986 resultados para Inter-digital mesenchyme


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Ultrasonic strain sensing performance of the large area PVDF with Inter Digital Electrodes (IDE) is studied in this work. Procedure to obtain IDE on a beta-phase PVDF is explained. PVDF film with IDE is bonded on a plate structure and is characterized for its directional sensitivity at different frequencies. Guided waves are induced on the IDE-PVDF sensor from different directions by placing a piezoelectric wafer actuator at different angles. Strain induced on the IDE-PVDF sensor by the guided waves in estimated by using a Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) and a wave propagation model. Using measured voltage response from IDE-PVDF sensor and the strain measurements from LDV the piezoelectric coefficient is estimated in various directions. The variation of 11 e at different angles shows directional sensitivity of the IDE-PVDF sensor to the incident guided waves. The present study provides an effective technique to characterize thin film piezoelectric sensors for ultrasonic strain sensing at very high frequencies of 200 kHz. Often frequency of the guided wave is changed to alter the wavelength to interrogate damages of different sizes in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) applications. The unique property of directional sensitivity combined with frequency tunability makes the IDE-PVDF sensor most suitable for SHM of structures.


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Inter-digital capacitive electrodes working as electric field sensors have been developed for touch panel applications. Evaluation circuits to convert variations in electric fields in such sensors into computer compatible data are commercially available. We report development of an Interdigital capacitive electrode working as a sensitive pressure sensor in the range 0-120 kPa. Essentially it is a touch/proximity sensor converted into a pressure sensor with a suitable elastomer buffer medium acting as the pressure transmitter. The performance of the sensor has been evaluated and reported. Such sensors can be made very economical in comparison to existing pressure sensors. Moreover, they are very convenient to be fabricated into sensor arrays involving a number of sensors for distributed pressure sensing applications such as in biomedical systems.


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The secreted metalloprotease ADAMTS5 is implicated in destruction of the cartilage proteoglycan aggrecan in arthritis, but its physiological functions are unknown. Its expression profile during embryogenesis and in adult tissues is therefore of considerable interest. β-Galactosidase (β-gal) histochemistry, enabled by a LacZ cassette inserted in the Adamts5 locus, and validated by in situ hybridization with an Adamts5 cRNA probe and ADAMTS5 immunohistochemistry, was used to profile Adamts5 expression during mouse embryogenesis and in adult mouse tissues. Embryonic expression was scarce prior to 11.5 days of gestation (E11.5) and noted only in the floor plate of the developing brain at E9.5. After E11.5 there was continued expression in brain, especially in the choroid plexus, peripheral nerves, dorsal root ganglia, cranial nerve ganglia, spinal and cranial nerves, and neural plexuses of the gut. In addition to nerves, developing limbs have Adamts5 expression in skeletal muscle (from E13.5), tendons (from E16.5), and inter-digital mesenchyme of the developing autopod (E13.5–15.5). In adult tissues, there is constitutive Adamts5 expression in arterial smooth muscle cells, mesothelium lining the peritoneal, pericardial and pleural cavities, smooth muscle cells in bronchi and pancreatic ducts, glomerular mesangial cells in the kidney, dorsal root ganglia, and in Schwann cells of the peripheral and autonomic nervous system. Expression of Adamts5 during neuromuscular development and in smooth muscle cells coincides with the broadly distributed proteoglycan versican, an ADAMTS5 substrate. These observations suggest the major contexts in which developmental and physiological roles could be sought for this protease.


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In the present paper, the ultrasonic strain sensing performance of large-area piezoceramic coating with Inter Digital Transducer (IDT) electrodes is studied. The piezoceramic coating is prepared using slurry coating technique and the piezoelectric phase is achieved by poling under DC field. To study the sensing performance of the piezoceramic coating with IDT electrodes for strain induced by the guided waves, the piezoceramic coating is fabricated on the surface of a beam specimen at one end and the ultrasonic guided waves are launched with a piezoelectric wafer bonded on another end. Often a wider frequency band of operation is needed for the effective implementation of the sensors in the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of various structures, for different types of damages. A wider frequency band of operation is achieved in the present study by considering the variation in the number of IDT electrodes in the contribution of voltage for the induced dynamic strain. In the present work, the fabricated piezoceramic coatings with IDT electrodes have been characterized for dynamic strain sensing applications using guided wave technique at various different frequencies. Strain levels of the launched guided wave are varied by varying the magnitude of the input voltage sent to the actuator. Sensitivity variation with the variation in the strain levels of guided wave is studied for the combination of different number of IDT electrodes. Piezoelectric coefficient e(11) is determined at different frequencies and at different strain levels using the guided wave technique.


