960 resultados para Integer Cholesky Decorrelation


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One of the research focuses in the integer least squares problem is the decorrelation technique to reduce the number of integer parameter search candidates and improve the efficiency of the integer parameter search method. It remains as a challenging issue for determining carrier phase ambiguities and plays a critical role in the future of GNSS high precise positioning area. Currently, there are three main decorrelation techniques being employed: the integer Gaussian decorrelation, the Lenstra–Lenstra–Lovász (LLL) algorithm and the inverse integer Cholesky decorrelation (IICD) method. Although the performance of these three state-of-the-art methods have been proved and demonstrated, there is still a potential for further improvements. To measure the performance of decorrelation techniques, the condition number is usually used as the criterion. Additionally, the number of grid points in the search space can be directly utilized as a performance measure as it denotes the size of search space. However, a smaller initial volume of the search ellipsoid does not always represent a smaller number of candidates. This research has proposed a modified inverse integer Cholesky decorrelation (MIICD) method which improves the decorrelation performance over the other three techniques. The decorrelation performance of these methods was evaluated based on the condition number of the decorrelation matrix, the number of search candidates and the initial volume of search space. Additionally, the success rate of decorrelated ambiguities was calculated for all different methods to investigate the performance of ambiguity validation. The performance of different decorrelation methods was tested and compared using both simulation and real data. The simulation experiment scenarios employ the isotropic probabilistic model using a predetermined eigenvalue and without any geometry or weighting system constraints. MIICD method outperformed other three methods with conditioning improvements over LAMBDA method by 78.33% and 81.67% without and with eigenvalue constraint respectively. The real data experiment scenarios involve both the single constellation system case and dual constellations system case. Experimental results demonstrate that by comparing with LAMBDA, MIICD method can significantly improve the efficiency of reducing the condition number by 78.65% and 97.78% in the case of single constellation and dual constellations respectively. It also shows improvements in the number of search candidate points by 98.92% and 100% in single constellation case and dual constellations case.


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Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)-based observation systems can provide high precision positioning and navigation solutions in real time, in the order of subcentimetre if we make use of carrier phase measurements in the differential mode and deal with all the bias and noise terms well. However, these carrier phase measurements are ambiguous due to unknown, integer numbers of cycles. One key challenge in the differential carrier phase mode is to fix the integer ambiguities correctly. On the other hand, in the safety of life or liability-critical applications, such as for vehicle safety positioning and aviation, not only is high accuracy required, but also the reliability requirement is important. This PhD research studies to achieve high reliability for ambiguity resolution (AR) in a multi-GNSS environment. GNSS ambiguity estimation and validation problems are the focus of the research effort. Particularly, we study the case of multiple constellations that include initial to full operations of foreseeable Galileo, GLONASS and Compass and QZSS navigation systems from next few years to the end of the decade. Since real observation data is only available from GPS and GLONASS systems, the simulation method named Virtual Galileo Constellation (VGC) is applied to generate observational data from another constellation in the data analysis. In addition, both full ambiguity resolution (FAR) and partial ambiguity resolution (PAR) algorithms are used in processing single and dual constellation data. Firstly, a brief overview of related work on AR methods and reliability theory is given. Next, a modified inverse integer Cholesky decorrelation method and its performance on AR are presented. Subsequently, a new measure of decorrelation performance called orthogonality defect is introduced and compared with other measures. Furthermore, a new AR scheme considering the ambiguity validation requirement in the control of the search space size is proposed to improve the search efficiency. With respect to the reliability of AR, we also discuss the computation of the ambiguity success rate (ASR) and confirm that the success rate computed with the integer bootstrapping method is quite a sharp approximation to the actual integer least-squares (ILS) method success rate. The advantages of multi-GNSS constellations are examined in terms of the PAR technique involving the predefined ASR. Finally, a novel satellite selection algorithm for reliable ambiguity resolution called SARA is developed. In summary, the study demonstrats that when the ASR is close to one, the reliability of AR can be guaranteed and the ambiguity validation is effective. The work then focuses on new strategies to improve the ASR, including a partial ambiguity resolution procedure with a predefined success rate and a novel satellite selection strategy with a high success rate. The proposed strategies bring significant benefits of multi-GNSS signals to real-time high precision and high reliability positioning services.


