992 resultados para Institutional rules


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The paper examines the influence of unemployment insurance on the duration of employment spells in Canada using the 1988–90 Labour Market Activity Survey. The primary focus of the paper is to evaluate whether estimated UI effects are sensitive to the degree to which institutional rules and regulations governing UI eligibility and entitlement are explicitly modelled. The key result of the paper is that it is indeed important to allow for institutional detail when estimating unemployment insurance effects. Estimates using simple proxies for eligibility indicate small, often insignificant UI effects. The size and significance of the effects rise as more realistic versions of the variables are adopted. The estimates using the eligibility variables incorporating the greatest level of institutional detail suggest that a jump in the hazard rate by a factor of 2.3 may not be an unreasonable estimate of the effect.


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When the results of medical collaborations are to be published, questions of authorship arise. Which members of the research team are to be acknowledged as authors of the paper? In what order are they to be acknowledged? Institutional rules will generally determine the attribution of authorship to members of the research team. However those rules are most unlikely to be consistent with the legal rules governing authorship and its attribution, most of which will apply regardless of a team’s adherence to institutional rules. This article examines the meaning of authorship in the medical community, and in the legal community under the copyright laws. It considers various formulations of the institutional rules governing authorship, as well as editorial practices. Through consideration of a hypothetical scenario, the consequences of the disparity between authorship norms in law and in medicine are elaborated.


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In this research, I analyze the effects of candidate nomination rules and campaign financing rules on elite recruitment into the national legislatures of Germany and the United States. This dissertation is both theory-driven and constitutes exploratory research, too. While the effects of electoral rules are frequently studied in political science, the emphasis is thereby on electoral rules that are set post-election. My focus, in contrast, is on electoral rules that have an effect prior to the election. Furthermore, my dissertation is comparative by design.^ The research question is twofold. Do electoral rules have an effect on elite recruitment, and does it matter? To answer these question, I create a large-N original data set, in which I code the behavior and recruitment paths and patterns of members of the American House of Representatives and the German Bundestag. Furthermore, I include interviews with members of the said two national legislatures. Both the statistical analyses and the interviews provide affirmative evidence for my working hypothesis that differences in electoral rules lead to a different type of elite recruitment. To that end, I use the active-politician concept, through which I dichotomously distinguish the economic behavior of politicians.^ Thanks to the exploratory nature of my research, I also discover the phenomenon of differential valence of local and state political office for entrance into national office in comparative perspective. By statistically identifying this hitherto unknown paradox, as well as evidencing the effects of electoral rules, I show that besides ideology and culture, institutional rules are key in shaping the ruling elite. The way institutional rules are set up, in particular electoral rules, does not only affect how the electorate will vote and how seats will be distributed, but it will also affect what type of people will end up in elected office.^


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Nos anos 1990, desencadeou-se, no Brasil, um processo de descentralização política e administrativa que no campo social da saúde assume claramente o sentido da municipalização da gestão dos serviços locais de saúde. O deslocamento do poder de gestão para os municípios favorece o acompanhamento, a fiscalização e a participação da sociedade no processo de formulação e execução das políticas públicas. A municipalização da saúde transforma os municípios brasileiros em gestores do sistema de saúde local, e a implantação e consolidação de um Sistema Único de Saúde dependem da capacidade efetiva de os gestores locais formularem e implementarem políticas voltadas a responder às demandas sociais locais dentro do modelo de relacionamento federativo das três instâncias de gestão: federal, estadual e municipal. A heterogeneidade dos municípios brasileiros, a aplicabilidade homogênea da normatização do sistema pelo ente federativo e a elevada participação da União no financiamento do Sistema Único de Saúde são fatores que facilitam a centralização do poder no Governo Federal. Adotando a metodologia do estudo de caso, tomando como base empírica município de Umuarama, localizada na região noroeste do Paraná, busca-se dissertar sobre o sistema local de saúde estruturado a partir de uma combinação entre as normas institucionais e as singularidades sociais e políticas locais.


