21 resultados para Infuence


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Yeast rhomboid protease (Rbd1p) was found to act in the processing of Tic40 components in the yeast mitochondrion. Rhomboid protease was shown to have effects on the number of different Tic40 configurations displayed, the ratio of different configurations to one another and the targeting of Tic40 configurations within the yeast mitochondrion. The effects of Rbd1p on the ratio and targeting of different Tic40 configurations were also found to be dependent on the developmental stage of the yeast. Tic40 deletion constructs were expressed in yeast strains with active yeast rhomboid protease and in corresponding strains lacking Rbd1p. The processing of Tic40 differed between deletion constructs and between strains with and without yeast rhomboid protease. This indicates that rhomboid protease can affect the processing of Tic40 and the sequence of Tic40 can affect the activity of rhomboid protease with respect to Tic40. Tic40 is suspected to be involved in the regulation of plastid protein import. Rhomboid protease is shown here to affect the properties of Tic40 which have made it a candidate for a regulator of plastid protein import.


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The supply chain management, postponement and demand management operations are of strategic importance to the economic success of organizations because they directly influence the production process. The aim of this paper is to analyze the influence of the postponement in an enterprise production system with make-to-stock and with seasonal demand. The research method used was a case study, the instruments of data collection were semi-structured interviews, document analysis and site visits. The research is based on the following issues: Demand Management which can be understood as a practice that allows you to manage and coordinate the supply chain in reverse, in which consumers trigger actions for the delivery of products. The Supply Chain Management is able to allow the addition of value, exceeding the expectations of consumers, developing a relationship with suppliers and customer's win-win. The Postponement strategy must fit the characteristics of markets that require variety of customized products and services, lower cost and higher quality, aiming to support decision making. The production system make-to-stock shows enough interest to organizations that are operating in markets with high demand variability. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper describes the formulation for the free vibration of joined conical-cylindrical shells with uniform thickness using the transfer of influence coefficient for identification of structural characteristics. These characteristics are importance for structural health monitoring to develop model. This method was developed based on successive transmission of dynamic influence coefficients, which were defined as the relationships between the displacement and the force vectors at arbitrary nodal circles of the system. The two edges of the shell having arbitrary boundary conditions are supported by several elastic springs with meridional/axial, circumferential, radial and rotational stiffness, respectively. The governing equations of vibration of a conical shell, including a cylindrical shell, are written as a coupled set of first order differential equations by using the transfer matrix of the shell. Once the transfer matrix of a single component has been determined, the entire structure matrix is obtained by the product of each component matrix and the joining matrix. The natural frequencies and the modes of vibration were calculated numerically for joined conical-cylindrical shells. The validity of the present method is demonstrated through simple numerical examples, and through comparison with the results of previous researchers.


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Adhesively-bonded composite patch repairs over cracked or corrosion-damaged metallic aircraft structures have shown great promise for extending life of ageing structures. This study presents the numerical investigation into the interface behaviour of adhesively-bonded cracked aluminum alloy substrate patched with fibre-reinforced composite material. The adhesive is modelled as an elasto-plastic bilinear material to characterise the debond behaviour, while the defective substrate is regarded as linear elastic continuum. Two typical patch shapes were selected based on information available in the literature. Geometric and material nonlinear analyses for square and octagonal patches were performed to capture peel and shear stresses developed between the substrate and the patch to examine the possibility of interface delamination/debonding. Parametric studies on adhesive thickness and patch thickness were carried out to predict their infuence on damage tolerance of repaired structures.


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Adhesively-bonded composite patch repairs over cracked or corrosion-damaged metallic aircraft structures have shown great promise for extending life of ageing structures. This study presents the numerical investigation into the interface behaviour of adhesively-bonded cracked aluminum alloy substrate patched with fibre-reinforced composite material. The adhesive is modelled as an elasto-plastic bilinear material to characterise the debond behaviour, while the defective substrate is regarded as linear elastic continuum. Two typical patch shapes were selected based on information available in the literature. Geometric and material nonlinear analyses for square and octagonal patches were performed to capture peel and shear stresses developed between the substrate and the patch to examine the possibility of interface delamination/debonding. Parametric studies on adhesive thickness and patch thickness were carried out to predict their infuence on damage tolerance of repaired structures.


