985 resultados para Injeção de água


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Until the early 90s, the simulation of fluid flow in oil reservoir basically used the numerical technique of finite differences. Since then, there was a big development in simulation technology based on streamlines, so that nowadays it is being used in several cases and it can represent the physical mechanisms that influence the fluid flow, such as compressibility, capillarity and gravitational segregation. Streamline-based flow simulation is a tool that can help enough in waterflood project management, because it provides important information not available through traditional simulation of finite differences and shows, in a direct way, the influence between injector well and producer well. This work presents the application of a methodology published in literature for optimizing water injection projects in modeling of a Brazilian Potiguar Basin reservoir that has a large number of wells. This methodology considers changes of injection well rates over time, based on information available through streamline simulation. This methodology reduces injection rates in wells of lower efficiency and increases injection rates in more efficient wells. In the proposed model, the methodology was effective. The optimized alternatives presented higher oil recovery associated with a lower water injection volume. This shows better efficiency and, consequently, reduction in costs. Considering the wide use of the water injection in oil fields, the positive outcome of the modeling is important, because it shows a case study of increasing of oil recovery achieved simply through better distribution of water injection rates


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Water injection is the most widely used method for supplementary recovery in many oil fields due to various reasons, like the fact that water is an effective displacing agent of low viscosity oils, the water injection projects are relatively simple to establish and the water availability at a relatively low cost. For design of water injection projects is necessary to do reservoir studies in order to define the various parameters needed to increase the effectiveness of the method. For this kind of study can be used several mathematical models classified into two general categories: analytical or numerical. The present work aims to do a comparative analysis between the results presented by flow lines simulator and conventional finite differences simulator; both types of simulators are based on numerical methods designed to model light oil reservoirs subjected to water injection. Therefore, it was defined two reservoir models: the first one was a heterogeneous model whose petrophysical properties vary along the reservoir and the other one was created using average petrophysical properties obtained from the first model. Comparisons were done considering that the results of these two models were always in the same operational conditions. Then some rock and fluid parameters have been changed in both models and again the results were compared. From the factorial design, that was done to study the sensitivity analysis of reservoir parameters, a few cases were chosen to study the role of water injection rate and the vertical position of wells perforations in production forecast. It was observed that the results from the two simulators are quite similar in most of the cases; differences were found only in those cases where there was an increase in gas solubility ratio of the model. Thus, it was concluded that in flow simulation of reservoirs analogous of those now studied, mainly when the gas solubility ratio is low, the conventional finite differences simulator may be replaced by flow lines simulator the production forecast is compatible but the computational processing time is lower.


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Oil recovery using waterflooding has been until now the worldwide most applied method, specially for light oil recovery, its success is mainly because of the low costs involved and the facilities of the injection process. The Toe- To-Heel Waterflooding TTHWTM method uses a well pattern of vertical injector wells completed at the bottom of the reservoir and horizontal producer wells completed at the top of it. The main producing mechanism is gravitational segregation in short distance. This method has been studied since the early 90´s and it had been applied in Canada with positive results for light heavy oils, nevertheless it hasn´t been used in Brazil yet. In order to verify the applicability of the process in Brazil, a simulation study for light oil was performed using Brazilian northwest reservoirs characteristics. The simulations were fulfilled using the STARS module of the Computer Modelling Group Software, used to perform improved oil recovery studies. The results obtained in this research showed that the TTHWTM well pattern presented a light improvement in terms of recovery factor when compared to the conventional 5- Spot pattern, however, it showed lower results in the economic evaluation


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The oil industry`s need to produce with maximum efficiency, not to mention the safety and the environment aspects, encourages the optimization of processes. It makes them look for a level of excellence in acquisition of equipment, ensuring the quality without prejudice security of facilities and peoples. Knowing the reliability of equipment and that this stands for a system is fundamental to the production strategy to seeks the maximum return on investment. The reliability analysis techniques have been increasingly applied in the industry as strategy for predicting failures likelihood ensuring the integrity of processes. Some reliability theories underlie the decisions to use stochastic calculations to estimate equipment failure. This dissertation proposes two techniques associating qualitative (through expertise opinion) and quantitative data (European North Sea oil companies fault database, Ored) applied on centrifugal pump to water injection system for secondary oil recovery on two scenarios. The data were processed in reliability commercial software. As a result of hybridization, it was possible to determine the pump life cycle and what impact on production if it fails. The technique guides the best maintenance policy - important tool for strategic decisions on asset management.