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We consider an economy in which agents are embedded in a network of potential value-generating relationships. Agents are assumed to be able to participate in three types of economic interactions: Autarkic self-provision; bilateral interaction; and multilateral collaboration through endogenously provided platforms.
We introduce two stability concepts and provide sufficient and necessary conditions on the network structure that guarantee existence, in cases of the absence of externalities, link-based externalities and crowding externalities. We show that institutional arrangements based on socioeconomic roles and leadership guarantee stability. In particular, the stability of more complex economic outcomes requires more strict and complex institutional rules to govern economic interactions. We investigate strict social hierarchies, tiered leadership structures and global market places.


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El interés de esta monografía es evaluar en qué medida se han visto afectadas las relaciones políticas de China y Taiwán tras su ingreso a la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Se analiza y se explica cómo las dinámicas comerciales y económicas del sistema internacional actual, inciden en el establecimiento de un dialogo político entre ambas partes del estrecho por medio del Acuerdo Marco de cooperación económica, teniendo en cuenta los antecedentes históricos y el conflicto soberano que involucra a ambos actores. Siguiendo la lógica del neoliberalismo institucional expuesta por el autor Robert Keohane, se planteará como el fenómeno de las organizaciones internacionales llega a tener una importancia tan amplia dentro del sistema que incluso moldea las características políticas determinantes de los Estados, por medio de la imposición de normas institucionales vinculantes.


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Housebuilding is frequently viewed as an industry full of small firms. However, large firms exist in many countries. Here, a comparative analysis is made of the housebuilding industries in Australia, Britain and the USA. Housebuilding output is found to be much higher in Australia and the USA than in Britain when measured on a per capita basis. At the same time, the degree of market concentration in Australia and the USA is relatively low but in Britain it is far greater, with a few firms having quite substantial market shares. Investigation of the size distribution of the top 100 or so firms ranked by output also shows that the decline in firm size from the largest downwards is more rapid in Britain than elsewhere. The exceptionalism of the British case is put down to two principal reasons. First, the close proximity of Britain’s regions enables housebuilders to diversify successfully across different markets. The gains from such diversification are best achieved by large firms, because they can gain scale benefits in any particular market segment. Second, land shortages induced by a restrictive planning system encourage firms to takeover each other as a quick and beneficial means of acquiring land. The institutional rules of planning also make it difficult for new entrants to come in at the bottom end of the size hierarchy. In this way, concentration grows and a handful of large producers emerge. These conditions do not hold in the other two countries, so their industries are less concentrated. Given the degree of rivalry between firms over land purchases and takeovers, it is difficult to envisage them behaving in a long-term collusive manner, so that competition in British housebuilding is probably not unduly compromised by the exceptional degree of firm concentration. Reforms to lower the restrictions, improve the slow responsiveness and reduce the uncertainties associated with British planning systems’ role in housing supply are likely to greatly improve the ability of new firms to enter housebuilding and all firms’ abilities to increase output in response to rising housing demand. Such reforms would also probably lower overall housebuilding firm concentration over time.


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This thesis is about change, discontinuity, instability. The theoretical perspective used to analyses the changing process was Institutional Theory, which argues that institutions has a long-term time. The institutional change has always be seen as a structural process and a incremental one, but this research aimed rescue the dynamic side of institutional change, understanding that as a result of deinstitutionalization and institutionalization processes. In order to understand the deinstitutionalization and institutionalization processes, we try to understand the concepts of interactive and iterative. So, it was possible understand that these process are interdependent and has to be understood as both side of institutional change. Nevertheless, it couldn¿t have an institutional vacuum, but a hybrid order or plural one, where a set of institutional forces would find its legitimacy. The Discourses Analysis supports this research, which was developed in Peru. A group of University professors was interviewed and we noticed that there are a lot of practices that act as micro institutional rules. In that way, we can admit that there is no vacuum, but a plural institutional order.


