44 resultados para Infração


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This article has the aim to expand the perspective of research in the field of morality. We present a proposal of morality study of outlaw teenagers according to Thinking Organizer Models Theory. Through the idea of complexity we search to understand the cognitive process in the elaboration of moral reasoning inside situations of conflict. With this perspective, we developed a research that aimed to identify which organizer models were applied by 20 outlaw male teenagers who abide by social punishment to solve the hypothetical moral conflicts. Through interviews we told them a situation of moral conflict that involved friendship relation, physical aggression and steal. We could identified several models which were joined in three categories. Such models reflected the diversity and regularity that are present inside the elaborated reasoning to solve the conflicts shown by us. We conclude that the diversity of organizer models identified shows the importance of the contents in the construction of moral reasoning.


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Relatório de atividade profissional de mestrado em Direito Judiciário


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O presente trabalho analisa a aplicabilidade dos regimes de responsabilidade civil para indenizar os investidores por danos decorrentes de infrações do coordenador líder de oferta pública de ações. A responsabilização desse agente tem por base o dever de agir com elevado padrão de diligência para: (i) assegurar a qualidade das informações; (ii) divulgar informações de forma que permita o investidor tomar uma decisão fundamentada; e (iii) atuar em conformidade com o princípio da boa-fé. Para tanto, serão estudados os regimes de responsabilidade civil subjetiva, fundado na conduta culposa do coordenador líder, e de responsabilidade objetiva, com base no Código de Defesa do Consumidor e no risco da atividade de intermediação financeira em ofertas públicas de ações. Pretende-se, por fim, identificar o regime mais apropriado para a reparação de danos dos investidores.


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Este trabalho aborda a atividade sancionadora da Administração Pública e a necessidade de apreciação da culpabilidade para aplicação da sanção administrativa. Procede-se a uma análise dos fundamentos e conteúdo do Poder Sancionador da Administração Pública, em especial à culpabilidade do agente como elemento da infração administrativa. Defende-se, como regra, a necessidade de apreciação do elemento subjetivo do agente para aplicação da sanção administrativa, sob a ótica constitucional, enquanto garantia do administrado e decorrência da dignidade da pessoa humana.


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This paper presents some reflections on the social world of young female transgression. The context corresponds to those ones that obey social and educational measures in The Padre João Maria Education Centre (CEDUC), in Natal- RN. This behavior, according to the Statute of Children and Young (ECA, 1990), is defined as "conduct described as crime or misdemeanor." Our goal is to discuss aspects of the contexts in which young women are interacting with the universe of total institutional control mechanisms. Through the socio-anthropological analysis of the ethnographic practice in field research, it was necessary to question the concept of misuse engaged in the practice of penalties awarded to young women in the context of private freedom. So was built a frame relating the representations of the relations of gender, generation, the practice of violence and crime from the look on CEDUC/ Padre João Maria Education Centre


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Este artigo tem como propósito ampliar as perspectivas de investigação no campo da moralidade. Mais especificamente, apresentamos uma proposta para o estudo da moralidade de adolescentes autores de infração, utilizando o referencial teórico=metodológico da Teoria dos Modelos Organizadores do Pensamento. Buscamos, através da idéia de complexidade, compreender o funcionamento cognitivo na elaboração de raciocínios morais diante de situações de conflito. Com essa perspectiva, fizemos uma investigação que teve por objetivo identificar os modelos organizadores aplicados na resolução de conflitos morais hipotéticos por 20 adolescentes masculinos autores de infração que cumprem medida socioeducativa. Através de entrevistas, narramos uma situação de conflito moral envolvendo uma relação de amizade, agressão física e roubo. Foram identificados 10 modelos organizadores, os quais foram agrupados em 3 categorias. Tais modelos refletiram a diversidade e as regularidades presentes nos raciocínios elaborados para resolver os conflitos apresentados. Concluiu-se que a variedade dos modelos organizadores identificados evidencia a importância dos conteúdos na construção dos raciocínios morais.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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The research presented in this article aims to identify and to analyze the cases of environmental conflicts in the microrregião de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. For this were performed data surveys were conducted in the archives of the Ministério Público regarding the municipalities of microrregião in study and a workshop with various social movements of the mesorregião da Zona da Mata. From this survey on we check the conflict established between environmental legislation and farm workers, and also the concentration of the penalty on small cases of violations of environmental legislation. Thus, we conclude that to think about environmental conflicts is require the recognition of inequalities of power and the different types of knowledge and rationalities involved in the appropriation of natural resources by society.


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The research presented in this article aims to identify and to analyze the cases of environmental conflicts in the microrregião de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. For this were performed data surveys were conducted in the archives of the Ministério Público regarding the municipalities of microrregião in study and a workshop with various social movements of the mesorregião da Zona da Mata. From this survey on we check the conflict established between environmental legislation and farm workers, and also the concentration of the penalty on small cases of violations of environmental legislation. Thus, we conclude that to think about environmental conflicts is require the recognition of inequalities of power and the different types of knowledge and rationalities involved in the appropriation of natural resources by society.


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The research presented in this article aims to identify and to analyze the cases of environmental conflicts in the microrregião de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. For this were performed data surveys were conducted in the archives of the Ministério Público regarding the municipalities of microrregião in study and a workshop with various social movements of the mesorregião da Zona da Mata. From this survey on we check the conflict established between environmental legislation and farm workers, and also the concentration of the penalty on small cases of violations of environmental legislation. Thus, we conclude that to think about environmental conflicts is require the recognition of inequalities of power and the different types of knowledge and rationalities involved in the appropriation of natural resources by society.