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The pre-salt province is composed by large amounts of light oil and with good quality, a reality that puts Brazil in a strategic position facing the great demand for energy worldwide. In this province are the largest discoveries in the world in the last ten years; areas as Libra, Franco and Lula field, everyone containing volumes greater than 8 billion recoverable oil barrels. To develop and optimize the production of these fields, a study was done for choosing the improved oil recovery methods. The main motivations were the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a contaminant and the strategic decision of do not discard it, combined with high GOR (gas-oil ratio) of the reservoir fluid. The method should take advantage of the unique abundant resources: seawater and produced gas. This way, the process of matching these resources in the water alterning gas injection (WAG) became a good option. In this master’s dissertation, it was developed a reservoir model with average characteristics of the Brazilian pre-salt, where was applied the improved oil recovery method of water alternating gas. The production of this reservoir was analyzed by parameters as: the first fluid injected in the injection process, position of the injection wells completion, injection water and gas rate and cycle time. The results showed a good performance of the method, with up to 26% of gains in the recovery factor regarding the primary recovery, since the application of water injection and gas, individually, was not able to overcome 10 % of gain. The most influential parameter found in the results was the cycle time, with higher recovery factor values obtained with the use of shorter times.


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Until the early 90s, the simulation of fluid flow in oil reservoir basically used the numerical technique of finite differences. Since then, there was a big development in simulation technology based on streamlines, so that nowadays it is being used in several cases and it can represent the physical mechanisms that influence the fluid flow, such as compressibility, capillarity and gravitational segregation. Streamline-based flow simulation is a tool that can help enough in waterflood project management, because it provides important information not available through traditional simulation of finite differences and shows, in a direct way, the influence between injector well and producer well. This work presents the application of a methodology published in literature for optimizing water injection projects in modeling of a Brazilian Potiguar Basin reservoir that has a large number of wells. This methodology considers changes of injection well rates over time, based on information available through streamline simulation. This methodology reduces injection rates in wells of lower efficiency and increases injection rates in more efficient wells. In the proposed model, the methodology was effective. The optimized alternatives presented higher oil recovery associated with a lower water injection volume. This shows better efficiency and, consequently, reduction in costs. Considering the wide use of the water injection in oil fields, the positive outcome of the modeling is important, because it shows a case study of increasing of oil recovery achieved simply through better distribution of water injection rates


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Water injection is the most widely used method for supplementary recovery in many oil fields due to various reasons, like the fact that water is an effective displacing agent of low viscosity oils, the water injection projects are relatively simple to establish and the water availability at a relatively low cost. For design of water injection projects is necessary to do reservoir studies in order to define the various parameters needed to increase the effectiveness of the method. For this kind of study can be used several mathematical models classified into two general categories: analytical or numerical. The present work aims to do a comparative analysis between the results presented by flow lines simulator and conventional finite differences simulator; both types of simulators are based on numerical methods designed to model light oil reservoirs subjected to water injection. Therefore, it was defined two reservoir models: the first one was a heterogeneous model whose petrophysical properties vary along the reservoir and the other one was created using average petrophysical properties obtained from the first model. Comparisons were done considering that the results of these two models were always in the same operational conditions. Then some rock and fluid parameters have been changed in both models and again the results were compared. From the factorial design, that was done to study the sensitivity analysis of reservoir parameters, a few cases were chosen to study the role of water injection rate and the vertical position of wells perforations in production forecast. It was observed that the results from the two simulators are quite similar in most of the cases; differences were found only in those cases where there was an increase in gas solubility ratio of the model. Thus, it was concluded that in flow simulation of reservoirs analogous of those now studied, mainly when the gas solubility ratio is low, the conventional finite differences simulator may be replaced by flow lines simulator the production forecast is compatible but the computational processing time is lower.


