991 resultados para Institutional projects


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Participation usually sets off from the bottom up, taking the form of more or less enduring forms of collective action with varying degrees of infl uence. However, a number of projects have been launched by political institutions in the last decades with a view to engaging citizens in public affairs and developing their democratic habits, as well as those of the administration. This paper analyses the political qualifying capacity of the said projects, i.e. whether participating in them qualifi es individuals to behave as active citizens; whether these projects foster greater orientation towards public matters, intensify (or create) political will, and provide the necessary skills and expertise to master this will. To answer these questions, data from the comparative analysis of fi ve participatory projects in France and Spain are used, shedding light on which features of these participatory projects contribute to the formation of political subjects and in which way. Finally, in order to better understand this formative dimension, the formative capacity of institutional projects is compared with the formative dimension of other forms of participation spontaneously developed by citizens.


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The history and formation of the government in Brazil was, and still is, a central object of study in several fields of knowledge. Albeit with varied approaches highlight was given in the literature for two central reforms occurred between mid 1930s and mid 1990s This perception establishes a long history of Brazilian public administration, putting in their two extreme nodal points of this trajectory: the creation of DASP and the action of the MARE. Each of these institutional projects is directly linked to the conception of the role and performance of the Brazilian public administration instruments, as well as the goals to be achieved, revealing the intimate connection with the coeval political debate of each period. Based on this scenario, the objective of this study is to analyze the role of DASP as a strategic instrument in a Brazilian public "intelligentsia" in construction during the 1930s, strongly associated with a political project of modernization of Brazilian society


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Este artículo hace referencia a los diferentes modelos epistemológicos que atraviesan la actividad de orientación educativa: tradicional, tecnicista e institucional, haciendo hincapié en este último. El paradigma institucional promueve la investigación de la práctica educativa en la cotidianidad institucional, la apertura de espacios de debate que incluyan la palabra de todos los actores sociales,la participación en la elaboración de criterios para la discusión y formulación de proyectos institucionales y el análisis y la reflexión de las prácticas de enseñanza-aprendizaje. A modo de ilustración del paradigma institucional, mostramos un abordaje concreto en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales: el Programa Futuros Egresados.


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En los últimos años, la producción académica en ciencias sociales en la Argentina ha desplegado nuevas perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas, destacando dimensiones sociales escasamente atendidas por los trabajos preexistentes que analizaron la historia del Estado. Particularmente, cobraron vigor aproximaciones preocupadas por comprender las historicidades específicas de los proyectos institucionales de las agencias estatales (en plural), evitando considerar al Estado (en singular) únicamente como una categoría sociológica con pretensiones de totalidad social homogénea. En este trabajo argumentamos que estos novedosos análisis constituyen una renovación que permiten configurar un mapa del Estado en el que se identifica una diversidad de instituciones, actores, lógicas y prácticas sociales. Se trata de un buen punto de partida para el estudio de la génesis y el desarrollo de los procesos de diferenciación y especialización de las agencias estatales y sus cuerpos de funcionarios. Se ilustra el análisis mediante la trayectoria institucional del Departamento Nacional del Trabajo entre los años 1907 y 1930


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El propósito de este trabajo es reflexionar sobre las dificultades de la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación en el currículo de historia. Para ello hemos realizado un proceso de documentación bibliográfica y de análisis de los currículos reglados, y también un estudio y periodización de nuestra propia experiencia. Las políticas públicas para promover el empleo de las TIC en la enseñanza son un factor de este problema, pero el modelo de enseñanza de la mayoría del profesorado de historia es el principal. Su transformación parece un logro difícil, por lo que el futuro de las TIC en las clases de historia sigue siendo incierto


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En los últimos años, la producción académica en ciencias sociales en la Argentina ha desplegado nuevas perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas, destacando dimensiones sociales escasamente atendidas por los trabajos preexistentes que analizaron la historia del Estado. Particularmente, cobraron vigor aproximaciones preocupadas por comprender las historicidades específicas de los proyectos institucionales de las agencias estatales (en plural), evitando considerar al Estado (en singular) únicamente como una categoría sociológica con pretensiones de totalidad social homogénea. En este trabajo argumentamos que estos novedosos análisis constituyen una renovación que permiten configurar un mapa del Estado en el que se identifica una diversidad de instituciones, actores, lógicas y prácticas sociales. Se trata de un buen punto de partida para el estudio de la génesis y el desarrollo de los procesos de diferenciación y especialización de las agencias estatales y sus cuerpos de funcionarios. Se ilustra el análisis mediante la trayectoria institucional del Departamento Nacional del Trabajo entre los años 1907 y 1930


