988 resultados para Instrumentação (Astronomia)
New Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) observing modes have extended the Hubble Space Telescope's spectral range to wavelengths between 900-1150 Å. However, the G140L/1280 and the Cycle 19 available G130M central wavelengths (1055 and 1096) that sample below 1150 Å were only available at focus positions which provided low-resolution (R<3,000). For HST Cycle 20, we introduced a new G130M/1222 central wavelength that covers 1065-1365 Å with R>10,000 everywhere, but optimized for 15000 from 1080-1200 Å. This mode places geo-coronal Lyα between the COS FUV detector segments to minimize detector gain sag. Also for Cycle 20, the resolution of the G130M/1055 and 1096 modes will be increased by a factor of 3-4 by optimizing the focus positions for these modes. This will give HST approximately the effective area of FUSE over the FUSE bandpass at 10,000. Here we present the current calibration status of the COS G130M/1055, 1096, and 1222 central wavelength settings at the original and second FUV lifetime positions with an emphasis on observing over the "Lyman UV", or "LUV", 912-1216 Å.
The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) was installed on the Hubble Space Telescope in May 2009. Although COS was initially designed to perform high-sensitivity medium- and low-resolution spectroscopy of astronomical objects in the 1150-3200 Å wavelength range, new wavelength settings have recently become available that allow medium-resolution spectroscopy down to 900 Å, at effective areas comparable to those of FUSE. Here we provide an update on the implementation of the new short wavelength settings G130M/1222, 1096, and 1055. We discuss changes to the Far-Ultraviolet (FUV) and Near-Ultraviolet (NUV) dark rates, FUV pulse height filtering, new and improved flux calibrations for FUV Lifetime Positions 1 and 2, changes in sensitivity for both the NUV and FUV channels, and give a general overview of the calibration projects undertaken in Cycles 19 and 20.
The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) has been on orbit for approximately 16 years as one of the 2nd generation instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Its operations were interrupted by an electronics failure in 2004, but STIS was successfully repaired in May 2009 during Service Mission 4 (SM4) allowing it to resume science observations. The Instrument team continues to monitor its performance and work towards improving the quality of its products. Here we present updated information on the status of the FUV and NUV MAMA and the CCD detectors onboard STIS and describe recent changes to the STIS calibration pipeline. We also discuss the status of efforts to apply a pixel-based correction for charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) effects to STIS CCD data. These techniques show promise for ameliorating the effects of ongoing radiation damage on the quality of STIS CCD data.
We describe the planning, implementation, and initial results of the first planned move of the default position of spectra on the Hubble Space Telescope's Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) Far Ultraviolet (FUV) cross-delay line detector. This was motivated by the limited amount of charge that can be extracted from the microchannel plate due to gain sag at any one position. Operations at a new location began on July 23, 2012, with a shift of the spectrum by +3.5"(corresponding to ~ 41 pixels or ~ 1 mm) in a direction orthogonal to the spectral dispersion. Operation at this second "lifetime position" allows for spectra to be collected which are not affected by detector artifacts and loss of sensitivity due to gain sag. We discuss programs designed to enable operations at the new lifetime position; these include determinations of operational high voltage, measuring walk corrections and focus, confirming spectrum placement and aperture centering, and target acquisition performance. We also present results related to calibration of the new lifetime position, including measurements of spectral resolution and wavelength calibration, flux and flat field calibration, carryover of time-dependent sensitivity monitoring, and operations with the Bright Object Aperture (BOA).
We have completed a high-contrast direct imaging survey for giant planets around 57 debris disk stars as part of the Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign. We achieved median H-band contrasts of 12.4 mag at 0.''5 and 14.1 mag at 1'' separation. Follow-up observations of the 66 candidates with projected separation <500 AU show that all of them are background objects. To establish statistical constraints on the underlying giant planet population based on our imaging data, we have developed a new Bayesian formalism that incorporates (1) non-detections, (2) single-epoch candidates, (3) astrometric and (4) photometric information, and (5) the possibility of multiple planets per star to constrain the planet population. Our formalism allows us to include in our analysis the previously known β Pictoris and the HR 8799 planets. Our results show at 95% confidence that <13% of debris disk stars have a ≥5 M Jup planet beyond 80 AU, and <21% of debris disk stars have a ≥3 M Jup planet outside of 40 AU, based on hot-start evolutionary models. We model the population of directly imaged planets as d 2 N/dMdavpropm α a β, where m is planet mass and a is orbital semi-major axis (with a maximum value of a max). We find that β < –0.8 and/or α > 1.7. Likewise, we find that β < –0.8 and/or a max < 200 AU. For the case where the planet frequency rises sharply with mass (α > 1.7), this occurs because all the planets detected to date have masses above 5 M Jup, but planets of lower mass could easily have been detected by our search. If we ignore the β Pic and HR 8799 planets (should they belong to a rare and distinct group), we find that <20% of debris disk stars have a ≥3 M Jup planet beyond 10 AU, and β < –0.8 and/or α < –1.5. Likewise, β < –0.8 and/or a max < 125 AU. Our Bayesian constraints are not strong enough to reveal any dependence of the planet frequency on stellar host mass. Studies of transition disks have suggested that about 20% of stars are undergoing planet formation; our non-detections at large separations show that planets with orbital separation >40 AU and planet masses >3 M Jup do not carve the central holes in these disks.