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Language-use has proven to be the most complex and complicating of all Internet features, yet people and institutions invest enormously in language and crosslanguage features because they are fundamental to the success of the Internet’s past, present and future. The thesis takes into focus the developments of the latter – features that facilitate and signify linking between or across languages – both in their historical and current contexts. In the theoretical analysis, the conceptual platform of inter-language linking is developed to both accommodate efforts towards a new social complexity model for the co-evolution of languages and language content, as well as to create an open analytical space for language and cross-language related features of the Internet and beyond. The practiced uses of inter-language linking have changed over the last decades. Before and during the first years of the WWW, mechanisms of inter-language linking were at best important elements used to create new institutional or content arrangements, but on a large scale they were just insignificant. This has changed with the emergence of the WWW and its development into a web in which content in different languages co-evolve. The thesis traces the inter-language linking mechanisms that facilitated these dynamic changes by analysing what these linking mechanisms are, how their historical as well as current contexts can be understood and what kinds of cultural-economic innovation they enable and impede. The study discusses this alongside four empirical cases of bilingual or multilingual media use, ranging from television and web services for languages of smaller populations, to large-scale, multiple languages involving web ventures by the British Broadcasting Corporation, the Special Broadcasting Service Australia, Wikipedia and Google. To sum up, the thesis introduces the concepts of ‘inter-language linking’ and the ‘lateral web’ to model the social complexity and co-evolution of languages online. The resulting model reconsiders existing social complexity models in that it is the first that can explain the emergence of large-scale, networked co-evolution of languages and language content facilitated by the Internet and the WWW. Finally, the thesis argues that the Internet enables an open space for language and crosslanguage related features and investigates how far this process is facilitated by (1) amateurs and (2) human-algorithmic interaction cultures.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A utilização da fotogrametria computadorizada em prol da goniometria, ou vice-versa, na prática clínica ainda necessita de fundamentações consistentes. OBJETIVOS: Os objetivos deste estudo foram: verificar a confiabilidade inter e intraexaminadores avaliadores na quantificação das medidas angulares obtidas a partir da fotogrametria computadorizada e a goniometria e determinar a confiabilidade paralela entre esses dois diferentes instrumentos de avaliação. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: 26 voluntários e 4 examinadores foram utilizados no estudo. A coleta foi realizada em 4 etapas sequenciais: demarcação dos pontos anatômicos de referência, mensuração e registro dos valores goniométricos, captação da imagem do voluntário com os marcadores fixados no corpo e avaliação do registro fotográfico no programa ImageJ. RESULTADOS: O goniômetro é um instrumento confiável na maioria das evidências, porém, a confiabilidade das medições depende principalmente da uniformização dos procedimentos. Considerações metodológicas relativas ao estabelecimento de confiabilidade e padronização da colocação dos marcadores se fazem necessárias, de modo a oferecer opções de avaliação ainda mais confiáveis para a prática clínica. CONCLUSÃO: Ambos os instrumentos são confiáveis e aceitáveis, porém, mais evidências ainda são necessárias para suportar a utilização desses instrumentos, pois poucos pesquisadores têm utilizado o mesmo desenho de estudo, e a comparação dos resultados entre eles muitas vezes são difíceis.


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We describe a scaling method for templating digital radiographs using conventional acetate templates independent of template magnification without the need for a calibration marker. The mean magnification factor for the radiology department was determined (119.8%, range117%-123.4%). This fixed magnification factor was used to scale the radiographs by the method described. 32 femoral heads on postoperative THR radiographs were then measured and compared to the actual size. The mean absolute accuracy was within 0.5% of actual head size (range 0 to 3%) with a mean absolute difference of 0.16mm (range 0-1mm, SD 0.26mm). Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) showed excellent reliability for both inter and intraobserver measurements with ICC scores of 0.993 (95% CI 0.988-0.996) for interobserver measurements and intraobserver measurements ranging between 0.990-0.993 (95% CI 0.980-0.997).


