occurs when individuals compete directly for resources. In species that exibit this type of competition the establishment of dominance hierarchy can occur, resulting in differences on feeding and reproductive benefits for each member of the group. In these cases, aggressive and submissive behaviors are expected as a way to signal social status. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of social hierarchy over food ingestion in Callithrix jacchus. Data recording was from September/2006 to March/2007, eight days by month, at Floresta Nacional de Açu do Instituto Chico Mendes de Biodiversidade. The observation time started at 05:00 AM and finished after the last animal was on the sleeptree. Analyses of aggressive interactions, behavioral profile and diet, reveals a lot of advantages for dominat animals in the study group. Dominant individuals had higher intake of animal matter that subordinates. The last ones, consumed fruits, exsudate and, eventually, explored itens that were not common to the diet. We suggest that dominance hiearchy enable the reproductive female to assure priority on access to food resources, a important caracteristc to supply tha costs to maintain tha high reproductive taxa of the specie. We also suggest that reproductive male, due to the participation on food transfer, had the forage efficience reduced
The Callitrichidae family presents cooperative breeding, where breeders and non breeders take care of the offspring. The aspects of care analyzed in this study were infant carrying, supervision, proximity and food transfer. Three sets of infants from two wild groups of Callithrix jacchus were studied in the environments of Caatinga (Assu group) and Atlantic Forest (Jundiaí group). The methods used in the study were instantaneous focal sampling (infant carrying, supervision and proximity) and continuous focal sampling (food transfer). In the two sets observed in Assu group, the father carried and transferred food to infants more than the rest of the group. The biggest contribution in supervision was from the father and from another adult male. The members that remained in proximity to the infants in both groups were the younger in the groups (juveniles and sub-adults). In the Jundiaí group, the father and the adult male helper of the group were the main caregivers; one of the sub-adult females was responsible for supervision of the infants. With the disappearance of the reproductive male and one of the sub-adults females in 3º month of infants life, the care was redistributed and the only adult male left in the group was the animal that contributed more in provisioning of the infant. In the Assu group, there were adult females in its composition which were involved in agonistic interactions with breeders and adult males, and seemed to influence their low participation in care. Food transfer initiates early in the development of the infants, as a way to encourage nutritional independence. Different types of food transfer (active food transfer, food steal, food steal attempt, passive food transfer and food handling) were observed in the study and frequency of each one varied with developmental phase and tolerance by the members. One relevant data of the study was the presence of active food transfer in Assu group, since in literature there are very few registers of this type of transfer for this species. It is important that groups from distinct environments and composition be studied for a better understanding of the dynamics of infants development
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC
Os cuxiús-de-nariz-vermelho são primatas neotropicais pouco conhecidos e encontramse na Lista de Espécies Ameaçadas da IUCN na categoria “Ameaçada de Extinção”. Este estudo foi desenvolvido com um grupo desta espécie de primatas na RPPN Cristalino, MT. Foi estudado o orçamento de atividades, uso de espaço e a ecologia alimentar do grupo, através do método de “Varredura Instantânea”. O grupo foi acompanhado durante 6 meses, incluindo 2 meses na estação chuvosa e 4 meses na estação seca. As categorias comportamentais Deslocamento, Alimentação e Parado foram responsáveis por 81,17% dos registros gerais de atividades. Os animais utilizaram com maior intensidade o estrato intermediário da floresta (entre 16 e 20 metros). A dieta do grupo foi preferencialmente frugívora (82,52%), mas também se alimentaram de invertebrados. Cerca de 18 famílias botânicas foram consumidas. Sendo os taxons Arrabidaea sp. e Brosimum latescens os mais comuns. Nos meses de seca houve um maior acréscimo de outros itens alimentares, como flores e invertebrados na dieta dos cuxiús. O tamanho do grupo variou entre 1 e 19 indivíduos ao longo do estudo, assim como a estrutura sexual que também variou bastante. Foi observado o cuidado parental por parte dos machos, além de interações agonísticas interespecíficas entre Ateles marginatus e Sapajus apella.
Os herbicidas a base de glifosato, como a formulação comercial Roundup®, tem sido amplamente utilizado para o controle de ervas daninhas na agricultura brasileira. O uso desses herbicidas podem resultar no rompimento do equilíbrio ecológico, podendo causar danos a organismos não- alvo, como os peixes. Para testar se o glifosato altera comportamento de peixes, utilizamos o Geophagus brasiliensis, nativo de várias regiões do Brasil, espécie territorialista e que se utiliza de confrontos agonísticos para estabelecer hierarquia de dominância. Neste estudo, encontramos o valor da concentração letal capaz de promover a morte de 50% da população em 96 horas (CL₅₀,₉₆h= 1,8 mgL⁻1). No entanto, nos testes de interações agonísticas foi utilizado uma dosagem subletal de 0,72 mgL⁻1, afim de avaliar possíveis alterações na agressividade de Geophagus brasiliensis. Testamos o efeito de glifosato em um grupo experimental, e um grupo controle com peixes que não foram expostos ao herbicida glifosato. Um etograma foi elaborado para quantificar as interações agonísticas. Ao comparar os dois tratamentos, foi possível observar um aumento no número de interações agonísticas no grupo exposto ao glifosato em relação ao grupo controle. No pareamento entre peixes tratados versus peixes não tratados, a média de interações foi maior para o peixe não tratado (controle) e a latência para os confrontos desse grupo foi menor, indicando que a exposição ao herbicida Roundup®promove, possivelmente, alterações físicas e/ou químicas nos animais e esses sinalizam de alguma forma para o seu oponente
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)