999 resultados para Inorganic content


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Objectives. The role of inorganic content on physical properties of resin composites is well known. However, its influence on polymerization stress development has not been established. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the influence of inorganic fraction on polymerization stress and its determinants, namely, volumetric shrinkage, elastic modulus and degree of conversion. Methods. Eight experimental composites containing 1:1 BisGMA (bisphenylglycidyl dimethacrylate): TEGDMA (triethylene glycol dimethacrylate) (in mol) and barium glass at increasing concentrations from 25 to 60 vol.% (5% increments) were tested. Stress was determined in a universal test machine using acrylic as bonding substrate. Nominal polymerization stress was obtained diving the maximum load by the cross-surface area. Shrinkage was measured using a water picnometer. Elastic modulus was obtained by three-point flexural test. Degree of conversion was determined by FT-Raman spectroscopy. Results. Polymerization stress and shrinkage showed inverse relationships with filler content (R(2) = 0.965 and R(2) = 0.966, respectively). Elastic modulus presented a direct correlation with inorganic content (R(2) = 0.984). Degree of conversion did not vary significantly. Polymerization stress showed a strong direct correlation with shrinkage (R(2) = 0.982) and inverse with elastic modulus (R(2) = 0.966). Significance. High inorganic contents were associated with low polymerization stress values, which can be explained by the reduced volumetric shrinkage presented by heavily filled composites. (C) 2010 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This research investigates specific ash control methods to limit inorganic content within biomass prior to fast pyrolysis and effect of specific ash components on fast pyrolysis processing, mass balance yields and bio-oil quality and stability. Inorganic content in miscanthus was naturally reduced over the winter period from June (7.36 wt. %) to February (2.80 wt. %) due to a combination of senescence and natural leaching from rain water. September harvest produced similar mass balance yields, bio-oil quality and stability compared to February harvest (conventional harvest), but nitrogen content in above ground crop was to high (208 kg ha.-1) to maintain sustainable crop production. Deionised water, 1.00% HCl and 0.10% Triton X-100 washes were used to reduce inorganic content of miscanthus. Miscanthus washed with 0.10% Triton X-100 resulted in the highest total liquid yield (76.21 wt. %) and lowest char and reaction water yields (9.77 wt. % and 8.25 wt. % respectively). Concentrations of Triton X-100 were varied to study further effects on mass balance yields and bio-oil stability. All concentrations of Triton X-100 increased total liquid yield and decreased char and reaction water yields compared to untreated miscanthus. In terms of bio-oil stability 1.00% Triton X-100 produced the most stable bio-oil with lowest viscosity index (2.43) and lowest water content index (1.01). Beech wood was impregnated with potassium and phosphorus resulting in lower liquid yields and increased char and gas yields due to their catalytic effect on fast pyrolysis product distribution. Increased potassium and phosphorus concentrations produced less stable bio-oils with viscosity and water content indexes increasing. Fast pyrolysis processing of phosphorus impregnated beech wood was problematic as the reactor bed material agglomerated into large clumps due to char formation within the reactor, affecting fluidisation and heat transfer.