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headspace Digital Art Exhibition is a curated collection of artwork created during a youth arts project and research in which young people’s improved mental health wellbeing and mental health literacy were the focused outcomes for the project. The project aimed to improve mental health literacy, and offer greater opportunities for creative expression supporting young people facing mental health challenges. The Inside project aimed to build dialogue related to youth, arts, mental illness and recovery, through a partnership approach. The partnership approach involved artists and health workers in two separate headspace youth mental health services and aimed to provide opportunities to explore the potential of an arts and health framework. The project ran over ten weeks at both centres, incorporating themed activities such as unleashing inner selfie (sketching, photography and digital manipulation); creating dioramas (found object, three dimensional modelling); creating avatars (sculptural and digital animation); and digital narrating and poster creation (visual, written and spoken texts). Two professional artists facilitated the project, one in each location alongside headspace health workers at weekly workshops. A research component explored the appreciation of how artsbased workshops can be used alongside more traditional responses in youth specific mental health services. Both headspace centres had previously provided unstructured art activities as a way to showcase their services to young people, increase access, and to create a welcoming ‘safe’ youth friendly environment. However, these activities were generally extemporaneous and not specifically evaluated. The digital art exhibition collectively shares the artwork created by the young people and reveals the inter-relationships between risk and resilience and overcoming the odds. Inside unleashed possibilities for a sense of well-being and even happiness into the future.


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A padronização para a fabricação de instrumentos endodônticos em aço inoxidável contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de novos aspectos geométricos. Surgiram propostas de alterações no desenho da haste helicoidal, da seção reta transversal, da ponta, da conicidade e do diâmetro na extremidade (D0). Concomitantemente, o emprego de ligas em Níquel-Titânio possibilitou a produção de instrumentos acionados a motor, largamente empregados hoje. A cada ano a indústria lança instrumentos com diversas modificações, sem, contudo, disponibilizar informações suficientes quanto às implicações clínicas destas modificações. Existe um crescente interesse no estudo dos diferentes aspectos geométricos e sua precisa metrologia. Tradicionalmente, a aferição de aspectos geométricos de instrumentos endodônticos é realizada visualmente através de microscopia ótica. Entretanto, esse procedimento visual é lento e subjetivo. Este trabalho propõe um novo método para a metrologia de instrumentos endodônticos baseado no microscópio eletrônico de varredura e na análise digital das imagens. A profundidade de campo do MEV permite obter a imagem de todo o relevo do instrumento endodôntico a uma distância de trabalho constante. Além disso, as imagens obtidas pelo detector de elétrons retro-espalhados possuem menos artefatos e sombras, tornando a obtenção e análise das imagens mais fáceis. Adicionalmente a análise das imagens permite formas de mensuração mais eficientes, com maior velocidade e qualidade. Um porta-amostras específico foi adaptado para obtenção das imagens dos instrumentos endodônticos. Ele é composto de um conector elétrico múltiplo com terminais parafusados de 12 pólos com 4 mm de diâmetro, numa base de alumínio coberta por discos de ouro. Os nichos do conector (terminais fêmeas) têm diâmetro apropriado (2,5 mm) para o encaixe dos instrumentos endodônticos. Outrossim, o posicionamento ordenado dos referidos instrumentos no conector elétrico permite a aquisição automatizada das imagens no MEV. Os alvos de ouro produzem, nas imagens de elétrons retro-espalhados, melhor contraste de número atômico entre o fundo em ouro e os instrumentos. No porta-amostras desenvolvido, os discos que compõem o fundo em ouro são na verdade, alvos do aparelho metalizador, comumente encontrados em laboratórios de MEV. Para cada instrumento, imagens de quatro a seis campos adjacentes de 100X de aumento são automaticamente obtidas para cobrir todo o comprimento do instrumento com a magnificação e resolução requeridas (3,12 m/pixel). As imagens obtidas são processadas e analisadas pelos programas Axiovision e KS400. Primeiro elas são dispostas num campo único estendido de cada instrumento por um procedimento de alinhamento semi-automático baseado na inter-relação com o Axiovision. Então a imagem de cada instrumento passa por uma rotina automatizada de análise de imagens no KS400. A rotina segue uma sequência padrão: pré-processamento, segmentação, pós-processamento e mensuração dos aspectos geométricos.


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Esta pesquisa, contribuindo para os estudos em Literatura Comparada, evidencia a correlação entre Literatura e Artes Plásticas, que tem sido vista desde a Antigüidade quando ícones da analogia entre o verbal e o pictórico deixaram suas marcas na correspondência entre as artes. Tal correlação atravessou vários períodos da História e continua presente em inúmeras pesquisas, na época contemporânea. Este trabalho examina a especificação teórica de vários escritores relacionados ao tema e enfoca principalmente as formas como Pedro Nava (1903-1984) utilizou os artifícios verbal e pictórico ao lidar com duas artes distintas