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Oil recovery using waterflooding has been until now the worldwide most applied method, specially for light oil recovery, its success is mainly because of the low costs involved and the facilities of the injection process. The Toe- To-Heel Waterflooding TTHWTM method uses a well pattern of vertical injector wells completed at the bottom of the reservoir and horizontal producer wells completed at the top of it. The main producing mechanism is gravitational segregation in short distance. This method has been studied since the early 90´s and it had been applied in Canada with positive results for light heavy oils, nevertheless it hasn´t been used in Brazil yet. In order to verify the applicability of the process in Brazil, a simulation study for light oil was performed using Brazilian northwest reservoirs characteristics. The simulations were fulfilled using the STARS module of the Computer Modelling Group Software, used to perform improved oil recovery studies. The results obtained in this research showed that the TTHWTM well pattern presented a light improvement in terms of recovery factor when compared to the conventional 5- Spot pattern, however, it showed lower results in the economic evaluation


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After the decline of production from natural energy of the reservoir, the methods of enhanced oil recovery, which methods result from the application of special processes such as chemical injection, miscible gases, thermal and others can be applied. The advanced recovery method with alternating - CO2 injection WAG uses the injection of water and gas, normally miscible that will come in contact with the stock oil. In Brazil with the discovery of pre-salt layer that gas gained prominence. The amount of CO2 present in the oil produced in the pre-salt layer, as well as some reservoirs is one of the challenges to be overcome in relation to sustainable production once this gas needs to be processed in some way. Many targets for CO2 are proposed by researchers to describe some alternatives to the use of CO2 gas produced such as enhanced recovery, storage depleted fields, salt caverns storage and marketing of CO2 even in plants. The largest oil discoveries in Brazil have recently been made by Petrobras in the pre -salt layer located between the states of Santa Catarina and Espírito Santo, where he met large volumes of light oil with a density of approximately 28 ° API, low acidity and low sulfur content. This oil that has a large amount of dissolved CO2 and thus a pioneering solution for the fate of this gas comes with an advanced recovery. The objective of this research is to analyze which parameters had the greatest influence on the enhanced recovery process. The simulations were performed using the "GEM" module of the Computer Modelling Group, with the aim of studying the advanced recovery method in question. For this work, semi - synthetic models were used with reservoir and fluid data that can be extrapolated to practical situations in the Brazilian Northeast. The results showed the influence of the alternating injection of water and gas on the recovery factor and flow rate of oil production process, when compared to primary recovery and continuous water injection or continuous gas injection


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After the decline of production from natural energy of the reservoir, the methods of enhanced oil recovery, which methods result from the application of special processes such as chemical injection, miscible gases, thermal and others can be applied. The advanced recovery method with alternating - CO2 injection WAG uses the injection of water and gas, normally miscible that will come in contact with the stock oil. In Brazil with the discovery of pre-salt layer that gas gained prominence. The amount of CO2 present in the oil produced in the pre-salt layer, as well as some reservoirs is one of the challenges to be overcome in relation to sustainable production once this gas needs to be processed in some way. Many targets for CO2 are proposed by researchers to describe some alternatives to the use of CO2 gas produced such as enhanced recovery, storage depleted fields, salt caverns storage and marketing of CO2 even in plants. The largest oil discoveries in Brazil have recently been made by Petrobras in the pre -salt layer located between the states of Santa Catarina and Espírito Santo, where he met large volumes of light oil with a density of approximately 28 ° API, low acidity and low sulfur content. This oil that has a large amount of dissolved CO2 and thus a pioneering solution for the fate of this gas comes with an advanced recovery. The objective of this research is to analyze which parameters had the greatest influence on the enhanced recovery process. The simulations were performed using the "GEM" module of the Computer Modelling Group, with the aim of studying the advanced recovery method in question. For this work, semi - synthetic models were used with reservoir and fluid data that can be extrapolated to practical situations in the Brazilian Northeast. The results showed the influence of the alternating injection of water and gas on the recovery factor and flow rate of oil production process, when compared to primary recovery and continuous water injection or continuous gas injection