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Objective. To investigate the contributions of BisGMA:TEGDMA and filler content on polymerization stress, along with the influence of variables associated with stress development, namely, degree of conversion, reaction rate, shrinkage, elastic modulus and loss tangent for a series of experimental dental composites. Methods. Twenty formulations with BisGMA: TEGDMA ratios of 3: 7, 4: 6, 5: 5, 6: 4 and 7: 3 and barium glass filler levels of 40, 50, 60 or 70 wt% were studied. Polymerization stress was determined in a tensilometer, inserting the composite between acrylic rods fixed to clamps of a universal test machine and dividing the maximum load recorded by the rods cross-sectional area. Conversion and reaction rate were determined by infra-red spectroscopy. Shrinkage was measured by mercury dilatometer. Modulus was obtained by three-point bending. Loss tangent was determined by dynamic nanoindentation. Regression analyses were performed to estimate the effect of organic and inorganic contents on each studied variable, while a stepwise forward regression identified significant variables for polymerization stress. Results. All variables showed dependence on inorganic concentration and monomeric content. The resin matrix showed a stronger influence on polymerization stress, conversion and reaction rate, whereas filler fraction showed a stronger influence on shrinkage, modulus and loss tangent. Shrinkage and conversion were significantly related to polymerization stress. Significance. Both the inorganic filler concentration and monomeric content affect polymerization stress, but the stronger influence of the resin matrix suggests that it may be possible to reduce stress by modifying resin composition without sacrificing filler content. The main challenge is to develop formulations with low shrinkage without sacrificing degree of conversion. (C) 2011 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the inorganic content and morphology of one nanofilled and one nanohybrid composite with one universal microhybrid composite. The Vickers hardness, degree of conversion and scanning electron microscope of the materials light-cured using LED unit were also investigated. One nanofilled (Filtek (TM) Supreme XT), one nanohybrid (TPH (R) 3) and one universal microhybrid (Filtek (TM) Z-250) composite resins at color A2 were used in this study. The samples were made in a metallic mould (4 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness). Their filler weight content was measured by thermogravimetric analysis (TG). The morphology of the filler particles was determined using scanning electron microscope equipped with a field emission gun (SEM-FEG). Vickers hardness and degree of conversion using FT-IR spectroscopy were measured. Filtek (TM) Z-250 (microhybrid) composite resin shows higher degree of conversion and hardness than those of Filtek (TM) Supreme XT (nanofilled) and TPH (R) 3 (nanohybrid) composites, respectively. The TPH3 (R) (nanohybrid) composite exhibits by far the lowest mechanical property. Nanofilled composite resins show mechanical properties at least as good as those of universal hybrids and could thus be used for the same clinical indications as well as for anterior restorations due to their high aesthetic properties. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:758765, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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In dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, wie oberflächenfunktionalisierte Polystyrolnanopartikel zur Herstellung von Metallchalkogenid/Polymer-Hybridnanopartikeln eingesetzt werden können. Dazu wurden zunächst phosphonsäure- und phosphorsäurefunktionalisierte Surfmere synthetisiert, die anschließend bei der Miniemulsionspolymerisation von Styrol verwendet wurden. Die Surfmere dienten dabei zugleich zur Stabilisierung und als Comonomer. Die oberflächenfunktionalisierten Polystyrolnanopartikel wurden anschließend als Trägerpartikel für die Kristallisation von Metalloxiden eingesetzt. Dabei wurden Metalloxid/Polymer-Hybridnanopartikel mit einer „himbeerartigen“ Morphologie erhalten. Um die vielseitige Modifizierbarkeit der phosphonat- und phosphat¬funktionalisierten Polystyrolpartikel zu demonstrieren, wurden Cer-, Eisen- sowie Zinkoxid auf der Partikeloberfläche kristallisiert. Dazu wurden sowohl wässrige als auch alkoholische Metalloxid-Präkursorlösungen eingesetzt. Die synthetisierten Metall¬oxid/Polymer-Hybridpartikel wurden detailliert mit REM, TEM und PXRD analysiert. Die Untersuchung des Kristallisationsmechanismus hatte erwiesen, dass die komplexierten Metallkationen auf der Partikeloberfläche als Nukleationszentren wirkten und die Zutropfrate des Fällungsreagenz entscheidend für die Oberflächenkristallisation ist. Durch Mischungsexperimente von Metalloxidnanopartikeln und den oberflächen¬funktionalisierten Polymerpartikeln konnte die Hybridpartikelbildung über Hetero¬koagulation ausgeschlossen werden. Außerdem wurde festgestellt, dass die Polarität der funktionellen Gruppe über die Stärke der Komplexierung der Metalloxid-Präkursor bestimmt. Darüber hinaus wurde ein Modell zur Erklärung der kolloidalen Stabilisierung der Metalloxid/Polymer-Hybridsysteme aufgestellt und ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem gemessenen Zeta-Potential und der Oberflächenbedeckung der Polymerpartikel durch Metalloxid gefunden. Mit der Methode der Oberflächenkristallisation konnten frühe Stadien der Nukleation auf der Partikeloberfläche fixiert werden. Weiterhin wurden die individuellen physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften der hergestellten Metall¬oxid/Polymer-Hybridnano¬partikel untersucht. Dabei zeigten die CeO2/Polymer-Hybridpartikel eine hohe katalytische Aktivität bezüglich der photokatalytischen Oxidation von Rhodamin B, die als Modellreaktion durchgeführt wurde. Des Weiteren wurde die Magnetisierung der Magnetit/Polymer-Hybridpartikel gemessen. Die Fe3O4-Hybrid¬partikelsysteme wiesen eine vergleichbare Sättigungsmagnetisierung auf. Die Zinkoxid/Polymer-Hybridsysteme zeigten eine starke Lumineszenz im sichtbaren Bereich bei Anregung mit UV-Licht. Die Metalloxid/Polymer-Hybridpartikel, die mit den phosphonat- oder phosphatfunktion¬alisierten Polystyrolpartikeln hergestellt wurden, zeigten keine signifikanten Unterschiede in ihren physikochemischen Eigenschaften. Im Allgemeinen lässt sich schlussfolgern, dass sowohl Phosphonat- als auch Phosphatgruppen gleichermaßen für die Oberflächenkristallisation von Metalloxiden geeignet sind. Die Zink¬oxid/Polymer-Hybridsysteme stellen eine Ausnahme dar. Die Verwendung der phosphonat¬funktionalisierten Polystyrolpartikel führte zur Entstehung einer Zinkhydroxidphase, die neben der Zinkoxidphase gebildet wurde. Aufgrund dessen zeigten die ZnO/RPO3H2-Hybridpartikel eine geringere Lumineszenz im sichtbaren Bereich als die ZnO/RPO4H2-Hybridsysteme.rnDie Erkenntnisse, die bei der Oberflächenkristallisation von Metalloxiden gewonnen wurden, konnten erfolgreich auf Cadmiumsulfid übertragen werden. Dabei konnte Cadmiumsulfid auf der Oberfläche von phosphonatfunktionalisierten Polystyrolpartikeln kristallisiert werden. Mit Hilfe des RPO3H2-Surfmers konnten phosphonatfunktion¬alisierte Polystyrolpartikel mit superparamagnetischem Kern synthetisiert werden, die zur Herstellung von multifunktionalen CdS/Polymer-Hybridpartikeln mit Magnetitkern verwendet wurden. Die Kristallphase und die Oberflächenbedeckung der multi¬funktionalen Hybridsysteme wurden mit den CdS/Polymer-Hybridsystemen ohne magnetischen Kern verglichen. Dabei konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass in beiden Fällen Cadmiumsulfid in der Greenockit-Modifikation gebildet wurde. Die multifunktionalen CdS/Polymer-Hybridpartikel mit superparamagnetischem Kern konnten sowohl mit einem optischen als auch einem magnetischen Stimulus angeregt werden.rnrn