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The Young's modulus, stress-strain curves, and failure properties of glass bead-filled EPDM vulcanizates were studied under superposed hydrostatic pressure. The glass bead-filled EPDM was employed as a representation of composite systems, and the hydrostatic pressure controls the filler-elastomer separation under deformation. This separation shows up as a volume change of the system, and its infuence is reflected in the mechanical behavior as a reinforcing effect of variable degree.

The strain energy stored in the composite system in simple tension was calculated by introducing a model which is described as a cylindrical block of elastomer with two half spheres of filler on each end with their centers on the axis of the cylinder. In the derivation of the strain energy, assumptions were made to obtain the strain distribution in the model, and strain energy-strain relation for the elastomer was also assumed. The derivation was carried out for the case of no filler-elastomer separation and was modified to include the case of filler-elastomer separation.

The resulting strain energy, as a function of stretch ratio and volume of the system, was used to obtain stress-strain curves and volume change-strain curves of composite systems under superposed hydrostatic pressure.

Changes in the force and the lateral dimension of a ring specimen were measured as it was stretched axially under a superposed hydrostatic pressure in order to calculate the mechanical properties mentioned above. A tensile tester was used which is capable of sealing the whole system to carry out a measurement under pressure. A thickness measuring device, based on the Hall effect, was built for the measurement of changes in the lateral dimension of a specimen.

The theoretical and experimental results of Young's modulus and stress-strain curves were compared and showed fairly good agreement.

The failure data were discussed in terms of failure surfaces, and it was concluded that a failure surface of the glass-bead-filled EPDM consists of two cones.


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El propósito de la presente monografía es evaluar el papel de las ONG internacionales en la apertura de espacios de participación política para la sociedad civil en Egipto. En ese sentido, se analiza el contexto de oportunidades políticas locales y transnacionales del país, así como los procesos de articulación entre la política local e internacional a través de los niveles de integración entre sus actores. Mediante una investigación de tipo cualitativa basada en los desarrollos sobre teorías de la acción colectiva planteados por Sidney Tarrow, Charles Tilly, Robert Benford y David Snow, y las teorías sobre redes transnacionales de defensa desarrolladas por Margaret Keck y Kathryn Sikkink, se avanza hacia la identificación del desarrollo de procesos de externalización como medio para el fortalecimiento de organizaciones locales como alternativa de oposición política.


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Objective: To evaluate the implementation of the folate-neural tube defect (NTD) health claim and its impact on the availability of folate-fortifed food in Australia.

Methods: During late 2005, a survey was conducted in 16 supermarkets across all Australian capital cities to identify the use of the folate-NTD health claim on the labels of the 128 food products listed in food standard 1.1A.2: 'Transitional standard - Health claims' and the number of products fortifed with folic acid.

Results: Seventy-nine per cent of existing listed food products were found and two of these were implementing the folate-NTD health claim. Forty-four per cent of these listed products, previously fortifed with folic acid, were no longer fortifed. One hundred and seventeen generally available food products were fortifed with folic acid, predominantly breakfast cereals (73%). Twenty-seven per cent of these folate-fortifed products were listed in the transitional standard.

Conclusions: The health claim was not used widely to inform women of child-bearing age of the importance of periconceptional folate intake. The increased availability of folate-fortifed products generally has occurred independently of the health claim. Defciencies in the verifcation system of the tested regulatory framework are identifed. The voluntary regulatory provisions for both folate fortifcation and the use of the health claim diminished the States' infuence over their implementation of public health tools.


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Purpose – This paper aims to explore how opportunities for learning clinical skills are negotiated within bedside teaching encounters (BTEs). Bedside teaching, within the medical workplace, is considered essential for helping students develop their clinical skills. Design/methodology/approach – An audio and/or video observational study examining seven general practice BTEs was undertaken. Additionally, audio-recorded, semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants. All data were transcribed. Data analysis comprised Framework Analysis informed by Engeström’s Cultural Historical Activity Theory. Findings – BTEs can be seen to offer many learning opportunities for clinical skills. Learning opportunities are negotiated by the participants in each BTE, with patients, doctors and students playing different roles within and across the BTEs. Tensions emerged within and between nodes and across two activity systems. Research limitations/implications – Negotiation of clinical skills learning opportunities involved shifts in the use of artefacts, roles and rules of participation, which were tacit, dynamic and changing. That learning is constituted in the activity implies that students and teachers cannot be fully prepared for BTEs due to their emergent properties. Engaging doctors, students and patients in refecting on tensions experienced and the factors that infuence judgements in BTEs may be a useful frst step in helping them better manage the roles and responsibilities therein. Originality/value – The paper makes an original contribution to the literature by highlighting the tensions inherent in BTEs and how the negotiation of roles and division of labour whilst juggling two interacting activity systems create or inhibit opportunities for clinical skills learning. This has signifcant implications for how BTEs are conceptualised.