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Atualmente na produção de peças poliméricas com geometrias complexas e ocas é utilizada a tecnologia de injeção assistida por água, gás e com ou sem projétil. O processo consiste na injeção de água a pressões elevadas, isto ocorre após o fecho do molde e injeção de polímero até ao preenchimento total da zona moldante. A injeção de água a pressões elevadas vai forçar o polímero, do núcleo da peça, a ser expulso para um reservatório. Esta expulsão de material é possível não só graças às elevadas pressões da água, mas também por causa do polímero ainda se encontrar em estado viscoso, facilitando o seu escoamento. A tecnologia de injeção assistida por fluido pode ser implementada por, injeção direta de água, gás ou com auxilio de um projétil. Dentro destas vertentes existe uma limitação em comum, a impossibilidade de produzir peças vazadas com canais bifurcados. No entanto existe a possibilidade de criar estas ramificações, mas com o entrave de não poderem ser geometricamente complexas e/ou serem extensas. Nestes casos as ramificações são criadas com postiços dentro do molde, significando que estará sempre limitado pelo postiço moldante e não controlado pelo jato de água. Para os casos onde é desejado a adição de ramificações complexas e/ou extensas têm de ser submetido a etapas subsequentes de preparação e montagem, influenciando o tempo global da produção. Com o projeto Multi-Path.H2O pretende-se criar um novo processo de produção para peças vazadas, mas com canais ramificados de geometrias complexas e extensas, num só ciclo de injeção e assim eliminando os processos subsequentes que atualmente são necessários. A abordagem primordial consiste na aplicação de vários injetores para jato de água, canalisados para as respetivas ramificações por vazar. Esta inovação terá impacto na produção em série de peças complexas de tipologia tubular, reduzindo o tempo de produção com a eliminação dos processos subsequentes; também a poupança de matéria-prima pela desnecessidade de criar moldes adicionais. Nesta dissertação foi elaborado um detalhado estudo experimental do processo de injeção assistida por água, para servir de base de conhecimento ao conceito do novo processo, Multi-Path.H2O. De referir que em Portugal o projeto e fabrico de moldes com a implementação do sistema injeção por água, está resumido a um número limitado de empresas.


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A injeção da água do mar nos campos marítimos (offshore), processo este conhecido como recuperação secundária de petróleo, gera muitos resíduos e efluentes. Dentre estes, pode-se destacar a água produzida, que consiste de água de formação, água naturalmente presente na formação geológica do reservatório de petróleo, e água de injeção, aquela normalmente injetada no reservatório para aumento de produção. Sete tanques de armazenamento de água/óleo de um terminal foram monitorados quanto à presença de micro-organismos e teores de sulfato, sulfeto, pH e condutividade. Particularmente, as bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS), que agem às expensas da atividade de outras espécies, reduzindo sulfato à sulfeto, constituindo-se num problema-chave. Os tanques de óleo codificados como Verde, Ciano, Roxo, Cinza, Vermelho, Amarelo e Azul, apresentaram comportamentos distintos quanto aos parâmetros microbiológicos e físico-químicos. Após este monitoramento, de acordo com valores referência adotados, e levando-se em conta como principais parâmetros classificatórios concentrações de BRS, bactérias anaeróbias totais e sulfeto, os dois tanques considerados mais limpos do monitoramento foram os tanques roxo e ciano. Analogamente, por apresentarem os piores desempenhos frente aos três principais parâmetros, os tanques amarelo e cinza foram considerados os mais sujos de todo o monitoramento. Após esta segregação, esses três principais parâmetros, mais a concentração de sulfato, foram inter-relacionados a fim de se corroborar esta classificação. Foi possível observar que o sulfeto instantâneo não foi o parâmetro mais adequado para se avaliar o potencial metabólico de uma amostra. Por este motivo, foram verificados os perfis metabólicos das BRS presentes nas amostras, confirmando a segregação dos tanques, baseada em parâmetros em batelada