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In the context of ambiguity resolution (AR) of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), decorrelation among entries of an ambiguity vector, integer ambiguity search and ambiguity validations are three standard procedures for solving integer least-squares problems. This paper contributes to AR issues from three aspects. Firstly, the orthogonality defect is introduced as a new measure of the performance of ambiguity decorrelation methods, and compared with the decorrelation number and with the condition number which are currently used as the judging criterion to measure the correlation of ambiguity variance-covariance matrix. Numerically, the orthogonality defect demonstrates slightly better performance as a measure of the correlation between decorrelation impact and computational efficiency than the condition number measure. Secondly, the paper examines the relationship of the decorrelation number, the condition number, the orthogonality defect and the size of the ambiguity search space with the ambiguity search candidates and search nodes. The size of the ambiguity search space can be properly estimated if the ambiguity matrix is decorrelated well, which is shown to be a significant parameter in the ambiguity search progress. Thirdly, a new ambiguity resolution scheme is proposed to improve ambiguity search efficiency through the control of the size of the ambiguity search space. The new AR scheme combines the LAMBDA search and validation procedures together, which results in a much smaller size of the search space and higher computational efficiency while retaining the same AR validation outcomes. In fact, the new scheme can deal with the case there are only one candidate, while the existing search methods require at least two candidates. If there are more than one candidate, the new scheme turns to the usual ratio-test procedure. Experimental results indicate that this combined method can indeed improve ambiguity search efficiency for both the single constellation and dual constellations respectively, showing the potential for processing high dimension integer parameters in multi-GNSS environment.


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This paper firstly presents an extended ambiguity resolution model that deals with an ill-posed problem and constraints among the estimated parameters. In the extended model, the regularization criterion is used instead of the traditional least squares in order to estimate the float ambiguities better. The existing models can be derived from the general model. Secondly, the paper examines the existing ambiguity searching methods from four aspects: exclusion of nuisance integer candidates based on the available integer constraints; integer rounding; integer bootstrapping and integer least squares estimations. Finally, this paper systematically addresses the similarities and differences between the generalized TCAR and decorrelation methods from both theoretical and practical aspects.


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Real‐time kinematic (RTK) GPS techniques have been extensively developed for applications including surveying, structural monitoring, and machine automation. Limitations of the existing RTK techniques that hinder their applications for geodynamics purposes are twofold: (1) the achievable RTK accuracy is on the level of a few centimeters and the uncertainty of vertical component is 1.5–2 times worse than those of horizontal components and (2) the RTK position uncertainty grows in proportional to the base‐torover distances. The key limiting factor behind the problems is the significant effect of residual tropospheric errors on the positioning solutions, especially on the highly correlated height component. This paper develops the geometry‐specified troposphere decorrelation strategy to achieve the subcentimeter kinematic positioning accuracy in all three components. The key is to set up a relative zenith tropospheric delay (RZTD) parameter to absorb the residual tropospheric effects and to solve the established model as an ill‐posed problem using the regularization method. In order to compute a reasonable regularization parameter to obtain an optimal regularized solution, the covariance matrix of positional parameters estimated without the RZTD parameter, which is characterized by observation geometry, is used to replace the quadratic matrix of their “true” values. As a result, the regularization parameter is adaptively computed with variation of observation geometry. The experiment results show that new method can efficiently alleviate the model’s ill condition and stabilize the solution from a single data epoch. Compared to the results from the conventional least squares method, the new method can improve the longrange RTK solution precision from several centimeters to the subcentimeter in all components. More significantly, the precision of the height component is even higher. Several geosciences applications that require subcentimeter real‐time solutions can largely benefit from the proposed approach, such as monitoring of earthquakes and large dams in real‐time, high‐precision GPS leveling and refinement of the vertical datum. In addition, the high‐resolution RZTD solutions can contribute to effective recovery of tropospheric slant path delays in order to establish a 4‐D troposphere tomography.


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The success rate of carrier phase ambiguity resolution (AR) is the probability that the ambiguities are successfully fixed to their correct integer values. In existing works, an exact success rate formula for integer bootstrapping estimator has been used as a sharp lower bound for the integer least squares (ILS) success rate. Rigorous computation of success rate for the more general ILS solutions has been considered difficult, because of complexity of the ILS ambiguity pull-in region and computational load of the integration of the multivariate probability density function. Contributions of this work are twofold. First, the pull-in region mathematically expressed as the vertices of a polyhedron is represented by a multi-dimensional grid, at which the cumulative probability can be integrated with the multivariate normal cumulative density function (mvncdf) available in Matlab. The bivariate case is studied where the pull-region is usually defined as a hexagon and the probability is easily obtained using mvncdf at all the grid points within the convex polygon. Second, the paper compares the computed integer rounding and integer bootstrapping success rates, lower and upper bounds of the ILS success rates to the actual ILS AR success rates obtained from a 24 h GPS data set for a 21 km baseline. The results demonstrate that the upper bound probability of the ILS AR probability given in the existing literatures agrees with the actual ILS success rate well, although the success rate computed with integer bootstrapping method is a quite sharp approximation to the actual ILS success rate. The results also show that variations or uncertainty of the unit–weight variance estimates from epoch to epoch will affect the computed success rates from different methods significantly, thus deserving more attentions in order to obtain useful success probability predictions.


