228 resultados para Intelligenz <Psy>
Sind Menschen das Produkt ihrer Gene oder ihres Umfeldes? Ist Intelligenz erblich? Kommen Mädchen und Jungen bereits mit vorgeprägten Gehirnstrukturen zur Welt? Kaum eine wissenschaftlich geführte Debatte ist so oft aufgegriffen, heftig diskutiert und als gelöst oder auch prinzipiell unlösbar deklariert worden wie die Frage, ob die Fähigkeiten eines Menschen stärker (oder gar ausschließlich) durch die Anlagen (Gene) oder durch Umwelteinflüsse (Milieu, Erziehung) bestimmt werden. Ziel der Untersuchung ist [...] eine Rekonstruktion des internationalen und interdisziplinären Diskurses über Anlage und Umwelt von seinen Anfängen in der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Als aktuelle Positionen werden die Verhaltensgenetik (Zwillingsforschung), Soziobiologie/Evolutionspsychologie sowie kritische Ansätze eines konstruktivistischen Interaktionismus vorgestellt. Zudem werden anhand von Beispielen aus den Bereichen "Intelligenz" (Jensen-Debatte und Burt-Skandal der 1970er Jahre) und "Geschlecht" (Mead-Freeman-Kontroverse in den 80er Jahren und der Fall David Reimer zur Jahrtausendwende) vier heiße Phasen des Diskurses nachgezeichnet und hinsichtlich der Intentionen und Strategien der beteiligten Akteure hinterfragt. Abschließend wird die Bedeutung aktueller Positionen für die Erziehungswissenschaft diskutiert und nach Konsequenzen für die pädagogische Forschung, Theoriebildung und künftige Rezeptionsperspektiven biologischen Wissens gefragt. (DIPF/Orig.)
根癌农杆菌通过将一段含有“癌”基因的T-DNA导入植物基因组中,引起植物的肿瘤:冠瘿。根癌农杆菌的这种能力来源于Ti质粒(Tumor inducing plasmid)。遗传工程中,根癌农杆菌的这一特性被用来将连接入Ti质粒T-DNA区两个边界之间的外源基因转入植物基因组。随着植物分子生物学的发展,T-DNA转化的原理被进一步阐明,农杆菌介导的转基因技术也得到进一步优化,更适合遗传工程操作。特别是Ti质粒毒性区和T-DNA区的反式作用(即位于不同质粒的T-DNA和毒性区也能侵染植物)被发现以来,双元表达载体的构建使遗传工程操作大为简便。 常用的双元表达载体大小都在11kb以上,尽管远远小于几百kb的野生型Ti质粒,但在实际的体外操作中还是不够简便。常用的植物双元表达载体pBI121的基因序列被测定(Frisch et al.,1995),数据显示非T-DNA区一半以上的序列被发现和功能无关,这使双元载体的进一步缩小成为可能。本文即通过PCR方法克隆到pBI121非T-DNA区中载体复制、三亲杂交必需的片段,结合载体pART27中的T-DNA区(含有真核、原核表达活性的嵌合npt II基因)创造了小的合成型植物表达双元载体pSY1(小于7kb)。然后将pBI121上带有35S启动子和nos终止子的GUS基因克隆到pSY1的T-DNA区中,得到pSY2(约10kb)。进一步用pROK2上的35S启动子和nos终止子区替换pSY2上的GUS表达区,得到pSY3(约8kb)。通过三亲法将pSY2转入根癌农杆菌中,根癌农杆菌再通过叶盘法侵染烟草叶片,获得愈伤组织,愈伤组织进一步分化出小苗。GUS组织化学染色表明GUS基因在转基因的愈伤组织和小苗中均有表达,PCR检测也证明GUS基因被导入了植物基因组。pSY系列载体能成功的用于植物遗传转化。
Park Jae-Sang’s (otherwise known as PSY) bewilderingly successful pop contagion ‘Gangnam Style’ needs no introduction. As of January 2013, it has become the most watched video in YouTube’s history and has garnered over 1.23 billion hits since. ‘Gangnam Style’ has also become a rapid global pop phenomenon with multiple parodic reproductions, imitations and adaptations; Rapper PSY himself has become an international name and styled as the ‘anti-hero’ of the glamour-driven K-pop scene. His fame has transcended the social sphere and permeated the political stratosphere with politicians such as Barrack Obama and David Cameron being among the many whom PSY has exchanged pleasantries with. Apart from breaking ground and creating social and media history in many ways, ‘Gangnam Style’ has even been purported by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon to be a “force for world peace” – cultural barriers are demolished as the world dances. Underlying this sentiment is the video’s almost universal appeal that assumes a supracultural yet equally paradoxical translatability: Korea’s neoteric ‘K-Wave’ phenomenon is at once local yet global, and where the latter is predicated on the former quality. The paper’s concern is thus two-fold. It will consider the dromological aspects of this musical contagion as it exemplifies and performs quite literally Paul Virilio’s thesis that the modern condition is driven by speed yet arrested to a dictatorship of movement. While many theories have been put forward for this astounding pop peculiarity, this paper would also examine the intercultural currents that advocate such a global (pop) cultural response. Through an analysis of sonic qualities – digital techno-beat rhythms, synth-based musicality, cyclical lyrics, horse-galloping movements – and acoustic receptions, it will consider the simultaneous and dichotomous currents of glocalisation and globalisation as it relates to the ways in which sonic ‘hyper-links’ establish new concepts of global-cultural identities even as these seem to be interrogated in the borderless worlds of hyper-mediatised realities and cultural technologies.
Objective: Two patient-focused long-term research projects performed in the German outpatient psychotherapy system are focused on in this article. The TK (Techniker Krankenkasse) project is the first study to evaluate a quality assurance and feedback system with regard to its practical feasibility in German routine care. The other study (“Quality Assurance in Outpatient Psychotherapy in Bavaria”; QS-PSY-BAY) was designed to test a new approach for quality assurance in outpatient psychotherapy using electronic documentation of patient characteristics and outcome parameters. In addition this project provides the opportunity to analyze data on health-related costs for the patients undergoing outpatient psychotherapy. Method: Both projects and their results indicating high effect sizes are briefly described. Results: From the perspectives of the research teams, advisory boards and other stakeholders, the experiences with these projects are discussed focusing on obstacles, challenges, difficulties, and benefits in developing and implementing the studies. The triangle collaboration of therapists, researchers, and health insurance companies/health service institutions turned out to be fruitful in both studies. Conclusions: Despite some controversies between the partners the experiences indicate the importance of practiced-research collaborations to provide relevant information about the delivery of outpatient psychotherapy in the health system