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Future atmospheric CO2 levels will most likely have complex consequences for marine organisms, particulary photosynthetic calcifying organisms. Corallina officinalis L. is an erect calcifying macroalga found in the inter- and subtidal regions of temperate rocky coastlines and provides important substrate and refugia for marine meiofauna. The main goal of the current study was to determine the physiological responses of C. officinalis to increased CO2 concentrations expected to occur within the next century and beyond. Our results show that growth and production of inorganic material decreased under high CO2 levels, while carbonic anhydrase activity was stimulated and negatively correlated to algal inorganic content. Photosynthetic efficiency based on oxygen evolution was also negatively affected by increased CO2. The results of this study indicate that C. officinalis may become less competitive under future CO2 levels, which could result in structural changes in future temperate intertidal communities.


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The research is concerned with thermochemical characterisation of straws and high yielding perennial grasses. Crops selected for this study include wheat straw (Triticum aestivum), rape straw (Brassica napus), reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) and switch grass (Panicum virgatum). Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to examine the distribution of char and volatiles during pyrolysis up to 900 °C. Utilising multi-heating rate thermogravimetric data, the Friedman iso-conversional kinetic method was used to determine pyrolysis kinetic parameters. Light and medium volatile decomposition products were investigated using pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (Py–GC–MS) up to 520 °C. The 22 highest yielding identifiable cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin biomass markers were semi-quantified taking into consideration peak areas from GC chromatograms. Notable differences can be seen in butanedioic acid, dimethyl ester (hemicelluloses decomposition products), 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol (lignin marker) and levoglucosan (intermediate pyrolytic decomposition product of cellulose) content when comparing perennial grasses with straw. From results presented in this study, perennial grasses such as switch grass, have the most attractive properties for fast pyrolysis processing. This is because of the observed high volatile yield content of 82.23%, heating value of 19.64 MJ/kg and the relatively low inorganic content.