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This thesis has three chapters. Chapter 1 explores literature about exchange rate pass-through, approaching both empirical and theoretical issues. In Chapter 2, we formulate an estate space model for the estimation of the exchange rate pass-through of the Brazilian Real against the US Dollar, using monthly data from August 1999 to August 2008. The state space approach allows us to verify some empirical aspects presented by economic literature, such as coe cients inconstancy. The estimates o ffer evidence that the pass-through had variation over the observed sample. The state space approach is also used to test whether some of the "determinants" of pass-through are related to the exchange rate pass-through variations observed. According to our estimates, the variance of the exchange rate pass-through, monetary policy and trade ow have infuence on the exchange rate pass-through. The third and last chapter proposes the construction of a coincident and leading indicator of economic activity in the United States of America. These indicators are built using a probit state space model to incorporate the deliberations of the NBER Dating Cycles Committee regarding the state of the economy in the construction of the indexes. The estimates o ffer evidence that the NBER Committee weighs the coincident series (employees in nonagricultural payrolls, industrial production, personal income less transferences and sales) di fferently way over time and between recessions. We also had evidence that the number of employees in nonagricultural payrolls is the most important coincident series used by the NBER to de fine the periods of recession in the United States.


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This paper comprises an investigation on the influence of the variable family backgrounds (father school level, mother school level and family income) over the pupil s performance in admissions examination (entrance test or PROITEC) at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). From that point of view, the main goal of this research is to analyze the influence of the family background as a determiner of the pupil´s performance in the access to Technical and Professional education at IFRN. Secondary data were used from two databases (entrance test and PROITEC) adding up to 19.226 observations to the vacancies offered in the year of 2013. Aiming at achieving the proposed goal, a conceptual model composed of three hypothesis was developed. The results were presented in four stages: stage I presentation of the descriptive statistical results of the two databases; stage II separation of the campi in clusters; stage III analysis of multiple regressions; stage IV analysis of the logistics regressions. Two statistical tests were used to validate the hypothesis: T-test and Wald test. Hypothesis 1 and 2 were confirmed and H3 was refused. The results presented favorable causal connections to the family income and the father school level variables (with bigger effect for fathers with a higher education degree). The mother school level variable did not provide statistical significance for this research. Based on this result, after this work, this institution is to develop a strategic plan to assist in the success rate of students preparing diagnoses in order to diminish the effects of the variables that impacted negatively


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Anthropogenic interferences in natural environments cause the breakage of spatial and competitive barriers, which may infuence the spatial distribution of species. In this study, we describe the spatial distribution of an exotic amphipod, Talitroides topitotum, in two distinct sites, a forest fragment and a plantation of native arboreal species. We analyzed possible variations in this spatial distribution in different periods of the year and verifed whether the vegetation cover and the litter layer depth may explain the distribution pattern of this species. We performed analyses of frequency distribution to determine the pattern of this species spatial distribution, as well as correlation tests to determine the effect of these two variables of habitat structure. The spatial distribution analysis revealed that T. topitotum presents aggregated distribution in both areas, indicating that this species has low environmental demands or that both areas are below a minimum environmental quality threshold. However, even with this similarity, the population in the fragmented site presented a higher index of aggregation when compared with the population of the plantation site. Corroborating previous studies, there was a negative correlation between abundance of T. topitotum and litter layer depth in the plantation site. Studies on invaded habitats can help understand how invasive species occupy new environments and the factors that can infuence their spatial distribution.


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Among the several variables that influence timber harvesting is the slope, which influences the productivity of forest machines. In this experiment the harvester was evaluated technically and economically while cutting and processing eucalyptus activity on different slope classes. The technical analysis included a study of time and movements by the method of continuous time; productivity was determined by the volume in cubic meters of wood processing. The economic analysis included the parameters of operational cost, production cost and energy consumption. The analysis of the data showed that productivity decreased according to the increase of the percent slope inclination, resulting in an effective work hour productivity increase from 18.72 to 39.71 m 3sc, with a mean of operating cost of US$ 78.78 per work hour.