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o presente estudo trata da avaliação da questão legal, expressa pela disposição constitucional que define as competências concorrentes dos executivos municipais, estaduais e da União. Por outro lado, realiza o contraste dessas competências com a realidade do cooperativismo na Federação da República brasileira. Tem-se muito difundido, que a distribuição de encargos realizada pelo constituinte, contribuiu para um processo de disputa e de pulverização de recursos entre os entes da Federação, e, conseqüentemente, para práticas descoordenadas das políticas sociais. Tal assertiva é, com freqüência, destacada por especialistas. Percebendo-se a questão das responsabilidades comuns aos municípios, estados e União como inerente à Forma de Estado Federativa, acredita-se que possam consistir em estímulo às ações conjuntas dos executivos no campo das políticas sociais. Assim, dá-se à questão legal a sua real dimensão em face à história não cooperativa vivenciada no Brasil e levantam-se problemas correlacionados ao não cooperativismo entre os entes da Federação.


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This exploratory descriptive study, of qualitative nature had the purpose to study how the nurses from a hospital school see the family as care participants. Six nurses from clinics of chronically ill patients were interviewed. The data analysis allowed to infer that the nurses had only little knowledge of the family's thematic during graduation, making the relationship with the accompanying families very difficult. Daily care during hospitalization period is marked by easy moments when members are willing to participate in the process, and by difficulties when they attempt to break institutional rules. It was suggested that new nurses have theoretical foundation to attend the family in several scenarios of care. It was considered the need of investments in professional training, and that the advance of humanization of services implies in exchange and integration of knowledge among patients, family members, health professionals, support staff and managers beyond the science field.


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The article represents a theoretical and methodological approach to the analysis of organizational dynamics of political parties today, based on a study of the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB) in the State of Sao Pãulo (period between 1988 to 2006). It is hypothesized that the structure and the institutional rules of a particular party, or even their election results, are insufficient to explain the inner workings, such as the role of party organization in the electoral system. An approach that articulates the relationship patterns, election results and posts held in the party, identified the factors that explain the political capital that circulated within the party and ensured its organizational dynamics over the period analyzed.


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The article represents a theoretical and methodological approach to the analysis of organizational dynamics of political parties today, based on a study of the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB) in the State of Sao Pãulo (period between 1988 to 2006). It is hypothesized that the structure and the institutional rules of a particular party, or even their election results, are insufficient to explain the inner workings, such as the role of party organization in the electoral system. An approach that articulates the relationship patterns, election results and posts held in the party, identified the factors that explain the political capital that circulated within the party and ensured its organizational dynamics over the period analyzed.


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Die Frage, ob es institutionelle Regeln oder Merkmale der politischen Kultur sind, die den personellen Wechsel in Parlamenten erklären, wird auf subnationaler Ebene für alle 26 kantonalen Legislativen der Schweiz für den Zeitraum zwischen 1960 und 2012 untersucht. Die Befunde zeigen, dass sowohl institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen als auch kulturelle Merkmale bedeutende Beiträge zur Erklärung der kantonalen Unterschiede der Parlamentsfluktuation bieten. Während Massnahmen wie die Senkung der Anzahl Parlamentsmandate und die Amtszeitbeschränkung einen direkten und starken Einfluss auf die Fluktuationsrate haben, erweisen sich die Höhe der finanziellen Vergütungen und institutionelle Regeln zur Stärkung des Parlaments gegenüber der Exekutive ohne nachhaltigen Einfluss. Langfristige politisch-kulturelle Merkmale wie die Zugehörigkeit zu einem Sprachraum sind mindestens ebenso wichtig wie einzelne institutionelle Arrangements. Als relativ unbedeutend zur Erklärung der kantonalen Niveauunterschiede parlamentarischer Mitgliederfluktuation erweisen sich sozioökonomische und demographische Faktoren – mit Ausnahme des Urbanisierungsgrads.


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The true causes of the EU’s inertia as a security actor in its neighbourhood and beyond are not a lack of capability or even austerity measures, but the absence of a core group of states committed to driving integration forward, argues Giovanni Faleg. Member states are reluctant to set clear common strategic priorities and struggle to agree on a revision of the institutional rules. Their strategic cultures and interests differ significantly; they hold different visions of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) and are unwilling to use the CSDP instruments at their disposal.