We have carried out high contrast imaging of 70 young, nearby B and A stars to search for brown dwarf and planetary companions as part of the Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign. Our survey represents the largest, deepest survey for planets around high-mass stars (≈1.5-2.5 M ☉) conducted to date and includes the planet hosts β Pic and Fomalhaut. We obtained follow-up astrometry of all candidate companions within 400 AU projected separation for stars in uncrowded fields and identified new low-mass companions to HD 1160 and HIP 79797. We have found that the previously known young brown dwarf companion to HIP 79797 is itself a tight (3 AU) binary, composed of brown dwarfs with masses 58$^{+21}_{-20}$ M Jup and 55$^{+20}_{-19}$ M Jup, making this system one of the rare substellar binaries in orbit around a star. Considering the contrast limits of our NICI data and the fact that we did not detect any planets, we use high-fidelity Monte Carlo simulations to show that fewer than 20% of 2 M ☉ stars can have giant planets greater than 4 M Jup between 59 and 460 AU at 95% confidence, and fewer than 10% of these stars can have a planet more massive than 10 M Jup between 38 and 650 AU. Overall, we find that large-separation giant planets are not common around B and A stars: fewer than 10% of B and A stars can have an analog to the HR 8799 b (7 M Jup, 68 AU) planet at 95% confidence. We also describe a new Bayesian technique for determining the ages of field B and A stars from photometry and theoretical isochrones. Our method produces more plausible ages for high-mass stars than previous age-dating techniques, which tend to underestimate stellar ages and their uncertainties.
O presente artigo analisa os resultados obtidos num minicurso sobre o Sol e sua dinâmica realizado no Observatório Astronômico do Centro de Divulgação Científica e Cultural (CDCC) pertencente à Universidade de São Paulo (USP) na cidade de São Carlos para alunos do ensino fundamental. As atividades foram desenvolvidas na recente inaugurada, Sala Solar. Ela é dedicada ao estudo do Sol, enfatizando a observação de manchas solares e do espectro do Sol. A metodologia adotada no minicurso consistiu em pequenos experimentos, observações e diálogos expositivos. Isto incentivou os estudantes a tomarem decisões, fazerem questionamentos e refletirem gerando pensamentos mais críticos e produzindo um maior número de conexões entre o real e o abstrato que contribuiu para níveis de maior complexidade conceitual verificados durante entrevistas semiestruturadas e nas respostas ao questionário final.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
Atualmente, a escavação de poços em locais densamente ocupados requer medidas severas para reduzir riscos e possíveis influências quer na própria obra quer em estruturas próximas. Neste campo, a instrumentação geotécnica e a sua monitorização tem um papel determinante na execução de obras geotécnicas, sendo que neste trabalho é dado um especial realce à instrumentação utilizada, às atividades de observação geotécnica, bem como à análise e interpretação das leituras para o controlo de movimentos induzidos no terreno pelas escavações. Este acompanhamento é baseado num plano de instrumentação, sendo descrito de uma forma transversal a importância do projeto e em particular das fases do processo de investigação geotécnica. O acompanhamento da execução dos poços para a futura Estação da Reboleira, permitiu validar as soluções de projeto para um determinado método construtivo, determinadas através de métodos numéricos e semi-empíricos, e abordados neste trabalho. A monitorização sistemática desde o início das escavações até ao revestimento secundário, permitiu tecer apreciações sobre os valores obtidos, apresentando-se alguns registos. Todas estas ações visam controlar e antecipar riscos de acidentes provocados pela execução de escavações, pelo que nesta tese é também realçada a importância da segurança e higiene no trabalho na prevenção dos riscos profissionais, independentemente da sua origem.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Dissertação de Doutoramento em História da Ciência
Doente 69 anos, sexo masculino com patologia respiratória restritiva e com o diagnóstico de hérnia discal lombar L3-L4 recidivada submetido a laminectomia bilateral de L3, foraminectomia bilateral de L3-L4, discectomia L3-L4 e artrodese com sistema transpedicular de barras e parafusos, sob bloqueio subaracnoideu ao nível de L2-L3 com 10 mg de levobupivacaína e sedação com midazolam e propofol em bólus (grau 4/5 de Ramsay). Ao fim de 2:15 h de bloqueio subaracnoideu e de conseguida a artrodese, o neurocirurgião colocou um cateter no espaço epidural a nível lombar sob visão directa, por intermédio do qual foram administrados 7 ml de levobupivacaína a 0,25%, acrescido de outros 7 ml passados 35 min. A analgesia foi complementada com tramadol 100 mg iv e parecoxib 40 mg iv. Não houve complicações anestésico-cirúrgicas. Esta abordagem anestésica, raramente utilizada, visou acima de tudo, minimizar o impacto da anestesia numa doença concomitante – doença pulmonar restritiva, e foi bem sucedida.
Relatório profissional para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ensino de Física e Química
Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Comunicação de Ciência
Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Comunicação de Ciência,