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Reliable ambiguity resolution (AR) is essential to Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning and its applications, since incorrect ambiguity fixing can lead to largely biased positioning solutions. A partial ambiguity fixing technique is developed to improve the reliability of AR, involving partial ambiguity decorrelation (PAD) and partial ambiguity resolution (PAR). Decorrelation transformation could substantially amplify the biases in the phase measurements. The purpose of PAD is to find the optimum trade-off between decorrelation and worst-case bias amplification. The concept of PAR refers to the case where only a subset of the ambiguities can be fixed correctly to their integers in the integer least-squares (ILS) estimation system at high success rates. As a result, RTK solutions can be derived from these integer-fixed phase measurements. This is meaningful provided that the number of reliably resolved phase measurements is sufficiently large for least-square estimation of RTK solutions as well. Considering the GPS constellation alone, partially fixed measurements are often insufficient for positioning. The AR reliability is usually characterised by the AR success rate. In this contribution an AR validation decision matrix is firstly introduced to understand the impact of success rate. Moreover the AR risk probability is included into a more complete evaluation of the AR reliability. We use 16 ambiguity variance-covariance matrices with different levels of success rate to analyse the relation between success rate and AR risk probability. Next, the paper examines during the PAD process, how a bias in one measurement is propagated and amplified onto many others, leading to more than one wrong integer and to affect the success probability. Furthermore, the paper proposes a partial ambiguity fixing procedure with a predefined success rate criterion and ratio-test in the ambiguity validation process. In this paper, the Galileo constellation data is tested with simulated observations. Numerical results from our experiment clearly demonstrate that only when the computed success rate is very high, the AR validation can provide decisions about the correctness of AR which are close to real world, with both low AR risk and false alarm probabilities. The results also indicate that the PAR procedure can automatically chose adequate number of ambiguities to fix at given high-success rate from the multiple constellations instead of fixing all the ambiguities. This is a benefit that multiple GNSS constellations can offer.


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This research investigates how to obtain accurate and reliable positioning results with global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). The work provides a theoretical framework for reliability control in GNSS carrier phase ambiguity resolution, which is the key technique for precise GNSS positioning in centimetre levels. The proposed approach includes identification and exclusion procedures of unreliable solutions and hypothesis tests, allowing the reliability of solutions to be controlled in the aspects of mathematical models, integer estimation and ambiguity acceptance tests. Extensive experimental results with both simulation and observed data sets effectively demonstrate the reliability performance characteristics based on the proposed theoretical framework and procedures.


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Abstract-To detect errors in decision tables one needs to decide whether a given set of constraints is feasible or not. This paper describes an algorithm to do so when the constraints are linear in variables that take only integer values. Decision tables with such constraints occur frequently in business data processing and in nonnumeric applications. The aim of the algorithm is to exploit. the abundance of very simple constraints that occur in typical decision table contexts. Essentially, the algorithm is a backtrack procedure where the the solution space is pruned by using the set of simple constrains. After some simplications, the simple constraints are captured in an acyclic directed graph with weighted edges. Further, only those partial vectors are considered from extension which can be extended to assignments that will at least satisfy the simple constraints. This is how pruning of the solution space is achieved. For every partial assignment considered, the graph representation of the simple constraints provides a lower bound for each variable which is not yet assigned a value. These lower bounds play a vital role in the algorithm and they are obtained in an efficient manner by updating older lower bounds. Our present algorithm also incorporates an idea by which it can be checked whether or not an (m - 2)-ary vector can be extended to a solution vector of m components, thereby backtracking is reduced by one component.


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Bose-C-Hocquenghem (BCH) atdes with symbols from an arbitrary fhite integer ring are derived in terms of their generator polynomials. The derivation is based on the factohation of x to the power (n) - 1 over the unit ring of an appropriate extension of the fiite integer ring. lke eomtruetion is thus shown to be similar to that for BCH codes over fink flelda.


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An algorithm that uses integer arithmetic is suggested. It transforms anm ×n matrix to a diagonal form (of the structure of Smith Normal Form). Then it computes a reflexive generalized inverse of the matrix exactly and hence solves a system of linear equations error-free.


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We propose F-norm of the cross-correlation part of the array covariance matrix as a measure of correlation between the impinging signals and study the performance of different decorrelation methods in the broadband case using this measure. We first show that dimensionality of the composite signal subspace, defined as the number of significant eigenvectors of the source sample covariance matrix, collapses in the presence of multipath and the spatial smoothing recovers this dimensionality. Using an upper bound on the proposed measure, we then study the decorrelation of the broadband signals with spatial smoothing and the effect of spacing and directions of the sources on the rate of decorrelation with progressive smoothing. Next, we introduce a weighted smoothing method based on Toeplitz-block-Toeplitz (TBT) structuring of the data covariance matrix which decorrelates the signals much faster than the spatial smoothing. Computer simulations are included to demonstrate the performance of the two methods.