253 resultados para Ingress Egress


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Ergonomic and biomechanical conditions of ingress-egress were investigated and modelled for lorry drivers. A variable buck and a motion capture system were developped and built. Ingress - egress motion was captured and analyzed for conditons representitive for a majority of lorries, and a cohort of male subjects. A fuzzy-neural network classifier was developed to assess the motion and advise optimum dimensions for lorry package design, based on minimum human stress and optimum comfort.


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The automotive industry has been the focus of digital human modeling (DHM) research and application for many years. In the highly competitive marketplace for personal transportation, the desire to improve the customer’s experience has driven extensive research in both the physical and cognitive interaction between the vehicle and its occupants. Human models provide vehicle designers with tools to view and analyze product interactions before the first prototypes are built, potentially improving the design while reducing cost and development time. The focus of DHM research and applications began with prediction and representation of static postures for purposes of driver workstation layout, including assessments of seat adjustment ranges and exterior vision. Now DHMs are used for seat design and assessment of driver reach and ingress/egress. DHMs and related simulation tools are expanding into the cognitive domain, with computational models of perception and motion, and into the dynamic domain with models of physical responses to ride and vibration. Moreover, DHMs are now widely used to analyze the ergonomics of vehicle assembly tasks. In this case, the analysis aims to determine whether workers can be expected to complete the tasks safely and with good quality. This preface provides a review of the literature to provide context for the nine new papers presented in this special issue.


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In this paper, problems are described which are related to the ergonomic assessment of vehicle package design in vehicle systems engineering. The traditional approach, using questionnaire techniques for a subjective assessment of comfort related to package design, is compared to a biomechanical approach. An example is given for ingress design. The biomechanical approach is based upon objective postural data. The experimental setup for the study is described and methods used for the biomechanical analysis are explained. Because the biomechanic assessment requires not only a complex experimental setup but also time consuming data processing, a systematic reduction and preparation of biomechanic data for classification with an Artificial Neural Network significantly improves the economy of the biomechanical method.


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China is becoming an increasingly important automotive market. Customer’s vehicle usage, preferences and requirements differ from traditional western markets in a number of aspects – rear seat usage rates are higher, vehicles are used for business purposes as well as for private transport and rear seat usage is generally more important to Chinese customers compared to their western counterparts. The purpose of this project is to dimension and investigate these differences from an ergonomics perspective and use these results to guide the design of future products. The focus for this project will be specific to vehicles in the CD segment. More specifically, this project focuses on the second row ‘ambience’. Ambience refers to the global feeling perceived by second row passengers, and the main factors contributing to ambience are: ingress and egress comfort, seat comfort, roominess, and ease of use of the controls. In order to investigate the aforementioned parameters, an experimental study has been conducted in Shanghai, China. This experiment involved 80 healthy Chinese CD- and D-car customers. These subjects were asked to evaluate different features present in the second row environment of three different cars: A Ford Mondeo, Toyota Camry and Mercedes S-class. Various data has been collected during this experiment: First, the anthropometric dimensions of the subjects have been measured. The subjects were also asked to fill a questionnaire about demographics, their own car usage, and their perception of a various number of features present in the three tested cars. A great amount of technical data was also collected. The first part of this report presents the results given by the questionnaires. It includes Chinese demographics, vehicle usage habits, and the subjective perception of the features present in the tested cars. It also presents the results of the anthropometric measurements. This gives a first insight into Chinese customers’ habits and preferences. The second part deals with the technical data recorded during the experiment: second row seat adjustment ranges, roominess, optimal location of controls, and pressure mapping analysis. Analysis of technical data allows a deeper understanding of the factors contributing to comfort and ambience perception. Using the technical data together with the comfort ratings given by the subjects in the questionnaire, recommendations on several design parameters were provided. Finally, an experimental study of car ingress-egress has been conducted in a University laboratory controlled environment. During this study, the ingress and egress motion of 20 customers from Chinese origin was recorded using a motion capture system. The last part of this report presents the protocol and data processing that led to building an ingress-egress motion database that was provided to Ford.


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The combination of in situ surface plasmon resonance (SPR) with electrochemistry was used to investigate the electrochemical doping/dedoping processes of anions on a polyaniline (PAn)-modified electrode. Electrochemical SPR characteristics of the PAn film before and after doping/dedoping were revealed. The redox transformation between the insulating leucoemeraldine, and the conductive emeraldine, corresponding to the doping/dedoping of anion, can lead to very distinct changes in both the resonance minimum angle and the shape of SPR curve. This is ascribed to the swelling/shrinking effect, and the change of the PAn film in the imaginary part of the dielectric constant resulted from the transition of the film conductivity. In situ recording the time evolution of reflectance change at a fixed angle permits the continuous monitoring of the kinetic processes of doping/dedoping anions. The size and the charge of anions, the film thickness, as well as the concentration of anions are shown to strongly influence the rate of ingress/egress of anions. The time differential of SPR kinetic curves can be well applied in the detecting electroinactive anion by flow injection analysis. The approach has higher sensitivity and reproducibility compared with other kinetic measurements, such as those obtained by amperometry.