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As the concentration of CO2 in surface seawaters increases (ocean acidification, or OA) the saturation of calcium carbonate decreases, preventing marine organisms from creating shells and other calcified structures. These effects of elevated CO2 on calcification have been previously shown in free-spawning larvae, but are not as well-studied in larvae that spend their early life stages in encapsulation. The focus of our study was to determine what effects CO2 would have on a diversity of encapsulated embryos, and whether different types of encapsulating structures provided different levels of protection against OA. We found only a moderate larval response to low (600 ppm), medium (1050 ppm), and high (1500 ppm) CO2 concentrations across all species taken as a whole, but did observe that several species/ populations exhibited a decline in shell length with no corresponding decline in inorganic content. This suggests that while calcification was not significantly decreased by our OA conditions, perhaps the morphology of certain shells changed, becoming wider and shorter. Our hatch times, which increased with elevated CO2, confirmed that increased CO2 placed embryos under stress during development.


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This study investigates fast pyrolysis bio-oils produced from alkali-metal-impregnated biomass (beech wood). The impregnation aim is to study the catalytic cracking of the pyrolysis vapors as a result of potassium or phosphorus. It is recognized that potassium and phosphorus in biomass can have a major impact on the thermal conversion processes. When biomass is pyrolyzed in the presence of alkali metal cations, catalytic cracking of the pyrolysis liquids occurs in the vapor phase, reducing the organic liquids produced and increasing yields of water, char, and gas, resulting in a bio-oil that has a lower calorific value and an increased chance of phase separation. Beech wood was impregnated with potassium or phosphorus (K impregnation and P impregnation, respectively) in the range of 0.10-2.00 wt %. Analytical pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) was used to examine the pyrolysis products during thermal degradation, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to examine the distribution of char and volatiles. Both potassium and phosphorus are seen to catalyze the pyrolytic decomposition of biomass and modify the yields of products. 3-Furaldehyde and levoglucosenone become more dominant products upon P impregnation, pointing to rearrangement and dehydration routes during the pyrolysis process. Potassium has a significant influence on cellulose and hemicellulose decomposition, not just on the formation of levoglucosan but also other species, such as 2(5H)-furanone or hydroxymethyl-cyclopentene derivatives. Fast pyrolysis processing has also been undertaken using a laboratory-scale continuously fed bubbling fluidized-bed reactor with a nominal capacity of 1 kg h-1 at the reaction temperature of 525 °C. An increase in the viscosity of the bio-oil during the stability assessment tests was observed with an increasing percentage of impregnation for both additives. This is because bio-oil undergoes polymerization while placed in storage as a result of the inorganic content. The majority of inorganics are concentrated in the char, but small amounts are entrained in the pyrolysis vapors and, therefore, end up in the bio-oil.


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An extensive data set of total arsenic analysis for 901 polished (white) grain samples, originating from 10 countries from 4 continents, was compiled. The samples represented the baseline (i.e., not specifically collected from arsenic contaminated areas), and all were for market sale in major conurbations. Median total arsenic contents of rice varied 7-fold, with Egypt (0.04 mg/kg) and India (0.07 mg/kg) having the lowest arsenic content while the U.S. (0.25 mg/kg) and France (0.28 mg/kg) had the highest content. Global distribution of total arsenic in rice was modeled by weighting each country’s arsenic distribution by that country’s contribution to global production. A subset of 63 samples from Bangladesh, China, India, Italy, and the U.S. was analyzed for arsenic species. The relationship between inorganic arsenic content versus total arsenic content significantly differed among countries, with Bangladesh and India having the steepest slope in linear regression, and the U.S. having the shallowest slope. Using country-specific rice consumption data, daily intake of inorganic arsenic was estimated and the associated internal cancer risk was calculated using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cancer slope. Median excess internal cancer risks posed by inorganic arsenic ranged 30-fold for the 5 countries examined, being 0.7 per 10,000 for Italians to 22 per 10,000 for Bangladeshis, when a 60 kg person was considered.