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El propósito de este trabajo es reflexionar sobre las dificultades de la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación en el currículo de historia. Para ello hemos realizado un proceso de documentación bibliográfica y de análisis de los currículos reglados, y también un estudio y periodización de nuestra propia experiencia. Las políticas públicas para promover el empleo de las TIC en la enseñanza son un factor de este problema, pero el modelo de enseñanza de la mayoría del profesorado de historia es el principal. Su transformación parece un logro difícil, por lo que el futuro de las TIC en las clases de historia sigue siendo incierto


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En los últimos años, la producción académica en ciencias sociales en la Argentina ha desplegado nuevas perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas, destacando dimensiones sociales escasamente atendidas por los trabajos preexistentes que analizaron la historia del Estado. Particularmente, cobraron vigor aproximaciones preocupadas por comprender las historicidades específicas de los proyectos institucionales de las agencias estatales (en plural), evitando considerar al Estado (en singular) únicamente como una categoría sociológica con pretensiones de totalidad social homogénea. En este trabajo argumentamos que estos novedosos análisis constituyen una renovación que permiten configurar un mapa del Estado en el que se identifica una diversidad de instituciones, actores, lógicas y prácticas sociales. Se trata de un buen punto de partida para el estudio de la génesis y el desarrollo de los procesos de diferenciación y especialización de las agencias estatales y sus cuerpos de funcionarios. Se ilustra el análisis mediante la trayectoria institucional del Departamento Nacional del Trabajo entre los años 1907 y 1930


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El propósito de este trabajo es reflexionar sobre las dificultades de la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación en el currículo de historia. Para ello hemos realizado un proceso de documentación bibliográfica y de análisis de los currículos reglados, y también un estudio y periodización de nuestra propia experiencia. Las políticas públicas para promover el empleo de las TIC en la enseñanza son un factor de este problema, pero el modelo de enseñanza de la mayoría del profesorado de historia es el principal. Su transformación parece un logro difícil, por lo que el futuro de las TIC en las clases de historia sigue siendo incierto


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Explaining the emergence of the European Community's Single Market Program requires making sense of how that institutional project carne onto the political agenda. I suggest that there are two features of the political process that have been not well understood. First, large-scale institutional projects usually require political opportunities to come to fruition. Second, they require strategic actors who can frame such projects in broad ways in order to attract a wide variety of groups. My basic argument is that the European Commission is an organization whose function is primarily to solve the bargaining game that characterizes interaction within the Community and act as a strategic actor. This does not suggest that they are always successful or are the only source of ideas, but instead that they are the collective actor responsible for trying to frame collective interests in new cultural ways. To illustrate this point, I document how the; Single Market program evolved within the Commission and how other important Community actors carne to sign on to its goals over time.


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With post-2008 political and economic crises as its backdrop, this inquiry into the political roles and functions of public service broadcasting (PSB) in Ireland is principally concerned with examining the capacities for and actuality of critical and counter-hegemonic professional journalistic and institutional mediations of crisis. Recognising the diversity of influences on the normative identity of Irish PSB, the dissertation adopts a sociological approach that acknowledges the systemic embedding of media institutions in the broader field of power. An initial tracing of the formative impacts of endogenous and exogenous forces on the democratic horizons of PSB suggests that the present crisis conjuncture does not represent promising terrain for engendering critical crisis and recovery imaginaries. A methodologically diverse intra-institutional empirical research agenda aims to explore at close hand Irish PSB’s contingent navigation of crisis, encompassing ethnographic observation in the newsroom, practitioner interviews and textual analysis of broadcast output. These methods afford close analysis of practices of journalistic production and reflexivity, self-conceptions of the journalistic habitus, and ideological affinities of crisis framings in broadcast output. These analyses are supplemented by a participant observation study of the possibilities for public agenda-building in a key institutional venue of public participation in broadcasting governance. The findings offer an evidential basis for the arguments that the crisis has prompted only minimal changes to professional norms and practices of representation and inclusion; that journalistic crisis framings tend toward effecting hegemonic repair by lending support to neoliberal crisis and recovery imaginaries; and that the institutional openings for the building of public counterpower are highly constrained. The overall conclusion is made that the normative democratic orientation embedded in the professional and institutional projects of public service broadcasting help render it ill-equipped to act as a re-democratising countervailing power against the democratic regressions engendered by the present crisis of democratic capitalism.