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Durante a exploração de petróleo offshore (fora da costa), a injeção de água do mar no processo de recuperação secundária de petróleo, ocasiona a produção de sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S) pela presença das bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS), que reduzem o sulfato presente na água em sulfeto. A produção intensiva de H2S tem sido um dos maiores problemas das indústrias petrolíferas, pois constitui-se uma das principais causas de corrosão em linhas de produção (tubulações), equipamentos e tanques metálicos. Os principais micro-organismos presentes em amostras salinas provenientes de tanques de armazenamento de água e óleo da indústria do petróleo são as bactérias anaeróbias heterotróficas totais (BANHT) e as bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS). Atualmente, a quantificação desses grupos microbianos é realizada através da técnica do Número Mais Provável (NMP) que estima o resultado em aproximadamente 28 dias. Neste trabalho foi utilizada a metodologia de produção semi-contínua de sulfetos biogênicos por 15 dias, numa tentativa de correlacionar com os resultados de quantificação de BANHT e BRS através da técnica convencional do NMP. Nesse caso, avaliou-se as condições mais adequadas para a produção biogênica de sulfetos em tanques, alterando-se parâmetros tais como salinidade, temperatura e composição do meio de cultura. Verificou-se que os aumentos da salinidade e da temperatura do meio implicaram na diminuição da atividade biogênica semi-contínua de geração de sulfetos. E conforme dilui-se o meio de cultura, o crescimento de bactérias foi reduzido, assim como a geração de sulfetos. A quantificação de BRS e BANHT foi avaliada pela técnica do NMP de acordo com o método do FDA em 2011 e de Harrigan em 1998. Este último subestima a população microbiana, desconsiderando os limites e erros provenientes da técnica


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A injeção da água do mar nos campos marítimos (offshore), processo este conhecido como recuperação secundária de petróleo, gera muitos resíduos e efluentes. Dentre estes, pode-se destacar a água produzida, que consiste de água de formação, água naturalmente presente na formação geológica do reservatório de petróleo, e água de injeção, aquela normalmente injetada no reservatório para aumento de produção. Sete tanques de armazenamento de água/óleo de um terminal foram monitorados quanto à presença de micro-organismos e teores de sulfato, sulfeto, pH e condutividade. Particularmente, as bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS), que agem às expensas da atividade de outras espécies, reduzindo sulfato à sulfeto, constituindo-se num problema-chave. Os tanques de óleo codificados como Verde, Ciano, Roxo, Cinza, Vermelho, Amarelo e Azul, apresentaram comportamentos distintos quanto aos parâmetros microbiológicos e físico-químicos. Após este monitoramento, de acordo com valores referência adotados, e levando-se em conta como principais parâmetros classificatórios concentrações de BRS, bactérias anaeróbias totais e sulfeto, os dois tanques considerados mais limpos do monitoramento foram os tanques roxo e ciano. Analogamente, por apresentarem os piores desempenhos frente aos três principais parâmetros, os tanques amarelo e cinza foram considerados os mais sujos de todo o monitoramento. Após esta segregação, esses três principais parâmetros, mais a concentração de sulfato, foram inter-relacionados a fim de se corroborar esta classificação. Foi possível observar que o sulfeto instantâneo não foi o parâmetro mais adequado para se avaliar o potencial metabólico de uma amostra. Por este motivo, foram verificados os perfis metabólicos das BRS presentes nas amostras, confirmando a segregação dos tanques, baseada em parâmetros em batelada


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Exploration of heavy oil reservoirs is increasing every year in worldwide, because the discovery of light oil reservoirs is becoming increasingly rare. This fact has stimulated the research with the purpose of becoming viable, technically and economically, the exploration of such oil reserves. In Brazil, in special in the Northeast region, there is a large amount of heavy oil reservoir, where the recovery by the so called secondary methods Water injection or gas injection is inefficient or even impracticable in some reservoirs with high viscosity oils (heavy oils). In this scenario, steam injection appears as an interesting alternative for recover of these kinds of oil reservoirs. Its main mechanism consists of oil viscosity reduction through steam injection, increasing reservoir temperature. This work presents a parametric simulation study of some operational and reservoir variables that had influence on oil recovery in thin reservoirs typically found in Brazilian Northeast Basins, that use the steam injection as improved oil recovery method. To carry out simulations, it was used the commercial software STARS (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator) from CMG (Computer Modeling Group) version 2007.11. Reservoirs variables studied were horizontal permeability, vertical and horizontal permeability ratio, water zone and pay zone thickness ratio, pay zone thickness and thermal conductivity of the rock. Whereas, operational parameters studied were distance between wells and steam injection rate. Results showed that reservoir variables that had more influence on oil recovery were horizontal permeability and water zone and pay zone thickness ratio. In relation to operational variables, results showed that short distances between wells and low steam injection rates improved oil recovery