345 resultados para Inspector


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The colony of Queensland, established on 10 December 1859, passed its first Education Act in 1860. This enabled the government to provide for the education of all children from six to twelve years of age. The Board of General Education appointed its first Inspector of Schools in 1863, and he was followed by over 400 men — and later women — to inspect schools and teachers to guarantee conformity and efficiency. In 1875, education became a ministerial responsibility and the Department of Public Instruction was established. Teachers never seemed to enjoy a friendly working relationship with inspectors, and with the establishment of the Queensland Teachers Union, hostility increased. Eventually, in 1989, the Inspector of Schools position was abolished.


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China has experienced considerable economic growth since 1978, which was accompanied by unprecedented growth in urbanization and, more recently, by associated rising urban housing and land banking issues. One such issue is that of land hoarding - where real estate developers purchase land to hold unused in the rising market for a future lucrative sale, often several years later. This practice is outlawed in China, where land use is controlled by increasingly strengthened Government policies and inspectors. Despite this, land hoarding continues apace, with the main culprits being the developers and inspectors working subversively. This resembles a game between two players - the inspector and the developer - which provides the setting for this paper in developing an evolutionary game theory model to provide insights into dealing with the dilemmas faced by the players. The logic and dilemma of land banking strategy and illegal land banking issues are analysed, along with the land inspector’s role from a game theory perspective by determining the replication dynamic mechanism and evolutionary stable strategies under the various conditions that the players face. The major factors influencing the actions of land inspectors, on the other hand, are the costs of inspection, no matter if it is strict or indolent, conflict costs, and income and penalties from corruption. From this, it is shown that, when the net loss for corruption (income from corruption minus the penalties for corruption and cost of strict inspections) is less than the cost of strict inspections, the final evolutionary stable strategy of the inspectors is to carry out indolent inspections. Then, whether penalising developers for hoarding is severe or not, the evolutionary strategy for the developer is to hoard. The implications for land use control mechanisms and associated developer-inspector actions and counteractions are then examined in the light of the model's properties.


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Se plantea la realidad de la función inspectora en España, caracterizada por ser una actividad docente, profesionalizada y directamente vinculada a la calidad educativa, a la vez que puede ser considerada como un factor de calidad. Se comentan las funciones y acciones propias de la inspección, la finalidad de la función inspectora. Se concluye afirmando que un código deontológico debería impregnar la conducta inspectora y éste debería ser de obligado cumplimiento.


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El artículo expone cómo es un día de trabajo del inspector educativo José Joaquín Pérez García 'Sofo'. La jornada se desarrolla en el centro El Bosco, de la Comunidad Valenciana, donde se han reunido varios profesores de la demarcación. En ella se tratan temas burocráticos y pedagógicos, como el funcionamiento del centro, la admisión de alumnos, el profesorado, la programación de ciclos,... etc. Al final del artículo se incluye el currículum de este 'ex' maestro.


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Entrevista realizada al Inspector General de Enseñanza Media y Secretario técnico del Gabinete de Estudios de la Dirección General, don Eduardo del Arco, por su hermano el periodista don Manuel del Arco, en la que se abordan temas docentes.


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Se resumen las conferencias desarrolladas durante el Ciclo sobre Educación y Progreso Económico a cargo de don Ángel Benito Durán. Los títulos de estas conferencias son: 'Economía y Cultura humana', 'La Cultura humana y la Economía española de nuestro tiempo', 'La formación básica en el Plan de Desarrollo Económico' y 'La Enseñanza Media'.


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Acompañan al texto fotografías del Director General de Enseñanza Media con los señores Pacio y Del Arco en la toma de posesión y fotografías de éstos dos últimos que se adjuntan a su perfil biográfico


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This paper concerns the prospective implementation of the proposed 'corporate killing' offence. These proposals suggested that the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)-the body currently responsible for regulating work-related health and safety issues-should handle cases in which a 'corporate killing' charge is a possibility. Relatively little attention has been paid to this issue of implementation. An empirical investigation was undertaken to assess the compatibility of the HSE's methodology and enforcement philosophy with the new offence. It was found that inspectors categorize themselves as enforcers of criminal law, see enforcement action as valuable and support the new offence, but disagree over its use. They also broadly supported the HSE taking responsibility for the new offence. This suggests that 'corporate killing' may not necessarily be incompatible with the HSE's modus operandi, and there may be positive reasons forgiving the HSE this responsibility.


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La nostra sfida è stata sviluppare un dispositivo che potesse riunire differenti funzionalità, dalla telepresenza alla visione dei dati on demand, e fosse in grado di portare innovazione nel panorama attuale. Abbiamo quindi deciso di creare un device che potesse svolgere attività d’ispezione e monitoraggio, concentrandoci nel corso dell’implementazione su alcuni possibili campi di utilizzo. Il sistema che abbiamo realizzato è open-source, modulare e dinamico, in grado di rispondere a esigenze diverse e facilmente riadattabile. Il prototipo progettato è in grado di comunicare con uno smartphone, grazie al quale viene guidato dall’utente primario, e di trasmettere in rete i dati rilevati dai diversi sensori integrati. Le informazioni generate sono gestibili attraverso una piattaforma online: il device utilizza il Cloud per storicizzare i dati, rendendoli potenzialmente accessibili a chiunque. Per la configurazione hardware abbiamo usato la kit-board Pi2Go e la piattaforma Raspberry Pi, alle quali abbiamo unito una videocamera e alcuni sensori di prossimità, temperatura e umidità e distanza. È nato così il prototipo InspectorPi, un veicolo telecomandato tramite dispositivo mobile in grado di esplorare ambienti ostili in cui vi sono difficoltà fisiche o ambientali alle quali sovvenire.