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People with intellectual disability are living longer, which creates new demands for the support and care of this target group. Participation and autonomy at all ages, regardless of functional capacity, are cited in legislation and among the key objectives of disability policy. As a group, older people with intellectual disability have previously been almost invisible in both policy documents and research. Information regarding this group is thus limited, and more systematic knowledge is needed about older people with intellectual disability, their daily lives, and especially their opportunities for autonomy. The purpose of this thesis is to learn more about the role of influence and autonomy in everyday life from the perspective of older people with intellectual disability living in group homes. This will be achieved by studying situations in which opportunities and obstacles arise for these residents to exercise their autonomy in daily life, and identifying and analysing how autonomy is expressed in the meeting between residents and staff. The study applies an ethnographic approach, using methods including field studies with observations and videotaped meetings between residents and staff. The sample consists of residents aged 65 and over and staff at three group homes for people with intellectual disability. One resident at each group home is followed in greater depth. The analysis uses the time-geographic concepts of project, activity and restrictions in order to clarify where and when different projects are carried out, as well as who has the power to determine what is to be carried out. Interaction analysis is used to analyse the videotaped meetings between residents and staff. The analysis is based on Goffman’s interaction order and interaction rituals, theories about turntaking, both verbal and non-verbal, and theories about power and counter-power. In accordance with Goffman’s framework concept, the starting point is the concrete framework that reflects spatiality, which in turn becomes a way to place the more abstract framework of the situation into a specific context. Two major projects were identified: Sleep and Rest and Meals. The analysis reveals projects that are governed by the resident’s own preferences (individual projects) and projects that are governed to a greater degree by the staff’s objectives and opportunities (institutional projects). Some guidance also derives from municipal decisions and guidelines (organizational projects). Many projects were carried out based on staff decisions and objectives, but in actual practice many projects failed to get off the ground. Some projects were at risk of failure until something happened or someone intervened and thereby rescued the project so that it could be implemented. The interactional analysis perspective shows how autonomy is constructed in the meeting. Autonomy is situation-bound, and shifts more on the basis of context than in relation to specific individuals. The study includes decision situations mainly between autonomy and its opposite, paternalism, which are viewed as extremes on a continuum. However, certain factors lead to stronger autonomy in certain situations. When a resident can define the situation, they also have greater power to determine the outcome. In situations characterized by paternalism, the staff have a preferential right of interpretation and the power to decide, both on the basis of their knowledge and because of the asymmetrical interdependence that characterizes the resident-professional relationship. Such situations are also governed by the rules and procedures of the group home to a greater degree than those situations in which the resident exercises autonomy. The thesis discusses strategies that could increase the residents’ opportunities for autonomy. Greater communication skills among staff can be viewed as a step on the path toward greater autonomy for the residents. Staff have the potential to eliminate obstacles, to strengthen inadequate skills or create new ones by providing choices and assistive devices, and to exercise an affirmative approach.


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A tanulmány a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) egyik nagy kérdésének megközelítéseit vizsgálja: miként védhető a közérdek e projektekben. Piaci és nem piaci megoldásokat tesz az elemzés mérlegre, valamint kitér arra, hogy miért különleges a PPP projektek esetében a közérdek védelmének kérdése. A szabályozott verseny körülményeinek kialakítása több megközelítésben is perdöntő kérdés a PPP értéknövelésének előmozdításához, bár a létező megoldások nem mentesek anomáliáktól. A képviseleti demokrácia intézményi működésének támogatására pedig a társadalmi részvétel megoldásait javasolja az irodalom. E megközelítés is több formájában, többféle céllal és szintén kihívásokkal segítheti az értéknövelő PPP projekteket. A tanulmány az elvi lehetőségek értékelő elemzését követően a megvalósítás realitásait is mérlegre teszi. = This study focuses on a key issue in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects: how may public interest be protected. It assesses market based and non market based approaches, and also explains why PPP projects are peculiar when addressing the protection of public interest. Setting up the conditions for simulated competition is of paramount importance for different reasons in order to enable value creating PPP projects. Existing solutions however are not without anomalies. To promote the institutions of democracy, participatory solutions are recommended in the literature. That approach may help value creating PPP projects in various forms, with a range of objectives and challenges. The study concludes the analytical assessment of options by highlighting the realistic conditions of implementation.