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MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) has recently emerged to facilitate the engineering of network traffic. This can be achieved by directing packet flows over paths that satisfy multiple requirements. MPLS has been regarded as an enhancement to traditional IP routing, which has the following problems: (1) all packets with the same IP destination address have to follow the same path through the network; and (2) paths have often been computed based on static and single link metrics. These problems may cause traffic concentration, and thus degradation in quality of service. In this paper, we investigate by simulations a range of routing solutions and examine the tradeoff between scalability and performance. At one extreme, IP packet routing using dynamic link metrics provides a stateless solution but may lead to routing oscillations. At the other extreme, we consider a recently proposed Profile-based Routing (PBR), which uses knowledge of potential ingress-egress pairs as well as the traffic profile among them. Minimum Interference Routing (MIRA) is another recently proposed MPLS-based scheme, which only exploits knowledge of potential ingress-egress pairs but not their traffic profile. MIRA and the more conventional widest-shortest path (WSP) routing represent alternative MPLS-based approaches on the spectrum of routing solutions. We compare these solutions in terms of utility, bandwidth acceptance ratio as well as their scalability (routing state and computational overhead) and load balancing capability. While the simplest of the per-flow algorithms we consider, the performance of WSP is close to dynamic per-packet routing, without the potential instabilities of dynamic routing.


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The objective of unicast routing is to find a path from a source to a destination. Conventional routing has been used mainly to provide connectivity. It lacks the ability to provide any kind of service guarantees and smart usage of network resources. Improving performance is possible by being aware of both traffic characteristics and current available resources. This paper surveys a range of routing solutions, which can be categorized depending on the degree of the awareness of the algorithm: (1) QoS/Constraint-based routing solutions are aware of traffic requirements of individual connection requests; (2) Traffic-aware routing solutions assume knowledge of the location of communicating ingress-egress pairs and possibly the traffic demands among them; (3) Routing solutions that are both QoS-aware as (1) and traffic-aware as (2); (4) Best-effort solutions are oblivious to both traffic and QoS requirements, but are adaptive only to current resource availability. The best performance can be achieved by having all possible knowledge so that while finding a path for an individual flow, one can make a smart choice among feasible paths to increase the chances of supporting future requests. However, this usually comes at the cost of increased complexity and decreased scalability. In this paper, we discuss such cost-performance tradeoffs by surveying proposed heuristic solutions and hybrid approaches.


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We investigate the effects that star-spots have on the light curves of eclipsing binaries, and in particular how they may affect the accurate measurement of eclipse timings. Concentrating on systems containing a low-mass main-sequence star and a white dwarf, we find that if star-spots exhibit the Wilson depression they can alter the times of primary eclipse ingress and egress by several seconds for typical binary parameters and star-spot depressions. In addition, we find that the effect on the eclipse ingress/egress times becomes more profound for lower orbital inclinations. We show how it is possible, in principle, to determine estimates of both the binary inclination and the depth of the Wilson depression from light curve analysis.


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This paper proposes a practical approach to the enhancement of Quality of Service (QoS) routing by means of providing alternative or repair paths in the event of a breakage of a working path. The proposed scheme guarantees that every Protected Node (PN) is connected to a multi-repair path such that no further failure or breakage of single or double repair paths can cause any simultaneous loss of connectivity between an ingress node and an egress node. Links to be protected in an MPLS network are predefined and a Label Switched path (LSP) request involves the establishment of a working path. The use of multi-protection paths permits the formation of numerous protection paths allowing greater flexibility. Our analysis examined several methods including single, double and multi-repair routes and the prioritization of signals along the protected paths to improve the Quality of Service (QoS), throughput, reduce the cost of the protection path placement, delay, congestion and collision. Results obtained indicated that creating multi-repair paths and prioritizing packets reduces delay and increases throughput in which case the delays at the ingress/egress LSPs were low compared to when the signals had not been classified. Therefore the proposed scheme provided a means to improve the QoS in path restoration in MPLS using available network resources. Prioritizing the packets in the data plane has revealed that the amount of traffic transmitted using a medium and low priority Label Switch Paths (LSPs) does not have any impact on the explicit rate of the high priority LSP in which case the problem of a knock-on effect is eliminated.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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One of the most important factors determining the development of atherosclerosis is the amount of LDL particles in the circulation. In general, LDL particles are clinically regarded as “bad cholesterol” since these particles get entrapped within the vascular wall, leading to atherosclerosis. Circulating HDL particles are conversely regarded as “good cholesterol” because of their ability to transport cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver for secretion as bile salts. Once inside the artery wall LDL particles are engulfed by macrophages, resulting in macrophage foam cells. If the macrophage foam cells are not able to efflux the cholesterol back into the bloodstream, the excessive cholesterol ultimately leads to cell death, and the deposition of cellular debris within the atherosclerotic lesion. The cells ability to secrete cholesterol is mainly dependent on the ABCA1 transporter (ATP-binding cassette transporter A1) which transfers cellular cholesterol to extracellular apoA-I (apolipoprotein A-I) particles, leading to the generation of nascent HDL particles. The process of atherosclerotic plaque development is therefore to a large extent a cellular one, in which the capacity of the macrophages in handling the excessive cholesterol load determines the progression of lesion development. In this work we have studied the cellular mechanisms that regulate the trafficking of LDL-derived cholesterol from endosomal compartments to other parts of the cell. As a basis for the study we have utilized cells from patients with Niemann-Pick type C disease, a genetic disorder resulting from mutations in the NPC1 and NPC2 genes. In these cells, cholesterol is entrapped within the endosomal compartment, and is not available for efflux. By identifying proteins that bypass the cholesterol trafficking defect, we were able to identify the small GTPase Rab8 as an important protein involved in ABCA1 dependent cholesterol efflux. In the study, we show that Rab8 regulates cholesterol efflux in human macrophages by facilitating intracellular cholesterol transport, as well as by regulating the plasma membrane availability of ABCA1. Collectively, these results give new insight in to atherosclerotic lesion development and intracellular cholesterol processing.