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Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar práticas relacionais visando à verificação de lugares que são/foram capazes de gerar e/ou garantir interações sociais a partir de narrativas mnemônicas, propondo novos enlaces. Utilizamos o método da pesquisa ação no qual a captação da informação se dá de forma coletiva, participativa e ativa. Destacamos o processo de aproximação à comunidade da Mangueira, a constituição de um mapeamento sobre os pontos de encontro entre moradores e destes com pessoas de fora do morro, e a reativação do jornal comunitário Bate Boca experiência que se efetivou através de diferentes ações colaborativas. Verificamos a relevância dos espaços de convivência para os mangueirenses: a conformação e a sedimentação de laços relacionais entre os moradores são experiência compartilhada nos lugares. Estes são a base onde às inter-relações podem se efetivar e onde são gerados os sentimentos de pertença e reconhecimento. As intervenções de urbanização, de segurança e de ordem pública alteram ou eliminam de forma drástica esses lugares e, portanto, das relações que estão ali consolidadas. Essas mudanças trouxeram à tona lembranças de outros espaços significativos que sucumbiram na comunidade


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Objectif: L'objectif primaire de cette étude était d'évaluer la validité, la fiabilité et la reproductibilité des mesures dentaires obtenues sur les modèles digitaux iTero (Align Technology, San Jose, Californie) et Unitek TMP Digital (3M, Monrovia, Californie) en comparaison avec celles obtenues sur les modèles de plâtre (gold standard). L'objectif secondaire était de comparer les deux différents matériaux à empreinte (l'alginate et le polyvinylsiloxane-PVS) afin de déterminer si le choix du matériau affectait la précision des mesures. Méthodes: Le premier volet de l'étude impliquait les modèles digitaux Unitek et iTero, obtenus à partir de 25 paires de modèles de plâtre choisis de façon randomisée et provenant de la pratique privée d'un des co-auteurs. Des empreintes d'alginate et de PVS ont été prises sur les modèles de plâtre et numérisées par le scanner Unitek. Les modèles ont ensuite été numérisés avec le scanner iTero. Le deuxième volet de l'étude cherchait à comparer les modèles digitaux iTero (numérisation intra-orale) avec les modèles de plâtre (empreintes d'alginate et de PVS) obtenus à partir de 25 patients de la clinique d'orthodontie de l'Université de Montréal ayant besoin d'un traitement orthodontique. Dans les deux volets de l'étude, deux auteurs ont pris les mesures suivantes sur les différents modèles: largeur mésio-distale de chaque dent de la première molaire à l'autre première molaire, le périmètre d'arcade, les distances intermolaire et intercanine, le surplomb vertical et le surplomb horizontal. Les ratios et excès Bolton 6 et 12, l'espace requis et les différentiels d'espace au maxillaire et à la mandibule, ont été calculés. Résultats: La fiabilité (ICC) entre les modèles digitaux (Unitek et iTero) et les modèles de plâtre était bonne à excellente pour toutes les mesures [ICC=0,762–0,998], et la fiabilité entre les deux matériaux à empreinte était excellente [ICC=0,947–0,996]. Dans les deux volets de l'étude, les mesures faites sur les modèles iTero étaient généralement plus grandes que celles faites sur les modèles de plâtre. Les plus grandes différences moyennes pour la comparaison iTero-plâtre étaient trouvées au niveau de l'espace disponible au maxillaire et à la mandibule (systématiquement plus grande pour cette variable), soit 2,24 mm et 2,02 mm respectivement dans le premier volet, et 1,17 mm et 1,39 mm respectivement dans le deuxième volet. Les différences étaient considérées cliniquement non significatives pour toutes les variables. La reproductibilité intra-examinateur était bonne à excellente pour les modèles de plâtre et les modèles digitaux, à l'exception du différentiel d'espace à la mandibule pour les modèles Unitek [ICC=0,690-0,692]. La reproductibilité inter-examinateur était bonne à excellente pour les modèles de plâtre et les modèles digitaux dans les deux volets de l'étude, mais acceptable à modérée pour les modèles Unitek au niveau des analyses Bolton 6 et 12, et des différentiels d'espace au maxillaire et à la mandibule [ICC=0,362-0,548]. Conclusions: La précision et la fiabilité des mesures dentaires faites sur les modèles digitaux Unitek et iTero étaient cliniquement acceptables et reproductibles en comparaison avec les celles faites sur les modèles de plâtre. Le choix de matériel à empreinte entre l'alginate et le PVS n'affectait pas la précision des mesures. Cette étude semble démontrer que les modèles digitaux Unitek et iTero, utilisés avec leur logiciel respectif, sont une alternative fiable et reproductible aux modèles de plâtre pour le diagnostic et l’analyse des modèles orthodontiques.


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